6 Times a Day
Chapter 701 Humbling Heather? [’Someone’ Sponsored]

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Eventually, the conversation wound down again. Suzanne used that as an opportunity to say, "I've noticed you've talked about nearly all your lovers, but there's one you've failed to mention: Heather."

"Uh-oh," Alan said. He'd known this was coming, but he was still dreading it.

"I know, I know. But it's gotta be dealt with. You've brought her up a couple of times recently, but unfortunately those times were inappropriate for a serious conversation on the subject."

He said in a droll voice, "Hmmm... Could it be we were preoccupied with other things?"

She snickered. "You think? Seems like this is the first time in ages that I've had a conversation with you without playing with your cock. And that's only because you have to drive." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, although she was only kidding.

He groaned. "I swear, you're gonna kill me."

"Anyway... Heather. The plan there is that her interest in you should burn out before too long. Then Angel and Amy won't be so pissed off, and all of us won't need to worry about her giving you a sexual disease, or about her general bitchiness and treachery. How's that coming along?"

"Not very good," he admitted. "For one thing, her interest in me shows no sign of flagging."

Suzanne glanced over at him quizzically while she drove. "And you? What about your interest in her?"

"Unfortunately, I can't seem to lose interest in her either."

Suzanne still kept glancing at him as much as she could, trying to gauge his non-verbal reaction as well as listen to his verbal one. "Why not? Part of my thinking with the 'she'll be a passing phase' plan was that things would heat up at home. For instance, what you and I did today. And I can't help but toot my own horn in saying that your home hotties are doing just about everything humanly possible to keep you sexually satisfied. And none of us are exactly chopped liver, either. In fact, your mom, myself, your sister, and Amy - we're all the stuff of erotic fantasies. Again, I'm not trying to toot my own horn."

"Toot away," he said, "because it's true. Hot damn, it's true! I really think I have to be the luckiest guy on Earth."

She nodded. "That's true. And that's not even counting Ms. Rhymer and a couple others you're having sex with, like Kim and your nurse. So naturally, I figured that with all that competition, Heather would lose her appeal, mostly because of her personality."

"You'd think. I thought that too."

Before he could say more, she asked, "You told me recently that you've been having sex with her at school somehow. Is that really true, or was that just something sexy to say to get Susan all hot and bothered?"

"No, it's true." He chuckled as he added, "Heck, you know how Mom is; there's no need to say anything special to get her super horny."

Suzanne chuckled also. "Too true."

Then she returned to the topic. "Tell me about this sex-at-school thing. I have to admit that I've been very neglectful in not following up more on the school front in general, and your relationship with Heather in particular. You could get in serious trouble playing around in school, you know. And Heather? Everything about her spells danger."

"I know, I know! But that's the thing. I think that's why she still has this curiously strong appeal for me, when by all rights I should be totally satiated and satisfied, sexually and otherwise. But it's her very bitchiness that's driving everything, as weird as that sounds. She's so bold and fearless that you wouldn't believe it. She's capable of anything, and that's exhilarating."

He grinned as he imagined Heather sitting on Glory's desk. In his fantasy, she pulled her miniskirt up to expose her pussy, no doubt to get him to fuck her right on the desk. Hot damn! So sexy! And she'd do it too, maybe even with Glory right there!

He continued, "It brings out a whole different side of me. I call that 'Bad Alan.' She unleashes my inner asshole, if you will. And when I get really pissed off and call her nasty names and stuff, well, the sex gets seriously intense. I'm kind of hooked on it, to tell you the truth, and unfortunately, she is too."

"Oh dear. I hadn't anticipated that at all. Tell me more. Tell me everything."

So Alan proceeded to tell her about his encounters with Heather. He described each time that Suzanne wasn't already aware of, going into great detail. This might have gotten them both quite aroused, since so much of it was details of some very hot sexual adventures, but they were both so wiped out from their fuck-fest that, for the moment, they could talk of such things without getting highly aroused to the point of distraction.

Eventually he ended the survey of his recent history with Heather, bringing Suzanne up to date. He didn't leave anything out, because he knew that she needed all the details if she were to replace a way to solve the problem.

Suzanne had remained quiet throughout, with her eyes on the highway, only asking a question here and there. Once he finished she said, "Hrm. I see. I'm beginning to understand her special appeal. It's not just that she's a busty babe."

"No. Not at all," he admitted. "As hot as she is, you're hotter. Mom's hotter. Et cetera. Your plan did make sense. The thrill of fucking the head cheerleader should have worn off by now, and likewise she should have tired of me too. But we have this weird psychological thing going on. I don't know what it is, but I do something for her that no one else has ever done. It fills some sort of need. And ditto the other way around."

He continued, "In fact, I know this sounds silly, but having such a great sex life is really stressful. I know it's all awesome; everything goes from peak to higher peak. But the sheer emotional intensity of all that peaking wears me down. And I have to be 'on' all the time, for whoever I'm with. I have to be charming and diplomatic and clever, rolling with the punches but watching what I say. Not complimenting you in a way that Mom will take offense at, and so on. Managing such a complicated love life is actually way more difficult than I'd ever imagined. So I get stressed and tired. Physically and mentally. And then..."

