"Love is weakness, Aunt"

"So, what happened there? I thought you would like to stay a little longer with your best friend. After All, it's' been too long. Isn't it"

"It did"

"Tell me what Vladis did? Why are you here?"


"It's a long story. Why don't you see for yourself?" As he said, a white orb was placed on his hand. Inside it, it was Parson Norman and Vladis.


Vladis called Parson Norman outside of the church in the middle of the night. He was waiting for Parson Norman under the tree near the gate. After waiting for a while, he finally came with a worried expression. He asked, "What happened, Vladis? Why did you call me out at this time of night?"

But before Parson could say anything Vladis had taken out his sword was attacking him. Though Parson Norman had a profession where fighting and playing with swords never came to him, he was still very much skilled in this aspect. To go against someone requires a lot of preparation including the foremost one i.e., to protect himself. His keen senses dodged the attack by Vladis. Now they both were ready to pounce on one another, but Norman was still confused with this sudden "hospitality". But before he could ask Vladis anything, Vladis pounced on him, and they started fighting. Clashing of swords could be heard fiercely and clearly. Most of the time Parson Norman dodged his attacks but just defending himself wasn't enough especially when knight Vladis is the one who is against. Vladis spun around and giving a mirage of the sword coming from the front with his speed he finally kicked on his guts and he fell on the ground with his sword dropping in another direction while facing him. Vladis's sword was going to rip his neck when Parson spoke, breathing heavily, "Have you ever wondered about your father's existence? Or What happened to him?"

Vladis stopped for a while and said, "What do you know?"

"Seems like your darling mother didn't tell you anything, did she?"

Vladis was lost for a moment but then he again looked towards Parson Norman. Norman knew that he finally got his attention, and this was his chance to save himself and turn the tables but alas, the moment a sigh of relief escaped from his mouth, Vladis slashed his sword on his neck. With his eyes wide open, evident of being shocked, he laid dead.

His body lay still, and color gradually lost from his face. Vladis looked at him for a moment and then left the place.


"Had enough fun?"

"And now tell me, why are you here?"

"As if I am going to tell you" Before Arthur could do anything, she jumped off from the window which led Arthur to one for other rooftops. He wanted to follow Vladella, but something caught his eye which made him smirk.


Vladella brought Ceil to their base. It wasn't exactly the villa one can imagine. It was dark, shady and the evilness lurking around in the atmosphere can scare the hell out of any person looking at the villa let alone the ones who are held as hostages inside the villa.

Ceil was brought to the same room as Camy. Ceil was still unconscious when Adriana and Hector left her in the room. Camy didn't even flinch when the ceil was brought. She was still cold and indifferent to her surroundings even after seeing Ceil after a long time.

Vladis entered the villa with stains of blood on his white shirt. He Vladella in the hall sitting and talking to Hugo. When she saw him, she dismissed Hugo and gestured to Vladis to sit down.

Vladis sat down and Vladella asked, "Is it done?"

Without breaking any eye contact he said firmly like an obedient child, "Yes. The task has been finished. Parson Norman has been killed by me"

"Good. Now get yourself cleaned. Your shirt is full of bloodstains."

He looked down at the shirt and nodded at her. He got up to go upstairs. He was stopped when Vladella asked, "Vladis, Did Norman say something to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did he ask you about your father or told you something about him?"

"Yes. He did tell me about my father", Vladis talked like it wasn't an important matter to him.

Vladella was puzzled and asked, "Do you believe him about what he said to you about your father?"



"I don't believe him because if I would have, then I won't be standing here talking civilly to you. My sword would have been the one doing the talking"

"Do you believe me?"

"You are my mother. The only relative I have in this world. I have no reason not to believe you. Whatever that Parson said doesn't matter to me and so it shouldn't to you too. I am going upstairs" He left.

Vladella was delighted to know that Vladis trusted her and was considering her as his mother wholeheartedly.

Meanwhile, Ceil was awake within a minute or two after Adriana and Hector left her. She was awakened and confused on seeing her surroundings. She thought that this doesn't seem to be Arthur's room then where the heck she was. She shifted and found a figure near the window in a white dress sitting and staring out of the window. Her hair was left open, and her skin was shining due to moonlight.

When she saw that that figure was of Camy's, she was jolted awake. She rubbed her eyes repeatedly and even pinched herself to make sure that this was neither the dream nor any hallucinations. She was happy to see that her only twin sister, Camy, was not dead.

It had been so long that she hadn't seen her and was almost going to cry. Every day she missed her. She stood up and ran towards Camy. She was crying and was slowly lifting her hand to touch her to make sure she was real. She, very emotionally, called her name, "Camy"

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