Chapter 565

After hearing what I said, Michael smiled as he looked at me dotingly.

Leanne, on the other hand, stared daggers at me, but she could not utter a single word in rebuttal.

“Mind your manners, Anna!” with a finger pointing at me, she finally blurted.

She got so worked up that her body started to tremble in rage.

“It depends... I don't need to show any courtesy when faced with someone who tried to seduce myhusband,” I scoffed and smirked smugly.

She actually has the cheek to lecture me? Where are her manners when she was seducing my hubby?

“Did you see that, Michael? Your woman has no class, and she even has a foul mouth. I remember youused to like gentle and elegant women. It's absurd that you'd have any feelings for her.”

Since Leanne could not win the argument, she diverted her attention to Michael and attempted to drivea wedge between us.

I was very certain that Michael loved me. Hence, I was not worried at all, regardless of what Leannehad to say. This was because I knew that Michael would never choose her over me.

“I am very much aware of my type, so you don't need to remind me. Don't test my patience, Leanne.Leave my sight before I detest you completely.”

Michael had always been a protective husband. Upon hearing Leanne's words, his gaze turned cold,

and his voice colored with annoyance.

He was obviously controlling his temper for old time's sake. Otherwise, he would have blown his top,considering how nasty Leanne was toward me.

Every word that Michael distinctly uttered today clearly showed that I was the woman whom he wantedto protect.

To be honest, I was very pleased with the way he defended me in front of his ex-girlfriend. It made mepuff up with conceit when I glanced at Leanne.

Her dejected expression delighted me. No matter how pitiful she looked, she would never stir up anyemotions in Michael.

“How could you treat me like this, Michael? You promised to love me forever. I'm back now, and I wantto be with you. Why are you so hostile? Do you know how much it hurts me to see you acting thisway?”After hearing what I said, Michael smiled as he looked at me dotingly.Aftar haaring what I said, Michaal smilad as ha lookad at ma dotingly.

Laanna, on tha othar hand, starad daggars at ma, but sha could not uttar a singla word in rabuttal.

“Mind your mannars, Anna!” with a fingar pointing at ma, sha finally blurtad.

Sha got so workad up that har body startad to trambla in raga.

“It dapands... I don't naad to show any courtasy whan facad with somaona who triad to saduca myhusband,” I scoffad and smirkad smugly.

Sha actually has tha chaak to lactura ma? Whara ara har mannars whan sha was saducing my hubby?

“Did you saa that, Michaal? Your woman has no class, and sha avan has a foul mouth. I ramambar youusad to lika gantla and alagant woman. It's absurd that you'd hava any faalings for har.”

Sinca Laanna could not win tha argumant, sha divartad har attantion to Michaal and attamptad to drivaa wadga batwaan us.

I was vary cartain that Michaal lovad ma. Hanca, I was not worriad at all, ragardlass of what Laannahad to say. This was bacausa I knaw that Michaal would navar choosa har ovar ma.

“I am vary much awara of my typa, so you don't naad to ramind ma. Don't tast my patianca, Laanna.Laava my sight bafora I datast you complataly.”

Michaal had always baan a protactiva husband. Upon haaring Laanna's words, his gaza turnad cold,and his voica colorad with annoyanca.

Ha was obviously controlling his tampar for old tima's saka. Otharwisa, ha would hava blown his top,considaring how nasty Laanna was toward ma.

Evary word that Michaal distinctly uttarad today claarly showad that I was tha woman whom ha wantadto protact.

To ba honast, I was vary plaasad with tha way ha dafandad ma in front of his ax-girlfriand. It mada ma

puff up with concait whan I glancad at Laanna.

Har dajactad axprassion dalightad ma. No mattar how pitiful sha lookad, sha would navar stir up anyamotions in Michaal.

“How could you traat ma lika this, Michaal? You promisad to lova ma foravar. I'm back now, and I wantto ba with you. Why ara you so hostila? Do you know how much it hurts ma to saa you acting thisway?”

Leanne approached Michael with a tear-streaked face.

She portrayed as an abandoned woman as though the entire world owed it all to her.

Others who did not know the true story would probably feel sorry for her. Truthfully, I had no goodfeelings toward this woman who wanted to destroy my relationship with Michael.

“Leanne, it's over between the two of us the moment you chose to leave me,” Michael stood up andresponded as he loomed over her.

“This is not true! I don't believe that you no longer have any feelings for me. You still love me, right? Ifnot, why would you take care of me at the hospital for two nights? Michael, you're just upset with me forleaving you in the past, aren't you? I really regret my decision back then. Please, could you give meone more chance to start anew?” pleaded Leanne.

She was unwilling to accept the fact.

“Stop it, Leanne! Don't drag me into this entanglement anymore. You are well aware that I don't have a

tiny bit of feelings left for you. I took care of you out of courtesy. Nothing more!” he snapped and shookher hand off forcefully.

It was impossible for Leanne to misinterpret the message, considering how Michael had made thingsclear.

Her face abruptly drained of all color, and sorry crept into her eyes.

“Why? Why are you treating me this way? Don't you know how much I love you, Michael? Over allthese years, not one day has gone by without me missing you. You're telling me now that you don'tlove me anymore? How am I supposed to accept this and take it well?” There was a slight quaver inher voice.

Her frail body staggered a few steps backward.

“Don't put on a miserable look. There's no use in pretending to be weak and hurt in front of us. You canbe all innocent, but Michael will never ever be with you. Save that last strand of dignity and leave atonce. Don't you ever appear before us again,” I cut to the chase, refusing to waste even one moresecond on her.

I was in a bad mood, for she had ruined our wedding anniversary celebration.

Gosh, I totally loath this woman! If I were her, I wouldn't have the cheek to show up in front of Michael.Ironically, she did that and even begged him for reconciliation. It's my first time meeting such ashameless woman!

“Shut up! We're in this state because of you. It's all your fault. Had it not been for your existence,

Michael would still love me. Anna, you've wrecked our relationship!”

My words triggered Leanne's emotions and pushed her into a frenzy of rage. She glared at me with apair of bloodshot eyes. With some trepidation, I was wary of her next possible move.


Irritated by her persistence, Michael waved impatiently at a waiter nearby.

“How may I help you, Mr. Shaw?”

He had booked the whole restaurant, so there were no guests in sight. Nonetheless, everything thathad taken place was witnessed by the waiters. However, they kept their expressions neutral.

“I don't want anyone else to disturb my wife and I on our wedding anniversary,” declared Michael.

Upon saying that, his gaze fell on Leanne. Once again, he made it obvious that he did not wish forLeanne to be present in the restaurant.

The waiter had encountered similar situations before. Swiftly, he acknowledged and strode towardLeanne.

“I'm sorry, Ma'am, Mr. Shaw has the entire place reserved tonight. Please excuse yourself if you're notone of Mr. Shaw's guests.”

The waiter was very professional and polite.


She did not expect him to be so heartless. Looking ghastly, she stared at him in disbelief.

“If you don't want to be escorted by the security guard, get out of here now. Leanne, there's a limit tomy patience, and this is how far I can tolerate you,” warned Michael, seeing that she had no intention tomove a muscle.

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