Captain Dunning and the rest ofthe Graysons were escorting Anna to the fourth floor hospital. Although Ericwas very concerned about what had happened to her, Anna was almost giddy aboutfinally being out of the mirror.

“Heck of a first day there,Anna,” Dowla said, nosily trying to start a conversation as they walked.

“Yeah, I suppose. Oh… it feelsso good to be out of there!” Anna replied, doing a happy little twirl in thehallway.

“You said you were asked a lotof questions inside the mirror. What did it ask you?”

“You mean, ‘What did they ask me?’”


They asked me,” Anna repeated. “There was more than one voice. Mostof what they asked I couldn’t tell you, because there were so many differentlanguages. But the weirdest questions were things like: Where have you been?And… where have you been hiding?” she said, in a deep mocking voice. “And, whatchanged you?”

“What changed you? I don’tunderstand. What does that mean?”

“STOP!” hollered CaptainDunning, who halted in front of them. “The Chancellor said no questionstonight.”

“We can certainly talk to ourown sister,” Dowla replied angrily.

“Talk, yes… question, no.”

“Now wait just a minute,Captain,” Eric began, but Dunning immediately pointed a warning finger directlyat him.

“Would you like to be sent backthe way you came?” the Captain sneered. There was an angry, long pause as thetwo stared at each other.

“I would escort my sister tothe hospital floor — if you don’t mind,” Eric snapped back.

“Then you’ll do it — quietly!”Eric fell silent. Dunning gave a half grin of satisfaction, looked at Anna, andthen turned to lead them onward.

“Something between you two Ishould know about?” Anna whispered to Eric.

“It’s a long story. I’ll tellyou later.” They eventually arrived at the fourth floor where Doctor Pearl, theacademy healer, was waiting for them.

“Well… hello again, dearie. Iheard what happened in the Rotunda. Please… come in,” she said, motioning Annathrough the door and onto the hospital floor. Dunning and the rest of Anna’sfamily followed her in.

The doctor asked Anna to changeinto a hospital gown before proceeding with her examination behind a closedcurtain. Anna was relieved to see Doctor Pearl once again after spending thewhole day together during her magical tests at the estate. After about thirtyminutes, Doctor Pearl ripped the curtain back and the Graysons saw Anna sittingup in a bed. The doctor had finished her examination, but still looked veryconcerned.

“Well, there do not seem to beany physical injuries at all. Still, I’d like to keep her here on the hospitalfloor for the night, just to be safe,” she suggested worriedly.

“Is that really necessary,Doctor?” asked Tencha. “I mean… she looks all right to me.”

“Looks can be deceiving, my dear.Your sister has gone through quite a shock, and while I don’t see anyinjuries…”

“It seems a reasonableprecaution, Doctor,” Eric agreed, staring at Anna who was now looking verycomfortable in the bed. “How about it, Anna? Would you mind staying with DoctorPearl just for tonight?”

“Are you kidding me?” Annasaid, smiling. “I’m so tired, I’d like to see any of you tear me out of thisnice comfy bed,” she cooed, patting and smoothing the blankets around her.Although everybody laughed, Anna was quite serious. She was overwhelmed by thecolor and texture of everything around her. After nearly a week of livingwithin the blankness of the Mirror of Enlightenment, Anna was happy to beanywhere other than where she had been.

“I must return to my duties,” said Dunning ina rather disinterested tone, “but I have informed Doctor Pearl of theChancellor’s order not to question this student tonight,” he added,suspiciously.

“Quite right,” agreed Pearl. Her blue eyeslooked entirely black, magnified to the size of dish plates through her thickglasses. “This girl needs rest and not an interrogation. Any questions can waitfor the morning.”

Dunning turned to Eric. “Isuppose it isn’t too early to offer my congratulations,” he said in a verystiff manner.

“Oh… I guess not… thank you,”Eric replied, looking a little surprised.

“I realize the announcement hasbeen put off until tomorrow,” the captain said, “but I’d like to get an earlystart and meet with you the following morning if you don’t have anyobjections.”

“No… none at all. I… ah… lookforward to it.”

“Excellent.” Dunning started tohead for the door. As he passed the twins, he slowed and then turned to faceEric again. “Mr. Grayson, you have been entrusted with a great deal ofresponsibility this year. That being the case, I expect the rest of your familyto carry themselves properly,” he paused to glare at Tencha and Dowla, “andstay out of any trouble that might lead to difficulties with our workingtogether.”

Tencha, looking very affronted,crossed her arms indignantly. Dowla, however, was much more vocal in herresponse.

“Oh, please… when are you goingto let it go, Dunning? It was an accident. She just got a little wet, that’sall.”

“That’s Captain Dunning to you,Miss Grayson. And I do not share your summation of the events from last year atall. In my mind, you were both involved in a purposeful and malicious attack onanother student. If I had had my way, you both would have been expelled.”

“Oh… no doubt,” Tencha snappedback, angrily.

“Captain, I can assure you, myfamily won’t be causing you any trouble,” Eric said, interjecting himself intothe argument. “My father has personally given his word to the Chancellor.”

“Yes…so I’ve heard,” repliedDunning skeptically. He turned to glare at the twins again. “Well… on yourfather’s word, then; let us hope that will be enough. We shall see.” He steppedaside and headed toward the exit.

