6 Times a Day
Chapter 567 Please? Pick Me!

Suzanne sensed that Susan had just had a major sexual realization, so she pressed her advantage. "So, you see, more nudity is a good thing." Her legs had been pressed together, but she opened them wide so everyone could see the entirety of her pussy and her dark reddish-brown bush.

Susan's mouth opened wider but no words came out.

"This is sweet," Katherine said as she took off all her clothes. She was quick to establish and revel in her newfound freedom before her mother had a chance to change her mind. "No more of this 'Keep your clothes on, Angel,' and 'Angel, looks like your blouse has fallen open' stuff that I hear all the time. Yes!" She punched a fist into the air triumphantly.

However, Suzanne said to Katherine, "That may be true, but you have to think strategically. Sure, it's fun to undress and loosen up in front of him, but you'll still want to keep most of your clothes on most of the time to best tempt that big boy there." She accompanied that by a pointed glance at Alan's crotch. "Look at me and then look at you. You're already out of clothes. You've got nowhere to go from here. But I still have all kinds of possibilities, all kinds of ways to recapture his eye if it wanders. You should work your way to total nakedness slowly."

Suzanne continued, "Check out Sweetie's face and how he stares at my pussy. See how I have my legs open, but just a little bit. Watch how his attention keeps coming back to me as I move around, sometimes exposing my pussy and sometimes closing my legs again. It's the same with the way I keep things interesting with my breasts: covering, then stretching, then leaning forward, and so on. There's an art to teasing, and you need to learn it."

Katherine saw the logic in that, as did Susan. They both nodded, as if they were students taking stripping lessons from the experienced Suzanne.

Suzanne then said to Katherine, "Now, put your postage-stamp shorts back on, then that flimsy shirt that you've cleverly kept unbuttoned."

Katherine complied quickly. She noticed that both Alan and Susan were watching her closely to see what would happen.

While Katherine was buttoning her shirt, Alan shifted his attention to the peculiar green shorts that she was wearing. They were short enough to be an obscenity-law violation in some jurisdictions, but Katherine had modified them further by cutting inch-wide strips halfway up the legs. The result gave the initial impression of being a very short cheerleader skirt, but with half of the pleats missing. In fact, since they were actually shorts, she could claim modesty while showing off almost everything.

Susan's mouth remained open, but she was still at a loss for words. My God! I really am a sex toy for my son. We all are! This is what we do. I need to pay close attention. I'm going to be dressing sexily and tempting and teasing practically all the time from now on. All for my virile son! God, how I love it!

Then Suzanne continued, "Stand up and take your shirt off again, but do it slowly this time. And put some oomph into it. Remember, the whole point is 'visual stimulation.'"

As Katherine stood up, she realized that "Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen was just starting on the CD player. Some oomph, huh, she thought. I can manage that.

She reached up and unbuttoned the topmost button of her shirt, revealing her cleavage. Then staring directly and lustily into Alan's eyes, she began to dance in place.

"Are you ready, Are you ready for this

Are you hanging on the edge of your seat


Her eyes never lost their lock on Alan's, even as her hips swayed while doing a bump and grind. Her hands glided across her shirt, caressing her breasts through the fabric before going in sequence to the bottom four buttons that were holding the shirt closed. As the song segued to the first chorus, she unbuttoned those four buttons one at a time in synch with the refrain:

"Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust

And another one gone, and another one gone

Another one bites the dust"

Once her blouse was completely unbuttoned, her hands reached up and slowly pulled it open in time to the last two lines of the refrain, so that it ended up hanging uselessly by her sides:

"Hey, I'm gonna get you too

Another one bites the dust"

By that point Katherine had bared her entire front. As she was about to remove the now-useless shirt, Suzanne said, "Freeze! Hold that position. Good. Now wait. Pull your shorts down further to where the top of your bush would be showing if you still had one. Good. Now go back to holding your shirt wide open."

With Katherine frozen in place like that, Suzanne turned to Alan and said, "Now, Sweetie, tell us. Which is more attractive: Katherine like this, or her totally naked?"

Alan pondered the delightful question.

