“I knew it! I knew it! I couldtell by the look of it. That’s the only thing it could have been,” Eric yelledexcitedly. Mister Grayson was still in his chair, staring at the letter with alook of unabashed disbelief. Anna was still sitting in her bed looking just asconfused as when Eric first ran into her bedroom. Eric stopped dancing at thefoot of Anna’s bed and frowned. “Well… isn’t anybody going to say anything?Anna… do you know what this means?”

“No… I don’t,” she replied,sounding slightly afraid. “What does it mean, daddy?”

“It means…” Eric went on,walking up to her bedside, “you’re going with us to Castlewood, of course!”

Anna’s face distorted into asurprised frown, “But… how can that be? I’m no… I’m not even… you know… I’m nota witch.”

“Well, they must obviouslythink you are or they wouldn’t have sent that!” Eric replied, pointing at theletter in their father’s hand.

Mister Grayson was re-readingthe letter for the fourth time, still surprised by this unexpected turn. Whywould Castlewood send an invitation to Anna? And why would they send itnow, right in the middle of all of these questions about her abilities?Mister Grayson’s own words, said just a few moments ago, suddenly returned tohim, I’ve had too much experience in my life to believe in this manycoincidences.

He also remembered the passingweeks leading up to the children’s departure to Castlewood one year ago beforeAnna’s twelfth birthday. Although nobody had expected Anna to receive herinvitation at the time, there was the lingering hope she might have the tiniesthidden, yet unseen, spark of magic the school might recognize. Her letter nevercame, of course, and Mister Grayson would never forget the look on Anna’s faceas they sent the other Grayson children off to Castlewood that fall, leavinghis youngest daughter behind to start her first year in a Muggle school.Locking herself in her bedroom for the next three days, it was only then thather father realized Anna was still carrying the hope she might be able to studythe magical arts, as the rest of the Graysons had done for the last eighthundred years. Anna was devastated, and her unexpected reaction anddisappointment at being left behind still haunted Mister Grayson in ways only afather who truly loved his children would understand. He wasn’t going to allowthat to happen again.

Without telling her, MisterGrayson privately swore to bring all the resources under his power to help hisyoungest daughter, and make up for this terrible setback in her life. AlthoughAnna didn’t realize what her father was doing on her behalf, Mister Grayson wasworking quietly in the background to insure her future happiness. As timepassed, he watched Anna closely, and was very proud of his daughter’s ability toaccept her destiny as a future Muggle. She had come a long way since that dayone year ago, and he wasn’t going to allow anything to hurt his daughter likethat again.

“Anna… there’s so much to do.We have to get you ready,” Eric went on excitedly. “I wish I had known aboutthis last night… I would have bought your school supplies. You’ll need yourbooks, some scales, and you’ll need a new set of robes.” Eric was almosttalking to himself as he circled the foot of Anna’s bed, counting on hisfingers. “Oh…and you’ll need… a wand!” he finished, looking up with a smile.

“A wand? Me?” Anna blurted out,her tone betraying her guarded excitement.

“Of course, lamebrain; you’llneed a proper wand — won’t you? Every witch has to have a fitting wand,” herbrother replied, a huge grin blooming ever larger on his face.

“Me? A witch? Really?” Annayelled, rising on the bed to her knees.

That was it. Mister Grayson hadheard enough. “STOP IT!” he yelled out from his chair. Eric and Anna looked attheir father. Eric was surprised at the angry expression of doubt on the man’sface.

“But… father — don’t you see?Don’t you realize…?” Eric started to say, but his father stopped him short.

“I realize you’re putting a lotof silly thoughts into your sister’s head. We have no idea how or why thisletter was sent,” he said in a very stern tone, smacking the letter with thebackside of his hand as he spoke.

“Isn’t it obvious?” arguedEric. “The school must have realized they made a mistake last year, and they’relooking to correct it.”

“You don’t know that. A mistakelike that could just as well have happened when they sent this letter today.Need I remind you, Anna has never shown any magical ability,” said MisterGrayson, getting angrier by the second.

“Well… yes, I agree — Anna hasnever shown any sign of being a witch, that is, until yesterday — and look atwhat happened!” Eric replied, gesturing toward the letter again.

“I won’t have you building herup like this!” Mister Grayson yelled, now standing to face Eric in the centerof the room. He then turned to Anna. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, but the last thingI want to do is to cause you more pain right now. I think your brother is alittle over enthusiastic without knowing all the facts.” Then he turned to Ericagain. “We won’t speak of this again until I’ve had a chance to talk to theChancellor of Castlewood.”

“But… father — I don’tunderstand why you have to…”

“Enough!” bellowed MisterGrayson. “I want you out of here, right now, and I don’t want you speaking toyour sister unless I’m present in the room. Do you understand?”

Eric was too shocked toimmediately respond.

“Do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir… I… I understand. Asyou wish,” Eric said in an injured tone. He looked back at Anna, smiledslightly, and then left the room.

Mister Grayson turned and,looking down at the letter, he began to mutter himself. “School supplies… awand… of all the stupid…” He sat down in his chair with a huff. He folded theletter and placed it in the pocket of his robes and then leaned back in his chairto look at Anna. She was still kneeling on her bed with a look of mixeddisappointment and confusion. Mister Grayson could see what she was thinking.

“I won’t have him pumping youup like that; I won’t see you hurt all over again,” he said, trying to explainhis actions.

“So… you think the letter isjust a mistake?” asked Anna, softly.

Mister Grayson sighed. “At thisvery moment, Anna — I don’t know what to believe. I’ll get to the bottom ofthis in the morning. Try and get some sleep. If you need anything, I’ll beright here next to you.”

