6 Times a Day
Chapter 638 Come Down To The Plummer House From Time To Time And Join In The Fun. [DD SPONSORED]

ο»ΏDrunk Dargon Special πŸ‰ [ 7 / 10 ]


Suzanne took Xania's hand. "I've been thinking about you and me lately... these past few days... The truth is, I realize I'm the one to blame for screwing up our friendship. Going all the way back to college, when I stole what's-his-name from you."

"Ugh!" Xania complained, "You don't even remember his name? It was Jeffrey."

"That's water under the bridge. I'm sure I could think of it if I walk down memory lane, but I don't want to go there. That's ancient history. I'm so alive these days! For the first time in a long time, I'm excited to get up in the morning, knowing what the day will bring. Hell, I'm excited all day long, every day. Alan... he's just... he's turned my life around!"

Xania said, "You keep talking about him like he's the greatest thing since sliced bread. What does he do that's so great?"

"To be honest, nothing that special. He's just being himself. It's WHO he is. He's honest, loving, funny, loyal, ... and really kind-hearted. He doesn't get mad at you or put you down or turn on you. It just doesn't happen. What I love most is that I can feel how much he loves me. I mostly credit Susan for raising him so well."

"But I thought you said you were nearly as responsible for raising him as she was?"

Suzanne grinned impishly. "Okay, I gotta credit myself too. But in any case, I was so jaded. I'd given up on true love. I was so rich and beautiful that I'd given up on anyone loving the whole me, including the inner me. Any new person I met, I'd have to assume they were interested in me mainly for surface things, because how could it be otherwise? But then Alan snuck in right under my nose and stole my heart. He loves me for more than just my looks. I know it's true because he loved me with all his heart since he was just a little kid, before he even had a libido." She stared off into space, a loving and dreamy look in her eyes.

Then she snapped back to the here and now, continuing, "Anyway, as you know, it turns out he's also some kind of natural stud, and now everything is getting even more wonderful and more erotic every day. That's made me look at my relationship with you in a whole new light."

"Really? With me? How?"

"I always thought of myself as the 'mature' one and you were the 'irresponsible free spirit.'" She made air quotes twice as she said that.

Xania blinked owlishly. "Well... yeah! That's because it's true. I'm honest enough with myself to say that. Look at you. You've got a husband, two kids, a huge house, and money up the wazoo thanks to your smart decisions and even smarter investments. Meanwhile, I've frittered my life away chasing silly Hollywood dreams that never work out."

Suzanne conceded, "Yeah, well, there is a lot of truth to that, and that's part of the problem. You see, over the years, you tried to stay in contact more than I did. We connected now and then, but I just didn't see how your freewheeling, partying lifestyle could fit in with my suburban family life. But now, most of all, I was thinking about Susan."

"Susan? How does she fit in?"

"She's so much more than my best friend! She means so much to me that I can't even begin to tell you, and that's not even counting the sexual attraction, which I'm very happy to say, is slowly but surely coming to realization!" She squeezed Xania's hand excitedly.

Then she continued, "But anyway, Susan was soooo prudish and straight-laced. I tried to change her, but without success. So instead, on some level, I eventually started to become more that way myself, just to get her approval. I was turning into the stereotypical suburban soccer mom. But subconsciously I was very unhappy about the whole thing. That's not me. Well, it's a part of me - I've especially loved raising my kids - but it's just a part. I'd kind of neutered myself these last few years. The way I let our friendship slowly wither is just an example. I must admit, I was especially concerned about the sexual aspect."

Xania asked, "What does that mean?"

"Well, you're just so... you!" She let go of Xania's hand and waved her arms in the air, as if announcing "Ta-da!" in Xania's direction. "Look at you. Damn, woman, you're fine! You're so beautiful and curvy that it hurts. What's worse is how you remind me of Susan. From the neck down, she and you could be identical twins! For a long time there, I tried as hard as I could to deny my sexual feelings for her, since there seemed no chance in hell that they'd ever be returned. That's why I had to stop having sex with women, especially you, because it just reminded me of her so much. That's the main reason why I finally let contact with you peter out altogether a few years back."

Suzanne grasped Xania's hand again. "But now, everything's changed! With this new scheme, which has to be my greatest ever, I've turned the tables on everything. First, all my dreams and fantasies are coming true with Alan. I'm learning to live and love again, and it feels GREAT!"

She continued, "Second, Susan's going through a major personality change, thanks to my clever scheming. Instead of me ossifying into another boring ol' soccer mom like her, she's becoming like a young version of ME! And the more that happens, the more I can cut loose. Remember when we were in college and how wild we were? How much fun we had? All the non-stop sex?"

Xania smiled in fond memory. "Yeah. In retrospect, those were the greatest days of my life."

Suzanne said fiercely, "No! That's a lie! Because the greatest days are just around the corner for you, just like what's already happening for me. I'm having twice as much fun now as I ever did back then, and even MORE sex! If that's possible!"

Xania laughed. "That's not possible. We were major sluts."

"I know. But come and see what life is like in the Plummer house lately. And it's getting better all the time! What that means is that I don't have to keep you at a distance anymore. I'm really glad that you're helping me with this crazy favor today, but at the same time, I'm hoping this can turn into so much more. I don't want to be the 'responsible one' anymore. And I don't have to be, now that my kids are grown, thanks to the money I've saved. I want more of your wild spirit! And I don't have to fear our sexual relationship. Now that I can sense sexual movement between Susan and me, I won't see you as a Susan substitute anymore. Instead, I can think of you as you, and that you is totally AMAZING! If I were to think of all of the women I've met in my life, who could stand toe to toe with me in some kind of sexual marathon, you're the only one."

