A Fallen Knight-Lost art of Necromancy
Chapter 104: A trip to Hui Island

Desella instantly went to her room to pack everything up. She actually felt happy while thinking about not seeing that bitch face every day.

"Finally some days of relief"

Knock Knock!

"Who is there?"

"It's me. Severus. May I enter?"

Desella went to the door as she lightly pushed it inwards and giggled when she saw him standing outside. "Of course. Come" She welcomed him. Severus however didn't sit and just stood there, observing everything.

"It seems like you are done with packing"

Desella nodded her head in acknowledgment. Her happiness was radiating as her eyes were curved like a crescent moon. Severus sighed when he saw how much overjoyed she was. "Desella!"

Desella started at him through her big watery eyes as she replied in confusion" Yes?"

"We aren't going there for a picnic. It is a mission that is dangerous. I don't know what threat may befall on you or me. I just hope you are prepared and one more thing. If you continue laughing like a fool then Melanie surely would suspect our plan. Do you want this to happen?" Severus narrowed his eyes as he asked her.

Her smile stiffened and she finally suppressed her joy in her heart.

"Let's leave. We need to inform Melanie about it too."

She sighed as she pouted.

"Come on Della"

Severus just yanked her when he saw how moody she was behaving and in no time they were standing in front of her room.

"Knock Desella"

Desella was still pouting as she sulked. "Why should I?"

Severus didn't want to bicker with her but it seems this was not an option. He raised his hands in the air in a pose as he was going to knock but stopped in the middle and stared at Desella." Do you really want me to knock on her door?"

Indeed. Severus guess was right. As soon as he finished his sentence Desella had already knocked on the door thrice.

Severus "...."

Desella just turned away with an upset expression while Severus just chuckled internally.

"Who is it? Flera go and check out"

"Yes miss Song"

The maid named Flera instantly jumped on her toes and opened the door slightly to check who was it. Since Desella had turned away, Flera only saw Severus standing outside. She was alarmed on seeing Severus as she asked him his purpose.

"Yes, Mister?" She asked politely.

Severus' facial expressions turned placid and he replied. "I am here to pay a visit to the Crown prince fiance, Miss Song. Is she free?"

Flera was confused. Although her Miss had never entertained any other guy except Crown prince and that lousy knight Severus but her keen observational skills noticed that her miss seems to have a nice relationship with him, despite him being a stranger.

She forced a smile as she askes, "May I reply to you in a minute, mister?"


The maid scurried away and closed the door on Severus' face.

Severus "....."

Desella "....."

Inside the room.

"Who was at the door Flera?" Melanie who was stretched on her couch in a relaxing position asked lazily.

Flera bent on her one knee as she answered. "Miss Song, Mister Severus is standing outside your door. He is asking for a visit."

Melanie who was lazying earlier sat up in shock.

"What did you say?"

"Who is standing outside?"

A high pitched voice screamed.

"You fool, and you left him waiting outside."

Flera wanted to refute and warn Melanie about her robes but she lacked the courage. To salvage the situation she just stared at Melanie's chest. When Melanie saw that Flera was staring straight at her chest, she felt uncomfortable and soon she became aware of her so-called lady-like position and her sultry robes.

She calmed down as she swiftly gave orders one after another.

"Glen, prepare the dress"

"Sere, do my hair"

"Rest of you provide them assistance"

In just five minutes she was ready. Her maid's ability was commendable. They worked so swift and in sync. Melanie looked herself at the mirror and sighed in satisfaction.

"Aren't I pretty?"

She asked one of the narcissist question ever existed in history. Of course, her maid replied a big yes in unison. Who was stupid enough to deny it.

Like an idiot noble princess, she was satisfied with the answer. In an elegant pose, she sat on the couch and started eating the grapes. "Go, call him inside"

Flera knew it was a special order for her so she greeted her toes and instantly brought Severus inside.

