6 Times a Day
Chapter 503 Alan And Christine..[Iveyflame Sponsored]

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But as Alan passed the main school building, he had another idea. Hmmm. I wonder if Glory is in her classroom right now. I know she likes to work there over the weekend sometimes so she can grade papers without any distractions. Hmmm. I can have fun with Mom all day long. But it would be great to further my new relationship with my sexy teach!

He stopped at one of the entrances to the main building and got off his bike. He tried the doors, but found they were locked. Damn! So close and yet so far. And I totally bet she's there too. It's times like this I wish I had a cell phone. Bummer!

He got back on his bike and continued through the school. He tried the main doors on the other side of the building, but they were locked as well.

However, while he was biking around and looking for a way to get in, he happened to notice Christine with some girls on the sports field. At first glance, it looked like a typical baseball practice. He thought he'd stop and say hello.

However, once he'd stopped his bike and got a closer look, he saw Christine seemed to be having an argument with the four other girls there. It was too far for him to hear what was being said, but the girls looked angry at Christine and appeared to be haranguing her. However, she was fiercely standing up for herself.

Uh-oh! Alan thought as he got off his bike. That looks serious. It might even come to blows! And Christine is outnumbered four to one! She needs my help!

There was a chain link fence between Alan and the field, but he quickly ran back to where he knew there was an entry and raced across the field to where the confrontation was taking place. He threw his backpack down, just in case he needed to use his body to defend Christine.

His rather dramatic appearance had caused a break in the argument. Everyone, including Christine, stopped and stared at him to see what he was doing there. Trying to take charge, he growled, "What's going on here?"

He didn't know the names of any of the girls confronting Christine, but he had a general idea that they were part of Heather's inner circle. (He didn't know it yet because he didn't stay up on school social politics, but this group was generally known as the "Blondies" because they were mostly blonde. And in fact, three of the four girls standing around Christine actually were blonde.) The tallest blonde glared at him and asked, "What's it to you?"

He replied, "Hey, I'm one of Christine's friends, and I don't like to see her getting pushed around."

Christine was irked at that. She said, "Thanks, Alan, but I'm not being pushed around, and I can handle it myself just fine. We're just having a... difference of opinion." She added sarcastically, "Apparently, it's some kind of crime around here for wanting to be good at something."

The one brunette confronting Christine looked at Alan as she complained, "Hardly! It's one thing just to be good. But she's mostly just trying to make the rest of us look bad!" She turned to Christine accusingly. "Haven't you done enough already?" Then she turned back to Alan. "If you're her friend, maybe you can get her to stop."

Alan held his hands up. "Hold on, hold on. I have no idea what's going on. Can someone please tell me what this is all about?"

The shortest blonde spoke up, nodding at Christine's body. "As you can see, we're all on the varsity team."

Alan hadn't been paying attention, but now he took a closer look at Christine and saw that she was still wearing her softball uniform, as well as holding a glove and ball. The four other girls were dressed in street clothes.

The short blonde continued, "In the last game we played, Christine kicked ass. As usual." She said this like it was highly annoying. "She hit not one but TWO home runs, and a double besides! And she made a spectacular catch." The words seemed like praise; however, the girl's tone of voice was accusatory. She went on, "So you'd think she'd be happy with that, right? But noooooOOOOoooo! It's a friggin' holiday, and she's STILL out here practicing!"

Alan asked, "But aren't the rest of you practicing too?"

The girl explained, "Well, yeah, but only because Christine pretty much dragged us here. We were the only ones who showed up. The reason we're arguing is because we've been here for an hour and we want to go home." She pointed accusingly at Christine. "But SHE says we need 'more work on the fundamentals.'"

Christine explained defensively, "Look, I'm not even into softball that much. I don't practice outside of these team practices. But if you're gonna do something, you might as well do it right. That game she was talking about? We LOST! I don't like losing! We all made simple mistakes. I let an easy ball go right past me. So, yeah, we DO need more work on the fundamentals. If we quit now, we're going to skip some important things."

One of the other girls griped, "Big deal."

"That's a nice winning attitude," Christine said sarcastically.

The tallest blonde rolled her eyes. "Some of us have social lives, and know how to have FUN." Her eyes narrowed and she asked Christine accusingly, "How are you so good, anyway, if you don't practice on your own?"