Anna knew better than to arguewith her father. She lay back down, pulled the covers over her knees, and slidinto the warm blankets. Her father used his wand to slowly turn down the lightby her bedside, but Anna knew it would be several hours before she fell asleep.


The morning air was whippingthrough Anna’s hair. The horse she was riding was her favorite. It was thechestnut stallion named Apollo she had helped to raise and care for since hewas a colt. Although Anna had tried to escape the house to be alone and tothink, it was no use. Every five minutes she would ride upon another Ministrywizard searching the grounds, looking for the Lethifold.

“Hello, Miss Anna… how are youfeeling today?” they would ask; the same curious questions time and again.

“Fine… I’m feeling much better,thanks,” she replied with a struggled but friendly nod.

She was lying, of course; shewasn’t fine at all. The last two days had turned her whole world upside down.These new and strange abilities she had found within herself seemed to beexplained by the letter from Castlewood, but something the healer had said keptcoming back into her mind: It sounds more like the abilities of some of themagical creatures we know. I do not know of any case describing a witch or awizard that can do the things you’ve described. What if he was wrong? Howcould she possibly go to Castlewood, knowing she was some kind of freak?

She thought about Eric and howexcited he was when he saw the letter. For a moment, Anna had allowed herselfto believe what Eric was saying might be possible. To go to Castlewood andstudy magic had always been her dream. She would have done anything to be giventhe chance to go with Eric, to go to Castlewood Academy; and now… wasit possible? Was this her chance to finally fulfill her dreams? Suddenly, areal sense of fear moved in to engulf her once again, and Anna immediately knewwhy. She had become a monster, a killer. Something inside her was trying to getout, to take over her body again like it did when it attacked Damon. She couldstill feel it lying in wait, deep inside her chest. Its cold presence stirredat the very thought of it.

“Hello, Miss Anna. It’s good tosee you outside,” said another wizard, looking in the hollow of a tree with thelight of his wand.

“Hello,” she replied as shegalloped by him. Anna turned sharply to the left and, ducking under the branchof a tree, she climbed up a steep slope to another opening in the cliffoverlooking the beautiful ocean below. She threw a leg over her saddle and sliddown to the moss-covered ground. There, in the clearing, stood the burntremnants of another vast estate.

At least as big as the GraysonManor, this place must have been the beautiful home to another prestigiousfamily, who had long since abandoned the cliffs the Graysons now owned. Manystone chimneys stood like sentinels amongst the tall trees surrounding them.Although the only thing remaining of the vast structure was a crackedfoundation and charred beams standing at odd angles where they had fallenduring the fire, Anna truly loved this place. She seemed strangely drawn to itduring her most difficult times, like a lost lamb seeking its mother. Annadidn’t understand why, but the fallen structure seemed to deliver a sense ofpeace and solace to her. She sat against one of the trees, looking up into thevast canopy of branches and leaves above her. She always came here when sheneeded to think, or when seeking the understanding of something most difficult inher life. Now was one of those times. For there was something else that wasbothering Anna and it weighed on her conscious like a load of heavy stones.There was something she hadn’t told her father; something even she, up to now,hadn’t dared to admit to herself.

Although what had happened thatnight in Damon’s room scared her, the creature she had become allowed her tofeel something she had never felt before in her entire life: power. True, itwas very frightening to know there was something happening to her that shecouldn’t control, but she had to admit, at some primal level, she liked how itmade her feel. She liked believing she had an ability nobody else possessed. Butwhat was the price of this newfound power? What was going to happen to her?What if she was right and she did change into that monster? How could she keepit contained? What was the purpose of having such abilities if she couldn’tcontrol it? And if she was wrong, and she was attacked like everybody believed,then what was wrong with her mind to think she was doing these things herself?She finally asked herself the question she had been avoiding more than anyother. Who was it that attacked Damon the other night? Was it themonster everybody saw in his bedroom, or was it me, looking to punish Damon forall his past sins of cruelty?

The birds were singing brightlyin the morning breeze, and Anna closed her eyes to smell the fresh damp earthall around her. A slight smell of smoke still lingered in the air from therubble of the collapsed structure within the landscape. As a child, she wouldfantasize about building a magnificent house on this very spot. Right next toher father’s ancestral home, overlooking the ocean below, she knew she could behappy here no matter what challenges life brought her way. She stood, dustedoff her pants, called Apollo to her side, and lifted herself into his saddleagain. Anna turned to head back down the hill, but stopped to glance back oncemore. Someday, she thought, maybe this would be her home.

When Anna entered the main roadagain, she turned and clopped down its gentle slope. As the iron gates cameinto view, she sped to a trot, as they swung open before her. She nudged Apolloin the sides with her heels. “Let’s go!” she said, leaning forward in anticipationof his sudden burst of speed. She flew by the gates and onto the groundsoutside without a sideward glance.

After riding another hundredyards, she stopped and yanked the reins around to watch the gates closingbehind her. No barrier, no fallen trees, no Muggle protection charms, nothingbut what was truly there, the gates to her family home. She slowly clopped backup, until she could see the ordainments on the gates; they were stillgalloping. Anna smiled. The gates opened again like a pair of welcoming arms asshe approached, and for the first time in her life, Anna felt as though shetruly belonged as she passed over the line. As the gates rattled shut behindher again, she closed her eyes and leaned back in her saddle to breathe thecold morning breeze. There was something in the air, a strange smell, like thescent of somebody walking in the woods somewhere to her left. Anna stopped,dismounted, and dropped the reins.

