A Fallen Knight-Lost art of Necromancy
Chapter 111: Do not buy this Chapter----it's same as previous

As Severus was contemplating from the corner of his eyes that the old man who has quited down was staring randomly toward the sea.

"Is anything the matter?"

Severus was confused. Although sunset was beautiful but Severus was sure that this man had seen several sunsets like this in his lifetime.

The old man gazed at horizon. " Girls are just like waves. gentle and refreshing however, a sea had several waves. One after another hits the sea and merges with water. I bet you will feet certain waves in your life but you should only accept the wave which takes you with itself. The one which not only touch your body but also your soul. Be prepared Severus, in this journey you are bound to loose a lot and it totally depends on you what you want to protect. I hope whatever you loose or whatever you gains, you can replace happiness in it"

The old man finished saying. Severus felt like something was strange with his words but somehow he wasn't able to point finger on it. He felt like it was the last words of him and this thought scared him. Just like the old man ,Severus too was staring at horizon. He heard the sounds of bell and gush of wind stroked his face. As he turned he was shocked. The old man who was sitting earlier disaaapeared in thin air. He instantly stood up on his feet as he turned around and searched for the old man but he found nothing. Not even a trace of him. It was ad if everything was in his imagination. He pinched his thigh and Instantly shreiked in pain. The pain told him that whatever he saw earlier was not a dream. He actually met the old man and even talked with him.

Severus sat down on his bench again as he thought about everything they both conversed. Itcetra, noworry, Hui Island, Melanie.

Whatever that old man said was it true ?

Can I really believe him?

What if it was not the case and he is duping me in one of his traps?


Severus had various doubts in his mind?

Oh damn, what I am supposed to do now?

Severus scratched his head in confusion.

Severus who was completely immersed in his thoughts didn't noticed when a black bird quietly perched on his shoulder.

Noworry saw Severus in deep thought. He tried reading Severus thoughts with his psychic but all he saw confusion when he tried too. He later gave up on it and resumed to his fate to ask from Severus. When he saw that Severus didn't noticed his presence he lightly slapped Severus in his face with his wings.

Severus was Slapped Instantly came to present .

[Hey punk! What happened? You look like you are in deep trouble?]

Severus was now used with noworrry antics thus he wasn't angry at him for slap. He casually laid on his bench as he ratted the entire discussion with the old man to noworry. As Severus was explaning, Noworry expression started changing. In the last he was left stunned.

[Is this for real?]

Severus nodded his head.


[ And you didn't bothered calling me?]


Severus himself was shocked to core when he saw the old man. Later one thing led to another and their discussion took a intresting turn making him forget about everything. Severus was embarrassed. From the corner of his eyes noworry was Desella coming towards them.

[ Are we going to tell her?]

Severus instantly shook his head in denial. He himself wasn't clear with anything thus .


The old man whispered her name as f chanting an old spell.

Severus was astonished. He never expected the name Melanie to come out from the old man. Severus gazed at the old man. His gaze was full of doubt ad uncertainty.

"Ah! Boy, don't eye me like that. Isn't Melanie the same as this Hui Island? Beautiful and serene. Simple and peaceful"

If this conversation would have been done in his previous life then Severus would have nodded his head in approval but now he was not sure about it. Melanie was indeed beautiful and simple but he was not sure about her being serene and peaceful. This topic was a hot potatao for him hus he did the best he could do.

He didn't replied.

The old man waited for his reply but sensing that Severus was in no mood to reply the man started chuckling.


"So you really did moved on. I am impressed. You have good friends and they are changing you for good Severus"

"I feel same too old monk"

"Now I am relieved. Since you have moved on now it's time for me to tell you the secret that is fate asked me to tell you. Severus do you know for what Hui Island is famous for?"

Severus was unaware of Rivera subsidiaries. In reality, the king had never told him about anything that belonged outside to Rivera, so he was clueless. He shook his head in denial.

The old man sighed like he predicted this outcome.

