A New Start -
Chapter 7: Times Change
Thingsweren't looking all too swell for Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, or ToyFreddy. Between their aimless and seemingly endless wandering, andtheir newfound trouble with the Law, the nice, hopefuljourney that they had embarked upon only a few hours ago had quicklydevolved into a drawn out and overall fruitless search for thepizzeria they had so loved. As they slowly walked down yet anotherquiet sidewalk, illuminated only by the nearby streetlights, Freddybegan to voice his thoughts.
“Whydid you have us run from that policeman, Chica?” he asked, with aslight edge of confusion in his voice. He didn't understand why theother bot had pulled him away from that pizzeria in such a hurry, orwhy Bonnie had distracted the cop in the first place. Sure, thatparticular cop had a weird way of showing it, but policemen weresupposed to be helpful! Freddy knew this! After all, it was in hisprogramming! As far as the bear knew, the policeman could've helpedthe three replace their home!
…Assumingthat that wasn't their home just then!
“Becausehe didn't seem right! Anyone who's handlin' you like that shouldn'tbe trusted!” Chica responded matter-of-factly, crossing her arms.“Besides, did'ja see that sign? Whoever was on there was notus.”
Andwhoever built you as leader should'a been fired..., shecontinued. She intended to say it to herself, but she made themistake of voicing that particular thought aloud. She flinched andput her hand to her beak, hoping that Freddy hadn't heard.
Unfortunately,he did.
“Iguess you're ri-- Wait, what?”,Freddyresponded. It took him a moment to register what Chica had said.“What's that supposed to mean?”, he asked.
“W-Wha'd'youthink it means?”, Chica asked, silently regretting what she haddone at first. But, the more she thought about it, the righter andmore frustrated she felt. To her, all the bear's done is lead them onsome aimless journey. A journey to nowhere! It made her think back tothe 'old days', when Freddy would always leave the stage last. Andout of all four toys, he'd do the least in their efforts to get thatendoskeleton!
Whatkind of leader is that?
“You'rea terrible leader, Freddy!”, she said outright, scowling the besther plastic face could allow. Freddy was taken aback.
“H-Howso?”, the bear asked, frowning.
“Well,for starters, you're the reason we've been wandering out here for thepast two hours!”, she exclaimed. “You've got no idea where ourown home is, so nowwe've gotta replace it! And surprise surprise, we have no idea where tolook!”
“Noneof us've ever even been outsidethe pizzeria 'till now, Chica! How would any of us know where it is?”Freddy replied. “A-And, keep it down! People're trying tosleep...”, he said, whisperingthe last sentence.
“Forgetabout the people! What aboutus?! We're in a completely different place to where we're supposed tobe! We're separated from our home, ten years in the future, and worstof all, we've been lied to!By that guy, Scott! Who knows what hewas gonna do to us? He had that weirdair about 'im! He tried keepin' us in that house of his! He was gonnakeep us from where we belong! Heck, he probably still has Fo--”
"Chica!”,Freddyyelled, stopping in his tracks and turning towards Chica. The chickenwas rendered completely silent by the bear's outburst and she, aswell as Bonnie, stared at their leader blankly. Freddy sighed. Hedidn't mean to raise his voice...
“Chica...Chica, listen. Forget about Scott, at least for now. I know you'resad and frustrated, but you needto calm down. I promise, we're gonna be home soon. I have a greatfeeling about where we're going right now, okay? Just... bearwith me,” he said. Bonnie chuckled at the pun.
“Goodone, boss!”, the rabbit exclaimed happily.
“Yeah...Yeah, okay...” Chica replied. “Sorry, Freddy,” she said,looking down slightly. Freddy smiled, before pulling her and Bonnieinto a hug.
“Apologyaccepted, Chica,” he said, before releasing the other two.
“Now,let's get home, alright?” he asked rhetorically, before turningback around, and continuing to walk. Chica nodded in agreement,before following.
Bonniewas happy. Though he hated it when his friends argued, he loved itwhen they made up afterwards. That was why he loved his friends. Nomatter what happened, he and his friends were inseparable! He,Freddy, Chica, and Foxy! Even though he didn't know where Foxy reallywas! Maybe she was at the pizzeria, waiting for them! Though, despiteall of that, Bonnie couldn't help but feel just the slightest bit...
