6 Times a Day
Chapter 689 Taming Brenda [DD SPONSORED]

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Shortly after lunch, Brenda came over. Susan and Suzanne were in the kitchen cleaning up together, while Amy and Katherine were out.

Suzanne was surprised when she peeked through a front window and saw Brenda standing there. She asked Susan just before Susan opened the door, "What's she doing here? Don't tell me that she's invited herself over again."

Susan replied, "Oh no, not at all. In fact, this was your idea."

"My idea?"

"Don't you remember? On Thursday, you ordered me to start training her in person, to help turn her into an even more ripe and willing fuck toy for Tiger. In particular, you wanted her to be hot to trot in time for the next poker game."

"Oh yeah... I did, didn't I?" Suzanne recalled. She nodded, indicating Susan should open the door.

When the door was opened to reveal Brenda standing there, even Suzanne couldn't help but be impressed all over again. As if she isn't hot to trot enough already! I swear, sometimes I feel like I'm spoiling Sweetie by presenting him with total stunners like Brenda on a silver platter, but other times I worry I'm sending him to an early grave. Death by over-fucking!

After the usual friendly hugs and French kisses all around, Suzanne assumed a stern demeanor. "Okay, enough with the niceties. Brenda, that's a lovely outfit you're wearing. I want you to take it off and hand it to me right now."

Brenda stared at Suzanne in disbelief as her heart started to thump wildly. "What?! Right here? Right now?!"

"You heard me." Suzanne imperiously snapped her fingers.

Brenda looked to Susan, who gave her a "there's no opposing Suzanne"-type shrug. Brenda shuddered lustily and started to blush as she began to strip.

Suzanne stared at Brenda with critical disdain until Brenda was buck naked and had handed over all her clothes. She knew enough from her many talks with Susan to keep her high heels on.

Suzanne then instructed Brenda and Susan, "You two should go down to the basement for your training session. That way, you won't disturb Sweetie during his 'lazing around the house' time."

Brenda's heart practically thumped right out of her chest when she heard that. "You mean... Alan is home?! Right now?!"

"He is."

Brenda felt an overwhelming urge to cover her nude body. But she bravely kept her hands at her sides. She had to clench her hands into fists to keep them restrained though.

Suzanne added, "That said, chances are you won't get to see him today. So don't get your hopes up."

Surprisingly, that didn't disappoint Brenda much. At least there was some chance.

At the last minute, Suzanne decided out loud, "I'd better go there too, at least for a little while. I'd like to make sure you two are actually productive."

As they walked to the basement, Brenda asked, "How would you define productive?"

Suzanne replied, "Well, most of all, I'd like to see you get really good at sucking cock. I seem to recall when we talked on Thursday that I suggested you practice your sucking some more on whatever phallic objects you want to use, then swap tips with us. Now you have your exact replica of his cock, so that should help you."

Brenda said happily. "I've been practicing on it already, until my jaw gets so sore that I just can't take it anymore. My big goal is to be chosen as one of his personal cocksuckers someday."

Suzanne nodded. "Good. Don't overdo it, mind you. Listen to your body, and when it says stop, then stop."

Brenda nodded back obediently,

Suzanne resumed, "But getting back to the word 'productive,' I define it by what DOESN'T happen. I don't want to see you two just sitting around and trading stories and fantasies, getting yourselves all hot and bothered."

She glared with determination, showing she expected to be obeyed. "I know that's fun, but how is that going to make you better able to serve and submit to the young man you like to think of as your future master? You can't just THINK about it; you also have to DO it."

Brenda just nodded at that.

Suzanne was surprised at the rather muted response. Taking a closer look, she realized Brenda was glum, although she was trying to hide it.

Susan noticed that too. "What's wrong? Suzanne just used the big 'M' word. Doesn't that send thrills all through your body? I know it does for me."

Brenda said as she stared off into space, "Yeah."

"And don't you both love and hate the way Suzanne just made you take all your clothes off in such a humiliating fashion? Isn't your heart racing?"

"Yes, of course. But... my strong reaction; that's the problem. I'm still bothered by the same issues we talked about last time. A part of me gets so excited that my heart skips a beat and I have to gasp for air. But at the same time, I feel this heavy gloom. A sense of foreboding. What if I'm making the wrong choice? Should I turn back and live a normal life? Is it even too late to turn back? Am I some kind of submissive freak? What about my son? Could I balance my responsibility to raise him right with whatever might happen if I fully give in to my sexual desires?"

She sat nakedly on a sofa in the largest room in the basement, then continued, "But then again, what's holding me back? Most of the time Adrian is off doing his own thing with homework and school and whatever, and I have my maid Anika practically raising him without me in any case. I have no need to work and I'm practically bored out of my mind. Why NOT have some 'me time' and replace out what I'm missing?"

Sitting next to her, Susan patted her knee encouragingly. "That's the spirit!"

