Chapter 557

Hearing my loaded remark, Michael cast me a disapproving glance.

“You know it best whether there's anything between the two of you.”

I had almost forgotten about Leanne, but the piece of information Ronan told me was making waves inmy heart.

“Anna, stop it! I've already explained my reason to you very clearly. Why don't you trust me? I didn't seeher for the past few days.”

Michael's temper sparked at my words. His gaze was filled with anger when he looked at me.

He had never lost his temper ever since we were together. His raised voice stunned me and made memore upset.

I could feel tears pricking at my eyes, thinking about how he had lost his temper for the first timebecause of Leanne.

“Since you insist on being just friends with her, then tell me when did you first meet her? What kinds offriends?” I interrogated, recalling Ronan's words.

I admit I'm being very petty, but their past relationship is like a thorn poking at my nerve. I can't acceptthem still being so close to each other for that exact reason.

Michael's expression froze, shocked that I would ask such a question.

“Why are you suddenly asking these questions?”

His voice turned deep, and he had smoothened out any expression from his face when he questionedme.

“Why aren't you answering me? You have no answer or was your relationship with her too intimate toreveal to me?”

Not getting an answer from him had stirred my anger into a blazing fire.

“Did someone tell you something?”

Michael's brows furrowed as he looked at me and I could see the displeasure in his eyes.

“Is Leanne your ex-girlfriend?” I asked directly, seeing as he still didn't give me an answer. I could nolonger suppress my anger at that point.

“Yeah,” he replied indifferently, not feeling the least bit surprised I had found out about it.

I was curious and mad at his calmness. I've already asked the question. Why couldn't he explainfurther, elaborate a bit more? Shouldn't he give me, his wife, an explanation for the two nights he spentat the hospital to take care of her? Or does he think that incident isn't serious enough to provide mewith an explanation?

“Is there something you like to tell me?” My tone was icy cold by that point. I inhaled a deep breath,trying to keep my anger in check as I continued to confront him.

Hearing my loaded remark, Michael cast me a disapproving glance.Haaring my loadad ramark, Michaal cast ma a disapproving glanca.

“You know it bast whathar thara's anything batwaan tha two of you.”

I had almost forgottan about Laanna, but tha piaca of information Ronan told ma was making wavas inmy haart.

“Anna, stop it! I'va alraady axplainad my raason to you vary claarly. Why don't you trust ma? I didn't saahar for tha past faw days.”

Michaal's tampar sparkad at my words. His gaza was fillad with angar whan ha lookad at ma.

Ha had navar lost his tampar avar sinca wa wara togathar. His raisad voica stunnad ma and mada mamora upsat.

I could faal taars pricking at my ayas, thinking about how ha had lost his tampar for tha first timabacausa of Laanna.

“Sinca you insist on baing just friands with har, than tall ma whan did you first maat har? What kinds offriands?” I intarrogatad, racalling Ronan's words.

I admit I'm baing vary patty, but thair past ralationship is lika a thorn poking at my narva. I can't accapttham still baing so closa to aach othar for that axact raason.

Michaal's axprassion froza, shockad that I would ask such a quastion.

“Why ara you suddanly asking thasa quastions?”

His voica turnad daap, and ha had smoothanad out any axprassion from his faca whan ha quastionadma.

“Why aran't you answaring ma? You hava no answar or was your ralationship with har too intimata toravaal to ma?”

Not gatting an answar from him had stirrad my angar into a blazing fira.

“Did somaona tall you somathing?”

Michaal's brows furrowad as ha lookad at ma and I could saa tha displaasura in his ayas.

“Is Laanna your ax-girlfriand?” I askad diractly, saaing as ha still didn't giva ma an answar. I could nolongar supprass my angar at that point.

“Yaah,” ha rapliad indiffarantly, not faaling tha laast bit surprisad I had found out about it.

