Anna Grayson and The Order of Merlin -
Help from Home
As Mister Grayson’s face floated silently in the flames ripplingabout his head, the rest of the Grayson family stared transfixed, looking athim. His warm smile and deep reassuring voice immediately seemed to calm thegrowing tension the children shared in Thordarson’s office. Mister Graysoncould see the distressed look on their faces as he sat in a chair in front ofhis fireplace at home. He knew they wanted to hear he was unharmed, that theattack upon him the night before wasn’t serious. He would not reveal the truththat the delay in his telling them about the attack was due to Healer Nosova’sefforts to put him on his feetagain, and his on-going work to insure they, his children, were well protectedwhile out of his reach.
After the healers mended his body, Mister Grayson had takenimmediate action in partnership with Professor Thordarson to increase theGrayson’s personal security at the school. This was especially true with Anna.For Mister Grayson was now convinced the attack upon his person was somehowconnected to the mysteries surrounding his daughter at Castlewood. He haddistinctly heard his attacker screech Anna’s name during the assault, and itwas this, more than anything else, that gave him the strength he needed tofight the invader off. With the Chancellor’s help, Mister Grayson had made thenecessary arrangements to send somebody from the estate to watch over Anna, andto keep him informed of her state and well being. But as he stared into thewarm office, all the fears for his children’s security were immediatelyreplaced by a father’s longing to be with his family.
“I miss you all so much,” he said, in an aching voice. “I can’tbelieve it’s only been a few days; seems like months.”
“Daddy, are you sure you’re all right?” Dowla asked, mistakinghis shaking voice for pain.
“As I said, I’m fine… just a little sore is all.”
“What happened, Father? Who attacked you?”
“I’m still not quite sure myself. But, as near as I can tell, itwas a ghost.”
Anna’s eyes widened.
“A ghost? But a ghost can’t attack somebody?” Damon said,critically.
“Bad choice of words; it was more than a ghost. More likely… apoltergeist or something transfigured, perhaps, would be a better explanation,”Mister Grayson replied, wincing somewhat as he settled himself into his seat.“The attack was quite physical and, it would seem, very personal. It also didsome damage inside the house; a few bowed walls and some damaged artwork.Nothing that Widwick couldn’t fix, of course.”
“I don’t understand… why would a ghost attack you? Why wouldsomething like that just show up and do this?” said Eric, looking at theChancellor.
“Anna knows.”
Anna eyes shot up at Tencha, who she saw was pointing anaccusing finger toward her.
“Anna said something about a new ghost in the house almost twoweeks ago.”
“What?” Eric blurted out, glaring back at Anna. “Anna is thistrue? Did you see this thing that attacked Father?”
Anna looked hesitant. In reality, the moment her father utteredthe word ghost, her mind brought forth the thing calling itself the ally. And,while it had never hurt her, she also knew first hand the thing had a temper,but violent? Why? Why would it attack their father?
“I don’t know if it’s the same thing. I’ve only seen it twice,”Anna explained, uncertainly.
Mister Grayson’s stern voice seemed to boom into the room.“Anna, you should have told me about this immediately,” he said angrily. “Youknow Cookie won’t allow another ghost in the house. It’s his job to keep themout.” Their father leaned back to think. “It’s very unlikely two imprintedspirits would try to enter the estate in such a short a period of time. Thething that attacked me must be the same entity you saw. Was this thing everviolent toward you?” Mister Grayson’s face looked much bigger within the flamesnow. It seemed to loom forward into the space in front of her.
“No, sir. I mean, not really. It scared me a little, but itnever tried to hurt me. It was never violent.” There was an almost deafeningsilence in the room as Mister Grayson’s head retreated to settle over the bowlon the Chancellor’s desk again.
“Forgive me. Perhaps it is an old man’s failing eyesight, butyou look like a person troubled by other matters, Anna,” Professor Thordarsongently interrupted. “Is there anythingmore you wish to tell us?” The rest of the Graysons turned to look at theirsister again.
Anna thought. There was more. “Daddy, the thing that visited mesaid it was a part of the family… it called itself… an ally.”
“Indeed? Now that is interesting,”Thordarson replied.
“Interesting? What do you mean,Professor?” asked Eric.
Anna looked at Thordarson. Shecould tell he knew exactly what she was thinking. He smiled at her, giving Annaan encouraging nod to tell them more.