Hethought back to earlier, when he and the others were at that otherpizzeria. He was surethat that was their pizzeria! Their home! He thought that they wouldall return to the place after they were sure they lost that evilpoliceman, but it's been quite a while now...
Though,all of that did make him think about what he saw inside of theirsupposed home...
Hesaw Freddy when he was at the other pizzeria, this he was sure of! Hesaw Freddy's face, peering out at him from behind that glass door. Hesaw Chica too! And even...
Bonnierubbed the back of his head. That couldn't be right. He, Chica, andFreddy were outside of the pizzeria at the time! How could he and theothers be inside andoutside at the same time?
Notto mention, when he thought about it, they didn't quite looklike him or his friends. For one thing, the Bonnie he sawinside the building was purple! The Chica he saw was much chubbier,and didn't have that weird pink panel his friend had! Not to mentionthe fact that the Freddy he saw was much bigger, and a darker brownthan his beloved friend and leader! In fact, they kind'of remindedhim of those three he saw in the Parts & Services room all thoseyears ago!
Bonnielooked up slightly, remembering those days. He always felt bad forthose poor fellahs in that room... It must've been terrible, beingshut up in there all day. They never even got to perform for thechildren, as far as he knew!
Though,that was probably because of how scary they looked...
Regardless,he always made sure to have Chica unlock the door to the room everynight so they could have some time to walk around! Imagine his joywhen they even joined in when he and his friends would pursue thatendoskeleton every night!
But,wait, why would theybe in that pizzeria? It was surprising to see, to say the least!Equally as surprising was their state of repair! They lookedabsolutely stellar compared to their state back in '87. He almostdidn't recognize them until just now! He also wondered where thefourth, the red one, was. If he recalled correctly, his name wasFoxy... Kind'a like the pinkFoxy, but less... pink!
“Whoeverwas on that sign was not us...”, he remembered Chica saying.
Bonnietilted his head slightly, recalling that additional piece ofinformation. Those four, he saw them on the sign on top of thebuilding!
Hegrinned. Lucky them, being featured on the sign and being allowed towalk around like that! He even saw the purple Bonnie with a nice, redguitar! Almost...
...Almostlike his own...
TheChica also had a cupcake!
...Kindalike his friend's...
Andthe Freddy, he had a microphone...
Justlike his leader's...
Bonniebegan to worry. From what he remembered, the Parts Gang was, well,just that! The Parts Gang! He didn't like it, but they were only keptin the pizzeria as spare parts! Relics from days gone by!
Butthen, he saw them in the same positions that he and his friendsformerly held! They were on the sign, they had all of theiraccessories, and it was almost as if...
...Heand his friends were replaced...
Bonnieshook his head a little. Of course that wasn't the case! How silly!Maybe Management simply opened a new location, to compliment the oldone! Yeah, that was it! Bonnie nodded to himself, really liking thatidea. Though, he was saddened just the slightest bit by one thing...
Hewouldn't have the chance to talk to the old Parts Gang anymore, whatwith them being at a whole different location now!
“Hey,hey, hey! We're here!”, Freddysoon exclaimed proudly, putting his hands on his hips.
“Haha!Alright!”, Chica exclaimed happily. Bonnie opened his mouth tovoice a similar exclamation of approval, but found himself silencedand enamored by the sight he saw before him.
Comparedto the building they were at earlier, this one had a much differentstyle. It was much larger than the other pizzeria, and had a moresloped roof. It was more brightly colored, consisting of a mixture ofblues, greens, and browns. It had a large, white sign on top, withballoon-like letters spelling out the establishment's name. Andunlike before, the characters on the sign actually looked like Bonnieand his friends!
Though,the actual state of the property left much to be desired...
Theparking lot was barren and in disrepair, allowing grasses and weedsto grow between the cracks. The building itself didn't seem muchbetter. Windows were cracked, paint was faded and peeling, and thesign itself was missing quite a few letters...
Worstof all, it was all surrounded by a chainlink fence!
“Hrmm...”,Freddy said quietly, putting a hand to his chin. “How're wesupposed to get past this? ...And who even put it up?”, he quietlyasked. Chica shrugged.