While he was thinking, Katherine said, vamping it up, "Boy, it sure is hot in here. If you'll excuse me, I'll just have to take this off all the way!"

They all laughed.

Alan said, "If you put it that way, I like this better."

But Katherine made a nod towards Alan's short shorts and the lack of any visible bulge there. She asked Suzanne, "Look. If this teasing is so good then why is he still soft?"

Suzanne pointed out, "Your mom just spent nearly an hour draining our poor Sweetie here to within an inch of his life. If he could get erect yet again at this point it would be a miracle. But he's aroused up top, in his mind, and he'd be ready to go down below if possible. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Isn't that right, Sweetie?"

Alan nodded emphatically. Actually, his dick had gotten hard over the past few minutes, but he was hiding it by the way that he sat. He simply wanted to watch for a while.

The lesson learned, Katherine sat back down with her shirt still on, but wide open in the front. She kept her shorts slung low, dropping them even further until they just cover her slit. She imitated the way Suzanne sat topless on the sofa (as best she could) while trying to mimic Suzanne's always sexy gestures and movements.

Susan was nervous doing so in front of the others, but her competitive nature wouldn't allow her to stay dressed while the others slowly lost their clothes. Besides, she had a renewed resolve to be sexually tempting for her son. She asked shyly, "What can I do to grab his attention and hold it?"

Suzanne gently teased her, "I thought you said what we were doing isn't proper? Don't we all need some down time?"

Susan blushed and bowed her head. "I was wrong, okay?"

Suzanne teased her, "And with today being a Tuesday, no less! For SHAME!"

Susan dropped her head further.

Suzanne took pity on her. "Don't worry; I'm just having fun with you. Actually, you're right: everyone needs some down time. But let Sweetie be the judge of that. After all, isn't he the 'man of the house' now, as you like to say?"

Susan nodded in understanding. "Definitely! He certainly is that!" She stared into his eyes with a look of pure desire.

Satisfied, Suzanne walked her through a sexy style of taking her clothes off.

The Queen song playing was "You're My Best Friend," but since that wasn't highly danceable, she just grooved and gyrated her hips a little.

Soon Alan was staring at six bare tits at once. Being a tit man, he'd never seen a lovelier sight.

But that was just the beginning for him. The three women seemed to be competing to see who could arouse him the most. They once again followed his mood. Since they were under the impression that his penis still needed time to recover, they put their clothes back on and started their competition slowly.

Alan ended that process, at least for a time, by turning off the music and going back to watching TV. He tried to watch the same Chargers game that he'd started earlier. For a while, everyone just watched along with him.

But that was just a pretense. Nobody was really paying any attention to the game, not even Alan. Within a matter of minutes, skirts were again raised. Phallic objects were held, stroked, and licked. Tops came completely off.

Mostly though, the teasing was verbal. For instance, the women joked a lot about fruits. Alan was asked if he wanted just about every large, round fruit imaginable. But this was generally Katherine and Suzanne's game, since Susan wasn't adept at innuendo. However, she paid close attention and started to learn the lingo. Every now and then, Suzanne offered suggestions on what to do or say in what was a continuing lesson in seduction for mother and daughter.

Insofar as any of the women were paying attention to the football game, it was as an excuse to make comments by playing off double meanings, like "tight ends," "scoring," and "making passes."

The unspoken question hanging over all their activity was: who would get to take care of Alan's next erection? (He was still successfully hiding the fact that he was already erect.) There was the sense that whoever aroused him the best this time would get the privilege, but there was no telling, because it was ultimately up to his whim.

Normally Susan would have been out of the running, as she'd just had that honor, but since it was a Tuesday that was far from certain. In fact, the surprising thing was that she was magnanimous enough to allow the other two women to remain in the house and compete in this game at all. That happened because she was determined to work on being less possessive.

But at the same time, while she wasn't normally the competitive type, she was very competitive when it came to getting access to Alan's penis. It was clear from her mood and actions that she was determined to show the other two that Alan loved her blowjobs and titfucks the best and therefore would pick her.

