6 Times a Day
Chapter 42 Spill His Seed Onto A Woman?

Suzanne went back downstairs, where she was practically accosted by a very upset Susan.

"Suzanne, I need to speak to you. Right away! It's about this appointment with Akami we just came back from. Some very disturbing things happened. Very, very disturbing." She was so distraught that she hardly even noticed Suzanne's super-revealing dress.

They went out back to the pool area so they could talk without being disturbed or overheard.

Suzanne insisted they both change into bikinis first. She figured that might help Susan feel a bit more sexy, which in turn could help her be more sexually forthcoming. Plus, she wanted to get out of the dress before Susan gave it much thought.

Susan was reluctant to wear any kind of bikini. In fact, she didn't even have one of her own to wear. But Suzanne had recently loaned her several, along with lots of other clothes, and Suzanne managed to talk her into wearing one of them.

Once they were settled in, Susan said, "Suzanne, my dearest friend, I have a horrible confession to make. I have sinned in thought AND deed. I'm headed straight to the gates of Hell, that's for sure!"

Susan went on to describe what had happened at the appointment with Akami. She didn't want to reveal everything, since she found some things too embarrassing to even tell her best friend. But Suzanne kept asking probing questions, forcing the strictly honest Susan to reveal more and more. In the end, there was very little she'd left out. She even briefly mentioned how she'd touched her son's penis, emphasizing that Akami had "forced" her to do it.

Suzanne discovered that, in Susan's mind, her main "sin of thought" was her lustful yearning to touch and stroke her son's erection. Her main "sin of deed" was masturbating in the bathroom near the end of the appointment.

Unfortunately for Suzanne's scheming, Susan was feeling so guilty and upset that the mood wasn't one of arousal, despite the bikinis and the topic. Suzanne decided not to push things, instead letting Susan vent her frustrations for a while.

Once Suzanne had gotten most of the story, she thought, Hmmm. This is a bit dicey. Religion is very important to Susan. I need to convince her that having Sweetie masturbate is bad, but that her masturbating is not a sin. Good thing that I've been thinking about this in advance and just waiting for the right moment to give her the religious justifications she needs.

She asked, "Can you hold on a minute? I need to get something that will help us out here." Then she got up and went inside.

She came back a few minutes later with a heavy tome. She put it on the table next to her lounge chair and said, "Susan, I've been thinking about these matters for a while now. The spiritual implications of Sweetie's unorthodox treatment have been troubling me too. As you know, I'm a Christian too, even though I don't go to church nearly as often as you do. The answers to your worries are in the Bible, naturally. Are you familiar with the story of Onan?"

Susan replied, "Certainly. It's in the Book of Genesis, I believe. I've been thinking about that a lot lately, given Tiger's situation. My parents told me that story repeatedly when I was a kid as a way to teach me about the evils of masturbation. Onan was the one who spilled his seed upon the ground. God was so mad at him that he struck him down and killed him on the spot as a warning that the Children of God should never commit that heinous sin."

"Indeed," Suzanne replied (even though she knew that explanation of the story was just one of several). "But think about that famous saying, 'He spilled his seed upon the ground.' Who has seed? Men do. Spend. Semen. Sperm. Women don't have that. Therefore, women cannot spill their seed upon the ground, so what you did today in the doctor's office bathroom was no sin at all."

"But women have their own sexual fluids," Susan pointed out.

"True, but male seed is half of a potential human life. The female half, the egg, is buried deep within us and there's no way to spill it anywhere. Female fluids are just for lubrication; they have no spiritual meaning or potential - no more than saliva does, if I can be blunt about it. If you want to masturbate, there's absolutely nothing wrong or sinful about it. It's only the MALE who can sin that way."

Susan thought about it, and then gasped: "But that means that Tiger... I know he has a medical justification, but still... He's sinning six times a day! I mean, I knew that already, but you just made it sound that much more sinful! He's wasting half of a potential human life!"