“I'onno.Hey, Bonnie, how d'you think we should get over th--...” Chicalooked around, realizing that the rabbit was missing. “...Bonnie?”
ToChica's surprise, Bonnie was already running through the parking lotand toward the front door. No fence was going to stop this rabbit! Hewas home! He was finally, finallyhome! Who cares about how long it's been? After all, it had only beena decade. Ten years isn't thatlong, is it? Surely, everyone will remember him and his friends!Everyone'll be at the pizzeria when he and his friends enter!There'll be Mr. Faz, the manager of the establishment, as well as therest of the staff! There'll be the Balloon Boy, and even theMarionette with his wonderful music box!
Ittook a bit of pushing and shoving, but Bonnie managed to shove openthe front door of the establishment and ran inside, sliding to a haltas he looked around the room he was in.
Oh,the Main Room! Oh, how he missedit! There was the stage! And the carousel! And even the arcademachines! A permanent grin encompassed his face as he turnedslightly, catching sight of the Prize Corner! The Marionette's home!Even though he never got to know his, or her, name, the Marionettewas one of Bonnie's best friends!
“Hey!Mary! Marion! It's me! Bonnie!”,he exclaimed before he ran into the Corner. “Say, Mary, where's themusic? You always have somethin' on!” he asked, then remarked,noting the odd amount of silence in the room as he entered it.
Where'shis, her... their box?, Bonniewondered. It's usually right here!He approached the spot where the Marionette's present box normallywas, stamping his foot on the ground to emphasize his confusion. Hethen looked at the counter and the shelves behind it, expecting tosee the plushies that were normally there.
Noteven the plushies were present!
“Weird...”,the rabbit commented aloud. He wondered why neither the toys nor theMarionette were where they were supposed to be. It didn't make anysense! But then...
“...Wait,what if...”
Bonnieremembered that he and the others used play a game as they pursuedthe endoskeleton every night. They would try their best to hide fromthe endo's cameras, while also trying to get to the office thefastest. Bonnie chuckled. He was always the first one there...
But,that made him realize something. Maybe everyone was playinghide & seek!
“Hey,guys! Don't play without me!”, Bonnie exclaimed as he exited theroom and ran deeper into the pizzeria, making a beeline to the oldParts & Services room. He threw open the door, happily peeringinside.
“Hi,guys!”, he exclaimed into the darkness. His expression fellslightly as he received no response.
“...Guys?”,he uncertainly uttered, walking into the room. He flipped thelightswitch, and took a moment to note the room's state.
Theroom was dusty. Verydusty. There were shelves on the far side of the wall, holding boxesand various odds and ends. Bonnie looked up as the yellowed lightbulbabove him flickered and ticked. He began wondering why nobody washere...
Then,it hit him.
“D'oh!Of course! This is the PartsGang's home! And they're at the other pizzeria!”, he said, puttinghis hand to his face.
Ifthe others aren't in here, or in the main room, then maybe they'rein...
“Theparty rooms!”, Bonnie shouted, snapping his fingers. “Of course!”It made sense to him. If they weren't anywhere else, they'd be in theparty rooms for sure! That's where all the cool thingshappened! So, he turned around and ventured out of the Parts &Services room!
Bonniequickly made his way down the hall toward the party rooms. He stoppedas the reached the entrances of the four room, and turned about alittle.
“Let'ssee... Eeny, meeny, miney, mo!”, the rabbit playfullyexclaimed, pointing one of the four rooms with each word uttered. Ashis finger landed on a room with the final word, known only as PartyRoom 4. Bonnie chuckled to himself, glad with his choice. That washis favorite room!
Ashe entered the party room, the bunny immediately made a beelinetoward the camera mounted on the wall. He put his face exceedinglyclose to it, waving.
“Hi,Mr. Endoskeleton! Your name's, uh... Jeremy, right? Hi, Jeremy! I'mhoooome!”, he happily exclaimed. He almost expected the camera'slight to come on, and blind him like it always seemed to do.
However,that didn't happen.
Bonnietilted his head in confusion, then shrugged.