“Because, during the JoiningCeremony, the voices in the mirror also said something about the ally,” Annasaid, hesitantly. “The voices inside the mirror knew about it.”
“Did they say why it was here?”Dowla asked.
“The ghost said it was sent toact as my interpreter. It said it was sent to assist me, and make sure I wasprepared.” Anna looked around the room and could tell from the puzzled look oneverybody’s face that it was time to tell them all she knew. She explainedeverything the ghost had said, about the battle to come, the war between goodand evil. She also told them what the Mirror of Enlightenment had said aboutthe conflict, and that He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named was allegedly gathering strengthagain.
“You mean, Voldemort?” said Damon, disbelievingly. “ButVoldemort is dead. He’s been dead for years now.” Some of the portraits inThordarson’s office gasped at hearing the Dark Lord’s name.
“Yes… in fact he disappeared just days before Anna’s birth,”said Thordarson, titling his head down to look at Anna from under his loweredbrow. The room went very quiet again. Everybody seemed to be having troublegetting their mind wrapped around all of this new information. Finally, Annatold them the thing that had been bothering her ever since she had become aGuardian.
“Daddy… the voices in the mirror also said the ally was… awoman, and…” Anna wavered slightly again, “they said she had been murdered.”
“A member of our family… murdered? But that’s impossible —ridiculous.” Eric said, skeptically. He leaned forward in his chair. “Let meget this straight. This ghost comes into our house and says she’s a member ofthe family, and then she tells you… she was murdered. Then she attacks ourfather? It doesn’t make any sense.”
Anna frowned. “No, that’s not right. The ghost said it was amember of the family and had come to help me. It was the mirror that told methe ally was a murdered woman. But the voices within the mirror also confirmedthe ally was here to help me. The ally told me she remembers very little abouther past. She doesn’t even remember her own name, and I don’t think she knowsshe was murdered. She only seems to know she was recently awakened by magic toassist me.”
“What was that?” Thordarson asked suddenly. “What was it shesaid about being awakened?”
Anna sat back, trying desperately to recall everything the ghosthad said to her. She realized, although she didn’t understand what washappening, she couldn’t hold anything back now. This ally couldn’t have come tohelp her if it was attacking her father.
Anna thought hard. “The ally said both of us were awakened tofight the madness to come. Voldemort is apparently growing stronger,” there wasanother gasp from the portraits around them, “and his followers are gatheringonce again. She said she was awakened to help me, and I was awakened to…” Annalooked around at the stunned faces of Damon, Tencha and Dowla who were hearingmost of this for the first time, “to keep this battle from destroyingeverything.”
“You were awakened?” said Dowla, suspiciously. “What the heckdoes that mean?”
Anna looked at her sister warily and then up at Damon who had aninfuriating look of revulsion on his face. She knew what he was thinking, thatshe, Anna, was continuing to be something different than normal. She knew Damonhadn’t changed his opinion about her just because she was allowed to travel toCastlewood. Despite everything that had happened to prove she belonged at theschool, he still wanted her locked in a closet and hidden from the world.Anna’s face flushed with anger as she stared at Damon.
“The power given to me at birth,” she snapped, “had beenawakened.”
Damon smirked. He folded his arms and looked away as if tosurvey a row of books pushed into the case next to him. Once again, silencetook hold of the room.
Thordarson sighed, and then folded his hands to rest his chinupon them. He seemed deep in troubled thought. “It is not possible for a spiritto awaken so long after they’ve passed without God’s help. When we die, most ofus hope our spirits will travel on to the higher realms of our existence. A fewwizards, however, fearing their own mortality, will use magic to leave animprint of themselves in the world they once knew. The ghosts who walk thiscastle, for example, are merely an embossment of what they once were in life.But to have an imprint created after death… is unheard of.” Thordarson leanedforward to look at Mister Grayson. “Obviously, there is powerful magic at workhere, Boris.”
“Yes… but the voices in the mirror told Anna this thing was amember of our family and had been murdered.” Mister Grayson shook his head. “Iagree with Eric; this doesn’t make any sense. I have always taken great pridein knowing the details of our family history. To my knowledge, no Grayson hasever been murdered. There have been a few accidents, to be sure,” he said,uncomfortably, “but these things happen in every family. There hasn’t been ahint of suspicion pointing to a wrongful death among our descendants in over athousand years.”