“Go on ahead — I’ll catch up toyou in a minute,” she said, giving Apollo a gentle pat on the rump. The horsestepped casually forward up the hill, stopping every few steps to nibble on theclumps of grass to the side of the path. Anna stepped into the woods,cautiously looked around, and then sat down against the trunk of an old tree.She closed her eyes and, in her mind, tried to reach out into the spaces aroundher. To her astonishment, it worked. The ground started passing under her, nowracing by her low gaze among the bushes and trees. She began looking for thesource of the scent she had detected while riding, and quickly found a Ministrywizard a few hundred yards away to the east. He was muttering to himself aboutwasting his time, looking for a creature that was obviously already dead. Annacircled the man unnoticed several times before continuing again up the hilltoward the estate. She swiftly located at least twenty other wizards in variouslocations on the grounds and, after a time, she finally saw the estate cominginto her view. The sight was incredible. The house was nearly three quarters ofa mile away, but she could see it just as clearly as if she were standing onthe gravel road in front.

She quickly scanned the house,looking for a way to enter. All the windows and doors were closed, but thatwouldn’t keep her out. She found an opening in the base of the foundation andeffortlessly slipped through one of the small cracks. Immediately her view wentblack, the connection was lost, and Anna was forced to open her eyes onceagain.

“Hmm… it only seems to workwhen I’m outside, which explains why I couldn’t do it when I was in my bedroomthe other night,” she said to herself. Still, this newborn ability made hersmile broadly. Magic or not, this waspretty cool. “I wonder where Apollo is?” she said, looking around her tree.She closed her eyes again and reached out. Her mind raced up the path, honingin on the animal’s smell. Anna’s senses were incredibly sharp, and she foundthe horse without a second thought.

“There you are,” she called,without thinking. Apollo jerked up with a start and looked around. Anna wasstartled too. She could see the horse looking back at her, seemingly aware ofsomething of herself coming up the path.

“Can you hear me?” she asked.The horse took a step forward toward her and then stopped, his ears alert andpointed forward. “Can you see me?” she said, her mind’s eye moving to her left,as if to test the animal’s responsiveness. She could see the horse’s eyestracking her movement left and then right as she examined his ability to followher. This was strange. Apollo couldsee and hear whatever there was of her current form, but none of the Ministrywizards she had found in the woods had noticed her presence at all. Rememberingher earlier encounter with the small chipmunk she had chased into the woods, itsuddenly dawned on Anna that it was only the animals with which she shared thisstrange connection.

“Come to me,” she called to thehorse, which then followed Anna’s thoughts back to where she was waitingbeneath the tree. She opened her eyes again and saw the horse walking towardher up the path. Anna stood, “Good boy, Apollo,” she cooed, patting him on thenose. She produced a cube of sugar from out of her pocket before liftingherself into his saddle and trotting off into the woods again.


Mister Grayson was back in hisoffice working at his desk. He was mindlessly rereading a piece of oldparchment text while waiting for the call he expected at any moment. Severalscrolls were unrolled in front of him, and he was inspecting the writing on oneof them with a large magnifying glass. He then reached over to compare what heread to the scroll next to it. He was interrupted by the sound of a softwhistle coming from a stone bowl sitting on the corner of his desk. A bluestreak of light shot up from the bottom of the bowl, which instantly ignitedinto a blaze of blue flame. Within the flames sat the face of a very old wizardstaring into the room.

“Hello, Boris… it’s nice to seeyou again. I hope the Ministry isn’t working you too hard,” said the talkinghead over the bowl.

“Hello, Chancellor Thordarson.Thank you for taking the time to speak to me on such short notice…I hope I’mnot taking you away from anything important?” said Mister Grayson. There was ahigh level of respect resident in his voice.

Professor Elimar Thordarson wasChancellor of Castlewood Academy, and a highly respected and powerful wizard.He was wearing dark robes and a wizard’s hat, which draped over his right earto his shoulder like a sleeping cap. The hat sat atop a shockingly white headof hair, which was pulled back in a ponytail. The only thing whiter than theman’s hair was the wizard’s face, which was so colorless of natural tone italmost glowed within the blue flames over the bowl. He wore very dark bluesunglasses in square frames just barely big enough to cover his eyes, whichmade him look like a bandit. He spoke in a soft, warm timbre. “Not at all Boris— anything for one of Castlewood’s best and brightest students,” he saidthrough his broadening smile. “I received your owl just a few moments ago. Yourmessage sounded urgent… so… here I am, of course.”

“Thank you, Chancellor — it israther important. It’s about my daughter, Anna.”

“Ah, yes; a wonderful child —spunky and full of life… you are a blessed man, Boris. I remember her well. Ialso remember my very sore knees after my last visit a few years ago; too muchbouncing for an old man, I’m afraid. So… tell me… does she still carry thatflaming red hair?” asked the wizard, leaning inquisitively into the room fromamidst his guttering flame.

Mister Grayson smiled, “Yes,sir — and the temperament to go with it, I’m afraid,” he replied, guardedly.

“Ah… you would say, ‘like hermother’, but more like her father, say I,” the Chancellor beamed.

“Yes — well… I’m afraid it’sbeen a bit longer than a few of years since you last saw her. She’stwelve-years old now,” Mister Grayson replied, still smiling.

“Really? That long since I’veseen her last? Oh my… Boris where has the time gone? So… what is that spiritedredhead up to these days?” asked the Chancellor.

“She received a letter ofinvitation from Castlewood Academy last night,” saidMister Grayson, and for the first time he could see the Chancellor’s smilebeginning to fail.

“Really? A letter ofinvitation… from us? Are you sure?” he asked, puzzled.

“Yes, sir. It was the standardparchment, with the Castlewood seal, addressed to her personally, and sentdirectly here to the house by owl.”

“Curious… very curious,” saidThordarson, and Mister Grayson could see the wizard’s head turn away as ifreaching for something behind him. He turned back and began writing with alarge white quill. “And you say… Anna is now twelve-years of age?” he asked,sounding somewhat skeptical.