Christine shrugged. "I play other sports and I practice martial arts. If you develop quick reflexes in one thing, it carries over to other things. And martial arts weapons training teaches you how to make things into body extensions. I don't think of hitting the ball with the bat; for me it's as if I'm hitting it with my hand that just happens to be extended by the bat. Your reflexes would be a lot more accurate if you approached batting that way."

The tall blonde said with a scowl, "Gee, thanks for the tip, Miss Know-It-All."

"Hey, sorry for trying to be helpful. I'm not trying to make anyone look bad, really. I wouldn't play softball at all if it wasn't something our coach kind of pushed me into for fall P.E. class."

The other girls groaned at that. It was obvious to Alan that the others liked softball, wanted to win, and practiced it a lot. Even though they wanted to go home, they did show up when they didn't have to. The fact that Christine bested them so effortlessly only added to their frustration.

Christine added, "All I was saying was that we should field some grounders before we call it a day. Practice makes perfect. But we can stop now since you're annoyed, Why don't we just all go home?"

The most muscular blonde, the one who hadn't spoken yet, asked Alan, "Are you her boyfriend or something? Can you tell her to kind of lay off and take it easy? I wanna practice as much as anybody, but I'm TIRED. Enough is enough already, but I swear she never gets tired. And she never screws up. Everybody knows that she gets A's in everything. Sports is all I'm good at. But she's ruining the grading curve even in this!"

Before Alan could answer, the short blonde spoke in a cutting tone, "Boyfriend? Are you kidding me? Christine doesn't have a boyfriend. That's why she's so good at everything, because she's a prude. She has all kinds of free time to practice every damn thing she does because she has no social life at all. Hey you, what's your name? Alan? Are you sure you're her friend, because I thought she didn't have any friends."

He said defensively, "Hey! That's unfair. Sure she has friends, and I'm one of them."

The tall blonde said, "Yeah, you're just about the ONLY friend, from all I've seen. And hell, not only does she not have a boyfriend, everybody knows she's a virgin." She turned to Christine, asking with a sneer, "Have you ever even kissed a boy? No. I thought not. Pathetic!"

Christine had been standing defiant, but once her sex life became the focus she slumped and looked abashed.

Sensing weakness, the other girls piled on. The lone brunette said, "Who would want to kiss the Ice Queen anyway? Sure, she looks good, but she's so cold and nasty! Brrr! You'd need an Eskimo parka just to hug her!"

Before, Christine had looked ready to kick ass and take names. But now she was practically cowering, suddenly unable to even make eye contact. It was obvious to Alan that the other girls were envious and resentful, and they were probably just getting warmed up with their insults. So he shouted at them, "HEY! Shut up! You don't know what you're talking about! Do you think a girl as beautiful as Christine is a total virgin? Give me a break. I know for a fact that she's kissed guys. Heck, she's done a lot more than that."

The short blonde put her hands on her hips and challenged Alan, "Oh yeah? And how do you know that? And why hasn't she ever said one word about it?"

He said, "You don't know anything about her. Her martial arts code - that's an honor code. When she promises not to kiss and tell, she actually means it. You wouldn't be able to even torture it out of her."

The muscular blonde scowled. "That sounds like a whole helping heap of bullshit, if you ask me. We've all been in the same social circles for years, and nobody I know has ever heard of Christine having a boyfriend or even going out on a date."

Alan said, "That shows what you know. She's a very private person, and most guys here just don't interest her. But if you've known her for years, you also know that she's scrupulously honest, right?"

"Right," the muscular blonde conceded.

"Have you ever known her to totally lie about something?"


"Okay, then. It was a private thing, because I'm a private guy too, but I'll have you know that she and I have dated in the past. We're talking sexy dress, nice suit, fancy restaurant - the whole nine yards. With kissing and everything. You know, dating, the thing you say she's never done. Right, Christine? Have we or have we not done all that dating stuff?"

Christine grinned and stood up straight. "We have. I can say with total honesty that we have." She held out a fist in Alan's direction. "Thanks for letting me finally mention that. It drives me crazy - all this 'Ice Queen virgin' talk - and never being able to defend myself."

"No problem." He raised his fist and made a friendly fist bump against Christine's. They smiled at each other as they withdrew their hands. "If I'd known it was a problem, I wouldn't have held you to your silence."

"Damn," the tall blonde griped.

"Fuck," the short blonde complained. "She kicks ass in sports and in school, AND she has a real social life too? That's just... fuck me!"