“Oh, and… Captain,” Ericcalled, and Dunning turned again. “Only my father is to be called MisterGrayson. Despite the troubles of last year, I was hoping you and I could form afriendlier relationship… for the benefit of all the students this year. Inlight of this common goal, I’d favor you call me familiar and use my givenname. I would prefer Eric, if you don’t mind.”

CaptainDunning tried to force a polite smile. “In fact, I do mind. I would prefer amore business-like relationship. I replace this method easier to manage…” hepaused to look at the twins again, “when complications arise.” Tencha steppedforward, clearly looking to tell Dunning off.

“Tencha! Stop!” bellowed Ericbefore looking sorrowfully back to Dunning once more. “You’re making this moredifficult than it has to be, sir.”

Dunning turned serious. “I’msorry you feel that way, but you must understand… that I have more experiencein these matters than you, and I think I value the ways that work best. Just Grayson then? Will that suffice?”

Eric glanced downward at hisfeet, looking somewhat frustrated. “That will do. Thank you, Captain.”

“Good, I look forward to our firstmeeting, then. Goodnight, Grayson.” And with that, Captain Dunning left theroom.

Dowla immediately movedforward, looking very angry. “I’m not going to put up with that man’s crap thisyear, Eric, with his stupid smirks and implied remarks. I’m warning you, dearbrother, you’d better keep that dog on a short leash or I’m gonna…”

“And what did you expect?” Ericinterrupted. “After all… in his mind, you attacked the girl.”

“Oh… that’s hogwash, you knowbetter than that!” Dowla snapped back, getting angrier by the second.

“Will somebody please tell mewhat’s going on?” Anna broke in from her bed. “Eric, from the top, why wasCaptain Dunning congratulating you?” Eric glanced over to Anna, his expressionchanging to a form of subdued embarrassment.

“Eric has been named the newCastlewood Student President,” Damon said, enviously.

“Eric! Really?” said Anna, incomplete surprise. “That’s fantastic! Congratulations!”

“Yep,” said Tencha, her tonequickly becoming light, “that’s our brother! The Big Kahoona, the Grand Pooba,the big and beefy enchilada!” Everybody laughed.

“Show her, Eric!” said Dowla,shoving their brother toward Anna’s bed.

Eric slowly reached into hisrobes and pulled out a heavy silver chain with a round amulet encircling onevery large ruby in its center. There were words engraved around the outer edgethat said: ‘Castlewood Student President, Leader of the Union Knights’.

“Wow! Now that’s an awesomebangle there,” said Anna, taking the amulet in her hand. “And heavy too; that’ssure to get you a date for the prom!”

“The what?” Eric said,unknowingly.

“Never mind,” Anna giggled.“Eric, this is great — you are the man! But I thought they were going to holdoff the announcement of Student President until tomorrow night?”

“Well… that’s true. So we haveto keep quiet about this until the start of term banquet tomorrow. I guessProfessor Thordarson went ahead and told father about it after they finisheddiscussing your test results last week. Professor Titan gave me the amulettonight after the Joining Ceremony ended. I guess they felt I had lost mymoment in the sun for some reason.”

“Daddy must be very proud,”Anna said, smiling broadly.

“And why not? Eric’s been aKnight in the Sever Union for the last two years. He’s the top student, andeven plays a mean game of Quitick when he has to,” Dowla said proudly.

“Quidditch!” said Eric andDamon together.

“Whatever!” Dowla quipped,rolling her eyes. “The point is — Eric deserves it!”

“Nobody deserves anything,”Damon retorted. “He’s earned it!”

“It doesn’t work that way,”Eric said, looking uncharacteristically embarrassed and awkward again. “Whileit’s true good grades and strong leadership skills can help… it’s ultimately upto the faculty to decide who the Student President will be. I just hope I’m upfor the job. It’s a lot of responsibility, and I’ll still need to keep mygrades up if I’m going to be allowed to continue my studies to be an MBC healernext year.”

“No problem,” Tencha saidinsipidly. “If you need any help putting people in line, just give us a call.I’m sure Damon wouldn’t mind stepping into your robes when needed.” Damonsmiled, the expected sparkle of hungrily enthusiasm dancing merrily in hiseyes.

“That’s especially true withDunning,” Damon added, with a sneer. “That pompous ass has been asking for itsince last year. I don’t know how you expect to work with him.”

“What exactly do the two of youhave to do?” asked Anna.

“Well… the Student President and the Captain of the Guard arejoined at the hip for most of the year,” Eric explained. “They work together toensure the student events are scheduled properly, and the necessary securitymeasures are constantly monitored. They also work with the faculty to makecertain the Union Knights get everything they need for the rest the students.”

“So you’re, like… the head Knight?” asked Anna.

“Yes… you could say that, but security is the big thing, andthat’s why I have to replace a way to get along with Dunning…” Eric looked at thetwins, “despite the problems of last year. It’s a good thing the Captain of theGuard doesn’t have veto power over who gets to be Student President. I honestlythink he despises our family after what you two did last year.”

“What happened?” asked Anna. “The only thing daddy would say wasthat the two of you threw somebody into the moat.”