“Yes, that’s right; she’ll bethirteen in November. I thought you should know and could, perhaps, check intohow such a mistake might have happened,” said Mister Grayson, looking for areaction more than a response.

“Mistake? Well — if we’ve madeone… it would be the first of its kind since the school opened. Isn’t it trueAnna was born a…”

“A squib… yes, sir… That iscorrect,” said Mister Grayson reluctantly.

The Chancellor noticed MisterGrayson’s hesitancy at once. “Boris, there is no shame in this… surely you mustknow that by now.”

“Of course I know that… I loveAnna no less than the rest of my children. It’s just that,” he halted, andthen, “we just… can’t seem to leave this behind and move on.”

“I see. And… what does Annathink about this unexpected turn?”

“Well — she’s confused, ofcourse. I mean — we’re all a little puzzled.”

“Yes, of course — quitenatural,” said the wizard sympathetically. “If I may make a suggestion; allowme to send to you our school’s resident doctor. With your permission — we canhave Doctor Pearl test the child, and so help us get to the bottom of thismystery,” he finished, and then nodded to somebody standing to his left.

“Thank you, sir — that will befine. A family healer will be here as well — so they can work together onthis,” said Mister Grayson.

“Very good, then; I’ll make thenecessary arrangements from this end and we’ll talk again afterwards.”

Mister Grayson leaned back inhis chair slightly relieved, staring off into the room beyond the blue flames.The Chancellor leaned forward again.

“When was the last time youslept, Boris?” asked the wise old wizard from over his bowl. His eyes wereprobing his favored student with a high level of concern evident even throughhis dark glasses. “Your last visit with us, I know, was… rather difficult foryou.”

“Oh, I’m all right, sir — it’sjust been a very long couple of days.”

“Yes — so I’ve heard. You havealways been a strong man, Boris. Hard working — dedicated to the Ministry andyour role in both the Wizarding and Muggle world. But what has always impressedme the most about you is your equal dedication to your family. You’ve never letyour ambitions overtake your love for your children or the memory of theirmother,” Thordarson said reassuringly.

“I hope not… I only want what’sbest for them.”

“You have always made yourobjectives clear on their behalf. They are all gifted children, doing well hereat school, and Eric has even surpassed his father with his academic prowess.You have much to be proud of in them.”

“As long as I can keep themfrom getting suspended, you mean.” Mister Grayson said with a wince, a clearreference to the antics of his twin daughters the year before.

The old wizard chuckledbrightly. “Yes, the girls are a lively pair — to be sure, but the school wouldbe so much less without them among us.”

“You’re being too kind, sir,” Grayson repliedin a grumble, looking shyly down into his lap.

“Perhaps — but if I may, I’vealways prided myself in my ability to recognize the hidden talents within ourstudents. Given time, I’m sure Dowla and Tencha will replace in themselves what Ialready see: The drive and ambition to prove themselves… and to make theirfather proud.”

Mister Grayson smiled. “You’vealways had a talent for saying just the right thing, Chancellor.”

“Oh… well… that’s probably whythey’ve given me the funny hat,” said the old wizard with a twinkle in his eye.“Take care, Boris, and please, for the children’s sake, try and get somesleep.” And with that, the wizard’s image disappeared with a soft pop.

Mister Grayson leaned back inhis chair, thinking about what the Chancellor had said; We’ll get to the bottom of this mystery. “I hope you’re right, oldfriend… I hope you’re right.”


Anna finished her ride and waswalking Apollo back to the stable. A bent old man limped out of a stall in arubber apron and very dirty boots, carrying a shovel.

“Hello, Miss Anna — out for amorning ride, I see. Feeling better, I hope?” said the man.

“Good morning, Sam — I’mfeeling much better, thanks,” said Anna. “How’s Mrs. Porchdow today?”

Samuel Porchdow was the Graysonstable master, and one of Anna’s closest friends. He and his wife lived on theGrayson estate in a little cottage on the other side of the hill. It alwaysstruck Anna as odd that Sam spent his whole life taking care of the Graysonhorses and assisting his wife with the work on the grounds whenever hisarthritic knees would allow it. This was because, as wizards go, Sam was verytalented, which more than made up for any physical weaknesses he often had tocarry. Mrs. Porchdow was the estate grounds keeper, which was an immense job aswell. All of their nine children were grown and living separate lives indifferent parts of the Wizarding world.

“Fit as a fiddle,” smiled Sam,speaking of his wife. “She’ll be happy to hear you’re up and about again, MissAnna. We were both very worried when we heard you were… well… not feeling well.The Miss’s almost wand-cocked one of those pesky Ministry wizards just thismorning though; caught him sticking his big-fat nose into our bathroom window.The boils on the poor fellow’s face will take a while to heal, I’m afraid,” Samchuckled. “That woman of mine can be a bit feisty at times.”

Anna laughed at the thought ofMrs. Porchdow attacking a Ministry official through her bathroom window.

“Well, hopefully, they’ll be gonesoon enough,” Anna replied with a sigh.

“I’m so glad to see him gettinga run,” Sam said, looking at Anna’s horse. “Only you and Eric ride anymore. Ofcourse, your father is a fine horseman as well, but the Ministry keeps him fromenjoying the simple things in life — like a quiet ride on a fine horse,” hesaid lovingly, patting Apollo on the neck. He turned to face Anna again. “Butnot even your father can hold a candle to you on this animal,” the stablemaster said with a grin. “Pure natural talent; I was just telling the missusthe other day: You’ve got what it takes to be the best, Anna; talent, ability,and a connection to the animal; that’s the important thing. The two of you rideas one; you can’t teach that kind of skill.”

Anna blushed. “Why… thank you,Sam. What a very nice thing to say.”

