6 Times a Day
Chapter 538 Pleasuring Glory [Iveyflame Sponsored]

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Alan took some time to recover before heading back to his second-period English class. He needed to get over what had happened, as well as to let his body recover enough that he could get back into his regular school mindset. So he went into a restroom where he would not seem out of place, then sat in a stall with the door closed until he had recovered.

Man. Bizarre! I can't believe I'm doing all kinds of sexual stuff right here at school. I mean, not only did this wild thing just happen with Heather, but I'm still gonna see Glory, and then there's the panty painting job too. That's three sexual things in one day - three more than most guys experience ever!

How did this happen to me? I can count the days since I was a virgin, and now everything is coming up sex. God knows I love it, but I can't let it control my life. I especially can't afford to skip class again; that way lies disaster. I'd have great fun and end up dropping out of school. No thanks! In fact, I shouldn't even be dawdling here. Who knows what I'm missing out on in class?

He returned to his second-period class a few minutes later. It was a real come-down. Despite his interest in his studies, the class couldn't hold a candle to the intense sexual adventure that he'd just had with Heather.

Lunchtime finally arrived. That meant two unusual appointments for any student: an orgasm administered by his teacher Glory, and the task of painting the pussy lips of the cheerleader Joy. If my friends only knew he thought, for what seemed to be the millionth time in recent days.

Once the other fourth-period students had all filed out of Glory's classroom, Alan said to her as she sat on the edge of her desk, "Sorry Glory, but I'm sure I can't get it up today. My dick is reaaaally hurting. There's just no way." He was trying to come up with an excuse, so he could get away to help Joy without hurting Glory's feelings.

"I like a good challenge," Glory responded. "Let me see what I can do with it." She grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him close until his legs interlocked with hers.

"No, please, really. It's not that I can't get it up; it's just that it hurts too much." Actually he probably could have gotten it up, and it didn't hurt that much, but he was still trying to juggle his sexual "responsibilities." It had also occurred to him that his mother was likely to give his dick a good workout once he got home, since it was a Tuesday, and he didn't want to miss out on that.

"Oh. Bummer." Glory was disappointed. "We've been doing some fun role-plays lately. I was hoping we could do something like that today. And to be completely honest, I've been hoping and longing that I could be with you more than just during these lunches. You say you can't see me after school this week, and your penis is all worn out, probably from overwork. Tell me, young man, am I competing against a whole battalion of women or something?"

"No," he replied, stretching the truth. "It's not like that at all. For one thing, you know I've been grounded. And, okay, obviously you're not the only one. You know that. I do want to spend more time with you too. But it's taboo for you and me to meet outside of school even when I'm not grounded, so our options are really limited."

"Now wait just a minute. Who says we can't meet outside of school? That's a social rule, but rules are meant to be broken." She rubbed her hands against his chest as she talked.

"But if you and I were caught in an intimate position couldn't you lose your job? And what about your boyfriend Garth?"

"Well, there is that. Damn. Don't remind me. I honestly don't care much about him anymore. The thrill is gone. My thrill now, frankly, is with you. He and I are going through a slow process of breaking up. It's a bit messy and slow because we share some sizable possessions."

She added, "However, I don't want to lose my job. Realistically though, we're in more danger of getting caught here at school than somewhere else. If we were elsewhere, someone would have to recognize both of us, and I look pretty different when I'm not all dressed up as a high-school teacher. Then they still would have to prove it to someone in authority, which they may not want to or be able to do. Whereas anybody in the school administration could walk in here this minute and catch us. You know there are master keys that work every door."

"There are? Oh shit! And that doesn't bother you?"

"It does. But the odds of someone like that coming in here during lunch are pretty small; teachers are generally given their privacy during lunchtime. Unless rumors start spreading, that is. That's one reason I keep my ears to the ground, more than almost anyone. But it probably would be safer to meet outside of school, at least sometimes. What do you think? You could go to the beach, and I could just happen to wind up at the same beach. Wouldn't you like to meet the real 'Surfer Girl' in the flesh?"

