Desella asked unexpectedly and it took Severus off guard. No one knows what she will be asking and giving a promise without knowing the condition wasn't a good idea, this juncture can he deny her?

"As long as I can and it will not be wrong to do it, I will try my best to give your peace to you in your end moments."

Desella who was waiting excitedly for an answer smiled sadly when she heard him.

"Clever boy"

Severus just shrugged this compliment.

"Now what are we supposed to discuss? I practically told you the naked truth of my life so what else is there to left?'

"Desella I don't care who were you and what happened to you. It was all in past. Currently, you are my friend and that's what it matters. Understand?"

Desella smile in content.

Severus saw that the atmosphere was too glum so he shifted the topic. "What happened to the people of Vashye hills? Do you know how they died?"

'Of course, I know" Desella deadpanned.


"Big brother killed him. I don't know why but he used some sort of dark magic and everyone died in an instant. Women, kids, men and old people He didn't spare anyone. Everyone died. Not even one survivor was there. That day Vashye hill was dyed in red.Crimson red. Alas I was fortunate enough that I didn't see this with my own eyes as I met with death before they all met however, I was unfortunate enough to regularly see that massacre. In my prison. Countless times. I saw the people with whom I grew up, dying. One after one. Just like that. Everyone there died."

"This is too cruel"

Desella looked at him pointedly as she asked, "What else can you expect from him. He is a living curse. Anything he touches is consumed by darkness. Wherever he goes, death follows him. His mere presence is enough to threaten anyone. Even Gods."

Severus didn't liked how she priased him. It was like as if she was praising god and his good deeds." Look Desella, I don't want to know how great he is. Let's focus on our plan. Please"

Desella who was earlier telling about him didn't noticed when she started praising him.

"Ahem, Our identities don't have any threats. We will just say that we are same parson and I am your assistance."

"What will we explain to others when they will ask about murder and death in the hills?"

"We will say that it was a curse. Origibs of curse are unware. We will tell them that we also are victims of curse but due to our special abilities we survived it and don't you worry. I will make something which will be full proof. All you need to do is, just nod whenever I hint you. Okay?"

Severus nodded his head in response.

Desella chuckled when she saw him nodding.

"Severus but what about current identities. A lot of people knows us and the Twin brothers. We need to conceal our existence and previous identities."

"I have a plan for that so you need not worry"

Desella pouted when she got to know that they won't be using their previous identities. She internally screamed inside her brain.


It was so good when I pretended to be his girlfriend. Welp now I ma just assistance.

Severus saw the annoying expression on her face and his lips quirked up. He resisted his urge to smile.

"Desella do you know anything about Jane?"

Severus sudden question caught Desella off guard.

"Jane? Who is she? Why will I know her?"

Although Severus expected this outcome but still it added a burden on him. Before I met you I encountered Jane. She was an evil old lady who performed taboo necromancy art for her benefits that were rather evil. She failed and became cursed. She assaulted me and trie dto kill me but I resosted and because of self protection I needed to kill her.

"Okay" Desella answered cutley. This wasn't a simple thing but Desella knew that Severus had surely went under some dangers otherwise how can he be so strong and fight without fear. The type of calmness that he shows under pressure is not something any rookie can have.

"Her life history is completely chaotic and for your information I found you inside her library. I mean your book form. Her dad even knows Nesseyes"

"Nesseyes you say?"

Severus expressions sharpned.

"What happened? Do you know about Nesseyes?"

"Severus I sure have heard this name somewhere but where I heard it? I just can't recall it. It's been so long."

"Desella please try to recall. It's very important for me"

On Severus insistence Desella tried her hard to recall about it and within second her expression paled.

Severus noticed that Desella expression turned paled and his heart sank too.

"What happened Desella? Why do you look so deprrssed?"

With a heavy voice she explained. "Nesseyes is the ancient language that no one knows how to read it. However I know one person who can read it."

Joy flashed on Severus face but seeing his joy made Desella's expression more ugly.

"Who is it Desella?"

"Severus, he is big brother. He once told me about Nesseyes and he used to always carry some scrolls. I accidently stumbled on them and curiously asked him to which he replied that he was researching on the long lost language and that is none other then Nesseyes. I don't know but I feel connection here"

Severus too was shocked with this turn of events. The more Severus got to know Desella's secret, the more her fate tangled with his current fate.

"I don't know if there is any connection or not but I will soon replace about it. Anything else?"

"Neh. It was just a one time talk"

"Jane told me that her father Aris Cheya was the second survivor of that massacre however everyone know that except Cynthis'a son, everyone died"

"Who is Cyntha Severus?"

Desella asked curiously.

Severus facepalmed himself

He totally forgot that he didn't told Desella anything about Resen and his history thus he summarised everything and explained everything in detail.

Desella listened everything with a great concentration. For her it was like a intersting story having emperor, empress, knight, royalty and conspiracy. Everything intrested her and she listened everything without missing a detail.

"Omg Severus! It's too much. All this is plain bullshit. I pity you for living such a life"

" I don't need pity Desella."

Desella didn't said anything more. She didn't wanted to piss him off.

" So what is the problem Severus ?" Desella asked innocently.

" Welp .There are two problems."

"Mind telling me Severus?"

" Neh. First involves you. I mean your book form. Actually earlier when you were in your book form, you were known as book of curses and wills."


" I know this Severus. What is the problem? Is my book form the problem or my current form?"

Desella asked confusedly.

" No your form isn't problem. The thing is that when you were a book, you were not only the book on curses and wiild but you were an autobiography too"

" Huh"

Severus sighed. He knew that she was clueless.

"Yea Desella you were not only a curse book but an autobiography too"

This information hit Desella like a rock. She didn't knew how to react. To think about her being someone's autobiography was hilarious for her. It took her sometime to actually believe that she was an autobiography.

"Severus what should we do? I don't know anything about Jane or her father?"

" Desella try recalling. You should know about them. You can't be a book without memories"

Desella focused her complete attention to recall anything but this time she failed.

"Severus forget about recalling even it didn't ring a bell. The names are too wierd for me and I am sure that I am not familiar with these names. Sorry I can't help"

Severus saw that Desella was getting dis so he smiled in comfort.

"Don't worry Desella. I will replace a way to crack this mystery"

Desella felt bad as she was unable to help him but no matter how much she tried it. It was all futile. She jyst can't recall anything. It was so foreign too her.

Knock knock

"Enter" Severus gave his permissions.

As soon as he said this, a bully man entered inside the room with a long platter. Behind him there were more men who carried same platter but every platter had different dishes.

"Desella started salivating as she saw the food. Finally her long await was over"

The men settled the food on the table and bowed gracefully and left the room .

The women who was their attendent smiles brightly showing her pearly teeths as she said, "I hope you both will enjoy your food "

Before Severus could really Desella beat him," We will. Now if you will excuse us"

The attendent smile stiffened when she heard her remark."ofc madam. If you need anything you could just ring the bell. Enjoy"

With this said the attendent bowed slightly and gracefully left the room.

Severus saw the sulky expression of her and chuckled.

Desella narrowed her eyes as she asked ,"Why are you laughing Severus?"

Severus holded back his smile as he said," Did I? Neh I didn't. It was just you illusion"


Desella knew that Severus was mocking her but she was powerless.

"Eat before the food gets cold" she chided Severus.

" Aye aye miss"

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