“So, what is this thing? Some kind of rouge ghost, looking fortrouble?” asked Tencha, glancing around the room.
Anna ignored her. “Daddy, you said you thought the attack waspersonal. What made you say that?”
“Because of some of the things I heard it say during theassault. It said it had been deceived and betrayed.” Mister Grayson wincedslightly again as he shifted his weight in his chair. “It was definitely takingout its frustrations on me.”
“The most important thing, Boris, is that you’re all right,”said Thordarson. “I take it the ministry has been notified of this attack?”
“Yes, there was still a skeleton crew here from the Committeefor the Deposal of Dangerous Creatures after the attack on Anna and Damon. Thedisturbance inside the mansion brought them running to my aid.”
“Thank God they were there,” said Tencha.
“Yes — I’m afraid they’re back in full strength on the groundsonce again,” Mister Grayson said derisively.
“Well two attacks on our family in such a short period of timeshould warrant a lot of their attention,” Damon said, self-importantly.
Anna peeked up at Professor Thordarson somewhat embarrassed.Damon still didn’t know it was Anna who had attacked him.
Professor Thordarson only gave Anna a quick glance. “I agree thesituation merits caution. Let the Ministry do their work, Boris. I know youwell enough to remember how you dislike strangers in the Grayson house, but forthe comfort and confidence of your family here at Castlewood, I advise youallow the Ministry to investigate this incident thoroughly. They have the powerto insure this attack won’t be repeated.”
“Yes, of course. While it’s rather problematic getting any workdone while they’re here, I wanted the children to know what had happened, andwhat precautions I’ll be taking to make sure it doesn’t happen again.” Mister Graysonlooked at his family. “You should be concentrating on your studies, and notworrying about me here at the mansion. As you can see, I’m taking all thenecessary steps to rid us of this nuisance. Focus on your duties at school;we’ll be all right here.”
“Yes, sir,” some of the children replied.
“I know we all have a lot of questions, but it’s my job to worryabout the answers. You’re job awaits you in your lessons.” After insuring hischildren understood the immediate danger was past, Mister Grayson moved tofinally change the subject.
“So… Anna, this is the first time I’ve had a chance to speak toyou since the Joining Ceremony and the creation of the Guardians. The start ofa new union at Castlewood,” he said with a far off stare, a hint of enormous pridebuilding in his voice. “Congratulations.”
“Oh — ah… thank you, Daddy,” Anna replied, looking somewhatembarrassed at the others, “I guess,” she added, softly.
“And Eric… I’m so very proud of you too, son. ProfessorThordarson told me about your final decision to reenter the mirror again. Yourwillingness to help your sister falls in line with the strongest traditions ofour family. The change of union was unexpected, of course, but… well… how doyou feel about that?”
“I feel honored the Graysonshave been asked to help the school sustain this new Union,Father. Professor Thordarson and I agree with you, and feel it’s vital we doall we can to insure what Anna has started gets a fair chance to succeed.”
Mister Grayson grinned.“Excellent!” He looked at his other children. “I expect all of you will want towalk through the Mirror of Enlightenment again at your first opportunity,” hesaid, encouragingly. “It’s important the rest of the school see all of theGraysons coming together on this.”
“Professor Titan allowed Tenchaand me to walk through the mirror again this morning, Daddy,” Dowla said,informatively. Anna looked up at them in surprise. Dowla was motioning toTencha, who also nodded.
“It said we both still belongedin the Searchers’ Union,” said Tencha. “Nochange for us.”
The twins looked suspiciouslyat Damon, who seemed very uncomfortable about the direction of theconversation.
“And when can we expect to seeyou walking through the mirror again, Damon?” Dowla asked sardonically.
Damon smirked before realizingthe whole family was now staring at him. He tried to recover quickly.
“I’m thinking about it,” hesaid coolly, glaring at Anna across the room.
Anna shook her head. She knewhe was only saying this to appease their father. Damon had no intension of everleaving the Defenders’ Union, their father’sDynasty, for the sake of the family squib.
“Atta-boy, Damon,” MisterGrayson said, through the flames, “and congratulations, son, on being named aDefender Knight. Outstanding work!”
Damon’s lips curled insatisfaction. “Thank you, sir.”
“Two Knights in the samefamily; if you all continue to feed your father’s pride like this… myexpectations are liable to go up.”
The children looked at eachother and groaned amusedly.