Suzanne said for him, "Heather."

"Right. Heather. I let it all hang out. I say all the politically incorrect stuff, angry stuff. I do whatever the hell I want. I grab her by her ponytail and make her friggin' choke on my cock if I feel like it. Whatever I wanna do, I do it. And the weird thing is, it works. It gets her off, big time, and it gets me off, big time. I know it's sex, but it's also some kind of weird mental therapy or something. Does that sound stupid?"

Suzanne furrowed her brow. "Actually, no. I get it. Admittedly, it's weird, but I see how it could work. And that puts me in a bind, because I don't want to take away the strangely effective sex-therapy thing you've got going with her. But at the same time, she's still Heather. She's toxic, and dangerous to your whole family. You HAVE to break it off with her sooner or later. If nothing else, there's the sexual disease factor. You're putting all of us in danger!"

He grimaced. "Oh man, don't remind me. I hate that. Although I have been getting better at using a condom with her."

"That's good, but it's not enough. Condoms are not foolproof. Good God! What if you got her pregnant? Can you imagine how she could ruin your life?"

He pointed out, "She's got like three different kinds of protection going on."

"Even so. There's always a tiny chance. And some STDs can spread even with condoms. No, you've gotta break it off with her sooner or later."

"I agree. But can it be later? Please? I need this right now. I know I'm being way greedy, wanting to have sex with yet another beautiful girl, but it's helping to keep me sane and grounded somehow. And I honestly think it's helping her somehow too, although I can't even begin to explain how or why. She's so stuck-up and full of herself. Thanks to the advice you gave me, I've been able to stay one step ahead of her, so I keep getting the better of her. That's never happened to her before, I think. It's humbling for her. And if there's one thing Heather needs, it's to be really humbled."

Suzanne said frankly, "I don't care about her, Sweetie; I care about you. And don't remind me that I helped get you into this mess with my 'good advice.' Can't you just break it off?"

"To be honest? No. Even if I wanted to, I can't. As she likes to say, she's 'Heather fucking Morgan.' It's like she's sunk her claws into me. I need to extricate myself slowly and carefully, or I'll get torn to pieces. She's VERY vindictive and vengeful. She could go totally ballistic. In fact, I think the only way to do it is have her think it's her idea to break things off."

Suzanne pondered that. "Hmmm. Yeah, I see what you mean. This is not good. It's not a disaster, but it's not good. I guess we'll all have to tolerate you and Heather for a while longer. I'll explain things to the girls and Susan. Do what you can to reach an endgame though, okay? This can't go on forever."

"Okay. I'll try. I think that as life goes on and I get used to all the other wild sexual weirdness in my life, I won't need to unleash my 'Bad Alan' as much anymore. So that'll help."

Suzanne asked, "Do you think you could do your 'Bad Alan' thing with someone else?"

"No way! I love you all too much. I could never call you names. Never, ever, ever! And if I somehow did, I'd go flaccid in about two seconds flat. Maybe someone else could, but I can't have angry sex with someone I love. Heck, I don't think I could even do it with someone I don't feel strongly about, like Kim. It has to be someone I'm really, truly pissed off at. And I have no shortage of that kind of feeling with Heather. She pisses me off immensely, constantly."

Suzanne nodded. She stared ahead into traffic as she pondered what that meant. I think I'll have to run into Heather's mother Helen again, sometime soon. I did get her phone number last time, so I wouldn't even have to fake a chance meeting. I've been dropping the ball on the Heather situation, big time, and it's time I get back in the game. I hate to admit it, but I'm almost as bad as Susan nowadays. It's like I'm in some kind of sex fog half the time, and I'm just generally drunk on love for my Sweetie. I've lost my scheming edge. But with Heather there's no room for mistakes. Maybe if I befriend Helen further, I can gain a better psychological understanding of Heather that'll help Sweetie change the situation.

Suzanne and Alan talked about other things for the rest of the drive home. She parked in front of her house, then joked as she got out of the car, "Look at me trying to walk. I look like I've been riding a horse all day. And to be honest, that's pretty close, my horse-hung Sweetie. I'm going to have to hide out in my own house for a while, or your mother will guess what we've been doing. And if by some odd chance my husband or son is around and sees me walking, I'll have to pretend I'm ill."

He saw that she was right: when she got out of the car, she walked slightly bow-legged, just as if she'd been on a horse for hours. She could almost still feel Alan's penis filling her deep inside as she shuffled along.

Alan walked her to her front door. They both wanted to share an intimate goodbye kiss, signifying their new level of intimacy, but the risk was too great. There was no telling who might be watching; for all they knew maybe even Suzanne's husband or son could see them.

Instead, Suzanne held Alan's hand and gave him a look so intense it nearly bowled him over. She was trying to convey love and affection, but it came out as more of a smoldering, "fuck me hard right here on my front lawn," sexy look than anything else. That was typical of Suzanne; she radiated sex without even trying, so much that she was almost unable to turn it off on the rare times that she needed to do so.

They left without parting words because no words could begin to express the feelings that they had for each other at that moment.

So Alan just walked next door, to his own home, and went inside.

His thoughts turned to Susan. He grinned as he considered her likely enthusiastic greeting when he returned home.

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