"My guess is that you know nothing about anything. Let's start with the basics then but let me remind you. In the future you will face difficulties, doubts, and questions which only you can replace. You can't depend on anyone else but on you to replace the answers and clear your doubts. I knew you were reincarnated and the fact that you are real Severus because someone from the royal family told me. I had good relations with your mother and was also master of your mother so you too can call me as master Jin. Things happened Severus when you were small and ultimately you landed on the hands of taht demon King. We all were shocked when he did't killed you. I still don't know for what reasons that Marcqusi left you alive but who cares unless you are alive. You gre under his assistance and lived a simple life. Later in your youth, agains things happened but this time you died. Strangely enough you got reinacarnated as we predicted. Though that was not sure wether this spell would work or not but I ma happy that the spell worked."

An aged smile appeared on his face and he looked like an ordinary old man. He continued. " You would not believe but the last time I met you, it was not a coincidence. The man was teh one who told me about you and yout tiny sneak with taht heavenly bird. I wanted to curse you for sneaking inside the chamber. You could have died then and there if not for taht heavnely bird protecting you. You are indeed lucky punk. I saved you that time but I wanted to test you that's why I asked you to drink that poisonous soup. To tell you the truth I am teh descendent of the protector who guards teh book Ophelious. It is our duty to guard it from everyone and never let anyone have knowledge of it but teh day you died smething mysterious happned. The day you died teh book Ophelios disssapered too. No one knows where it disappeared and no one except Hades can replace it but he can't interfere in this. WE rae still unaware of teh reasons it disappeared. To teh dismay we can conclude that the book is alive now. May be it is present in this world or in any other dimension but we need to replace it before he can"

The old man jin stopped abruptly. A tinge of fear radaiating in his eyes.

"No matter what, we need to replace taht book before him to protect teh world from collapse. You can't even imagine teh calamity that teh world will follow if he discovered teh book again before us. Since we were it's guardians so I tried everything to locate teh location of the book. I tried whatever I could and at last I finally found something. After joining my soul with teh book, I convered with it and asked for it's location but the only word teh book repled to me was…..'Severus'."

A complete silence .

A bloody chill ran down on Severu spine when he heard teh story.

"But what do you mean it called my name? This….are you kidding me mastere? I don't have any special poers. Every alternative day I am colliding with either a cursed book or a ghost. This life is making me insane. Please be clear with em Mater Jin"

Severus stared everything neatly. He was tired with all this spriling curses and ghosts..

The old man understood what Severus was going through. After thinking for a bit he sighed. " Severus I really don't want to burden you with anything bor I can. I am just giving you a heads up. It's just your destiny. You can call it as fortune telling. Before leaving I want to tell you that you have successfully digested one of the greatest and lethal medicines a human can, Itcetera.

This medicine is made by cruel ingredients but you don't need to feel sad about it because I didn't made it. I just bargained 1000 year ole medicine. You can call it as a rare treasure and be proud f yourself to be able to digest it without dying from it's poison. This will help you to slow down your after effects of your curse and will help you to increase the magic in your boold so you can efficiently fight with teh creatures of dark. Coming to this point, Hui Island is teh hub of medicines. Alchemy is the sole market of this land and you will be amazed to know that you can replace rarest of the rarest medicines here, even for your pet"

As soon as the man finished Severus stared at him with a knowing look. He wasn't sure what the old man was upto. Wether he was friend or a enemy, Severus failed to guess.

"What do you mean?"

The old man said," I mean what I say"

Severus fell in contemplalation. He was thinking about noworry. Since teh day he protecetd him in teh chamber of secret his powers had been deteriorating. Although Noworry never blamed him but he was indeed guilty. Because of his stupidity Noworry was injured. He remember Noworry saying about a rare herb to help him with his injuries. Severus wasn;t sure wether he coudl replace the exact drugs which Noworry reqired. If not exact then Severus would have to go for duplicate herbs. He was aware replacing teh original ingredients with the duplicate ones will hinder it's quality but something was better tahn anything. Severyus didn't wanted to give up on this opportunity.

However no matter in how much hurry he was he didn't showed anything on his face. With a balanced expressions on hsi face he said," I am afraid the reputation of Hui Island will go down teh drain if I ask for

teh medicines from them. My pet is no ordinary bird so as his injuries. It will be so shamfeul for teh civillains if tehy got a wind that teh great alchemist of Hui Islan can't even cure a bird. My aplogies but I suspect you words master.'

"Suspicion is necessary Severus and I am happy taht you are suspicious of me"


Seveeus didn;t anticipated such a remark.