“That’s not what happened!” blurted Tencha. “It was an accident…plain and simple. Was it our fault Debbie-D’s a clumsy oaf?”

“Oh yeah… sure, it was an accident,” Damon chuckled,sarcastically. The twins scowled at him. “Look, if you couldn’t convince me atthe time, you never had a chance with Dunning.” Damon looked at Anna and couldsee she still looked confused. “These two pranksters,” he said, pointing at thetwins “got tired of Debbie Dunning following them around all the time.”

“Debbie Dunning?” asked Anna in surprise. “Any relation to…”

“His sister!” Tencha finished. “Yeah, Debbie Dunning is CaptainDunning’s younger sister. She’s a fourth-year; and ever since her brother wasnamed Captain of the Guard two years ago, little Miss Debbie-do-right has takenit upon herself to become the new Castlewood sheriff around here.”

“She was always lurking about, looking for rule-breakers, andthen turning them in to her crimson jack-boot Nazi of a brother,” added Dowla.“I can’t tell you how many times we caught her following us around the castle,trying to catch us doing something wrong.”

“With good reason, most of the time,” Damon added with a smirk.

“Oh — shut-up, Damon,” retorted Dowla.

“Anyway, that’s when these two decided to chuck her into themoat,” Damon continued.

“Mouth closed, Damon. That’s what shut-up means,” Tencha said,angrily. “Besides, the little monster deserved what she got. We were just onour way to Spellsburg to get something to eat, when we saw the little murtspying on us, lurking around the corners like the stupid little rat she is.”

“So?” Anna said, excitedly. “What did you do?” Tencha smiled,and then sat down at the corner of Anna’s bed, leaning in eagerly to tell.

“Well, we turned the tables on the little snoop,” she giggled ina way that Anna had become very accustom to when the twins were up to no good.Tencha continued. “We hid in the bushes on the other side of the drawbridge andwaited for her to follow us out.”

“And… did she follow you?”

“Of course; the little hound-dog had the scent and was fast onour trail. So, Dowla cast a brilliant little spell to… ah… well… to take careof the problem.” Anna looked at Dowla, who was smiling broadly, a vicious glintof satisfaction forming in her eyes.

“It was nothing, really. I just… shrunk the drawbridge.”

Anna looked up in surprise. “You did… what?”

“I shrunk it! Took it down from its normal width to… oh… I don’tknow,” she looked at Tencha, “what would you say? About six inches?”

“Oh, no!” Anna said, moving her hands over her mouth in shock.

“Oh, yeah! It was great,” Tencha said evilly. “You should haveseen the pudgy, stupid thing dancing around on that skinny little board of acrossing, screaming her big, fat curly head off. She was a sight!” Anna startedbursting out laughing.

“Yes, and… what they didn’t tell you was they also removed therailings on the bridge as well,” Eric added with a frown. “The poor girltoppled headlong into the drink.” He looked at the twins disapprovingly. “Shecould have drowned.”

“Oh, my God!” Anna squealed, still smiling.

“No big deal,” said Dowla. “She was never in any real danger.Besides… nobody gave us any credit for taking the time to fish her out beforethe grindylows had a chance to grab her. No one said, ‘Hey, thanks for doing that!’”

“Gee… I wonder why?” said Damon, smirking again.

“Anyway… that’s why Dunnings has it in for us. Last year’sStudent President handed down a month’s detention for our sentence, but Dunninginsisted that we be expelled. So when the President and Dunning got together towork out their differences, they mutually agreed to suspend us for the rest ofthe term. That’s when Daddy stepped in and spoke with the Chancellor. He wantedto have the President’s original sentence reinstated. He said Dunning was biasedin this case because his sister was involved. The Chancellor eventually agreed,and so we got detention,” explained Tencha.

“I’ll bet that didn’t sit well with the good Captain, did it?”asked Anna.

“Oh, no — he was hacked. It was the only sentence he’s ever hadreversed by the Chancellor. He believes the Graysons have far too muchinfluence at the school, and we got off easy,” Tencha said, rolling her eyes.

“Easy? We had detention for a month. Every night, we werescrubbing and buffing everything in the castle. And who do you think was incharge of those duty assignments? The good, unbiased, Captain Dunning — that’swho. We were relegated down to house elves around here,” Dowla said angrily.

“Still, if you ask me, you got off easy,” said Eric. “If I had beenPresident, you might have been suspended. The girl could have been killed.”

“Doxy-doo… she was never in any danger. A garden gnome couldalmost stand in that part of the moat where she fell in.”

“Yes, but you didn’t know that when you decided to shrink thebridge, did you?” Dowla and Tencha looked at each other and then shrugged. “Ididn’t think so,” Eric finished.

“Well… we need to get out of here. I still have my duties as aServer Union Knight until tomorrow, and Thordarson wants us looking after thenew first-years joined to our halls. I promised that little Sarah Bell I’d gether settled in.”

“Oh — thanks, Eric. I know she’s met the age of entry andeverything, but she’s really scared. She only turned eleven three weeks ago,and after what happened tonight… could somebody just watch out for her? Lordonly knows where I’m going to end up after all of this Guardian stuff,” sheadded in a worried tone.