“I wouldn’t say it if itweren’t true. Now — if you’ll hold Apollo back a few more minutes, I was justgetting ready to clean his floor,” the man said, unlocking the gate to Apollo’sstall. There was a sign over the opening with Apollo’s name emblazed in gold.

“That’s all right, Sam — I cando that,” Anna said, hopping down to tie Apollo’s reins to the post.

“Are you sure, Anna? I meanyou’ve been ill; you shouldn’t be inside a dirty stall shoveling…”

“No… really, it’s all right. Ireally don’t want to go back to the house yet anyway; too many strangersgawking about, if you know what I mean.”

“Well… All right then, but giveme a yell if you tire. And if those pesky Ministry types come around jawing atyou…”

“I’ll call Mrs. Porchdow,pronto!” Anna finished with an evil smile.

Sam laughed. “Yes ma’am — youdo that, and she’ll have them running for cover faster than you can say ‘blisteredbackside.”

Anna giggled as Sam retreatedwith a wave of his wand. The saddle on Apollo’s back unbuckled itself, roseinto the air, and sat itself on a cleaning bench next to the stall door.

“Don’t forget to brush him downgood, now,” he said, handing his shovel to Anna with a pair of gloves.

“Okay… Thank you, Sam.” Annatook the shovel and stepped into the stall.

An hour later, Anna entered thehouse to replace two people standing in the entryway talking to her father. One ofthem was the bearded healer from the day before. Anna groaned under her breathas the man turned to greet her.

“Hello, Anna,” said the healer.“Ve ver not properly introduced yesterday. My name is Healer Nosova.” He shookAnna’s hand, which was still covered in mud and mess from her work in thestalls. She didn’t bother keeping the mess to herself.

Anna’s father stepped forwardas Nosova began wiping his dirty hands on a handkerchief from his pocket. “Anna— I’d like you to meet Doctor Margaret Pearl from Castlewood Academy.”

“Castlewood? Really?” Annasaid, excitedly.

“That’s right, dearie,”answered Doctor Pearl, “Castlewood Academy for the Study ofMagical Arts. I hear you’ve been riding outside and about the countryside thismorning. Good! Fresh air and a strong horse — an excellent remedy for mostwizarding ills,” she announced, in a strong forthright voice.

Doctor Pearl was a very shortand rather stocky woman, who, Anna thought, was built more like a cube. She wasdressed in black robes and wore a stout cap on her tightly cropped black hair.She was also wearing very large and thick glasses, which magnified her blueeyes to the size of silver dollars. Anna liked her right away.

“So — what’s this I hear that youreceived a letter from our school?” asked Pearlabruptly. “May I see it, please?”

Mister Grayson reached into hisrobes and pulled out the parchment; he handed it to the doctor. She looked downat the letter, bringing it as close to her nose as possible. Then she raisedand lowered her glasses to inspect every part of the paper.

“Hmmm… yes… I see… ahhh…uh-huh…. yes…” she muttered, looking the parchment over. The gruff lookinghealer standing next to her seemed to be watching Doctor Pearl rathercautiously as she continued to inspect every inch of the letter. A frighteningthought came into Anna’s head. Itcouldn’t be a forgery, could it? She held her breath nervously thinkingabout the many pranks Tencha and Dowla had done in the past.

“YEP!” Doctor Pearl yelpedwithout warning. “Definitely one of ours,” she said, slamming the parchmentinto the other healer’s vested chest.

The misty-silver swirls of Cookiethe ghost began to appear above the black marble of the newel post behind thehealers. He seemed to be eyeing the visitors standing in his entrywaysuspiciously.

“Anna, Doctor Pearl and I vood like to run a series oftests on you today, if you vouldn’t mind,” said healer called Nosova. Cookiecurled his lip and frowned distrustfully at the man.

“Tests? What kind of tests?”replied Anna, trying not to laugh as Cookie stuck his tongue out at the healerbehind his back, and then began to change his misty form into that of a horse’srear end.

“Vell… ve are sometimes askedto run a series of tests to ascertain if an individual, such as yourself, mighthave any lingering… or residual…”

Cookie was mimicking a largeyawn behind the healer’s back, and then lulled his head mockingly over to theside as if to fall asleep of boredom.

Nosova continued, “Interactingproperties that might explain some of the on going…”

Doctor Pearl abruptly cut himoff, “He means we want to test you for magic!” she quipped harshly.

Cookie snapped straight.

“Magic? Me?” Anna replied insurprise.

“Yes, dearie. Now it won’t hurta bit, but it will take some time. I have to explain why you incorrectlyreceived this letter from our school, and the easiest way to do that is tofirst confirm it was a mistake from the start. We do that by checking you outfrom head to toe to see if your personal abilities have changed,” explainedDoctor Pearl, in a fact-filled tone of voice. Cookie was nodding his headapprovingly behind Doctor Pearl, giving Anna two misty thumbs up.

“Oh… all right, well, I’m readythen… what should I do?” asked Anna.

“They’re going to set up in myMinistry office downstairs while you go and get yourself cleaned up,” saidMister Grayson, pointing her with a frown toward the steps. “We’ll meet youdownstairs in a few minutes.”

With a quick nod, Anna dashedup the staircase and into the shower. This was it; the time had finally come.She was going to get the answers she had been searching for all her life. Whatif they told her she didn’t have any magical abilities? If that were the case,then what would explain the strange things that had been happening to her? Shewas nervous and anxious, and the more Anna thought about it, the morefrightened she became. She took a deep breath, and let the shower’s warm waterpound at the back of her bent neck; she groaned. What was she thinking about?It wasn’t going to happen; she wasn’t going to Castlewood; it was impossible.She tried to calm herself. They wouldn’t replace anything magical about her, andthat wouldn’t be so bad, would it? She liked the Muggle school she wasattending, and she could stay home with her father during the year. She wouldbe nearer to Gabby, Mrs. McConnell, Widwick, Cookie and Apollo. She would havethe beach and the grounds all to herself; what could be better? She wouldn’thave any complaints. Life would be grand.