“I’m glad to see everybodydoing their part on their sister’s behalf. And… that reminds me. I have alittle surprise for you, Anna,” her father said, turning to look at her again.
Anna snapped up. “A what?”
“It’s just my way of offering alittle more support from home to help you handle these… ah…” he hesitated tosmile, “…let’s call them unforeseen Guardian affairs. Professor Thordarson, ifyou would be so kind?”
“It would be my pleasure,” saidthe Chancellor, who was slowly getting to his feet again.
Anna frowned, looking over atEric who suddenly seemed to be grinning with controlled anticipation.
“What’s going on?” Anna said,looking at her brother as she stood to watch Professor Thordarson walk to aside door. Eric shrugged innocently, as the Chancellor opened the door.
“We’re ready for you now,” hesaid, looking down at the floor on the other side.
There was a flash of somethinggrayish-green streaking across the threshold. It hit Anna full in the stomach,wrapping her legs tight.
“Oooff!” Anna gasped as shetoppled to the floor with whatever it was now sitting on top of her. Annaopened her eyes to focus on the small creature sitting upon her chest. “GABBY!”The huge oval eyes of the Grayson’s house elf were quivering as they lookedupon her mistress.
“Oh, Miss Anna, I is so happyto sees you!” The elf squealed delightedly, throwing her arms around Anna’sneck.
“Wha… What are you doing here?”Anna said, sitting up from the floor and hugging the elf back.
“Master Grayson has given mespermission to leave the house. Iz traveled to Castlewood all buys myself,” shesaid, proudly. “Iz here to help!”
“Help? Help with what?”
“Iz is to help my Anna whileshe is building the new union!”
Anna looked around the room andfound her entire family smiling at her, except for Damon, of course, who had alook of fixed disgust on his pallid face.
“It’s only for this year,” saidMister Grayson. “I believe you’re going to need all the help you can get withyour studies. And of course there’s this small matter of sustaining thenew Union.” He winked at her. “Because of theabnormal circumstances surrounding all of this, Professor Thordarson has agreedto let Gabby work in the castle and help you where and when she can,” herfather explained.
Anna’s face broke into a hugegrin. “Oh, Gabs! This is fantastic! Welcome to Castlewood!” she said excitedly,hugging her friend again.
“Mind you, we all agreed it’sjust for the year,” Mister Grayson said, in a business-like tone. His wordsseemed reminiscent of a vague accord, which only recently had been reached.
Gabby’s head scrunched downslightly as she turned to smile at her master. “Yes, sir. Iz understand, sir. Iis to work hard, take care of my mistress, and look after the newGuar-di-di-ans,” Gabby explained reassuringly.
Anna giggled. “That’s — Guardians,Gabs.” She looked over at her father. “Thank you, Daddy. This is wonderful, andlord knows I can certainly use the help.”
“Well… to tell you the truth,she wasn’t doing a lot of good here at the house anyway. All she’s done sinceyou left is mope around and yell at Widwick and Cookie all day. A longertransition might be good for the both of you.”
Mister Grayson let out a sighand leaned back. “Well… I’ve got to be going. It’s still early here, and I havea conference with the Minister of Argentina at six o’clock, and then I have asecurity meeting with the CDDC wizards on the grounds.
“Remember our talk in the linewhile you were here. I expect your best work and behavior — always.”
Anna cringed. She wondered ifher father had heard about her detention yet. She decided not to mention it.
“Good luck to you all; don’tforget to send your father an owl when you can. I love you. And don’t worryabout things here at the manor; we’ll be all right.” His head loomed forwardinto the room once more to look at all of them.
“Goodbye, Daddy. We love you,”said the twins together.
“Bye, Daddy, and thanks… foreverything,” said Anna, who tried to reach out to her father’s glowing facethrough the flames.
“Goodbye, pumpkin. I’ll see youall over Christmas.”
Mister Grayson’s head pivotedover the bowl to look to the side. “Once again, Professor, thank you for makingallowances, and these arrangements. I’ll be in touch in a few days to checkin.”
“Goodbye, Boris, and don’tworry about anything here. You take care of yourself now,” Thordarson repliedearnestly.
Mister Grayson nodded, lookedinto the room at his children again, and smiled. His face began to elongate anddistort as the blue flames over the bowl blazed brightly for an instant. Therewas a far-off whistle and, with a slight POP, he was gone.