“A-Alright,well, I'll be right at that office of yours in a jiff! And I've gotan extra-special suit juuuust for you! Just you wait!”, Bonniejovially said, before making an effort to locate the rest of hisfriends. He looked under the tablecloths, he looked under the tablesthemselves! He even looked under each of the party hats that were soneatly lined up on each table!
But,alas, he found absolutely nothing!None of his friends were here! None of his friends were anywhere!He was starting to worry...
Beingever hopeful, however, he knew that there were three more party-roomsto search!
Andso, he searched the rest of the rooms! However, aside from the usualthings that were there, such as the tables, party hats, and someoddly deflated balloons, he found absolutely nothing!
Bonniefrowned, sitting in one of the chairs. He was really, reallyconfused now...
Ifthey weren't in the main room, the Parts & Services room, or thePrize Corner, maybe they'd be in...
TheOffice itself!
Itwas the manager's office during the day, and it doubled as the hidingspot for that endoskeleton at night! Maybe, just maybe, everyone waswaiting there! Maybe they've caught that Jeremy fellow and arepreparing to get him all suited up! Fully satisfied with his theory,the bunny took off his guitar and left it leaning against the wall.He got on his hands and knees, and began to crawl through the ventthat led out of the room. He was so excited! Everyone'll be there!Everyone! And they'll cheer for him! They'll say how much they'vemissed him and his friends! The children'll be there too! Oh, yes,the children!
Bonniepeeked out of the vent, poking his head into the Security Office. Heslowly looked left, then right, using his nightvision to peer throughthe darkness. There was usually a light on in here...
Maybethey were concealing the surprise!
Wigglinghis way out of that tight space, he stood up and flicked the switchon the wall. Like the one in the Parts & Services room, theroom's light flickered and turned on with some difficulty,illuminating the room in a deep yellow light. He turned around andaround, looking about the office. Where were his friends? Where wasJeremy? Where was...
Wherewas anyone?
Worriedlyputting his fingers to his mouth, Bonnie slowly approached thesecurity desk, glancing at the old tablet in the nearby chair. As heput his hand on the desk, preparing to look under it, he hesitated.He had a feeling, just a dreadful inkling of a feeling, that if hewere to look under this desk, he'd replace...
Bonnie'sears began to droop. Nobody was here. Nobody except for him, Freddy,and Chica. Where even was Foxy? Where were the rest of hisfriends?
Bonniewanted, needed,answers! He thought, and thought, and thought, until...
Herealized – It was after closing time! Of course nobody would behere! But, that didn't explain the endoskeleton's absence... That guywas here every night!
Bonnieglanced at the security chair once more, taking note of the old,dusty tablet sitting there. He tilted his head a little, noticing hisreflection in the black screen. In fact, he could also see...
Bonniewasn't sure how he hadn't noticed it before, but the back wall of thesecurity office was absolutely covered with rows of framedpapers! As Bonnie took a closer look, he noticed that they werenewspaper clippings! Growing increasingly curious, he began to readthrough them.
Aftera two year absence and an acquirement by an up & coming roboticsmanufacturer - Fazbear Entertainment - Fredbear's Family Dinerreopens its doors at a new location and under a new name!
The'New and Improved' Freddy Fazbear Pizzeria breaks record after recordas customers flock to the establishment just to get the slightestlook at the establishment's animatrons!
Ifit weren't for their metallic parts, Bonnie Bunny, Chica Chicken,Freddy Fazbear, and Foxy LaFox would almost lead you to believe thatthey were merely people in suits! These robots and theirgroundbreaking artificial intelligence are attracting quite theattention, both positive and perhaps even negative! What do we meanby that, you may ask? Well, just see below.
OnAugust 15th, a rival company had even opened its ownAustralian themed restaurant in an attempt to cash in on these recentevents!
DundeeDingo's Dandy Diner!
Unsurprisingly,the Diner's own robots were designed with similar goals to theFazbear Gang! With the Diner already attracting customers, this maysow the seeds for some heated competition, competition that may neversee closure!
Onthe 19th of September, The 'Quadrupal-D' had to close itsdoors. The CEO of Dingo-Corp, Derrick Brown, delivered a solemnspeech to a small audience today.
'Wejust couldn't do it,' he said. 'I don't know how they do it, butthose [Fazbear] robots. They're like people.It doesn't make any sense! How can a company, in the dawn of the ageof robotics, achieve this sort of thing? My colleagues and I maynever know'.