“No problem; I’ll see to it. We’ll keep her in sight until shegets comfortable,” Eric reassured her.


Anna slid down into her blankets as the rest of the Graysonsfiled out. Eric was almost out the door when Anna called to him.

“Eric — it’s really great, you being selected as StudentPresident. Congratulations, big brother. I’m really proud of you.”

Eric grinned. He peeked out the door to make sure the otherGraysons were well on their way back to their Union halls, and then closed thedoor and returned to Anna’s bedside.

“What’s up?” Anna said, somewhat surprised.

Eric sat on the edge of her bed with a strange and worried lookon his face. “Anna, I have to tell you the truth. I haven’t decided if I’mgoing to accept the President’s post yet.”

“What? What are you talking about? Of course, you’ll accept. Whywouldn’t you?”

“Anna, I don’t think you fully understand what’s happened heretonight. You are the first member of a new Unionat Castlewood. When word about this gets out, the whole wizarding world isgoing to wonder what’s going on here. They’re going to want to know why thishas happened. Already, as we speak, all the school Chancellors and Headmastersin Europe are being informed.” Eric could seehis sister looked confused.

“The point is, what’s happened to you tonight, and to thisschool, is really a big deal. There are going to be a lot of questions frompeople wanting to understand all of this. You might replace yourself beinginterrogated about what happened in the mirror, and I don’t think we’re readyfor that yet. Do you understand?”

“I… I… think so,” Anna said. “But I still don’t see why thatshould affect you.” Eric shook his head, looking down at his hands. “Why wouldit, Eric? What are you worried about?”

“Anna… the beginning of a new union; think about that for aminute. It hasn’t happened here in nearly two hundred years. Why has thishappened? Why now… and why you? Of all the people — my very own sister is beingasked to sustain a new union on her own. Do you have any idea what that means?”

“Well… no… not really.”

“Listen, this is a school of magical instruction. The curriculumfor each Union at the academy has been set forhundreds of years, going all the way back to the old country. The faculty willhave to put together an entirely new schedule of classes for you and for thosewho might follow you. And what will those classes be? What does it mean to be aGuardian? Do you know? Does anybody know?”

Anna shrugged. “So what’s the school going to do with me untilthey figure this out?” she asked. Anna found herself suddenly worried.

“I expect they’re going to put you in the normal first-yearclasses that all the students have to take, including Tranfiguration, Potions,Care of Magical Creatures, and Charms — the standard first-year stuff. I don’tthink they’ll have a problem filling your first term or even your first year,but eventually, they’re going to have to figure out what a Guardian is and whatmagical teachings apply.

“There are the basics, as I said, and probably a handful ofother classes only given within specific Unions. For example, The Care ofMagical Creatures have some very advanced classes offered here at Castlewood,but only the Servers, Defenders, and Searchers are allowed to take them. Someof these courses might be offered to the Guardians as well. Then there areclasses only offered by specific Union Dynasties. What will those classes befor the Guardians? To answer that, we need to know why the Guardians werebrought to us; and that brings me back to my dilemma about accepting theposition of President. Anna — I’m worried about you.”

“About me? Why? What do you mean?”

“Anna, don’t you see? For thousands of years, sorcerers havefounded the various schools of magic for a variety of different reasons. Someof these schools, like Castlewood, continue today. But as far as I know, noschool has ever been founded by a magical object like the Mirror ofEnlightenment. Our studies have taught us that magic is like a living presencethat exists everywhere around us, but most of the life on this planet knowsalmost nothing about it. A few species have evolved to take advantage ofmagic’s existence, like the magical beasts and creatures we know today. Humans,those that are witches and wizards, are among those fortunate enough tounderstand magic, and have found a way to use it to suit their purposes. But…from what you’ve described to us of the things that happened in the mirror, itsounds like magic has something to say about how we’re living our lives. Ifthat’s true, it could shake the very foundation that defines who we are, andmay require us to change what it is we’re doing.” Eric looked away and sighed.“And change has been historically dangerous for those trying to implement it.”

“So you believe magic is sending us a message?”

“I don’t know; but if I had to guess… I would say yes. And, forwhatever reason, it’s decided to make you its messenger.” Anna sat quietly inher bed for a moment. She didn’t know what to say; it was too much to absorb.

“Anna, you’re going to need help dealing with all of this, andit’s not right to have your family carry on like nothing important has happenedtonight. The Graysons have never left one of our own in a time of need. Thewhole family has to come together on this thing and help you figure it out. Myduties as a union Knight might get in the way of helping you through thisdifficult time, and any future responsibilities as Student President would onlyincrease those difficulties. My priorities here are clear; the family shouldcome first.”

“But Eric, you’ve worked so hard for this. You’ve earned thishonor. You shouldn’t have to give it up for me. I can figure this out.” Ericsmiled and reached in to push Anna’s hair out of her face.

“That’s my point exactly. Wewill figure this out. We will work together to understand what’s happening.You’re not doing this alone; it’s too important. It’s important to you, to ourfamily, and to the school.”

“But what if I just quit and went home? Then nobody would haveto worry about any of this.”