"I wouldn't be interested in yu if you would have blindly trusted me. I am very okay with you not believing in me. Since you are here then why don't you judge the alchemist of Hui Islan"

"I don't dare master"


The old man cracked under Severus joke.

"You boy. Fine, I guess I will tell you. The Hui Island is run by Song family. The song family itself has several well named alchemist. The patriarch of Song family is an sturdy old man who is in hsi 40's. He is a remarkable alchemist and is considered genius."


Song family.

Severus though taht he heard thsi name somewhere but somehow he was not able to join connections. The old man saw teh struggle and finally took teh intiatative to reveal teh secret.


"Melanie Song"


Severus was speechless. It came as a shock to him. He knew Melanie's last anime was Song but he never though she would be the princess of Song family from Hui Island. Now everything started making sense to him. It was because of thsi reasoning he was showered with special prievlige when he showed teh royal seal of Rivera kingdom.

Water was running more deep as he imagined it to be.

As Severus was contemplating from the corner of his eyes that the old man who has quited down was staring randomly toward the sea.

"Is anything the matter?"

Severus was confused. Although sunset was beautiful but Severus was sure that this man had seen several sunsets like this in his lifetime.

The old man gazed at horizon. " Girls are just like waves. gentle and refreshing however, a sea had several waves. One after another hits the sea and merges with water. I bet you will feet certain waves in your life but you should only accept the wave which takes you with itself. The one which not only touch your body but also your soul. Be prepared Severus, in this journey you are bound to loose a lot and it totally depends on you what you want to protect. I hope whatever you loose or whatever you gains, you can replace happiness in it"

The old man finished saying. Severus felt like something was strange with his words but somehow he wasn't able to point finger on it. He felt like it was the last words of him and this thought scared him. Just like the old man ,Severus too was staring at horizon. He heard the sounds of bell and gush of wind stroked his face. As he turned he was shocked. The old man who was sitting earlier disaaapeared in thin air. He instantly stood up on his feet as he turned around and searched for the old man but he found nothing. Not even a trace of him. It was ad if everything was in his imagination. He pinched his thigh and Instantly shreiked in pain. The pain told him that whatever he saw earlier was not a dream. He actually met the old man and even talked with him.

Severus sat down on his bench again as he thought about everything they both conversed. Itcetra, noworry, Hui Island, Melanie.

Whatever that old man said was it true ?

Can I really believe him?

What if it was not the case and he is duping me in one of his traps?


Severus had various doubts in his mind?

Oh damn, what I am supposed to do now?

Severus scratched his head in confusion.

Severus who was completely immersed in his thoughts didn't noticed when a black bird quietly perched on his shoulder.

Noworry saw Severus in deep thought. He tried reading Severus thoughts with his psychic but all he saw confusion when he tried too. He later gave up on it and resumed to his fate to ask from Severus. When he saw that Severus didn't noticed his presence he lightly slapped Severus in his face with his wings.

Severus was Slapped Instantly came to present .

[Hey punk! What happened? You look like you are in deep trouble?]

Severus was now used with noworrry antics thus he wasn't angry at him for slap. He casually laid on his bench as he ratted the entire discussion with the old man to noworry. As Severus was explaning, Noworry expression started changing. In the last he was left stunned.

[Is this for real?]

Severus nodded his head.


[ And you didn't bothered calling me?]


Severus himself was shocked to core when he saw the old man. Later one thing led to another and their discussion took a intresting turn making him forget about everything. Severus was embarrassed. From the corner of his eyes noworry was Desella coming towards them.

[ Are we going to tell her?]

Severus instantly shook his head in denial. He himself wasn't clear with anything thus


The old man whispered her name as f chanting an old spell.

Severus was astonished. He never expected the name Melanie to come out from the old man. Severus gazed at the old man. His gaze was full of doubt ad uncertainty.

"Ah! Boy, don't eye me like that. Isn't Melanie the same as this Hui Island? Beautiful and serene. Simple and peaceful"

If this conversation would have been done in his previous life then Severus would have nodded his head in approval but now he was not sure about it. Melanie was indeed beautiful and simple but he was not sure about her being serene and peaceful. This topic was a hot potatao for him hus he did the best he could do.

He didn't replied.

The old man waited for his reply but sensing that Severus was in no mood to reply the man started chuckling.