Suzanne felt the same way. She expected her sexual talents to put her ahead of Susan.

Katherine also thought that she alone deserved to be picked. She hoped her status as his most willing and eager fuck toy would cause him to pick her. She also felt that she hadn't been getting her fair share of his cock of late.

Alan realized that, while the situation seemed wonderful on the surface, in reality he was in a serious pickle. No matter whom he picked, the other two would be offended. The situation was rapidly spinning out of control.

Before long, all three women had discarded the last of their clothes. Suzanne said, "So, big stud, you've got three big-titted Amazons naked and begging to suck your cock. I'll bet you're feeling pretty good about that."

"I am."

Suzanne joked, "But the big question is, how are you going to let the other two down when you pick me?" It was a joke and yet it wasn't.

The other two protested vocally and started listing the reasons why they should be chosen.

Because he was unwilling to choose, the situation soon descended to a new low. They all started reaching out to him, essentially begging.

Suzanne, looking uncharacteristically desperate, practically begged, "Sweetie, can I have the next turn? Please? Pick me!"

The other two made equally urgent pleas. The situation would have almost been comical, except that he was still stuck with a serious problem over choosing just one of them, since by making one very happy he would make the other two very disappointed.

Alan was highly aroused by their eagerness. Thanks to all their pleas of "Pick Me!", he finally shifted positions, which let the others see that his erection was at full strength. He knew that there was no way he could safely pick one because it would hurt the other two. He wanted to pick and please them all, but figured that his mother wouldn't take part in multi-person sex if he proposed it. That and pussy contact were the two boundaries she was actually remaining fairly firm about.

He was about to announce that he wouldn't take any help at all, when an idea came to him. I know! I'll let chance decide. Then no one can blame me for choosing.

He finally turned off the football game replay. Then he stood up dramatically, to better show off the bulge in his shorts. "Okay, it's true. You've all got me ready to be drained yet again. What a day! I want all three of you equally. You're all so great and sexy; there's no way I can pick just one. I'd like to pick all three of you at once, but Mom wouldn't agree to that. That's why you'll have to play 'rock, paper, scissors.'"

The three women grumbled but realized his quandary, so they went along with the idea. Katherine and Susan picked rock but Suzanne picked paper.

Realizing she'd won, Suzanne acted very cool and collected, as if she'd known all along that she was going to win. But, internally, she was surprised at just how happy her victory made her feel.

Alan was diplomatic. He shrugged his shoulders and said to the other two, "I'm really sorry. I'll make sure it evens out later. I'm especially sorry, Mom, that this happened on a Tuesday. I'll be yours for the rest of the evening, after Aunt Suzy and I are done. Okay?"

Susan was so upset that she didn't say anything at first, but she finally managed to nod her agreement, if only a tiny bit. She was doubtful that he'd be able to get it up again after Suzanne was through with him.

To be honest, Alan had doubts about that too.

He said to Katherine, "And remember the deal you made with Mom this morning? No fun today, but double the fun for the next three days. So nothing's changed there."

"Yeah. True," she admitted.

Suzanne stood up next to Alan and took his hand. She wagged her finger at the others like a lecturing mother and said, "We might be out late, you two, so don't wait up." She realized it was immature of her to rub in her victory, especially since it was due to pure chance, but she found she couldn't help herself. She sashayed her naked ass in a greatly exaggerated fashion as she walked upstairs with his hand in hers.

She thought as they silently made their way to his room, That was too close! It's time I establish myself more clearly as Sweetie's main lover. Otherwise we're going to have a lot more awkward, ugly scenes like that one.

The other two just have to accept that I'm in charge here. I'm madly in love with him and I NEED him close to me, every day. I've never felt such need, not even from my husband way back when we were in love. Somehow, all the competition makes me want him ten times more than before. Yes, we're all going to fuck in one big orgy, but he needs to think of me as his primary partner, almost as if I was his wife. That's right. It should be just like I was his wife. Me! Mrs. Alan Plummer! Hee-hee!

Okay, calm down. You're acting immature. Irrational even. You're supposed to be the cool, calm, collected femme fatale. Get your act together, girl!

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