“I don’t think it’s that simple, Anna. What if one-sixth of thenew students next year are joined to the Guardian Union? We have to figure thisout now; we can’t just run and hide from it. Besides… I get the feeling youcouldn’t walk away from this even if you tried. When you consider everythingthat’s happened to you over the last week, I think it’s clear this is aboutsomething bigger than all of us. And, for whatever reason, you are an importantpart of what’s to come.”

Anna started to sob. She couldn’t accept seeing her brothergiving up the honor offered to him just to solve her problems, especially whenshe didn’t understand what she was expected to do as a Guardian.

“Please, Eric, don’t do this… you can’t, not for me. I won’t letyou.”

Eric smiled, and then gently reached over to hug his sister.“It’s not just for you, Anna. It’s for us. What happened to you was a call tothe whole family. We have to assume more Guardians are on the way, and yourfamily has to stand by you to figure out what to tell them when they get here.”

Anna began to cry. “Pleeeese, Eric… noooo.” Eric pushed her backand lifted his sister’s very wet chin. He tilted his head over to peer into hereyes.

“Hey… I didn’t say it was a done-deal yet. I’m going to speak tofather about this tonight and then go to the Chancellor. As of right now, I’mstill the Student President, which gives me an audience with ProfessorThordarson whenever I need it. I’ll let you know tomorrow what he says.

Her brother paused a moment to think. “In the meantime, I wantyou to hold this for me.” He reached into his robes and pulled out thePresident’s amulet again, and then placed the heavy chain around Anna’s neck.“I’ll be back for this tomorrow after I decide.” Her brother stood. “I’d betterbe going. I still need to replace Sarah and make sure she gets a room. I’ll seeyou tomorrow, okay?” Anna nodded, not looking at him. She could see her owntears falling into her lap. Eric kissed her on the forehead.

“Try and get some sleep; I’ll come by again early tomorrow.” Heturned and walked toward the door.

“Goodnight, Mr. President,” Anna called out to him.

Eric turned around and smiled; he winked at her. “Get somesleep,” he said caringly, and then he left.

Anna sat there, disbelieving what had just happened. It was badenough that she had to go through this herself, but now it was affecting herfamily too. Anna was torn between the heartbreak of Eric’s sacrifice, versesknowing he was right in everything he was trying to do to help her; she knewshe was going to need all the help she could get.

The hospital floor was empty now, and Anna was very tired. Butshe couldn’t help trying to remember everything the voices in the mirror hadsaid to her. They said she had been altered at birth. What did that mean?Was that why I grew up as a squib? More than that, the voices said thebeast that altered her was near by, in some kind of a prison, and would try tokill her if it escaped. What was it? Where was it? Anna thought abouther mother. Victoria had died during herbirth; her father was there at the time. When would such a thing have gotten achance to get to her? And why would it do so? For what purpose would somethingwork to alter her? And if it wanted to kill her, why didn’t it do it then? Toomany questions remained unanswered, and they continued to revolve around Anna’smother and her birth.

She lay back, looking up at the ceiling. As tired as she was,one frightening thought came into her mind. The voices had said the beast thataltered her was evil and worked for its master — the Dark Lord. “Voldemort,”Anna said out loud. They said Voldemort was gathering strength. But howcould that be? Wasn’t he dead? Were the legends about Harry Potter defeatinghim all wrong?

As Anna went over these thoughts again and again, the hoursslowly ticked by. Who was the ally, and how did she die? The ally hadtold Anna she was a member of the family. But if she was murdered, why didn’tAnna know about her? She had never heard any stories about a Grayson beingmurdered. Who was she?

As Anna continued searching her memory for every scrap ofinformation she could recall, she suddenly realized that she wasn’t alone. Shesat upright and looked around. Although she couldn’t see anybody, she knewsomething was definitely there. It was a strange feeling. One moment she knewshe was alone and then the next… she wasn’t.

“Who’s there?” Anna said, scanning the room around her. “Showyourself!” Nobody came forward. Anna closed her eyes and concentrated hard,listening and focusing with all her remaining strength. Her head was throbbingpainfully from a lack of sleep, but she began to hear a faint thumping soundcoming from her right. She turned her head without opening her eyes, and shecould hear the heartbeat of somebody standing in the room. Her mindtriangulated quickly into the darkness, and then she opened her eyes.

“Come out of the corner — I know you’re there. Who are you?” Fora moment, there was nothing, and then, a second later, a lone figure suddenlyappeared and stepped forward. “Stay back!” Anna yelped, scrunching down intoher blankets. “I’m not alone; Doctor Pearl is in the next room!”

“Remarkable,” said the figure, now standing in the aisle betweenthe beds. A man stepped into the dim light from the window behind Anna’s bed.

“Chancellor Thordarson?” Anna whispered in amazement. “I’m… I’msorry, sir. I … didn’t hear you come in.” The Professor smiled thoughtfully ashe walked over to Anna’s bed.

“I am the one who should apologize, my dear,” he said kindly. “Iwas just doing my evening rounds and decided to check in on you. I like to keepa low profile as I walk, so as to keep from interrupting those around me in thecastle. I must say, however, I have never been detected by any of my studentsbefore. That is an amazing talent you have, young lady.” Anna smiled shyly asThordarson stepped closer. His colorless face almost glowed an iridescent whitein the moonlight, but Anna could see his eyes where bright and alert eventhrough his dark glasses. “I’m sorry I woke you.”