"So you really did moved on. I am impressed. You have good friends and they are changing you for good Severus"

"I feel same too old monk"

"Now I am relieved. Since you have moved on now it's time for me to tell you the secret that is fate asked me to tell you. Severus do you know for what Hui Island is famous for?"

Severus was unaware of Rivera subsidiaries. In reality, the king had never told him about anything that belonged outside to Rivera, so he was clueless. He shook his head in denial.

The old man sighed like he predicted this outcome.

"My guess is that you know nothing about anything. Let's start with the basics then but let me remind you. In the future you will face difficulties, doubts, and questions which only youcan replace. You can't depend on anyone else but on you to replace the answers and clear your doubts. I knew you were reincarnated and the fact that you are real Severus because someone from the royal family told me. I had good relations with your mother and was also master of your mother so you too can call me as master Jin. Things happened Severus when you were small and ultimately you landed on the hands of taht demon King. We all were shocked when he did't killed you. I still don't know for what reasons that Marcqusi left you alive but who cares unless you are alive. You gre under his assistance and lived a simple life. Later in your youth, agains things happened but this time you died. Strangely enough you got reinacarnated as we predicted. Though that was not sure wether this spell would work or not but I ma happy that the spell worked."

An aged smile appeared on his face and he looked like an ordinary old man. He continued. " You would not believe but the last time I met you, it was not a coincidence.The man was teh one who told me about you and yout tiny sneak with taht heavenly bird. I wanted to curse you for sneaking inside the chamber.You could have died then and there if not for taht heavnely bird protecting you. You are indeed lucky punk.I saved you that time but I wanted to test you that's why I asked you to drink that poisonous soup.To tell you the truth I am teh descendent of the protector who guards teh book Ophelious. It is our duty to guard it from everyone and never let anyone have knowledge of it but teh day you died smething mysterious happned. The day you died teh book Ophelios disssapered too. No one knows where it disappeared and no one except Hades can replace it but he can't interfere in this. WE rae still unaware of teh reasons it disappeared. To teh dismay we can conclude that the book is alive now. May be it is present in this world or in any other dimension but we need to replace it before he can"

The old man jin stopped abruptly. A tinge of fear radaiating in his eyes.

"No matter what, we need to replace taht book before him to protect teh world from collapse. You can't even imagine teh calamity that teh world will follow if he discovered teh book again before us. Since we were it's guardians so I tried everything to locate teh location of the book. I tried whatever I could and at last I finally found something. After joining my soul with teh book, I convered with it and asked for it's location but the only word teh book repled to me was…..'Severus'."

A complete silence .

A bloody chill ran down on Severu spine when he heard teh story.

"But what do you mean it called my name? This….are you kidding me mastere? I don't have any special poers. Every alternative day I am colliding with either a cursed book or a ghost. This life is making me insane. Please be clear with em Mater Jin"

Severus stared everything neatly. He was tired with all this spriling curses and ghosts..

The old man understood what Severus was going through. After thinking for a bit he sighed. " Severus I really don't want to burden you with anything bor I can. I am just giving you a heads up. It's just your destiny. You can call it as fortune telling.Before leaving I want to tell you that you have successfully digested one of the greatestand lethal medicines a human can, Itcetera.

This medicine is made by cruel ingredients but you don't need to feel sad about it because I didn't made it. I just bargained 1000 year ole medicine. You can call it as a rare treasure and be proud f yourself to be able to digest it without dying from it's poison. This will help you to slow down your after effects of your curse and will help you to increase the magic in your boold so you can efficiently fight with teh creatures of dark. Coming to this point, Hui Island is teh hub of medicines. Alchemy is the sole market of this land and you will be amazed to know that you can replace rarest of the rarest medicines here, even for your pet"

As soon as the man finished Severus stared at him with a knowing look. He wasn't sure what the old man was upto. Wether he was friend or a enemy, Severus failed to guess.

"What do you mean?"

The old man said," I mean what I say"

Severus fell in contemplalation. He was thinking about noworry. Since teh day he protecetd him in teh chamber of secret his powers had been deteriorating. Although Noworry never blamed him but he was indeed guilty. Because of his stupidity Noworry was injured. He remember Noworry saying about a rare herb to help him with his injuries. Severus wasn;t sure wether he coudl replace the exact drugs which Noworry reqired. If not exact then Severus would have to go for duplicate herbs. He was aware replacing teh original ingredients with the duplicate ones will hinder it's quality but something was better tahn anything. Severyus didn't wanted to give up on this opportunity.