Xania smiled widely; she loved the way this discussion was going. Modestly, she said, "I don't know about that. I'm a little bit older and a little bit slower than I used to be. Nowadays I have a lot fewer sexual marathons and a lot more dental-assistant classes. Things are pretty boring lately."

Suzanne waved a hand dismissively. "Bah! So what? We all get older. And why do you want to be a dental assistant anyway?"

"It's not like I want to. Please, don't get me started." Xania sighed sadly.

"Don't you have an undergraduate degree in psychology?"

"Yeah. That, plus a quarter will buy me a piece of bubble gum."

Seeing that Xania was starting to get depressed, Suzanne tried to cheer her up. "Forget about that now. You've still got it, babe! I can tell. You. Look. HOT! Talk about keeping in shape! I'll bet you really could run a marathon!"

Xania couldn't help but boast a little bit. "Maybe I could. I hope all the running around and sweating and exercising I do is good for SOMEthing. But it's not like I have any choice, not if I want to get hired occasionally as an actress, even if only for minor roles here and there. My looks are my main calling card."

Suzanne wrapped an arm around her friend's back. "Yeah, well, whatever the reason, the fact is, you've still got that college spirit, and that college wildness. I can tell from the gleam in your eye. I've basically reached the point in my life where I said 'Screw it! My kids are almost grown and they don't need me holding their hands all the time anymore. Enough with being responsible. It's time I start having some FUN again.' Xania, I want you back in my life in a big way. And I want you back in my BED big time."

Xania moved in closer. "Mmmm... I could go for that. And in a big way too!"

They kissed mouth to mouth, exchanging spit. It was a kiss of two long-lost lovers who greatly missed each other, full of emotion and promise. Since both of them had such extraordinarily long tongues, they enjoyed a lot of playful tongue action.

But Suzanne was eager to say more, so she broke the kiss but kept the close embrace. "There's more. I haven't even gotten to Katherine yet. She means nearly as much to me as Alan or Susan. In fact, if she were the one with a dick instead of Alan, I'm sure I'd be just as moony about falling in love with her. Even as it is, I'm very much in love with her too." She grinned impishly as she said, "Basically, if anyone lives in the Plummer house, I want to fuck them until we're all too weak to walk."

Xania joked, "Damn! I gotta move there, just so I can qualify. But what about Susan's husband?"

"Ron? He doesn't count. It turns out he's gay."

"Oh, really?!"

"Ssssh! Don't be talking about that tomorrow, okay? It's almost a moot point though since he's pretty much never at home anyway. He spends most of the year working and playing around in Asia. I expect Susan to divorce him before long, now that she's got a much better situation. But Alan, Susan, Katherine and I are turning into a totally sexual family! My daughter Amy has gotten into it too, in a big way. But obviously, the one sex hookup that can't happen is the one between me and her, because that really would be real, biological incest."

Suzanne sat back and exclaimed triumphantly, "We're starting a whole new thing! I don't think there's even a name for it yet. A sex family, maybe. It's so much fun and it's so damn HOT! And I want you to be a part of it too!"

"What do you mean?"

Suzanne calmed down a little. "Well, obviously, you have your life here in L.A. But you should get your toe wet, at least. I want to share the wealth, as it were. Come down to the Plummer house from time to time and join in the fun. You'll love it, I promise!"

She stopped and admitted, "I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I? First, you need to get to know Susan, Katherine and Alan tomorrow when they're here with you. I'm sure you'll love them, and probably lust after all of them. How can you not? They're good people. Rock solid, salt-of-the-Earth type people. The kind you'd want to have at your back in a fight, if you know what I mean. As for looks, you already know that Susan's got the face and body of a centerfold. Well, Katherine's just the same, except she's younger and still growing. She's that hot too!"

She went on, "As for Alan, I'd admit he's no Brad Pitt. The Chippendales Dancers aren't going to recruit him anytime soon either, since he's not a muscular hunk, though he does have some muscles. He plays a lot of tennis. But he definitely qualifies as handsome, and he grows on you. And boy, does he grow on you! I'd admit, when I fell in love with him, I didn't have a clue about his sexual potential. He's exceeded all my expectations and then some, and he's still improving. He's turning into a master cocksman, with an impressive weapon and incredible staying power. He'll totally rock your world!"

Xania said, "Hmmm. That's high praise. You know I've had a lot more lovers than you've had, and you're hardly a naΓ―ve virgin. It'll take a lot to impress me, much less truly rock my world."

Suzanne was bursting with pride as she said, "Just you wait and see. You should see how it is down at the Plummer house these days. Between Susan, Amy, Katherine, and me, it seems like one of us always has a hand or mouth on his cock. It's so much fun that we simply can't get enough!"

Xania cuddled in closer. "Enough about him. I'll see for myself later. What about you and me? All the things you told me just now, I must say... I'm so thrilled that I can hardly contain myself! I've been with a lot of women over the years. A LOT. But you and me, we always had that special spark. Every other female lover I've had I've compared to you, and they've all come up wanting. I've truly missed you. And not just as a lover, but as a friend. So, yes, I'll accept your offer to reconnect with open arms. ... and... open legs!"

Suzanne loved the sound of that so much that she not only closed in for another French kiss, she pushed Xania down to the couch in the process. Within seconds, they were madly kissing and ripping off their clothes.

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