"Would I ever! What a great idea. But beaches are crowded and full of people my age."

"Not all beaches are crowded. Besides, everyone at this school just goes to nearby beaches. If you travel a few miles north or south you never see anyone from here. Believe me, I do that all the time, and I know. I could chart it on a graph, the odds of running into someone from here. I'm thinking in particular of a nice nude beach that's quite a ways from here. I surf there a lot and I've never seen even a single soul from this school there. There are big cliff walls which make it really hard to reach from land, and it's really beautiful."

"Sounds great," he said, delighted. "I think I might just 'happen' to go there soon. I can borrow a family car almost any time."

Glory couldn't resist pointing out, "You must be the only kid in a family as wealthy as yours to not have your own car. Why is that, anyway? I forget."

He rolled his eyes. "You know how my mother is deathly afraid of spoiling me. She keeps me on a very tight budget, with very little fancy stuff, to kinda keep me grounded. I can't believe she hasn't even let me get a cell phone yet." He thought how ironic Susan's stance was, given how she was spoiling him lately with the way she was constantly pleasuring his dick.

"I think that's a good attitude for her to take, and it shows. You aren't spoiled rotten, except maybe sexually. But in any case, when can we do it? How about this weekend, or even sooner?"

"Shucks. Can't. I've got a Boy Scouts hiking trip all weekend long where I'm serving as a counselor, cause I'm already an Eagle Scout. And I've also got a ton of homework this week, like I told you already." It was true that he was really falling behind in his homework, but only because he was spending so much time being pleasured at home and elsewhere.

"Young man, I'm starting to think you're trying to avoid me. And don't think I'm not mad at you anyway, no matter what you're doing to my boobs."

As a kind of consolation prize to make up for the fact that he couldn't (or wouldn't) get hard during lunchtime that day, he had started fondling her tits under her blouse.

"No, really. You know how into the Scouts I am. Or at least have been. I'm kind of losing interest now that I'm an Eagle Scout and have discovered women. But what about next weekend?"

"That's too far from now!" she whined.

"But this weekend I have the scouting thing, and we can't really do it after school on a school day, particularly this time of year. It would be really rushed, and probably get pretty cold after sundown. How about we do it the Saturday after next and spend the whole day together on the beach."

"I'd like that," she said, thinking. "Okay. What a busy young man you are. Nearly two weeks from now. I guess I'll have to hold out that long. But I'll have a special surprise for you, so don't come all pooped out like you are today."

"Cool. But just 'cos my dick is pooped out doesn't mean we can't do anything at all today. We can still kiss and stuff. And I'd like to make you happy."

"Young man, you're such a thoughtful lover! I can't believe you're only a high school senior. But don't just kiss me and play with my breasts. Not that I want you to stop, mind you, but there's so much more. You've got a lot more erogenous zones than just your penis. Let me show you a few things."

He replied, "I know some of that already. I've learned a woman has seventeen erogenous zones, so I try to work on them all. When I first started getting blown and stroked, I would just lean back and enjoy it. But now I try to give as good as I get, letting my hands and mouth roam all over those zones."

"You do. That's one reason why I love to suck your cock so much. And I'm sure that helps explain your sudden superstar popularity with the girls. But you're missing out on some of the very best zones! Most importantly, you have yet to lick me down there. Since your penis isn't up for much today, I think it's time for you to work on that, for me."

"But Glory... I'm kind of, I dunno, kind of grossed out. I did it once before a couple of days ago, on Friday in fact, with an Asian woman. She had very sparse hair down there, but ugh! Even so. Pubic hair. Gross." (He didn't want to mention his experience with Katherine and Kim, due to the incest factor.)

"Hey. How many times do you think I've gotten your pubic hair in my nose in the last week alone? You get used to it, and then you learn to love it. As your teacher, it's my obligation to teach you what to do. The female population of this town will love me for it if I do," she said half jokingly. "And if you refuse, then I'm just going to have to spank you instead." She said that part completely seriously. She enjoyed giving and receiving spankings, but especially giving them, and he really did need to learn how to pleasure a woman orally.

