Chapter 45

Chapter 4 5

In the morning the whole world is revolutionized, Gerard woke up his two wives with the news that thatday they would go to Orlando, Florida, to go to the amusement park that Charlize wants to visit:Disneyland.

While dressing and preparing for the trip Charlize is quite a challenge, because she does not stopjumping and running around her room, Gerard prepares everything related to her luggage.

When Luz finally finishes doing her hair, she tells Gerard that it’s his turn to go shower and get dressed.

Upon entering the room, he looks for the suitcase he arrived with and begins to put away what little hehas there.

-I’ll have to buy clothes on the trip – he says laughing, because he can’t forget that he should buy fewclothes –

She looks for the clothes that she will wear to travel, but her phone interrupts her, she goes to see andanswers immediately, because it is her brother.

-Little brother…

– My vial , how are you?

-Well, I’m fine – sits on the bed – What do you tell me?

-I just miss you, next week I’ll have a couple of days off and I want to visit you.

– Sure, we just have to agree. Gerard will take Charlize to Orlando, I don’t know how many days we willstay there, but if necessary, I’ll take a commercial flight and go back, I just want a hug from my brother.

-And I’m one of my sister, you’re going to kill me…

– Why , according to you?

-Because I fell in love, but instead of… I’d better tell you there, it’s very long and we could spend hourson the phone.

– Matías, don’t mess up. Take good care of yourself and then tell me when you’ll come so I’ll be ready.

-Okay, send me photos of Bella.

-OK as you wish. Bye.

– Goodbye, little sister.

She leaves the phone on the nightstand and takes a shower, then dries her hair and finally getsdressed. Leaving the room, Gerard is waiting for her, he takes her suitcase and she laughs.

-How long have you been waiting here?


-Not much, but for you it’s worth waiting for anything.

They go down the stairs animated, Gerard leaves Luz’s suitcase next to his and Charlize’s, they go to thedining room where the little girl is already installed and waiting for them to eat.

For the first time, breakfast is quiet, hassle-free and guilt-free.

Gerard brushes the coffee away from his nose, asks Evangeline to give him hot milk, and Charlizelaughs at him.

I know

-My daddy finally left that horrible thing.

-And my nose appreciates it – says Luz -. The truth is that just thinking about him makes me sick to mystomach. Although now I tolerate other things better, like orange juice. -You didn’t like orangejuice? Gerard asks him. -No, well… it wasn’t one of my favorites, but the ones that did make meuncomfortable, so I prefer the one that does me the least harm.

Y Gerard comienza a creerse eso de los síntomas del embarazo de Luz en él, porque le pasa lo mismo,hay cosas que no le gustan. Además del dulce de leche, el chocolate con trufa no era de sus favoritos,prefiere el amargo o relleno con almendras, pero anoche no sabe qué le pasó. En especial porqueanoche se comió media barra.

La otra mitad se la comió Luz.

Tampoco era mucho de las ensaladas o la fruta, pero ahora está cumpliendo con esa dieta balanceadaque los doctores siempre han recomendado, sus cinco porciones de fruta y verduras.

– Papi, ¿puedo llevar a mi osito al viaje?

– Por supuesto que sí, mi vida.

-¿Puedo ir a buscarlo?

-Sí. Evangeline, por favor acompañe a Charlize.

Salen juntas, momento que Gerard aprovecha para preguntarle algo a Luz.

–Mira, yo no entiendo mucho de estas cosas, pero ¿es posible que yo sienta los síntomas de tuembarazo? – ella se queda con los ojos abiertos y no sabe que responder —

-Yo… yo solo sabía que los padres sienten los síntomas, pero es obvio que tú… tú no lo eres.

–¿Y si fuera porque me siento tan pegado a ti? No es algo que me moleste, pero si me siento así, conganas de comer cosas que no me gustan… solo puedo pensar que es por ti, casi como hacer causacomún – le toma las manos y las besa con ternura -.¿Crees que eso sea posible?

-I guess so… I would love it to be like that, not because of the discomfort, but because… I don’t know, Iwouldn’t feel so alone – the hormones play tricks on her and Luz begins to cry -. -Don’t cry, pretty, mylittle light of the heart – Gerard stands up and kneels to hug her -. No, my girl… don’t cry, please, I’ll crywith you too.

-You’re crazy – Luz tells him looking at how Gerard’s tears fall down his face –

-But I’m your crazy – and without waiting any longer, he steals another kiss that tastes better than dulcede leche, than chocolate with truffles and pineapple juice, which is what he doesn’t like -.

There is nothing better than his Lucecita, his beautiful and pregnant girl, who infected him with thesymptoms of pregnancy and who now has him upside down, but happy

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