'Andthe company keeps updating them, too! I confess - Every week, I sendsome of my employees to the place to figure out what makes those botstick. And every time they come back, they tell me about theincreasing intelligence of those things! Every week, they get smarterand smarter. I just don't get it.'
MelbourneMarsupial, Jill The 'Roo, Karen Koala, Kanku Kookaburra, and evenDundee Dingo himself were last seen being trucked off, possibly neverto be seen again.
Bonnie'ssmile returned. He remembered all of this fondly! The restaurant'sopening, the rise and fall of competition, it was all a whimsicalmemory to him! The rabbit turned around and hugged himself as heremembered more and more of those years gone by. He really missedthose golden days...
Hedid feel bad about the Quadrupal-D, though... Though he never metthem in person, they seemed pretty friendly in the commercials he sawon the pizzeria's television! He also noted the manager's scribblingon some of the clippings, saying things such as 'Nice work guys!!!!'and 'Hahaha!!' on the ones concerning the competing Diner. Mr. Fazwas always a really business-driven guy...
Bonnieturned back around, looking the wall over once more. He almost wishedhe could take some of these with him!
“Oh!”,Bonnie exclaimed. “It seems I've missed a few, haha!”
Therabbit leaned forward slightly as he noticed a few more newspaperclippings. Unlike the others, Bonnie really, reallydidn't like what these had to say...
Hepurposefully skipped over one of them, after realizing that itsurrounded the murders and the events surrounding them. He was finewith remembering those golden days, but he did notwant to remember that golden suit.So,he skipped on to the final clipping!
Hesoon wished he hadn't.
FreddyFazbear's is Closing
Afterbeing open only a few short weeks, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza is closingit's doors. The new animatronics will be scrapped due to possiblemalfunctions, however the original characters are being kept in hopesof a possible reorganization of the company.
“It'sa minor setback. We are confident that we will reopen someday, evenif it is with a smaller budget.” - CEO, Fazbear Ent.
Bonniefelt as if he was hit by a train. A train packed with trucks thatwere carrying buses. He read it again and again, his metaphoricalheart sinking with each word.
Closingits doors...
Bonniewasn't malfunctioning! At least, he was pretty sure he wasn't! Therabbit knew that that the pizzeria was closing for at least a fewdays, with the possibility of him and the others being moved to a newbuilding, but he didn't know that this hiatus was more...
Hetook a step back, processing what he read. He made a hiccuping noise,freezing as he realized what this meant! It's been ten years, andthere's a new pizzeria... A new pizzeria, with new animatronics!He...
Hewas replaced!
Bonniecovered his face with his hands as he felt himself heat up. He didn'tunderstand! How could they do this to him? How could they do this tohis friends?Didn't those few weeks, rather months,mean anything to the company? He didn't want to believe it, hedidn't.But, despite his best attempts to think different, he knew he wasright...
Heforced himself to turn around, looking at the office's walls throughthe gaps between his fingers. He noticed began to notice somedrawings, drawings of him and the others with that very familiar texton the top and bottom of each...
MyFun Day at The
FreddyFazbear's Pizza!
“Thechildren!”, heexclaimed, ripping his hands from his face in sudden panic. Hisprimary function was to please the children, amuse the children,bring all the joy he can to the children!And he...
Hefailed them!
Thechildren must've forgotten about him after all this time. They don'tremember Bonnie. The only Bonnie they know is Purple. Purple, ChubbyCheeks, and Big Fred. And probably that red eyepatch-Foxy too!
Bonnieshivered and shook, putting his hands on his cheeks in distress anddespair. Rattling filled the room as his skeleton shook against hissuit's panels. His attempts to process all of this made his head feelso, so hot. This must've been how the Parts Gang felt. Nobody toentertain, nobody to talk to except for the others that were in thesame position as you!
Finally,with a loud popemanating from the bot's head, his thoughts began to slow down. Hebegan to feel weak, slow, tired. Why did this have to happen? Hedidn't do anything to deserve this, this fate!He thought he was performing his duties quite well...
Witha creak, then a crash, Bonnie fell.
Thelightbulb in the room then flickered, before finally shattering.
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