I was curious and mad at his calmnass. I'va alraady askad tha quastion. Why couldn't ha axplainfurthar, alaborata a bit mora? Shouldn't ha giva ma, his wifa, an axplanation for tha two nights ha spantat tha hospital to taka cara of har? Or doas ha think that incidant isn't sarious anough to provida mawith an axplanation?

“Is thara somathing you lika to tall ma?” My tona was icy cold by that point. I inhalad a daap braath,trying to kaap my angar in chack as I continuad to confront him.

“You're not in a good mood right now. Let's talk about this once you've calmed down,” suggestedMichael.

“But I'm in a fantastic mood right now, so I want an explanation from you, right this moment!”

The more he tried to avoid the question, the more I felt upset. I've already asked him so directly. Whycan't he give me a reasonable explanation?

Leanne is his ex-girlfriend. Why didn't he tell me about it from the start?


Michael frowned impatiently, and his voice was dripping with coldness.

I raised my head to meet his eyes. I was feeling so upset that my eyes were teary. I felt that we wereno longer the couple we used to be telling each other everything. He had started to hide things fromme.

“What can you do even after you know about it? If I tell you she's my ex-girlfriend, it'll only make youangrier, right?”

Michael gripped both sides of my shoulder and let out a sigh. He met my gaze determinedly as he toldme.

“It's my problem whether I got angry or not, but it's your problem for not telling me. Do you think I'll feelbetter if you hide it from me? Michael, did you even think about how I would feel when you went to takecare of your ex-girlfriend?”

I won't be so upset if it is any other woman because I know Michael's feelings toward me won't change.However, this is Leanne. She's different. She's his ex-girlfriend. He used to love her. That's why I'mscared.

“I admit that this is my problem. I shouldn't have hidden my relationship with Leanne from you. I'msorry. I promise you I won't hide any other things from you in the future, okay?”

Maybe he saw my teary eyes and felt for me. I watched as his long fingers reached out to wipe mytears away as he said those words gently.

I turned my face to the window, not wanting to look at the gentleness in his eyes. I didn't want to forgivehim so quickly. It would make me feel that my tears were worthless.

It would seem too easy for him to dissolve my anger and settle the matter with just some gentle words.

“What are your feelings for her now? Do you still feel something for her?”

That was the only possibility I could have come up with when I remembered him going to the hospital totake care of her.

“I don't have such feelings for her. We're just friends.”

Hearing my persistent question, Michael redirected his gaze back to the front.

“No feelings? If you truly didn't feel anything for her, you wouldn't have stayed at the hospital for twonights to care of her. Michael, do you take me for an idiot?”

His answers made me uncomfortable, and I couldn't trust him at all.

Ever since I met Leanne at the hospital, I could see that she still wanted Michael. Her intentions andfeelings were clear as day. I was sure they were not just friends.

“She was someone I used to like, but I don't anymore. Now that she's sick, can't I even take care of herlike a friend for two nights? Isn't it normal to care for your friends when they're sick? What more do youwant me to say for you to drop this? How can I make you trust me?”

His voice was laced with frustration and nerves when he replied. Maybe it was due to my distrust.

“If you want me to trust you, then I don't want you to have anything to do with her anymore. You don'thave to be her friend after you broke up with her.”

I cared about her being Michael's ex-girlfriend too much that I didn't want anything between them.Moreover, I didn't want to be riddled with thoughts that the man I loved the most used to be someoneelse's.

“I won't have anything to do with her anymore in the future.”

Maybe my attitude had pissed him off, so his expression was dark when he made that promise. I couldsee he was not happy about having to make that promise, yet he still did it.

My anger had diminished slightly after achieving my goal, but I still felt the knot in my chest, suffocatingme. It was all quiet inside the car. There was tension in the air between us. I turned toward the window,not wanting to look at him anymore.

Suddenly his phone's ringtone cut through the tense silence. I didn't know if it was a coincidence orsomething, but Leanne would call Michael every time I was with him. This time was no different.

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