That revelation took the wind out of the sails of the four "Blondie" girls. After a little more griping and small talk, they left as a group, leaving Alan and Christine standing in the middle of the field.

Once they were out of earshot, Christine said with a big grin, "Hey. Thanks."

He smiled from ear to ear. "Hey! No problemo!"

She added a bit shyly, "It's not like I needed your help. I wasn't worried they were going to beat me up or anything like that." Even that was being modest: thanks to her martial arts training, she knew she'd never been in any physical danger at all. "But it was nice for you to come up with... well, let's just say... some creative truths."

His smile widened. "Yeah, but it was all true, right? After all, we HAVE dated. It just so happens that we've only dated twice, and they were just practice dates. But we did technically do everything I said, including kissing."

She chuckled. "Yeah. One kiss on the cheek. Big whoop."

He chuckled too. "Hey, that counts as kissing. That's all I claimed. If they want to read more into that, that's up to them, right?" Actually, he knew that he had outright lied at least once, when he'd mentioned that Christine not only "kissed guys" but had "done a lot more than that." However, if Christine was overlooking that prevarication, he wasn't about to remind her of it. Instead, he said, "The main thing is, now they won't give you such a hard time on the whole 'virgin Ice Queen' thing. Let their imaginations run wild."

She nodded happily at that. Then she asked with renewed doubt, "You think they'll figure that we're still 'dating?' I mean real dating? I don't want to give you trouble with that, if you're dating someone else right now." She was fishing with that comment, hoping he'd confirm or deny if he was really dating and maybe even mention any girls he was involved with.

But he just said, "Nah. You took care of that with your comment about how you were grateful that you could 'finally' mention our dating history. That definitely left the impression that it happened a long time ago. So just keep the ambiguity going and if they ask you for more details, just say you don't kiss and tell."

She was all grins. "Hey, I didn't lie. I COULD 'finally' talk about it, after hours and hours."

He had a good laugh at that. "Yeah, a whole fifteen hours ago, maybe." But then he grew more serious. "Unfortunately, there's a problem. Obviously these girls are envious of your great abilities. I know you're not gonna deliberately suck at softball or anything else. Nor should you. Thinking that you had an Achilles heel with your love life probably cut down on their resentment. Now that we've misled them on that, I'll bet they'll be even more pissed off at you."

She shrugged. "Let them be. I don't care. I can't let what other people think about me slow me down. Besides, I know them. Some people are the kind who take action, but all they're gonna do is grumble and gripe some more."

He stepped closer to her and stared deeply into her eyes. "Good. I know you've faced this kind of envy thing for years, so you're probably used to it. But listen to me. You're special. For one thing, you're very beautiful, but that's just icing on the cake. What's really amazing is how talented you are. No matter what you do, you somehow end up being the best at it. That's talent plus drive. Amazing! I'm so in awe of you!"

"Hey, you're pretty talented too."

"Yeah, I have some smarts, but I don't have your drive. Plus, your talent is on a whole 'nother level. And I know what you're thinking: 'But those girls are right, because I don't really have a social life. We didn't lie, but we misled them. They were only practice dates, after all, not real dates. And I'm still a virgin. No matter how good I am at everything else, all four of those girls are still more experienced than me at that.'"

Christine's eyes widened in surprise. "How did you know all that?"

He grinned impishly. "Hey, I may not be Christine smart, but I'm not a dummy either. That's what I'd be thinking if I were in your shoes. But here's the thing: it doesn't matter. Sure, you may not have all that experience NOW, but you're still not even friggin' eighteen. A few weeks ago, I was in the same situation. You don't have anything to be ashamed about. It's true that nowadays kids are getting sexually experienced younger and younger, but it wasn't that long ago when you would have been branded a slut if you were eighteen and NOT a virgin. Cultural standards change all the time. The important thing is that you've got plenty of time for all that. And thanks to our practice dates, once you do, you'll be able to come off like a pro from the get-go. So it's all gravy. Soon you'll be in Switzerland, dating Nobel Prize winners and stuff."

She smiled at that. "Why Switzerland?"

"I don't know. In my mind, that's where the special people like you end up, working in a cutting-edge research lab in Geneva, or something. But my point is, hold your head up high and keep on keeping on. Like I said, you have talent AND drive. A girl with looks like yours - there's no way the guys can ignore you. And once you get started on romance... Whoa! When you turn some of your talent and drive to that? Watch out! I actually pity the lucky guy who ends up being your boyfriend. He'll be lucky, but unlucky too, because you're gonna wear him out and leave him half-dead, like a wrung-out dishrag."

