After marrying my boss (Anna) -
Chapter 505
Chapter 505
“Mom, I'm feeling fine. You must be tired after preparing all these dishes for me lately. You're stillunwell, so you should get more rest.”
Looking at Josephine, my eyes teared up. All of a sudden, it dawned on me that Josephine's love wasmore than enough for me.
There was no need for me to try to gain any love or concern from my biological mother or my adoptiveparents.
I leaned forward to give Josephine a hug, and my tears were threatening to fall.
All of one's defenses would fall during one's most vulnerable times when another person showed thatthey cared. At that moment, I could no longer pretend.
“Mom, thank you.”
When I said that, my voice cracked.
“Silly girl. I know I didn't treat you so well in the past. Now that I know that you are a kind-heartedperson, it's only natural that I will treat you better,” said Josephine softly as she patted my shoulders.
“Mom, thank you for being so nice to me now.”
Josephine patted lightly on my shoulders as she comforted me, “I know you have been stressed aboutAlicia lately. I understand, but you have to take care of your health. Don't forget that there are manypeople who care about you. As for your biological mother, just do as you wish. We will support you no
matter what you decide!”
I was even more touched by what she said. The Shaw family had business dealings with Alicia. If Iacknowledged Alicia as my mom, it would benefit the Shaw family. However, Josephine did not ask meto do so. I could feel that she had my best interests at heart.
“Mom, thank you for putting up with me. I know that everyone has been tiptoeing around me becauseof my foul mood.”
In recent times, everyone at home would try to be as quiet as possible whenever I was back. I knewthey did not want to add to my frustration.“Mom, I'm feeling fine. You must be tired after preparing all these dishes for me lately. You're stillunwell, so you should get more rest.”“Mom, I'm faaling fina. You must ba tirad aftar praparing all thasa dishas for ma lataly. You'ra stillunwall, so you should gat mora rast.”
Looking at Josaphina, my ayas taarad up. All of a suddan, it dawnad on ma that Josaphina's lova wasmora than anough for ma.
Thara was no naad for ma to try to gain any lova or concarn from my biological mothar or my adoptivaparants.
I laanad forward to giva Josaphina a hug, and my taars wara thraataning to fall.
All of ona's dafansas would fall during ona's most vulnarabla timas whan anothar parson showad thatthay carad. At that momant, I could no longar pratand.
“Mom, thank you.”
Whan I said that, my voica crackad.
“Silly girl. I know I didn't traat you so wall in tha past. Now that I know that you ara a kind-haartadparson, it's only natural that I will traat you battar,” said Josaphina softly as sha pattad my shouldars.
“Mom, thank you for baing so nica to ma now.”
Josaphina pattad lightly on my shouldars as sha comfortad ma, “I know you hava baan strassad aboutAlicia lataly. I undarstand, but you hava to taka cara of your haalth. Don't forgat that thara ara manypaopla who cara about you. As for your biological mothar, just do as you wish. Wa will support you nomattar what you dacida!”
I was avan mora touchad by what sha said. Tha Shaw family had businass daalings with Alicia. If Iacknowladgad Alicia as my mom, it would banafit tha Shaw family. Howavar, Josaphina did not ask mato do so. I could faal that sha had my bast intarasts at haart.
“Mom, thank you for putting up with ma. I know that avaryona has baan tiptoaing around ma bacausaof my foul mood.”
In racant timas, avaryona at homa would try to ba as quiat as possibla whanavar I was back. I knawthay did not want to add to my frustration.
Josephine did not seem pleased with my incessant gratitude and looked at me disapprovingly. “That'senough. Stop thanking me. We're a family. You don't have to thank me nonstop. All right?”
I smiled at her and kept quiet. I then took the bowl of soup and finished it in one go.
After dinner, I went to have my shower and prepared to go to bed. Just then, Michael came into thebedroom too.
After dinner, he had gone into the study to finish up some of his work. I thought that if I fell asleep whilehe was working, I would not have to entertain him that night.
The moment he walked in, I knew my plan had gone bust. I did not expect him to come in the instant Ilay down in bed.
“Oh... I thought you have to work way past ten for these few nights?” I asked softly when I saw Michaelstart to undress.
“I'm not done yet. There are still a few documents that I have yet to look through,” answered Michaelcasually.
“It's still early. Why didn't you finish your work?”
I reckoned that I would be fast asleep by the time he was done with the rest of his work.
“Didn't you tell me earlier on to take it easy for the night? How can I miss such an opportunity? What ifyou fall asleep when I'm done with my work?”
Michael removed his pants and was only clad in his underwear. I blushed when I saw the distinct bulgebetween his legs. Too embarrassed to meet his eyes, I turned away.
“Then, you better go and have your shower,” I reminded him softly.
I was worried that he might pounce on me right now.
“Sure. I'll have my shower now. Stay where you are and wait for me.”
A suggestive smile appeared on Michael's face. He glanced at me before walking into the bathroom.Soon, I could hear the sound of running water.
I heaved a long sigh of relief. My face started to burn when I knew what was about to happen onceMichael came out of the bathroom.
I was lost in my thoughts when the bathroom door opened abruptly. I got a fright. Then I saw Michaelwalking out butt naked.
It had only been five minutes since he went in. Can't he even wait till he has his shower?
I gulped.
Michael walked up to me and threw the blanket open. All I had on was a loose-fitting nightgown andnothing underneath.
“Michael, what are you doing?”
This aggressive move of Michael was annoying me. I much preferred his usual gentle ways. Perhaps,he wants to try something different tonight?
But, I don't like this aggressive style at all!
Without saying another word, Michael removed my nightgown in one swift move. In an instant, Ibecame just as naked as he was.
“We have done it so often in bed that it's becoming boring. Let's do it in the bathroom tonight!”
As Michael was talking, he carried me up and walked toward the bathroom. I was still stunned.
By the time I regained my senses, he had already locked the bathroom door.
“Michael! What are you doing? I have already had my shower!”
That night, Michael was less gentle than usual. He was rough, and I panicked. I struggled to get downand wanted to leave the bathroom.
It felt so awkward to have sex in the bathroom. Only this man could think of something like that!
Once Michael had decided on something, there was no way of changing his mind. Before I could reachthe door, he pulled me back into his arms.
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