Still… to go to Castlewood…“No…I can’t think about that… I have to keep my expectations low.” She finishedcleaning up and headed downstairs to her father’s office.

When Anna entered the room, theentire family was waiting there for her. To her surprise, her father’s officehad been transformed, resembling something more like a museum than a place ofbusiness. There were many spinning and whirling objects that clicked and buzzeddramatically, and little colored puffs of smoke snorted and coughed from underan examination table. There was a wooden chair that had what looked like dragonwings sticking out of its back. Several Ministry goblins that worked for herfather were moving boxes and equipment into place under the direction of thetwo healers. Finally, they looked like they were ready to begin.

“Everybody out!” barked DoctorPearl. “These are very sensitive tests, and we will need absolute control ofthe room’s environment if we’re to get accurate results. You will all have toleave now.”

“Ohhh… but I was hoping wecould stay and watch…” Dowla started to argue.

“OUT!” Doctor Pearl howled,pointing at the door behind them.

Without saying another word, Damon and Dowlaleft the room. Tencha walked by Anna and whispered, “Good luck, kiddo. Don’tlet the old spider scare you too much; she hasn’t eaten anybody at Castlewoodin a very long time,” she said, raising her eyebrows in a worried, yet practiced,grin.

Eric walked up and gave Anna ahug. “I’ll be pulling for you, sis,” he said, grinning. Then, quickly glancingback at his father, he leaned in to whisper, “I’ve set up an appointment withMrs. Porchdow tomorrow morning… she says she wants to fit you for your newschool robes.”

Anna, trying not to smile,whispered back, “You’re not making this any easier, you know.”

Eric smiled and kissed her onthe cheek. “I’m certain things will come out just the way you hope.” He huggedher again before being tapped on the shoulder by their father. Mister Graysonpointed to the door with a frown and Eric turned to leave. Mister Graysonstepped up to Anna and smiled watchfully.

“Your brother is stillconfident, I see,” he said, motioning with a nod toward Eric as he walked outof the room.

“It’s okay, daddy… I’m readyfor the answer, either way. No matter which way this thing goes… I’ll be allright.”

Anna saw Mister Grayson’s eyesbrighten. “You’re very brave to go through this again, you know. I’m very proudof you. No matter how this turns out, I couldn’t possibly love you more than Ido right now.”

“It is time,” said healerNosova. “Ve need to begin. Some of our tests vill need to be taken… at veryprecise moments of the day.”

Mister Grayson turned to lookat Anna again. “Either way — magic or not — you’re still my daughter.” Herfather grasped her shoulders and pushed them back straight. “You’re a Grayson…strong of heart… with a long and proud heritage. Your family will be waitingfor you upstairs. Come to us when you’re done.” Mister Grayson hugged hisdaughter one last time before escorting the goblins and Widwick out the door.Only Gabby remained.

“They is going to check yourmagicalness?” the elf asked, through a face mixed with worry and doubt.

“That’s right, Gabby.”

“But you’s have all you’s needto be happy, Miss Anna.” The elf’s large oval eyes were bright and caring.“You’s have love… and that is the bestest magic of all.”

Anna hugged her friend. “Thankyou, Gabs… I’ll see you later.” The elf finally left, leaving Anna alone withthe healers.


Three hours later, the Graysonswere still waiting in the family room. The worried tension in the air wasnearly suffocating. Many of the images in the portraits had fallen asleep, someof them snoring over the crackling fire above the hearth.

“What could they possibly bedoing down there with her?” barked Tencha, throwing up her hands infrustration. “Daddy, maybe you should go down and check to see if…”

“Patience…” replied theirfather.

“But how long should thesetests take? They’ve been down there for hours,” said Dowla, who was gladsomebody had finally broken the dull and painful wait.

“Maybe it’s taking so longbecause it’s hard to replace something that isn’t there,” said Damon with a rudesneer.

“Oh, you’d love that…wouldn’tyou, Damon,” said Eric angrily. “Ever since Anna was a child you’ve bulliedher, and made fun of her, made her feel like an outsider within the walls ofher own home. What are you going to say when it turns out she’s a witch afterall?”

“You’re all kidding yourselves.Anna’s no witch — she never has been. The fact is… I’m one of the few people inthis house who’s accepted her for what she really is. She’s a Muggle — andthat’s all she’ll ever be.”

“You might have told yourselfshe was a Muggle — but you’ve never accepted it. You’ve never accepted her,”Eric retorted. “And you two have been just as bad,” he said, pointing at thetwins.

“Us? What do you mean?” Dowlashot back.

“Making her the butt of everyjoke… Continuously torturing her at every turn — that’s all,” Eric saidheatedly.

“Oh… we were just having alittle fun. We never hurt her,” Tencha snapped back.

“It would have been better ifyou had just cut her heart out. Can’t you see what your fun has done to her, you little witch!” Eric yelled.

“And proud of it!” Dowlashouted back.

“Well, even if these tests turnout negative, there’re going to be some changes around here. The three of youhad better lay off… or you’ll be dealing with me!”

“IF?” Damon fired back. “IF these tests are negative? Is that theshallow extent of your confidence, dear brother?” he said, his voice drippingwith sarcasm.

“Knock it off — all of you,”interrupted Mister Grayson. He turned to face the children. “Anna is… and willalways be… a Grayson. She’s my daughter and your sister. Some of you need toremember that fact,” he said, pointing at the twins. “Some of you need to honorthat fact,” he said, scowling at


“Here — here,” Eric said insatisfied agreement.

