6 Times a Day
Chapter 54 Naked Cheerleading!

Suzanne kept Susan hot and bothered for a very long time. Along the way, she learned the rest of what she'd wanted Alan to tell her. Most importantly, she'd learned all about Susan's late night "soreness check," including the fact that Alan had cum on her twice.

Suzanne couldn't have been more delighted. In her opinion, that event couldn't have gone any better.

By the time Suzanne finally left the Plummer house, it was about ten o'clock.

Alan thought the excitement of his day was over, but his sister had other ideas.

Katherine had been using a glass at Alan's door to listen to what Suzanne was doing with him, just as she'd done the previous few times that Suzanne had been in there. She was ecstatic when she heard Suzanne finally touching and stroking Alan's erection, because that made it much easier for her to do the same. She'd had to stop eavesdropping when she'd heard Susan coming up the stairs to go into his room, but what she'd heard before that made her very horny and excited.

Katherine could tell how much fun Suzanne was having helping Alan, and she wanted to have some of that fun herself. I'll just tease him a little bit once he's recovered from Aunt Suzy, she thought. She turned on her stereo loudly, kept her door open a crack, hoping he soon would come by.

Alan took a shower just to get back in touch with reality a bit. Then he went back to his room and tried to read, but he was still too excited to concentrate. Finally, he decided it was time to call it a night, so he got up to brush his teeth and get ready for bed.

When he heard surprisingly loud music coming from Katherine's room, he fell into her trap. He stopped outside her partly-open door and said through the crack, "Hey Sis, what's with all the noise? I'm about to go to bed, so could you keep it down?"

"Bed? It's not that late," she replied back through the door. "Isn't it still before eleven?"

"I know, but I always feel tired. Remember this treatment of mine is all about my tiredness?"

"I can't hear you, Big Brother. The music. Can you come in?"

Unsuspecting, he opened the door and walked in. He was greeted by the sight of his sister in her cheerleader outfit, practicing her cheerleading routine to the beat of "Get on the Good Foot," a funky song by James Brown.

He thought, Holy Cow. More sexiness! If I hadn't just gotten refreshed by that shower, I think I'd just pass out trying to wrap my head around so much sexiness in one house.

He pulled up a chair and sat down near her door, asking, "Sis, what are you doing practicing your routines at ten o'clock at night? Isn't that kind of unusual?"

She spoke as she continued to dance, "Have you noticed how hot the weather is lately? We must be the richest people in town to not have a working air conditioner. So it's cooler to do it later in the evening. Even now, I'm burning up with sweat. But hey, since you're here, could you do me a favor?"

"Sure. Shoot."

"Can you watch my routine and give me some feedback?"

"That's all? Sure. ... What do I have to look for? You've never asked me to do this before so I don't know what you need. In fact, if I remember correctly, you didn't even want me to go to the games when you were cheering."

"That was then; this is now. Since Mom's trying to shake off her fuddy-duddy ways, so am I."

"Cool. So what do I do?"

"Just look for mistakes. If you don't notice it, then it isn't much of a mistake. And watch for general demeanor, rhythm, and enthusiasm."

"Okay. Sounds easy."

So he sat and watched his sister do her routines. She put her all into it and tried to show herself off as sexily as she possibly could. Once she got going, she was disappointed that she hadn't had the courage to remove her bra and panties before luring him in.

But shortly after she started, Susan stopped by, knocked on the door, and said through it, "Angel, please turn that racket down. I'm going to go to bed now." Susan's bedroom was just down the hall, and she wanted to go to sleep now that Suzanne was gone.

But Katherine wouldn't be deterred that easily. She got Alan to relocate with her to the basement, where she could continue dancing to the music without bothering her mother.

"This is actually a better place to practice," she said as she plugged in her CD player. "More room to move around. But it's so stuffy in here. So hot. Do you mind if I get down to just wearing my underwear?"

He noticed that it really was quite hot and stuffy. The walls were made of thick concrete, which meant that when they heated up during the day they took a long time to cool down at night, somewhat like adobe. "Um, okay," he said uncertainly. "But do you think it's really... I mean... Do you think Mom..." He was having a hard time expressing his concern directly, which was, Is this an appropriate activity between siblings?

Even so, Katherine got the gist and said, "Bro, if you're thinking something isn't appropriate about this, remember that I'm supposed to help you get aroused, right? So no problem. I made the suggestion partly so I could do my share with the 'sexing things up' plan. I'm sure this doesn't compare to the stuff that Aunt Suzy has been showing you lately, but I want to try to do my part. Anyway, it's just the same as wearing a bikini."

She paused, frowning. "Unless you don't want my help?"

"No, that's not it. I totally appreciate your help. I was just asking what Mom would think about it, is all."

"Don't worry about that. Mom and Aunt Suzy sat me down and filled me in on the whole 'sexing things up' plan. I'm supposed to help with the visual stimulation part."