Acting on impulse, she gave him a big bear hug. "Thanks! You know just what to say to make me feel better."

"No worries. There's only one thing that bothers me."

She pulled back so she could make eye contact again. She asked with concern, "And what's that?"

"What's this I heard about you letting an easy ground ball go right past you? For shame! And you only hit TWO home runs in the whole game? I'll bet you had FOUR at bats, if not five. What happened there?"

Seeing that he was playfully teasing her, she punched his shoulder (forcefully, but not too forcefully). "Hey, I'm only human, you know."

"Hmmm. I'm not so sure about that. I did hear the news stories about a mysterious alien crash-landing in these parts the very month you were supposedly 'born.'" He made quote marks in the air with his fingers when he said "born."

She snickered at his joke. "Yeah. Right."

He coughed, and muttered under his breath, "Hatched!"

She had a good laugh at that.

Then he pretended to have an epiphany. "Hey! I just figured out how you can be so smart AND so blonde. Maybe it's different on your home planet."

She played along. "Actually, we don't have hair at all on my planet." She tugged at her hair. "This is a wig."

"A-HA! You admit you're a space alien!" He started jumping around in apparent glee. "Major scoop! Somebody call the newspapers!"

They joked around some more. Needless to say, Alan couldn't help continuing to tease her about her supposed space-alien origins. After a couple of minutes, she asked, "So, what are you up to anyway? What are you doing here?"

He wanted to dodge that question, since he didn't have a good reason. So he said brightly, "Hey! I just got an idea! You know what? You know what would be totally fitting to show those girls didn't get to you? You should practice fielding grounders, like you wanted to. With me."

"But you don't have a glove," she pointed out. "And we don't have a bat either."

"So what? I'll just bounce the ball somewhat near you, and then catch your return throw with my bare hands. After all, it's only a softball. It's not like you're playing with a REAL baseball."

She growled, but she knew he was just teasing, especially since he'd winked after he'd said that. She tossed the softball that was still in her hands up in the air and then caught it on the way down. "You say that now. Just wait until I whip this thing in your direction."

"That's the spirit." He walked towards home plate so they could start practicing.

Alan knew that he was probably going to have a hell of a lot of sexual fun once he got home, and he couldn't wait to get there. But he also wanted to be a good friend to Christine, and he knew there was still plenty of time in the day. So he was willing to help her practice whatever she wanted to practice until she was satisfied.

In between fielding grounders and returning the ball, Christine pondered her relationship with Alan. You know, he's really a nice guy. Sure, he lusts after me, but then again so does every other guy. What's different is that he actually cares about me, the real me. And it's true that I'm smarter than him in many things, certainly as measured on test scores at least, but nonetheless we can engage as intellectual and emotional near-equals. He's not awed or afraid of me; he's just... a friend. That's so special for me! In fact, when it comes down to it, he's my only true friend who's not also a relative.

Damn, I really screwed up. Why did I turn him down when he asked me out? Was I really so shallow to worry that he wasn't "cool" enough? Hell, those Blondies who were bothering me are supposed to be some of the coolest girls in school, so that shows how much "cool" is worth. And our practice date last night... God, that was great!

Maybe it's not too late. I know there are rumors flying all over the place about him and other girls, but I also know that he has special feelings for me. I just need to be bold! Like a few minutes ago, when we were practically touching noses and he was telling me all that encouraging stuff, I should have just kissed him! On the lips! He told me I was "special" and "beautiful," which was the perfect opening, but I just stood there with a blank look on my face.

Dammit! Why am I so chicken?!

During their softball practice, Alan was busy thinking too. You see? This is how it's supposed to be with Christine. Just friends. Good friends. I talked to her for a good while, and for once I didn't even get a hard-on. I helped her out like good friends do, without my dick leading me around.

He thought with more amusement, I really do pity the first guy who gets to be her boyfriend. Poor guy, heh-heh! If there ever was anyone who's a raging sexual dynamo just waiting to be unleashed, it's her. If nothing else, she's so physically fit that she could fuck all night long. But, sadly, that guy can never be me. Just think about Mom and everyone else waiting for me back home. That's beyond awesome! I need to be content with that.

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