"Since you both are here then take a seat on the couch. I will go and change", Tishn pointed towards a couch.

Desella and Severus however didn't bother to sit. They didn't come here to exchange pleasantries. Tishn saw that they didn't take a seat despite his suggestion, his eyes chilled and the room became cold instantly. However, they both still didn't take their seats.

"Since both of you aren't here for pleasantries then lets come to the main point but not here. This is my bedroom, you shouldn't barge in someone's bedroom". With this said, Tishn propped up his upper body and a gust of black mist came out from nowhere and covered him completely, only leaving his face. Tishn stood up and waltzed outside of his room. With his every step the black mist was converting into the fabric and when he finally stopped walking, he was completely dressed in a long black overcoat with black pants. A black cape with golden boundary was draped over his shoulder. He really looked regal.

He lazily twisted his fingers and a huge throne came into existence. He lazily made his way to his throne and sat there arrogantly. All the previous emotions disappeared from his face. His face became as cold as ice and expressionless.

"Why are you here?", he asked coldly.

"Excuse me, I think I should be the one who should ask questions. It was you who brought me here, not the other way", Severus explained in the same chilly tone.

Tishn smirked and bit one side his lips and later licked it. He played with rings on his fingers as he said," I am not talking to you, I was saying that to her. Why is she here?"

Desella flinched when he said his name.

"I came here to save him. My souls is bound to him so if anything happens to him, my soul will die too"


Desella finally addressed the elephant inside the room.

It was not only Tishn who was shocked but Severus was equally shocked too. He wasn't aware of this bond, nor did anyone told him. He wasn't sure whether Desella was saying the truth or just bluffing out,but after witnessing Tishn's dark expression, Severus concluded that it isn't something good for the demon thus he just abided by the plan.

He didn't say anything and kept quiet.

Tishn threw the vase beside him towards Severus however, Severus dodged it easily.

A voice from the depth of hell reverberated.


"Just why in the world did you bound your soul with him? He is just a mortal, you understand. A MORTAL. Maybe he is one of the chosen ones who was able to cross the barrier put up by hades but do you relay think he can kill me?", he chuckled evilly.

"What a delusional girl HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!."

Tishn stood up and slowly and steadily came towards Desella however before he can touch her Severus tugged Desella and shield her behind him.

Severus calmly spoke, "Talk while maintaining distance. You aren't allowed to touch her much less harm her". His words were so cold that it momentarily shook Tishn too however he didn't pay any head to his words.

"Oh so who is going to stop me? You? Oh please don't kid with me. Numerous chosen ones came and died with my hands and you will be facing the same fate", he clearly stated it.

His words reverberated inside the room.

"We will see what fate is waiting for me as well as you"


Quiet gutsy one.

"Okay if you say so I won't harm Desella. Since she already binded her soul with you, she became useless to me. I never thought you will betray our master Desella. I am deeply disappointed in you", Tishn said with a hint of reproach and morse.

Desella didn't know what he was saying since she suffered from amnesia however Severus was keen enough to notice the key point here.


"You mean the one with Silver hairs", Severus mumbled but Tishn heard him clearly.

Tishn expressions paled and suspicion grew inside his heart.

"You, how did you know about him? Did she tell you?", he asked with clenched teeth.

Severus didn't answer him.

Rage instantly took over Tishn and in anger, he clapped his hands. A heavy mist of darkness swarmed Severus and soon struck him hard. He fell on his knees while blood trickled from his mouth.

"Severus!!!", Desella shrieked in panic whereas Severus lifted his hand to signal her that he was okay. He didn't want her to get afflicted. Tishn too created a barrier for Desella and caged her inside the bubble. The bubble was strong and clear as glass. No matter how much she kicked and punched it or how much magic she used, nothing seems to work on it.

Tishn went back on his throne and casually sat there.

"I warned you boy, you will die but you were so arrogant. Very weak. I thought you will be a fine competitor but you are same as those fellas who are brave but also foolish.

"Boy foolishness isn't bravery"

Severus stood up on his feet with difficulty. He was aware of the impact that the demon would have on him but he still underestimated it. This demon was far more powerful than he calculated. It was very clear to him that he can't win against him with his powers but can only win by using his brain. He needed tricks to defeat this demon.

"It's true that foolishness isn' bravery but you are forgetting that a fool is also the game-changer of a deck of cards. Who knows when fool wins"

Tishn became annoyed and he again snapped his fingers."Damn you, why do you talk so much?"

Again a gust of black mist came and hit him however this time the black mist started rotating around him like a tornado. It completely covered him, not even an inch of the fabric of his was visible.

Tishn laughed maniacally.

"Let's see how are you going to survive my illusion spell Severus"

As soon as he said that, Desella legs gave up.


She dropped on the ground.

"Why? Why must you torture him like this? It was you who committed sins and got punished You just received punishment for your sins. What does it has to do with us? What does it has to do with him?", she questioned him fearlessly.

Unlike before there was no timidness and fear in her eyes. The fire of anger was blazing in her eyes and there wasn't a tint of doubt on her face. She was being stark honest.

Listening to Desella accusations, Tishn who had calmed down again got angry. He glared at Desella and spoke the honest words which he hasn't spoken for several centuries now.

"Oh is it like this? Did I commit sins? Okay, I agree I committed sins but what about you? Why were you not punished? Look at me, Look in my eyes. Do I look like I am happy here? I agree that I am made of darkness but imagine, just imagine how will you feel if there was no one to talk to you for centuries. Heck, every day it's like my existence is withering slowly, so slowly that I can't see it but I can feel it. I can feel myself dying, little by little. You know how does that feel? No, you don't know? Nobody can understand?How does it feel? The darkness which I am made of is eating me bits by bits. The stronger I become her, the lesser I exist her. I don't know after my demise will I even be rebirthed or will disappear in oblivion. The anxiety, the fear grips me heavily. Every day, every night, heck every second is a torture to me. Hades was very sly. He gave me a motive so that I didn't go insane while living here. Everyone thought I escaped the wrath of heaven but no, they are wrong, utterly wrong. Death is peace and living is sufferance. I didn't understand it before but now I do but, even if I understand there is nothing I can do. The irony, see the irony here. Tishn the savage demon of mankind is waiting for death. Hades defeated me, he defeated me entirely. He chained me in my own existence. He gave me power and purpose to live but in reality, they were just a bait for my demise. But who does he think Tishn is? A simple demon, Nah...I will alter the destiny"

A cynical expression covered his handsome face. He didn't look the same as he was. Desella never saw such expression on his face earlier. Maybe it was the true demon. Maybe the demon was never Tishn but his greed and malice, which drove him to his doom. No matter whether it's a demon, will or god…the cause of doom is emotions.

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