Mister Grayson snapped aroundto face his eldest son. “And some of you need to accept things as they reallyare, and stop trying to turn everybody into what you think they should be.”

Eric looked surprised and hurtby his father’s reproving comment. “I have always accepted Anna for what sheis,” Eric said carefully.

“Yes, Eric, there’s no doubtyou love your sister — but you have a way of overcompensating everything you dowith Anna, because of what you perceive as her limitations.”

“What? That’s not true,” Ericreplied.

“Isn’t it? When was the lasttime you had a serious, helpful, and encouraging conversation with Tencha orDowla? When have you ever offered any help to your brother?” Mister Graysonfumed.

Eric glanced over at the otherchildren. “They don’t need my help,” he said, resentfully.

“Oh, really? And why is that?Is it because they have magical abilities? Can’t you see that you treat Annadifferently because you really believe she’s limited in some way?”

“I never… I mean, I in no wayintended to do anything more than to help Anna,” Eric said mournfully, turningto walk away.

Mister Grayson hotly pursuedEric with a look of rage building on his face. He grabbed Eric by the shoulderand spun him around to face him. “She doesn’t need your help — she can dothings well enough on her own… can you respect that?” he yelled.

“But I…. of course… I can,”Eric replied, meekly.

“Then do it! Anna is strong.She doesn’t need her big brother’s protection. Trust me… Anna can take care ofherself.”

Damon seemed to be enjoying hisfather’s verbal lashing of their brother. “It’s about time somebody knocked himoff of his high horse,” he whispered, turning to smile back at the twins.

Mister Grayson whipped aroundto face Damon. “And you!” he shouted angrily. Damon fell back as if pushed offbalance by his father’s words. “You had better get one thing straight. Anna is…and always will be… a Grayson. She is a member of this family. Not ahalf-member, not a pet, and not something we’ve asked you to hide from the restof the Wizarding world. Your lack of respect of a fellow Grayson is revoltingto me,” he bellowed, steadily backing Damon into the wall. “Where is yourhonor, boy? Where is your family pride? Why is your dignity hiding? Your sisterwill not be shut away just so you can feel comfortable with the world around us— get that out of your head right now!”

Finally, there was silence. Fora long while, nobody said a word. After what seemed like an eternity ofdeafness, Dowla carefully spoke. “I think we’re all just a little edgy becauseof what’s going on downstairs,” she said, softly.

“I’m not edgy, I’m angry — butthis discussion has been on the way for a while now, and I’m glad we’re finallyclearing the air,” their father barked back. There was another long period ofsilence while Mister Grayson nervously paced and circled the room, mutteringirritably to himself.

Finally, “Listen,” he said,taking in a very deep breath, “I’m… sorry I yelled at you — especially now andat a time like this. I apologize to you all. The pressure of the last fewnights… and my lack of sleep, have made me a little tense.” He held out hisarms and the children circled around him.

“We’re sorry too, daddy,” saidTencha, hugging her father. “I, for one, will try and cut Anna some slack.”

Mister Grayson smiled at her.There was another quiet pause as the family shared a moment of closeness in aclustered hug.

“You know what?” said Dowlalooking around at her family. “I just had a frightening thought.”

“What’s that?” asked Eric

“I’ll have to admit — I’m alittle scared here.”

“Scared? Scared of what?”

“Well, we all know what a ballof fire Anna can be… even without any magical ability. Can you imagine her…with a wand?” asked Dowla, an enlightened look of fear shining forth on herface.

For a moment there was silence,and then Mister Grayson started to slowly chuckle. Before long, the otherchildren were starting to snicker as well, which culminated with all of themscreaming in hysterical laughter.

“My God… we’ll all be in a lottrouble then, won’t we?” Eric said, snorting loudly.

“Oh, dear… with that attitude,all that fiery-red hair… and then a witch to boot? I’m heading for the hills!”laughed Mister Grayson, and they all started roaring again.

“What’s so funny?” a voicechimed in from the doorway.

“Anna!” shouted Eric, runningtoward his sister. “It was taking so long; we were starting to get worried.”

“So — what did they say?” askedDowla, walking over eagerly.

“Well… nothing, really; theydidn’t tell me anything. They did a bunch of tests, cast a few spells, theyeven tried to hypnotize me once, I think. They put all kinds of stupid thingson my head and greasy stuff on my skin. They made me jump off of daddy’s desk afew times and tried to bend me into a pretzel once. It was weird,” Annaexplained.

“So they didn’t tell youanything? They didn’t give you the results?” asked Eric.

“No — they told me to goupstairs and replace you guys, and stay here. They said they would be up in a fewminutes. I’m exhausted,” Anna complained, sitting in a chair next to the fire.

A few minutes later, the voicesof the healers could be heard climbing the staircase from the basement. Theentire Grayson family met them at the door.

“Oh… good, you’re all here,”Doctor Pearl said with a smile. “Healer Nosova and I believe we have enoughinformation to form a summary opinion,” said the plump witch, walking into thecenter of the room with Nosova following close behind.

“Well, then?” said MisterGrayson cautiously, “Tell us… what did you replace?”

Nosova spoke first. “Now… youmust understand… our tests are looking for any small, minute signs of magicfrom someone who has never shown any capabilities in the past. As such, venever expected Anna to cast a spell, or conjure something impressive for us.”He could see the impatient look from those listening in the room around him.“Vot ve are saying is — this is not something that she can directly control andshow us. It is, rather, how you say… digging for something out of her. So…after all of our tests — there is enough evidence to suggest that Anna might be a vitch.” The healer finishedin a self-satisfied voice, but there was confused silence from the family inreply.

“What does that mean? ‘Shemight be a witch’? Is she, or isn’t she?” Tencha shouted in frustration.