“Oh, that’s all right, sir. I wasn’t sleeping.”

“Oh… and why is that? After an evening like you’ve just had, Iwould have thought you would have been asleep long ago.”

“Yes, in fact I’m exhausted. But the mirror told me things,things that I don’t understand… and… it’s keeping me awake.”

Professor Thordarson smiled again. “Well… since neither one ofus seems to be sleeping tonight, maybe you can tell me what the mirror said toyou, and then, perhaps, we can make sense of it together.” Anna felt relieved,and she immediately understood why so many people, including her father, likedthis man so much. His manner was warm and disarming, and one got the feelingyou could tell him anything without the worry of being lectured or criticized.

“I had hoped to spare you the extra stress of having to answer alot of questions tonight, but if you believe talking about it will ease yourmind, then, of course, I am at your disposal.” Anna smiled appreciably.

And so she began. Anna started with the things that happened atthe Grayson estate the week before, and then she told him about the ghostlyvisitor in her bedroom. Finally, she explained her experience within themirror.

After thirty minutes, Anna finished, “And then the voices in themirror said that I should be vigilant and they pushed me out.” ProfessorThordarson smiled, and then used his staff to help himself slowly to his feet again.He seemed to be in deep thought.

“But, you haven’t told me everything — have you?” he said, as ifalready knowing some unrevealed secret.

“Um… I don’t know what you mean, sir.”

“You’ve told me about the attack of the Lethifold, but you putit in such a way as to make me believe the beast was an intruder and… notsomething from within?”

Anna was stunned. “Did my father tell you…?”

“Yes, he did. He told me you believe you turned into this rarecreature before…” he paused cautiously, “before you attacked your brother.” Anoverwhelming feeling of shame swept over Anna like a cold sheet of ice. Shedropped her head in despair.

“I wish he hadn’t told you that,” she said softly.

Professor Thordarson smiled, and then stepped in to place a handsoftly on Anna’s shoulder. “My dear… your father loves you very much. It tookall of my powers of persuasion to keep him from catching the next boat out toCastlewood after what happened tonight. He confided what happened to me becauseI am his friend, and because he wants to make sure you get the best care andconsideration in this time of uncertainty,” he explained gently. “He is yourfather, and he felt I could help him understand what was happening to hisdaughter. I am one of the privileged few Boris Grayson knows he can trust inthe most desperate of times, Anna. And… I hope to someday earn that trust inyou as well. In the meantime, you must believe me when I say your secret issafe with me.” Anna looked up and could see an almost angelic twinkle in theold wizard’s eyes through his dark glasses.

“Thank you. It was probably something I just imagined anyway,”Anna said in relief.

“Oh…I doubt that,” Thordarson replied, and Anna looked at him insurprise. He was the first person who believed she wasn’t attacked by thecreature.

“From what you have told me, it sounds like the magic within themirror has confirmed your original belief. You did change,” he said, slowlysitting down on the corner of her bed to lean on his staff.

“It is an astounding thing. To my knowledge, you would be thefirst witch or wizard ever known to have changed into a magical creature. Butwhat is most interesting to me — is how this was done. The events leading up toyour coming to Castlewood this year do not entirely account for this ability.”He could see Anna didn’t understand, so he inched himself forward on the bed toexplain.

“The mirror, you said, referenced an evil one who had somehowaltered you at birth. That, I believe, is the other part of the explanation;the true reason you were able to accomplish this remarkable feat. Anna, Ibelieve you are something extraordinarily rare among our kind. Do you rememberwhat the mirror said tonight as you exited?”

Anna shook her head. “No, sir. I couldn’t hear much of anythingwhen I first came out.”

The Chancellor nodded understandingly. “It called you,Sithmaith.” He leaned back with widened eyes. “A very interesting title, to besure. It means: One who brings peace.”

Anna stared off into the room over his shoulder. “I don’tunderstand any of this,” she said, bewildered. Thordarson looked at hersympathetically.

“Can I show you something?” he asked, and then, without waitingfor a reply, he stood and stretched out his hand to help her out of bed.

“Sure… I guess so,” Anna replied, reaching up to take his arm.She followed the Chancellor down to the end of the hospital floor and to a wallat the end of the row of beds. He waved the end of his staff in front of a paircandles on either side of a dark painting. The orb on top of the pole blushedfor a brief instant, and the wicks on the candles popped alive, splashing theirglow across the surface of the canvas.

It was a picture of a very old wizard in a tall hat. He lookedtired and gray, seated with his hands in his lap. There were a number ofwitches and wizards proudly standing behind him in the shadows, all with theirwands out seemingly at the ready. Below the painting was a small golden placardthat read: The Order of Merlin — Serve and Protect that which is Magical.It was the first time Anna had actually seen a picture of the greatest wizardever known.

“So that’s the great man himself,” Anna said glibly, looking upagain at the old wizard’s face in the painting.

“Yes,” Thordarson said smiling. “What do you think? See anythingof interest here?” Anna stepped up to the portrait to have a closer look. Shenoticed an amulet around the seated wizard’s neck. She could see it containedtwo dragons facing each other.