That sounded harmless enough, so Alan sat back to watch. While his penis was still down for the count, he was eager to see more of what she really looked like. He'd never even seen her in a true bikini before, since she'd always dressed so conservatively.

Katherine started doing her routines again. But she danced around even more sexily now, and really put on a show for her brother. It wasn't just that she was dancing only in her underwear; she put true passion into it. She stood mere feet from him and constantly stared into his eyes.

He thought, Shit, it's like a strip show with pom-poms! She's really good too. She moves so gracefully. No wonder she got on the varsity squad.

Dancing in her undies was as far as Katherine thought she might go. But she got so worked up showing herself off for her brother that she didn't want to stop there. She decided she wanted to get completely naked or have Alan take off some of his clothes. What she wanted most of all was to bring him to an orgasm one way or another. But she was too shy to move things any further. Then an idea occurred to her.

She announced her practice was done, and got some feedback from him.

He was polite and gave her some nice compliments. He then made to go. However, he noticed that she was staying. In fact, she didn't even turn the music off. "Hey Little Sis, aren't you going to bed now?" he asked as he headed towards the stairs.

"No, I'm not done, Big Bro. I've still got some routines to do that I'm too shy to do in front of you. They're kind of extra sexy."

"Oh. Okay. Good night. And a great job dancing. You're really good." That was true - she was a natural when it came to dancing.


He walked up the stairs.

But on his way out, he realized that the stairs were completely dark and they were the perfect place to spy on his sister.

He didn't realize that she was trying to get him to spy on her, so once again he fell into her trap. Curiosity naturally got the best of him, and he decided to stay at the top of the stairs for another minute, rationalizing to himself, I have to see what routines are so sexy that she couldn't show them even to me. I thought the ones she just did were as sexy as it could possibly get. I know all the routines the cheerleading squad does in public, so what else is there?

Katherine was extremely nervous. Alan was barely out of the room when she said out loud, "God, it's so hot!" and took off her bra. I can't believe I'm doing this! What's gotten into me? This isn't right. I'll bet anything that Brother is up there watching, and he's gonna see me naked! But even as she thought those things, her hands pulled her panties down her legs as if they were controlled by someone else.

Then she began doing her cheerleading routine completely in the nude.

Alan still lingered at the top of the stairs, looking down from the darkness. He was worried she might see him, so he bent down and kept his head just barely peering over a railing. He figured that if she did look his way he could duck down and get out of the area completely within seconds.

He got involved watching her. There really were no additional extra-sexy routines, as she'd done all her best ones for him earlier. But the fact that his sister was naked made him forget all about judging how sexy her moves were. All her moves were beyond arousing now. He even felt his penis stir, which was remarkable considering all it had been through in the previous few hours.

Katherine did her naked routines facing towards the stairs, hoping that she wouldn't scare him off, if he was in fact there at all. She was dying to know whether he was watching, but had no way of knowing.

God, I feel like a total idiot, she thought. No way would I do this if I didn't think he was watching - my boobs bounce around far too much.

But why do I want him to watch? If he's watching me, won't he think I'm some kind of slut? I'm totally ruining my reputation. What the hell? Am I crazy? My God - what if he tells his friends about this? No, he would never do that. But I feel so hot, just thinking that he might be watching me and getting turned on looking at me. Maybe he's even masturbating at the top of the stairs while looking down at me. That would be pretty cool!

Katherine's thoughts were spot on, because after a few minutes of watching his sweaty, naked sister gyrate lewdly with her pom-poms, Alan unzipped his shorts and began stroking his suddenly revived boner.

I shouldn't be doing this while looking at my sister, he thought guiltily. I mean, Aunt Suzy is one thing, 'cos she's not really my aunt. This is like incest! But how on Earth can I pass up this opportunity? I know: what if I just pretend she's someone else? I mostly can't see her face since her back is turned. What if I pretend she's one of the other cheerleaders, like Aims?

But it was the fact that it was his sister and not some other cheerleader that gave his feelings a special intensity, and on some deeper level he realized that. His effort to pretend she was someone else was a flop. Nevertheless, he couldn't stop watching, even though he felt he should.

As she got over the shock of being naked, she started to do her routines more enthusiastically. Knowing where Alan had to be if he was watching, she made her moves conscious of what she'd be showing in that direction. In particular, she focused on routines where she could bend way over and show him her butt, or spread her legs. She did the splits frequently, from front and back. And just about every routine had her jumping around, her tits bouncing wildly. In fact, they bounced around so much that she vowed again this would be the first and last time she ever did her routines in the nude.

Soon Alan really had to cum, and didn't know what to do about it since he didn't have his usual towel or tissues to shoot into. He was desperate though to do something fast, and decided to cum into his T-shirt as a last resort. Just as he finished shooting his wad, he heard his mother shouting. "Tiger? Angel? Where are you kids? Remember, you have school tomorrow."