But Brenda continued to look away, as if she was talking to herself. "This... this great craving to serve... it's irresistible, it seems. But then again... what if I'm not good enough? I know I'm beautiful and busty, but the competition is sky high. You all have that too, plus he really knows you and loves you. What if I give my heart to Alan and he's just... 'Enh. Brenda, she's okay. I'll fuck her every now and then, but that's it.' I would be crushed! Yet, I don't want to push my way into the middle of things, and try to force myself on him."

Wringing her hands, she concluded, "I just don't know. Everything seems up in the air. So many things can go wrong. I'm afraid to make a leap into the unknown. There's no going back, is there?!"

Again, Susan patted her. "Don't worry! It's going to all work out. I know it is. Tiger has plenty of personal cocksuckers, and he has distinct, great relationships with each of us. I'm sure he can handle one more. Besides, that's why we're here today. We're going to train you to be such a perfect cock pleaser that Tiger will have no choice but to want you back slurping all over his crotch again and again!"

"Thanks," Brenda replied. "I'm sure you're right. I just worry too much." But her expression didn't match her words.

Suzanne sat with them for a little while. She kept her clothes on, and made sure that Susan did too, to help heighten Brenda's submissive feelings. She encouraged Brenda to be optimistic. She shared some of her most effective cocksucking techniques, to boost Brenda's confidence in that area. After that, she went upstairs and picked out an Alan-sized dildo, then handed it to Brenda and left for her own home. (She didn't select Susan's personal vibrator that was an exact copy of Alan's penis in part because she didn't know where Susan kept it, but also because she figured Susan might not want to share it.)

Susan didn't directly participate much, but she did give occasional suggestions and lots of encouragement while a naked Brenda practiced on the dildo.

A half hour later, Suzanne came back to see how things were going. She soon discovered the results were both good and bad. The good was that Brenda was smarter than she looked and she learned fast. In just a half an hour, there was obvious improvement in how well she licked and sucked the dildo she'd been given. But the bad was that Brenda still seemed sad and uncertain. And even with the usual jubilant non-stop talk from Susan about pleasuring Alan's erection, Brenda was only partially aroused at best.

Suzanne thought while she watched, This sucks. The thing is, if I were in Brenda's shoes, I'd probably be feeling the same way. She's taking a huge leap into the unknown with people she's only just beginning to really be close friends with. And the kid she's put on a pedestal and is risking everything for is someone she knows even less.

To be honest, she's hardly done anything with him sexually yet, so he's a huge unknown she's putting all of her hopes, dreams, and fantasies into. Outside of a few get-togethers, all she ever does is talk on the phone with Susan and hear about all the fun things Susan is doing. If I were her, I'd probably be at the end of my rope too.

It's command decision time. I need to do something to fix this. It's time to get rid of her wavering. She knows all about our incestuous secrets, so we have no choice but to lock her into a life of sexually serving and submitting to my studly lovable Sweetie. And I know just the thing to get to her to commit and feel a whole lot better about everything!

The two MILFs hadn't noticed Suzanne come in, but now she announced herself by coughing. Then she said, "Hey there. How's it going?"

Susan said, "Okay, I guess. Brenda's getting better. I've been teaching her lots of my tricks. And you can see her stamina is improving by leaps and bounds by the fact that she's still suicking away. But she's just not putting her heart and soul into it, you know?"

"Yeah, I noticed," Suzanne said. "Brenda, we have extremely high standards around here when it comes to cocksucking. Attitude is at least half of it."

Brenda had still been sucking on the dildo, but she pulled it out and said sadly, "I know, I know! But the pressure is getting to me, and so I doubt myself, and that creates a vicious cycle. I still haven't EVER sucked him, and when I get my big chance, I just know I'm going to blow it!"

Suzanne couldn't help but say with a smirk, "So to speak." Seeing that Brenda wasn't in the mood to laugh, she quickly walked up to her, grabbed her chin rather firmly, and stared intently into her eyes. "Brenda, listen to me."

Brenda was suddenly wide-eyed and all ears.

"Do you trust me?"

Brenda nodded as much as she could, considering the way her chin was being held.

"Then believe me when I say that you'll be sucking Alan's cock SOON. When you've got his cock inside you, whether it be in your mouth and down your throat, nestled in your massive tits, or between your wide-open thighs, he is everything in the world to you. That's how it is for Susan and how it is for me, and if you want him to be your master, that's how it's going to have to be for you."

Brenda nodded with determination.

"I don't know how long it will be before that happens, but it could happen as soon as a few hours from now! The one thing that I can promise you is that it's going to happen soon, very soon. And when it does, you need to be ready. Ready to suck, ready to serve, and most importantly, ready to submit to your future lord and master with everything you've got. Can you handle that?"

"I... I'll try!" Brenda's nipples and pussy tingled at Suzanne's use of the phrase "lord and master." That never failed to get a big reaction from her.