“Hey… wait a minute. That amulet; it looks just like…”

“Just like the new crest placed upon your robes tonight,”Thordarson said cautiously. “Yes, it’s an interesting thing, wouldn’t you say?”

“But, I don’t get it,” Anna said, stepping back from thepainting again to scan the entire frame more fully. “So… are the Guardianssomething new, or are they just something the mirror decided to bring back?”

“Your question begs another,” Thordarson replied. “Who would yousay are the Guardians in this picture?”

“Well… Merlin is Merlin,” Anna concluded quickly. “We all knowwho he is; and he’s obviously the leader in this portrait. So I guess those inthe background… would be the Guardians?”

“Good. That would be correct. Let me show you something else.”He reached into his pocket and pulled out what looked like a new photograph.“Young Billy Anderson fancies himself a fine photographer among his peers. Youwill replace he’s always running around the castle with a camera taking photos.”Thordarson leaned in to whisper, “Making quite a pest of himself at times too,I believe,” he said with a chuckle. “Still… I think he shows a strong talent,and an excellent ambition to be in the right place at the right time. Tonight,Mr. Anderson took this.” He handed the photo to her. It was a picture, showingthe misty image of an adult Anna, standing to the side of the mirror. Annalooked in surprise at the giant leopard standing by her side.

“Oh my… this is what everybody saw when I came out of themirror?”

“Yes… that is correct, my dear. Notice the hat on your futureself.” Anna looked closely at the blurry image of the hat in the photo. Hereyes widened, and darted back to the painting of Merlin sitting in his chair.The constellations wrapped around his hat were remarkably similar to the oneson the hat in the picture.

“They look the same,” Anna said in amazement, pointing at thehat in the photo. Professor Thordarson took the picture from Anna’s hand andplaced it back into his pocket.

“Yes, I would agree,” he said, turning to look at the portraitonce more. “So, what are we to make of this? There is no doubt in my mind moreGuardians are on the way. In fact, I believe there are Guardians here at theschool with us already; they just don’t know it yet. And, if I had to placethem into the portrait we see here before us, I would say they represent thoseindividuals standing behind the one we know sitting in the chair.” He pausedslightly. “What remains to be seen, Anna, is where you are in this painting.”He stepped forward and lifted his staff, touching the orb on the shadowyfigures in the background. “Are you here?” He slowly slid the orb down thecanvas, stopping directly on the face of Merlin. “Or are you something more?”Anna looked at Thordarson in alarm as he turned to face her.

“No,” she said, in a whisper. She took a step backwards,unwilling to grasp the thoughts now racing through her mind purposefully putthere by the Chancellor. “I… I don’t know… what…? You don’t believe? You can’tbe saying…?” A sharp stab of pain seemed to tear into her forehead. Annaturned, and started walking back down the long row of beds as the many voicesfrom the mirror began to race through her mind.

‘Fear not; we will serve you now in ways like no other since thefalcon flew among your kind, and you will serve us with your strength andcourage.’ The falcon! Merlin was the falcon the voiceswere referring to. Doctor Nelland had said Merlin was an Animagus, a shapeshifter. He said he was able to spontaneously turn himself into a falcon, withno training. Anna was able to change as well; it couldn’t be the samething. It couldn’t be… it just can’t be.Anna started running down the row, trying to escape the many voices of themirror screaming from within her memory.

“Do you know what his followers in this painting called theirmentor, Anna?” asked Professor Thordarson, still standing next to the portraitbehind her. “Do you know what they use to call Merlin?” Anna stopped next toher bed and slowly turned to face Thordarson at the end of the row. “They called him… Sithmaith: ‘The Bringer of Peace’.”

Anna started at him, and then turned without saying a word. Shecrawled into her bed and pulled the covers over her head. Her skull waspounding painfully. The lack of sleep, the excitement of her trip to school,her experiences in the mirror, her brother’s decision, and now all of this wasfar too much. She didn’t want to think anymore. She wanted to quietly slip awayto a place were she didn’t have to think about anything.

A moment later, she felt the weight of somebody sitting on herbedside again. Anna could hear Thordarson speak. “I am sorry, my dear. I shouldhave waited until you had a chance to recuperate from your experiences of theevening. I hope you will forgive me. When you get older, you will replace old menhave a tendency to do everything in the shortest amount of time left to them. Ishould have been more considerate of your state.”

Annoyed, Anna flipped the blankets down to look at the wizardsitting on her bed. “I can’t believe youthink I’m Merlin,” she said, angrily.

“You misunderstand me; of course I don’t believe that. We cantalk more about this when you’ve gained your strength. Give it a little moretime to settle in before…”

“No… please, I have to know. What does it all mean? Please,Professor. Tell me honestly, what you think?” Thordarson considered her for amoment and then grinned.

“You are your father’s daughter, Anna; always performing at yourbest even under the most extraordinary of circumstances. He would be proud ofyou,” he paused again. “Very well, honestly then?”

“Yes, sir… please. What’s happening to me?”

