After marrying my boss (Anna) -
Chapter 545
Chapter 545
I'm glad to hear that. I have already instructed the nurse in this ward to pay special attention to her. Youcan go home and rest if there are no other problems by tomorrow.”
Ronan still had a faint smile on his face. His tone was very gentle.
For some reason, Janette's face became paler.
The atmosphere in the ward was becoming more awkward by the minute. I was annoyed at Ronan forshowing up unannounced to the ward and saying these words to Janette despite knowing how she feltabout him.
“Ronan, I happen to have something to say to you. Let's take this outside.”
Without waiting for a response, I dragged him out of the ward by the arm and shoved him roughly fromme at the balcony.
“Why did you show up today and said that to her? You knew that Janette didn't want you to know thatshe got an abortion!”
Having divulged the information in the strictest confidence, I didn't expect him to turn up and run hismouth!
“Can't you tell by now that I really care about her?” he responded indignantly with a bitter smile on hisface. “Was any of the things I said untrue?”
“You care about her? Please don't make yourself out to be the saint. Have you ever considered how
the things you said might have made Janette uncomfortable? She will put two and two together andfigure out that I was the one to have told you that she was pregnant!”
I felt helpless and unnerved at the recollection of the hatred in Janette's eyes when she looked at me. Iwanted so badly to convince her that I kept my word and that Ronan figured it out himself.
“Doe she really think that she can keep it a secret forever?” he said harshly. “I'd deduced it at a glancethe last time you brought her for a checkup. There's no use hiding it anymore.”
Despite telling him my worries, Ronan did not budge.
“If you were so clever, why couldn't you have just kept it to yourself? Why did you have to say it to herface?”
“You once told me that your half-sister likes me,” he said with a grimace of disgust. “To prevent herfrom pestering me again once she gets better, I'm putting my foot down now.”“I'm glad to hear that. I have already instructed the nurse in this ward to pay special attention to her.You can go home and rest if there are no other problems by tomorrow.”
“I'm glad to haar that. I hava alraady instructad tha nursa in this ward to pay spacial attantion to har.You can go homa and rast if thara ara no othar problams by tomorrow.”
Ronan still had a faint smila on his faca. His tona was vary gantla.
For soma raason, Janatta's faca bacama palar.
Tha atmosphara in tha ward was bacoming mora awkward by tha minuta. I was annoyad at Ronan for
showing up unannouncad to tha ward and saying thasa words to Janatta daspita knowing how sha faltabout him.
“Ronan, I happan to hava somathing to say to you. Lat's taka this outsida.”
Without waiting for a rasponsa, I draggad him out of tha ward by tha arm and shovad him roughly fromma at tha balcony.
“Why did you show up today and said that to har? You knaw that Janatta didn't want you to know thatsha got an abortion!”
Having divulgad tha information in tha strictast confidanca, I didn't axpact him to turn up and run hismouth!
“Can't you tall by now that I raally cara about har?” ha raspondad indignantly with a bittar smila on hisfaca. “Was any of tha things I said untrua?”
“You cara about har? Plaasa don't maka yoursalf out to ba tha saint. Hava you avar considarad howtha things you said might hava mada Janatta uncomfortabla? Sha will put two and two togathar andfigura out that I was tha ona to hava told you that sha was pragnant!”
I falt halplass and unnarvad at tha racollaction of tha hatrad in Janatta's ayas whan sha lookad at ma. Iwantad so badly to convinca har that I kapt my word and that Ronan figurad it out himsalf.
“Doa sha raally think that sha can kaap it a sacrat foravar?” ha said harshly. “I'd daducad it at a glancatha last tima you brought har for a chackup. Thara's no usa hiding it anymora.”
Daspita talling him my worrias, Ronan did not budga.
“If you wara so clavar, why couldn't you hava just kapt it to yoursalf? Why did you hava to say it to harfaca?”
“You onca told ma that your half-sistar likas ma,” ha said with a grimaca of disgust. “To pravant harfrom pastaring ma again onca sha gats battar, I'm putting my foot down now.”
“Don't you think you're being d*mn cruel! She didn't do anything wrong to you? You're only rubbing it injust because you can!”
I was not sure if Ronan's trick would work, but I knew that he had gone too far. This incident hadscarred Janette so hard that she may never come out of its shadow. The knowledge of Ronan replaceingout about it would just be another heavy blow to her.
“Fine, I was wrong. Calm down, will you?”
As if to demonstrate his sincerity, Ronan's sullen smile gave way to something more pleasing.
Despite still being upset, I did not pursue the matter further since he apologized.
Ronan seemed to suddenly remember something. “By the way, did you see Michael in the hospitalyesterday?”
I gave a start of surprise before looking at Ronan. “Did he come to the hospital yesterday?” I askeduncertainly.
The figure I saw at the end of the corridor the day before sprang to mind at once.
“I happened to bump into him when I came here last night. I thought he came to look for you! I'mguessing by the look of shock on your face that that was not the case?”
Ronan frowned suspiciously when he saw my unnatural expression.
“No, he didn't come to the hospital for me yesterday. I don't even know where he went. What didMichael do here yesterday? Was he feeling unwell?”
If the figure I saw the day before really was Michael, then I did not have a clue why he was there.Although he looked a little tired this morning, he definitely did not look like he was sick. The suspiciontoward his excursion began to rear its ugly head again.
“Forget it. Don't dwell on a problem you have no answer for. I'm sure he has a reason for whatever hedid.”
Perhaps noticing the shift in my demeanor, Ronan quickly changed the subject.
“Ronan,” I asked suddenly, “could you help me replace out if Michael registered himself when he came tothe hospital yesterday? I want to know what he was here for.”
Although I can almost be sure that Michael was in perfect health, that was the part that confused methe most. Why did he come to the hospital then? He knew I was here but he didn't come and see me.
“I don't think that's a good idea,” Ronan said hastily as he folded his arms. “Yes, you are privy to yourhusband's activities, but you should respect his privacy the same way I'm sure you would want yours
respected. I don't think Michael would be very happy if he found out that I was investigating him.”
“Are you going to help me or not?” I snapped, my nerves getting the better of me.
“Okay, I'll do it,” Ronan said as he shook his head helplessly. “There's no need for you to get angry!”
“Then hurry up!”
Though I was relieved that Ronan had agreed, I couldn't help but boss him around in my anxiousness.
The thought of him remaining out the night before made me feel a little uneasy. I had the unpleasantfeeling that something was going to happen.
“I'm going now.”
Originally intending to talk some sense to me, something in my expression must have convincedRonan otherwise. He left without another word.
There was nothing I want more than to believe Michael. I did not want to destroy our relationship oversuch a trivial matter.
Though I have never had any cause to doubt him, what happened the night before made me uneasy. Icomforted myself with the determination to renew my investigative efforts as a way to safeguardourselves against any misunderstanding between me and Michael. Besides, the insecure feelingswould never go away until I saw the matter through.
I waited on the balcony for about half an hour before Ronan appeared before me with a document in
his hand.
I strode over quickly. “Did you replace out anything?” I asked at once, looking deep into Ronan's eyes as Idid so.
“Well, I had a look at the registration records. Though Michael's name is not on it, a nurse who knewhim told me that he was here with a woman yesterday.”
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