"Trying isn't good enough. Close your eyes." As soon as Brenda did so, Suzanne let go of her chin and said, "Now, imagine I'm Alan." She snatched the dildo from Brenda's hand and began teasingly rubbing it around Brenda's lips without giving her a chance to cram it into her mouth. Since Brenda was kneeling, Suzanne held the dildo right in front of her crotch, just like it was a strap-on.

Suzanne glanced over at Susan and tried to think. She wanted to get Brenda really hot and bothered so she'd be able to overcome her insecurities, but when Suzanne walked into the room, Susan had already been saying very encouraging things without much success. Suzanne knew she had to come up with something different, and fast.

She decided that the problem was that Susan had been treating the dildo like a dildo, and not like Alan was actually in the room and that it was his erect dick. So she spoke in her best imitation of Alan's voice. "Brenda, this is Alan. Suzanne and Susan are gone, and it's just you and me. Do you understand?"

Brenda briefly opened her eyes. The voice sounded so much like Alan's that she rather irrationally felt the urge to check to make sure that it really was Suzanne and not him. Only a slight scratchiness gave away that it was Suzanne.

Suzanne growled in her normal voice, "Don't look at me! That'll ruin the effect. Close your damn eyes."

"Sorry." Brenda shut her eyes tightly and vowed to herself to do better.

Suzanne continued in her imitation of Alan's voice, "Like I was saying, it's just you and me." She resumed running the dildo around Brenda's lips. "Brenda, I'll admit, I'm nervous. I mean, the time has finally come where I get to stick my dick in your mouth. But you're so beautiful and busty! What if I blow it and cum too soon? I don't know if I can handle it, so I'm just gonna start slow, okay?"

Brenda nodded. She hadn't even thought of the possibility that he could be nervous too, and even though she didn't really believe that was possible (since she put him on such a high pedestal), it helped her nerves. She also liked the idea of going slowly.

Over the next few minutes, Suzanne had Brenda merely lick the dildo. Brenda did such a good job at that task that Suzanne eventually allowed her to take it all the way into her mouth. Suzanne also had Brenda finger her own pussy, something that she hadn't been doing previously. At the same time, the clever redhead cooed sweet nothings and encouragements in her best mimicry of Alan's voice.

The change in Brenda's attitude was remarkable. By the time she got busy bobbing on the shaft, not only did she really feel it was Alan talking to her, she was practically convinced that the plastic dildo was his fleshy erection. With her doubts gone, she sucked and licked with gusto.

However, Suzanne had other things to do, so her goal was to get Susan to take over. She looked over to her best friend and saw that Susan had her eyes closed and was busy masturbating too. She snickered. Typical. She's listening to all my words and pretending she's the one sucking Sweetie. Cute. I almost hate having to interrupt her.

Suzanne said out loud, still mimicking Alan's voice, "Hey! Look who's here. It's Mom! Hi, Mom!"

Both Susan and Brenda opened their eyes upon hearing that. Brenda looked down and was surprised to see that she was holding and sucking a mere plastic dildo. But she was so into it that she didn't even slow down with her vigorous bobbing.

Susan was a bit slow to come out of her reverie enough to respond. She was still fully clothed, since Suzanne had explicitly told her to keep her clothes on, but she'd been playing with her nipples through the fabric. Eventually, she muttered "Hi, Son."

Suzanne asked Susan while still pretending to be Alan, "So what do you think of this one? I'm thinking of making her one of my personal cocksuckers. Do you think she's worthy?"

Susan didn't have to fake her feelings. "Oh, VERY worthy! Son, just look at her go! She's bobbing and slurping and sucking on your fat cock like her life depends on it! Is she using lots of tongue?"


Getting more into it, Susan said, "Tiger, would you like to fuck her tits? I'm not happy that they're even bigger than mine, but you're the man of the house now. Even though I'm your mommy, I'm also just one of your many sex pets, so it's not like I can tell you what to do."

Suzanne responded again in her Alan voice, "Definitely!"

Susan panted, "Well then, what are you waiting for? Feel 'em up like you own them, because you DO! From now on, Brenda belongs to you!"

"Oh, so that's what her name is." Suzanne had to hold the dildo with one hand, but she used her other hand to lightly brush here and there all over Brenda's heaving globes.

The feather-like touch was even more tantalizing for Brenda than if Suzanne had been more grabby, and she got off on the pretense that Alan hadn't bothered to learn her name yet. She responded by sucking on the dildo like her life really did depend on it.

They continued in that vein for some time. Eventually, Suzanne was able to hand over to Susan the role of playing Alan. Suzanne knew that Susan couldn't vocally imitate him as well, but by this point Brenda was so far gone into her lust that it didn't matter.

Suzanne mentally patted herself on the back as she left the room. And that, folks, is how you do it! Hee-hee-hee!

She went upstairs to do some financial research on Susan's computer in the den, leaving the rest of the training session in Susan's capable hands.

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