He considered her again and then leaned forward. “I believe thecoming of the Guardians is a very ominous sign of things to come. The Dark Lordand his followers are not entirely gone, Anna. There have been reports fromoverseas confirming this fact. If Voldemort returns in full strength and body,with his followers whole and unbroken, then I am afraid the world could fallinto a battle of terrible proportions. All could be at risk, including,perhaps, the existence of magic itself.

“But from what you’ve told me, it would seem that magic is notentirely without the means to protect itself. It did so in the past when ithelped to bring about another powerful wizard in Merlin. Those too, wereterribly dark times. When Voldemort was at his full strength thirteen yearsago, I believe the magic of our world meant to bring forth another Guardian,somebody who could protect it from the destruction both sides would bring intheir battle to defeat each other. I believe you were to be their protectorAnna, the next Sithmaith.

“But two unexpected things happened in the process. First,Voldemort was defeated on the eve of his success, and with that defeat, camethe question of your existence. Perhaps that was why you were born a squib,because magic’s champion was no longer needed. Then, with the possible rise ofVoldemort again, it would seem you have been brought out of storage, as itwere, and your powers awakened. But something unexpected happened during yourbirth.” He hesitated slightly, “What was it you told me the mirror said to you?Something changed you from what was intended? Perhaps it was the wayyour mother died during your birth; it’s hard to say.”

“The mirror said something evil did it. Something that was veryclose by,” Anna said, worriedly.

Thordarson frowned; for the first time that evening, he seemedtruly concerned. “I wouldn’t put a lot of trust into that statement. While it’strue something did happen, I wouldn’t necessarily call it evil,” he said,shaking his head. “That might be too simplistic.” His words were troubling toAnna, and she thought they seemed rather evasive in tone, like he knew moreabout the subject than he was willing to say.

“But, whatever it was, it changed you enough to become somethingdifferent, something very unique, never before seen in the Wizarding world.That, I believe, best explains your ability to change into the creature youfear.”

“Is that why you didn’t want anybody asking a lot of questionsabout all of this?”

The Chancellor nodded. “Throughout our wizarding history, webelieve there have only ever been four Sithmaiths; one about every one thousandyears. That’s not what they were called at the time, of course; that title wasonly recently given to Merlin by his followers. But others, lesser in stature,have been among us in the past previous to him. Historically, they have onlycome during the most terrible times of strife, offering their wisdom, courage,and powerful magic to protect the innocent.

“I believe the coming of another Sithmaith would confirm theDark Lord is gaining strength and momentum to a degree never believed beforenow. But the world has had thirteen years to prepare itself for this eventualpossibility. If a battle between these forces were to come, I’m afraid it wouldcommence at a level never seen in our history. For now, I think it best we keepthese ponderings to ourselves until we understand the true meaning of theseevents. We need more time to grasp the magnitude of these things and how theymight affect all of us. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Anna nodded, but it was difficult for her to believe this hadanything to do with her. She reached into her pajamas and pulled out the amulether brother had given her to hold for him. She ran her finger around its silveredge.

“That’s what Eric said too,” she said, longingly.

“Oh… I see your brother has given you the good news.”

“Yes,” Anna replied, thinking sadly about the conversation shehad with Eric. Her head snapped up. “But he says he’s going to speak to youabout not accepting the President’s position,” she blurted out.

“Yes… I know,” the Chancellor answered calmly. “In fact, he’salready discussed the subject with your father, and then came to my office thisevening before I set off on my rounds.”

Anna looked at Professor Thordarson with a pleading expression.“You can’t let him do this, Professor. He can’t be allowed!”

The Chancellor smiled supportively. “My dear, this is an honorgiven, and a responsibility entrusted to only the best and brightest of ourstudents. Alas… it is not something we impose upon them under anycircumstances.”

“But…” Anna started to argue, but Thordarson put up a hand tostop her.

“The decision is his, Anna… and his alone.” There was a longsilence as Anna looked down at the amulet once again. She loved her brother somuch; she didn’t want to see him giving up something he had worked so hard toearn.

Thordarson leaned in again. “Eric is very much like his father.He is a young man of great integrity and a strong sense of familyresponsibility. I think it would say something vastly more important about himif he turned the position down than if he accepted it, don’t you?”

“No!” Anna said quickly. Then, looking into Thordarson’s rigidgaze, she answered more honestly. “Yeah… I guess so,” she said, looking somberagain. Thordarson grinned.

“Well, Miss Grayson, I must finish my rounds and you need yourrest. I will summon the good doctor and ask her to give you a sleeping draft tohelp you rest. We will speak of these matters again soon enough. I hope youwill allow me the privilege to call upon you again and under more pleasurablesurroundings,” said the old wizard as he groaned to stand. He thought for amoment and then turned to Anna once more.

“Sometimes it is difficult on the mind to contemplate the stateof the world when there is so much to be done at home. Let us take this one dayat a time, Anna. If you’re going to be a proper Guardian, you must concentrateon your studies. I should think a good night’s sleep and a fresh start in themorning is what we need to begin.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you for stopping and taking the time to speakwith me.”

The Chancellor smiled. “Goodnight, my dear. Sleep well.” Hefinally turned, and headed back to the far corner of the room, his stafftapping the stone floor as he walked. “I hear we are in for clearer weathertomorrow; we shall see.” Anna saw the wizard reach out, she blinked, and he wasgone.

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