Mister Grayson stepped forward.“Healer Nosova… we really expected you to tell us if Anna…”

“Calm yourselves,” interruptedDoctor Pearl. “We have learned enough to give our permission to take the finalstep. We want to test her with a wand.”

“So… do it!” demanded Damontestily.

Pearl smiled and then shook her head. “Youmust understand; it is against wizard law to purposely give a Muggle a wand,and it’s for her own protection that these laws exist. There are very strictprotocols that must be followed here. We now believe the best way to see ifAnna has any capabilities is to put a wand in her hand. The wand amplifies thewitch or wizard’s abilities, little as they may or may not be, and focuses themind by the use of the magical substance in its core. A few wizards can do verysimple magic without a wand, but almost all have to use a wand for any complexspells and charms. Some wizards can’t do anything at all without a wand. Somehave to actually say a spell verbally, while others can do it by concentratingon the spell in their mind. It all comes down to experience, talent, and thepersonal gifts each of us possesses. No two witches or wizards are exactlyalike, so there is no sure way of knowing how much help an individual needsuntil that person actually holds a wand. We would like to give Anna a wand andsee what she can do. We are confident enough from our tests that she should besafe from any unforeseen harm,” Doctor Pearl finished.

“So… vit your permission,”added Nosova, “ve vood recommend proceeding to this last step. Naturally, vecould have done this downstairs — but since this should give us the finalanswer ve ver looking for, ve thought it should be done vith her familypresent, no?”

“All right,” said MisterGrayson, “so what do you need from me?”

“A wand, of course,” chirped Pearl, “preferably… onefrom her family. An immediate family member might provide a wand closest towhat she would need, one best suited to her personal needs and abilities. Whenlooking for these minute signs of magic — a family wand would give us the bestchance of detecting what’s there.”

“Here — use mine,” said Eric,pulling his wand out from inside his robes. The healers looked at MisterGrayson.

“We were thinking… the father’swand would give her the best chance,” said Doctor Pearl.

Mister Grayson stood therelooking at Pearl.He then slowly pulled his wand out of the pocket of his robes, and looked downas if to inspect it closely. Then he looked at Anna and smiled. Everythingseemed to be moving in slow motion for Anna. She had never held a wand in herlife, and now her own father was going to hand his wand to her. Anna’s heartwas thumping heavy in her chest. This was it, or so she thought.

“No,” Mister Grayson saidfirmly.

“What?” yelped Doctor Pearl,with a heavy jerk. “Mister Grayson… I can assure you of Anna’s safety. All ofour tests have shown…”

“Not this wand,” said MisterGrayson. “I have another — let me go and get it.” He swept out of the roomquickly and trotted down the staircase.

“Very… well, then,” said DoctorPearl, looking utterly perplexed.

Anna looked at Eric and saw himshrugging at the healers. He obviously didn’t understand what their father wasdoing either.

A few minutes later, MisterGrayson walked back into the room carrying a long wooden box under his arm. Hestopped near the fireplace and flipped opened the lid of the box. He thenpulled out a deep purple wand.

“Purple heart!” said DoctorPearl in amazement. “Excellent… but a very rare wood for a wand, to be sure.And… the core?” she asked, inquisitively.

Mister Grayson looked at Anna.“Nundu hair wrapped in Manticore skin,” he answered guardedly. Anna looked atthe wand in her father’s hand; she had never seen anything like it.

Nosova frowned. “A very rarevood, and an exceptionally uncommon core. Mister Grayson… I am not sure thisvand vood make for a suitable test,” he said, looking at Doctor Pearl, who wascautiously nodding in agreement.

“No — this would be the rightwand… it’s been in the family for a very, very long time,” replied MisterGrayson, still not taking his eyes off of Anna.

“I see. May I have a look,then?” asked Doctor Pearl.

“Of course,” said MisterGrayson, who walked over to the doctor and handed her the wand.

Pearl inspected every inch ofthe purple heart in much the same way she had done with the letter fromCastlewood earlier that morning. She pointed the wand into the fireplace andshouted “Relashio!” Immediately, bright purple sparks shot out from theend of the wand. “Oh… excellent condition, but very old. Mister Grayson, areyou sure you want to use this particular wand for our test?”

“I’m sure,” Mister Grayson saidsharply.

“Very well… if you would be sokind as to hand it to Anna, then?” said Pearlin a somewhat worried tone. Mister Grayson took the wand from the doctor’shand.

“Gladly,” he said, turning backto look at Anna again. He walked over to her as the rest of the Graysonchildren stepped in next to him to watch. He held out the wand by its tiptoward Anna. She stared down at the purple handle of the wand in front of her,and then up again into her father’s eyes.

“Magic or not — we are allGraysons,” he said with a wink.

“Go on, Anna — take it!” Ericsaid, excitedly.

“Yes, dear — just grab itfirmly by the handle,” suggested Doctor Pearl, who still looked a littleworried.

Anna reached out and, lookinginto her father’s eyes, she took the wand from his hand. Immediately there wasa bright flash of purple light shooting out of Anna’s body. A strong blindingwind seemed to blow upward from the floor standing her red hair on end. Shelooked down in shock and watched, as the wand seemed to sink itself into theflesh of her wrist, as if sliding up her sleeve, and then retracted itself oncemore into her open hand. She could feel a hot flash burst forth from her body,knocking the rest of the Graysons backward a step. And then everything wassuddenly quiet; it had ended as quickly as it started.

Doctor Pearl quickly marched upto Anna and snatched the wand from her outstretched hand. Without sayinganother word, she walked over to Mister Grayson and handed him the purple heart.She then walked back to her spot next to Nosova and nodded before turning onceagain to face them. Her hardened expression suddenly broke into a very largesmile.

“Congratulations — it lookslike the Graysons have another witch in the family!”
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