Suzanne coolly replied, "True. He does have medical justification, but it would be better if he didn't have to do that at all, right?"

Susan nodded with worry.

Suzanne continued her lecture, "Well, luckily, there's a way out. Think about it. God was mad at Onan because he spilled his seed UPON THE GROUND. Sex is a gift of pleasure between man and woman, and in the story there was a beautiful woman right there with Onan - Tamar was her name - but he spilled his cum onto the floor instead of on her. THAT'S what made God so mad. Onan should have spilled his seed all over Tamar."

"Wait. So you're telling me that it's perfectly okay for a man to spill his seed onto a woman? And not just in her?"

"Absolutely. If the cum lands on a woman or in a woman, that's perfectly fine. Either way. Sexual fun between man and woman is one of God's greatest gifts to his children. Any part of the woman will do. Her vagina, naturally, but her mouth will do just fine. Or her chest, her hands, her stomach - anywhere, really, as long as it at least lands on her skin."

Susan's pussy started to tingle as she imagined holding Alan's erection and letting him shoot all over her fair skin. "Suzanne! So what you're saying is that I should let Tiger cum all over me?! Whenever he wants?"

"Yes. See? The sinful thoughts you thought you had about that are not sinful at all. You naturally long to stroke his big erection and have him cum in your hand or even on your chest or your face, because deep down you replace it abhorrent to see all that precious seed wasted on the ground. I feel the same way. I've been holding off on touching him that way so far for fear of upsetting you, but I think it's time we step up and be responsible. We have to put an end to all the morally-questionable masturbating that he's been doing. We need to save him from sin by giving him handjobs."

Suzanne couldn't believe she'd delivered that last line with a straight face. She didn't believe a single word of what she was saying, and in fact wasn't really religious at all. She only went to church every now and then so that Susan would think she was a believer and thus not constantly proselytize, trying to convert her. Even so, from long years of experience, Suzanne knew exactly how to push all of Susan's buttons, so she knew this was precisely the kind of thing that Susan would fall for.

"I don't know. That just seems so ... extreme. My parents never taught me about THAT."

"Well, your parents are simple people. Honest, hard-working, good, God-fearing folk, but simple farmers just the same. They've never studied theology. In the past week or so I've been studying this issue, and all the religious scholars agree. A man's seed belongs on or in a woman, not on the ground. Here, let me point out just one quotation I've found."

She opened up the big book she'd brought. "These are the words of Clement of Alexandria, one of the most important Christian scholars who lived in the third century. He wrote, and I quote, 'Because of its divine institution for the propagation of man, the seed is not to be vainly ejaculated, nor is it to be damaged, nor is it to be wasted.' So you see, right now, Alan's cum is being vainly ejaculated into tissue paper or towels an average of six times a day. We can save him from sin with our hands, our mouths, and the rest of our bodies." Suzanne said this with dead seriousness, though her great earnestness was nothing more than a good acting job.

Susan just sat there with an astonished look on her face. Finally, trying to change the subject and stall for time, she asked, "Do we really have to talk about these things in a bikini? I feel so ... naked. Exposed! It's downright improper."

"Yes we do," Suzanne answered testily. She loved the fact that Susan trusted her so much that she didn't even need to give a justification for that.

After some long moments, Susan seemed no closer to making any kind of decision.

Finally, Suzanne asked, "Well, what do you think?"

Susan replied, "You make a good case. In a way, it's a big relief. If I DON'T give Tiger a handjob, that's actually worse than if I do." The wheels were still turning in her head as she mulled over the implications. She couldn't forget how good it felt to hold her son's thick, hot, throbbing erection in her hand.

"That's right." Suzanne was pleased to watch Susan's nipples harden in her bathing suit.

But while Susan was greatly aroused by these ideas, they also inflamed her sense of guilt and sin. "Well, Suzanne, that may be the case, in theory, but in reality I just can't bear the thought of doing that. It goes against the grain of everything I've been taught my entire life. Also, what about the incest? He's my son!"