Anna looked over at the elf.“When did you arrive at Castlewood, Gabs?”
“Iz just did. Master Eric wasvery kind to meet me at the ship.”
Anna looked at Eric. He wasstill smiling.
“After father receivedpermission from the Chancellor to send her, I went down to the harbor andescorted Gabby into Spellsburg.”
The elf tugged on Anna’s leg.“Master Eric knows Iz afraid of heights — I is.”
Professor Thordarson smiled ashe sat down at his desk. “The castle elves, with few exceptions, have fullaccess throughout the castle,” he explained, “and they are allowed to Apparatemost anywhere within this structure. Gabby should, however, have a companionfor her first few days, just to make sure she stays out of danger. I will replaceanother elf to be her escort and make sure she replaces her way around.”
Anna had a thought. “I met avery nice elf in the first-year’s dinning hall the other day. His name wasTisket. Maybe he would be willing to help her.” The Chancellor nodded agreeably.
“Well, I guess we should begoing, Professor. Thanks again for letting us speak to our father,” Eric said,shaking the Chancellor’s hand. “If you do speak with him again, could you…?”
“I will update all of theGraysons on his state immediately, of course.”
“Thank you, sir.”
The Graysons began to file out.As Anna entered the torch lit hallway, there was a surprised yell.
“Gabby!” Gwen was now runningup the corridor toward them.
Gabby looked up and her eyesgrew to the size of saucers. “Miss Gwendowyn?”
“I’ve got you now, elf!” Gwensaid, her expression set with scowled determination.
Gabby’s face formed a wickedgrin, and there was a slight POP as the elf unexpectedly Disapparated.With a smoky PHOOMF, she reappeared again sitting on top of Gwen’sshoulders, her legs straddled down over her neck.
“UGGHN!” Gwen stumbled andalmost fell forward. She recovered quickly, however, and reached up to grab oneof Gabby’s draped legs. “Gotcha!” she yelled, but Gabby had Disapparated againand reappeared down at Gwen’s feet. The elf reached up and tweaked Gwen’s kneesjust below her shirt.
“Ouch! Why you little — ” Gwenmade another grab for the small elf as the rest of the Graysons started tolaugh.
“There they go again,” Ericsaid, shaking his head as he watched the elf dodge and zigzag around Gwen’soutstretched hands, only to Disapparate once again. “I had forgotten… Gwennever did learn this lesson, did she?”
Anna shook her head, “No, butyou have to give her credit. She’s never given up trying.”
Gabby reappeared once again,this time behind Gwen, where she promptly swatted the girl on the rump.
Gwen yelped in surprise.“AAARGH! Oh you little fiend!” she hollered, as she spun around and closed herarms around… POP… nothing. There was a hollow giggle in the air as theelf reappeared on Gwen’s left to give her ponytail a yank.
“Heeee-hee-hee,” snickered theelf who then Disapparated once again in a puff of white smoke.
Gwen stood straight, rubbingher sore head and looking around. “Where’d she go?” she yelled, looking over atAnna. The twins were laughing so hard they had to lean on each other to stand.Even Damon seemed to be enjoying Gwen’s suffering.
“Where is she?” Gwen holleredagain. Anna smiled, shrugging innocently, but Gwen could see her eyes dart to aspot behind her head. Gwen slowly looked up to see the elf hiding behind thehelmet of one of the suits of armor standing there. The elf suddenly leapt downat her.
“Aaaahh!” Gwen screamed,ducking over and covering her head.
The elf had Disapparated inmidair and reappeared standing behind her. She grabbed the hem of Gwen’s robesand threw them up and over her head, giggling maliciously.
They could now hear Gwenscreaming with rage. “Hey — no fair!”
“You’d better give up, Gwen,”Eric called to her. “You know this is pointless.”
“Never! Oh you just wait, elf.Where’s my wand? I’m not a kid anymore; you won’t get away with this. I’malmost a fully studied witch now! I’m gonna… OUCH!” Gabby pinched Gwen on herbottom.
“Oooohhhh, is a realwitch, is she, now?” the elf said, teasingly. “You’s want to see her knickers?”she said, looking at the boys.
“Yeah!” Damon hollered.
“That might be nice,” Ericreplied laughingly.
“No!” screamed Gwen, who wasfrantically pushing her robes back over right again. The Graysons howled withlaughter at her hair, which was magically standing straight out from her headin a shocking hue of blue.