He immediately hopped up, stuffed his erect dick back into his shorts, and scurried back up the rest of the stairs to the ground floor, and then up more stairs to the bedroom floor. Once he was closer to Susan's room, he saw her standing at her door, so he said to her, "I was just downstairs. Sis is down there too, but she'll be coming up shortly, I think."

She replied, "Very well. I don't want you dragging around tomorrow morning."

"No worries, Mom. Good night."


Katherine didn't hear all of that, but she did hear what Susan was shouting. From that she knew that Alan wasn't in his room, and apparently wasn't upstairs at all. My God! He was down here watching me! He had to have been! No way!

She fell to the floor and began fingering her pussy furiously. This is so wrong. So very wrong. God is going to punish me for this!

Katherine considered herself to usually be a good Christian. However, she wasn't nearly as devout as her mother. In fact, nearly everything Katherine knew about Christianity came from what Susan had taught her, or from all the countless times Susan dragged her children off to church.

Before Katherine went to sleep, she wrote about her worries regarding incest in her diary.

Dear Diary,

I got Brother to watch me dance naked tonight! Woo-hoo!

She went on to recount in detail what had happened in the basement. She concluded:

Hot damn! But do I dare take this further? Diary, you KNOW how much I've gone on and on about my love for my brother and all the sexy things I want to do with him. But that was just fantasy. This is getting to be real! Really real! I don't want to cross some line and push him away from me. How much would he consider us doing it to be incest? I mean, we're family but we're not really related genetically. Would he be okay with messing around, or would he totally freak out? I've gotta replace that out somehow. How can I do that without screwing things up?!

But her worries took second place to her excitement, and writing about what had just happened got her so hot that she had to masturbate some more before she went to sleep.

— — —

That night, Katherine had a very strange dream. She was cheering at a football game as usual. As the players left the field for half time, she got ready for the half time show. Walking on to the field with the others, she felt a bit of a draft blowing, but it was nice and warm. When she got to center field, she was surprised to see the others still standing at the side and doing a cheer for her.

"Go Kat, go Kat, you're so hot! Show them all just what you've got!"

Suddenly, she realized she was only wearing shoes, socks, and pom-poms. Oh no! I'm completely naked in the middle of the stadium and all eyes are on me! How did this happen?!

She tried to run back to the others, but instead she just seemed to be running on the spot.

Now what do I do? I don't want to show my body to the entire school! At that she glanced up at the stands and got another shock. Alan was in the front row with Suzanne on his left and a very red blushing Susan on his right. Both were completely naked too. Furthermore, they had their hands in his shorts, and she could see stroking movement going on.

Quickly, she scanned the rest of the stands. Impossibly, everyone in the crowd was either Alan, Suzanne, or Susan, but the vast majority were Alan. They were all hollering for her to give them a show.

She was a little hesitant, but started to do a routine. She figured that if it was family, and especially for Alan, then it was okay. She was nervous, but as time went on she started to really get inspired in her fluid motions. The cheers from the crowd became even louder and soon the entire crowd looked like Alan. She wasn't dancing for her school; she was dancing for a crowd of hundreds of Alans. Even the other cheerleaders had disappeared.

Soon, she lost all inhibitions and proudly displayed every inch of her naked body in daring routines. As she was doing this, she felt herself get hotter and more turned on than she had ever been. She couldn't help herself, and found herself doing pelvic thrusts and running her hands all over her body. She locked eyes on the first Alan that she'd seen, and silently mouthed to him: "Fuck me! Fuck me, Brother!"

As she kept doing this, the stadium started shrinking until it became the size of a room and the crowd of countless Alans was so close to her they could actually touch her. And touch her they did. She felt hands all over her body. There was no pretense of dancing left. Instead she slowly dropped to her hands and knees, letting all these Alans play with her body. She was being caressed over her entire body.

She started to cum hard in her dream. She woke up with a deep guttural groan of pleasure, realizing that she was cumming in real life too. She found the sheets soaked near her crotch, her fingers playing furiously with her clit and nipples.

When she calmed down, she sat up and looked over at the clock. It read 2.30 a.m. That was intense! I've never cum like that. And weird! Phew! Just one Alan is more than enough for me, thank you very much. I'd better change these sheets before the cum soaks through into my mattress. And I'd better go wash up a bit. I'll have to be quiet about it, though. I doubt Mom would understand.

She quickly pulled off her sheets and put them in the laundry hamper. She sighed. I'm way too obsessed with my brother! Even after lusting for him for a couple of years, my feelings only grow stronger. Now Aunt Suzy gets to live MY dream in real life, and I'm stuck with nothing but weird wet dreams.

After a quick visit to the bathroom, she put on a fresh set of sheets and fell asleep again as soon as her head touched her pillow.

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