However no matter in how much hurry he was he didn't showed anything on his face. With a balanced expressions on hsi face he said," I am afraid the reputation of Hui Island will go down teh drain if I ask for

teh medicines from them. My pet is no ordinary bird so as his injuries. It will be so shamfeul for teh civillains if tehy got a wind that teh great alchemist of Hui Islan can't even cure a bird. My aplogies but I suspect you words master.'

"Suspicion is necessary Severus and I am happy taht you are suspicious of me"


Seveeus didn;t anticipated such a remark.

"I wouldn't be interested in yu if you would have blindly trusted me. I am very okay with you not believing in me. Since you are here then why don't you judge the alchemist of Hui Islan"

"I don't dare master"


The old man cracked under Severus joke.

"You boy. Fine, I guess I will tell you. The Hui Island is run by Song family. The song family itself has several well named alchemist. The patriarch of Song family is an sturdy old man who is in hsi 40's. He is a remarkable alchemist and is considered genius."


Song family.

Severus though taht he heard thsi name somewhere but somehow he was not able to join connections. The old man saw teh struggle and finally took teh intiatative to reveal teh secret.


"Melanie Song"


Severus was speechless. It came as a shock to him. He knew Melanie's last anime was Song but he never though she would be the princess of Song family from Hui Island. Now everything started making sense to him. It was because of thsi reasoning he was showered with special prievlige when he showed teh royal seal of Rivera kingdom.

Water was running more deep as he imagined it to be.

As Severus was contemplating from the corner of his eyes that the old man who has quited down was staring randomly toward the sea.

"Is anything the matter?"

Severus was confused. Although sunset was beautiful but Severus was sure that this man had seen several sunsets like this in his lifetime.

The old man gazed at horizon. " Girls are just like waves. gentle and refreshing however, a sea had several waves. One after another hits the sea and merges with water. I bet you will feet certain waves in your life but you should only accept the wave which takes you with itself. The one which not only touch your body but also your soul. Be prepared Severus, in this journey you are bound to loose a lot and it totally depends on you what you want to protect. I hope whatever you loose or whatever you gains, you can replace happiness in it"

The old man finished saying. Severus felt like something was strange with his words but somehow he wasn't able to point finger on it. He felt like it was the last words of him and this thought scared him. Just like the old man ,Severus too was staring at horizon. He heard the sounds of bell and gush of wind stroked his face. As he turned he was shocked. The old man who was sitting earlier disaaapeared in thin air. He instantly stood up on his feet as he turned around and searched for the old man but he found nothing. Not even a trace of him. It was ad if everything was in his imagination. He pinched his thigh and Instantly shreiked in pain. The pain told him that whatever he saw earlier was not a dream. He actually met the old man and even talked with him.

Severus sat down on his bench again as he thought about everything they both conversed. Itcetra, noworry, Hui Island, Melanie.

Whatever that old man said was it true ?

Can I really believe him?

What if it was not the case and he is duping me in one of his traps?


Severus had various doubts in his mind?

Oh damn, what I am supposed to do now?

Severus scratched his head in confusion.

Severus who was completely immersed in his thoughts didn't noticed when a black bird quietly perched on his shoulder.

Noworry saw Severus in deep thought. He tried reading Severus thoughts with his psychic but all he saw confusion when he tried too. He later gave up on it and resumed to his fate to ask from Severus. When he saw that Severus didn't noticed his presence he lightly slapped Severus in his face with his wings.

Severus was Slapped Instantly came to present .

[Hey punk! What happened? You look like you are in deep trouble?]

Severus was now used with noworrry antics thus he wasn't angry at him for slap. He casually laid on his bench as he ratted the entire discussion with the old man to noworry. As Severus was explaning, Noworry expression started changing. In the last he was left stunned.

[Is this for real?]

Severus nodded his head.


[ And you didn't bothered calling me?]


Severus himself was shocked to core when he saw the old man. Later one thing led to another and their discussion took a intresting turn making him forget about everything. Severus was embarrassed. From the corner of his eyes noworry was Desella coming towards them.

[ Are we going to tell her?]

Severus instantly shook his head in denial. He himself wasn't clear with anything thus

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