As the footsteps approached closer, the grin on the face of Melanie was widening but as soon as she turned around her big smile dropped. Her face turned darker than the bottom of the kettle. What else could be the reason if not Desella? It took her great efforts to maintain a decent smile on her face and a lot of self-control to not punch Desella on her face.

Severus bowed in courtesy and Desellla followed the suit. "Good morning, Miss song"

Her voice which was filled with rage finally came out from her mouth as she hissed. "Good morning, Mister Severus"

"Morning Miss Dong", It was Desella who greeted her but like always her greetings were ignored. Melanie treated her like air.

"May I know the reasons for your visit Mister Severus"

"Ah, Miss. We are here to inform you that we both are going on a trip to Hui island"

Desella smile totally slipped from her face and an alarmed expression adorned it.


"I just said we are going there for a vacation" Severus replied without any emotion.

"I mean why so suddenly?"

Severus narrowed his eyes as he cross-questioned. "I don't think I need reasons to go for a vacation or even need anyone's permission. Do I miss Song?"

What Severus said was right. Logically they had captured Severus and Desella inside their palace. However, since Severus didn't raise any opposition they thought that he didn't mind it but now it looked like he had seen through their tricks.

This time Melanie too replied seriously. "I am afraid I can't let you go, mister Severus. You know I need to inform Crown Prince Maverick about it and need permission from him to allow you to leave this castle. I hope mister Severus can understand the protocols"

Severus smirked when he heard her.

"Protocols you say, Miss Song."


Severus started laughing however it was a dark chuckle. A devilish grin appeared on his face as his silver locks fell on his handsome face.

"Let's see who can stop me"

Severus yanked Desella and left Melanie's room in large strides as he just banged the door hard.


The voice of the dor reverberated inside the room for a second but it reverberated inside Melanie's mind for a good time. Her tiny heart shattered completely. Although she was aware that Severus was behaving the way like Severus, the priest. The amnesic personality that he had developed but despite the knowledge about the current scenario, she felt bad. She felt like Severus was going far, very far from her. A fear that she never experienced gripped her heart tightly snd for some reason she felt difficulty in breathing. She didn't know why but she felt sad and heartbroken. The strange thing was that she didn't experience this feeling even when Severus died but now.....it was strange for her.

Maybe she never felt lost and scared about Severus was because she had faithful hope that one day he would come back but Melanie's heart didn't accept this truth. A heart that was occupying greed can never feel what true love is.

The maids surrounding Melanie panicked when they saw her behaving so strangely. They all supported her and brought her back to the couch as they served water to her. Melanie was feeling low all over herself self so she let the maid do everything for her and after she regained some strength, she ordered everyone to leave her.

Although feeling reluctant, everyone left the room since they can't refuse her orders or else it would be the straight death penalty. After everyone left the room Melanie picked up a vase and smashed it on the ground with her all might. She threw everything which was within her grasp. The curtains fell from its books. All the glass pottery and brittle scluputures met their end. She messes her entire room as she screamed non-stop. It was already a blessing that her room was soundproof or else everyone in the palace would hear her screams. She creamed and shouted so loudly as if a demon has passed her. Her beautiful face was now turned into a manic. She was looking like a psycho doll. Cute yet scary.

"Why you do this Severus?"



"You know how much I love you still you dare eye another girl. Ha!"

"In your previous life, I killed every girl that had a crush on you and gauzed everyone's eye that had ill intentions towards you. I just can't withstand seeing you standing, shoulder to shoulder level with anyone."


"I did everything for you and event crossed my limit so that we can live together but what did I get in return? An amnesia Severus flirting with a strange and hideous looking girl. How dare you, Severus? How the heck you changed so much? You were not like this Severus. Where is my original Severus?"


"Where is my Savy?"

"Where is the man who adored me and loved me to no extent. Where is the man who would pluck even stars if I asked him to do. Just where is the Savy who prepared a garden which had flowers that bloomed the entire year? All these things were done for me. Only for me. Where are you?"

Melanie sobbed hard. It was her first time crying so hard.


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