Suzanne knew that the incest issue would be a tougher nut to crack, but she tried to chip away at Susan's beliefs on that too. "Incest is strictly about intercourse, Susan. Everyone knows that. Is it a crime to kiss your son? No. To hug him? No. Handjobs and the like fall in that same category." She had a hard time saying that with a straight face, but she knew how gullible Susan was, and was fairly sure that her 'explanations' on this topic would have at least some effect.

Susan frowned, picked up the tome and read the quote. "I dunno. I'd think a hug is totally different than, well, ... You know. Can you do some more research on that?"


Susan thought some more, and then said, "Suzanne, I really appreciate everything you've done for this family during our trying time. Maybe, maybe... Maybe you should help Tiger out, you know, in that way. With your hands, I mean. It's okay with me. I give you my permission. But I could never do that myself. No matter what Clement of Alexandria says, and I'm sure he was a wise man, it just doesn't sit right with me. Not only that, but if my parents ever found out, or God forbid, one of my sisters, they would never understand. They'd never forgive me. I'm afraid the burden will have to fall on you."

Suzanne looked at Susan gravely. "I understand. But if jacking off Sweetie is going to be my daily burden, I think it's only fair that you make some sacrifice too."

"Like what?"

"I'm going to need more help in the visual stimulation department. For him to climax six times a day, day after day, month after month, he's going to need a non-stop barrage of truly impressive stimulation. It's a lucky break that he has such a sexy, buxom mother, and we have to take advantage of that. You keep only meeting me halfway when it comes to what you wear. I want you to agree to wear anything I say, at any time, for his sake."

Susan blanched. "I dunno. Wow! Is that really necessary? Why can't he just get excited looking at you?"

"Don't you trust me? Don't you respect my sacrifice? I'm willing to let him cum in my hand, or even on my face or chest if need be, to save him from the heinous sin of Onan. What are you willing to do to help him? Aren't we in this as a team, with you, Angel, and me all doing what we can to help someone we love in his time of need? Heck, even Amy is helping out with some visual stimulation, without understanding the why of it. She still tries to do her part, because, even though it's mostly unstated, she loves him like a brother."

Susan let out a big sigh. "Very well. I'll do what I can."

"That's the spirit! Together, we're going to overcome all obstacles and resolve his awful energy condition once and for all. You're my best friend and I love you."

They hugged.

As Suzanne squeezed her, she thought, Hot damn! I think she bought it! Hee-hee, I think that was the biggest line of bullshit I've spun in my entire life. I especially like the part about my "sacrifice" in "suffering" through all those juicy handjobs that I actually can't wait to give. But she bought it! She still has so much prudishness to overcome, but I've planted the seeds and given her the religious justification she so desperately needs. It's amazing. I'll bet it's possible to replace quotes in the Bible to justify just about anything, especially with all that weird Old Testament stuff.

The only thing is, I feel bad about tricking my best friend. She's soooo gullible. Normally I'm the one who protects her innocent mind from the sharks and rip-offs, but now I'm betraying her faith in me. She would have rejected these ideas that conflict with her religious upbringing out of hand unless they came from me. She trusts me more than anyone else by far, I'm sure.

The thing is, sometimes the ends DO justify the means. I can't just come out and say, "Susan, I'm in love with your son; I want to spend the rest of my life with him." She'd freak out, especially since I'm still married. This is the only way. There has to be a gradual change in her sexual mores before she can accept what I plan to do with my cute little Sweetie. Or not so little, hee-hee.

I've been so good and honest to Susan for so many years, I know I've earned this one harmless little trick. It's gonna make her life much, much better too. Hopefully, in the end, she can throw off this Christian fundamentalist bullshit that's been holding her down and learn to live and love! Maybe she'll even divorce Ron when she discovers what she's been missing. I never have liked him. I suppose he's a nice guy, but he's a terrible husband for her.

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