The Stone Heart's Lament Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the The Stone Heart's Lament novel. A total of 29 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is May 14, 2024
Latest Release: This will not end well
- Crash!
- Trouble
- Djinn
- Welcome to Battlan
- Alraune
- Congress with spirits
- Unexpected Deluge
- Sunbathing
- Ruthy
- I'm not eating that
- Awkward and Sleepless
- Over the Vay Hills and far away
- Anoush
- Omission and crimes thereof
- Miasma
- The Ogdegre
- Let's play a game
- Sibling rivalry, the Mother demands her blood
- A well orchestrated kidnapping
- A scientific intermission
- Smith worries
- Unpleasant Revelations
- A complex sort of bloke
- Communication breakthrough
- The chase is on
- Avaline
- Here be Monsters
- The Mother's Choir
- This will not end well