He decided that this was as good a day to learn as any. He really didn't want to be a selfish lover, so he determined to 'suck it up'. "Okay. But let's take it slowly, all right? Tell me what to do."

So Glory sat on the table and instructed him on how to please a woman with his tongue. She was an excellent teacher, so learning with her was fun.

Alan wasn't too comfortable with his face down there in her juices and hair, but she cracked a lot of jokes, putting him at ease. He kept telling himself that with all the countless blowjobs and handjobs he'd benefited from, it was the least he could do to perfect this new skill. He said to himself, Come on, man, if there's anyone with a moral obligation to learn how to do this, it's me. It's payback time for all the pleasure I've been given. Come on! So he kept at it.

Because he was so reluctant, he wasn't good at it at all, unlike how he was with some other sexual things. He enjoyed stimulating clits, but he considered them to be in a dangerously hairy zone so didn't do even that as much as his partners would have wished.

It took about five minutes, but he finally did get Glory off. He was greatly aided by the fact that she was already quite aroused before he started. She came mightily, and her pussy juice dripped down his chin as a result. He didn't particularly like all the fluid on himself, but he didn't complain. He did like the musky smell of her pussy though; the vaginal secretions of an aroused female really were the most effective pheromones for a human male. He looked forward to inhaling the stimulating smell of her pussy more in the near future.

Having recovered from her orgasm, Glory said, "Now it's time for your reward, for a lesson learned and job well done. Normally I would have loved to suck you or even deep throat you, but you say you're not up for it. So I'm going to show you just how much pleasure I can give you without touching your overworked penis. Take your shorts off, because I consider your balls and ass fair play. If there are seventeen erogenous zones on a woman, then there must be an equal number on a man, and I'm going to show you all of them right now."

Glory did replace virtually all of his sensitive spots. She focused on his nipples, armpits, ears, toes, testicles, perineum, and more, devouring all of him with her mouth like a hungry beast. Her hands were very active as well. Alan felt like she was a giant spider working on him, because it seemed more like she had six arms rather than just two.

Although his penis grew very erect (almost instantly), she kept to her promise not to touch it. At least she didn't touch it with her hands or mouth, but she did let her body rub all over it as she constantly repositioned herself over and around him. She seemed to delight in running her pussy hair over his boner while sliding up and down over him. Probably because she was a natural blonde, she had a soft furry bush, not at all bristly. He decided that, licking or not, he wanted to spend a lot more time in and around her crotch. Petting her furry mound alone felt great.

When she was done, he quipped, "Glory, that was glorious." He was having fun trying to play with her name lately. When he was around her he liked to say things like glorified, gloriously, glorification, blaze of glory, crowning glory, and so on at every opportunity.

He was even using these words and phrases in public comments during her class. For instance, he'd answered one of her questions about Napoleon and the Battle of Waterloo by saying, "Apparently, Napoleon thought that, win, lose, or draw, he wanted to go out in a blaze of glory."

Whenever he said something like that, she would feel a shocking jolt that reminded her of their lunchtime trysts, which always aroused her greatly.

However, since everyone in class knew her first name quite well, he had to be extremely subtle about such plays on words.

As he left her classroom, he thought to himself, Dang, I wish I wasn't grounded so I could be with Glory after school too. Not only have I had a crush on her forever, but if I'd ever known about all the things she could do to a body I would have failed out of school just fantasizing about her. Hot damn! And now she's a dream come true. But it's all too risky. We can't be together as long as we were today every lunch period, or even any lunch period. It's just too dangerous. But it's oh so addictive.

Although they'd done a lot of things, they didn't spend much time on any one of them, so he still had about twenty minutes left in the lunch period.

He'd left her, excusing himself to get something to eat, but in fact he still had his appointment for painting Joy. He hurried out, calculating that it would be better to show up late in the new cheerleader practice room - the old theater room - rather than never.

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