“What!?” Gwen yelled, as shebegan feeling about her head. “Oooo — you little… come here!”
She made another grab for theelf.
Gabby was once again sitting onGwen’s shoulders, straddling her neck.
Gwen huffed loudly and stompedher foot, folding her arms in frustration. “Oh, all right!” she said, rollingher eyes in disgust, “I give up!”
“Happy — happy day!” yelled theelf, triumphantly. She leaned over, “Give me my circles then, horsy!”
“Oh, come on, Gabby. Don’t makeme do that again,” she pleaded, with a look reminiscent of a child being toldto eat her peas.
“You’s said you’s give up!”Gabby yelped, grabbing Gwen’s ponytails and bouncing up and down on hershoulders. “Circles, circles, circles!”
“Ouch! Oooow — all right, then.You evil… little… thing!”
“Come on horsy-Gwen. Youstarted this; now you have to finish it,” chimed Dowla, still laughing with therest.
Gwen screwed up her face andclosed her eyes, embarrassed. She quickly turned a full circle to her left.
“The horsy circles to theleft,” Gwen said, in an exasperated tone.
“Wa-hoo!” sang Gabby happily,while the Graysons howled.
Gwen turned another circle inthe opposite direction.
“The horsy circles to theright,” Gwen started to giggle and then, looking at the Graysons roaring withdelight, she started to laugh herself.
“Giddi – giddi – giddi, horsy,”screamed Gabby. Gwen was now laughing too hard to stand and almost tumbled intothe suit of armor as she struggled to keep herself from falling over. “Giddi –giddi – giddi!”
Gwen began to circle again.“The horsy,” she laughed, “circles to the left and then takes flight!” Gwenstarted hopping forward. “One – two – three!”
“WHHHEEEE!” squealed the elf,her little hands waving madly over her head.
Anna, holding her stomach andtrying to catch her breath, was snorting uncontrollably. Gwen straightened and,with her face turning the brightest shade of red, she tried hard to recoverwhat little dignity she had left. Her face went slack as she folded her armsagain in mocked disgust.
“Okay, I did it. Now will youget off me?”
Gabby grinned and then leanedforward to look upside-down into Gwen’s tortured face. The elf’s little headtwisted as she turned sincere.
“You is a good horsy, MissGwendowyn.”
“Yeah — yeah… whatever. Now getoff.”
The elf now stood on the floorat her feet, and Gwen’s soured face instantly broke into a huge grin.
“It’s great seeing you again,Gabs,” she said, reaching down happily to hug the elf.
“You is missed very-very much,Miss Gwen,” said Gabby, hugging the girl back.
“You never learn, do you?” Annaobserved, sighing loudly and straightening to catch her breath.
Gwen stood. “Hey, one day, I’llshow you. I’ll catch that little runt!” she said, pointing over to Gabby, whowas waddling over to stand next to Eric. “And when I do…”
“Yeah, in your dreams,” laughedEric. “You keep trying, though, and I’m gonna end up buying you a saddle.”
Eric then turned to look at hisfamily, his tone shifting more serious. “Listen to me, all of you. I know we’reall worried about what’s going on at home, but father has gone to a lot oftrouble tonight to try and ease our fears. Something strange is going on aroundus and I don’t like surprises. Anna, you should have told me you were visitedby this so-called ally.”
“I told them,” she repliedaccusingly, pointing at the other Graysons, “And besides, I didn’t know thething was violent. I had no idea it would attack Daddy.”
“Attack?” Gwen whispered,looking down at Gabby. The elf trembled and then nodded fearfully.
Eric continued. “From now on,there are no secrets between us. If anything strange happens to anyone,anything out of the ordinary, we should all agree to tell the rest.” They allnodded. “Whatever happened to our father has now been connected to what’shappening here at the school. So we need to stay alert.”
“Eric… do you think whateverthis thing was will attack Daddy again?” Dowla asked, worriedly.
“No, I don’t. Father’s positionin the ministry is far too important to allow such a thing to repeat itself.I’m afraid the CDDC will become a permanent fixture at the estate until we canget a full understanding of these assaults.” Eric looked around at Damon andhis sisters. He could see the worry etched in all of their faces.
“Look, if I believed for amoment our presence at home would do any good, I would withdraw from the schooland put us all on the next ship out. But there’s no value we can add to thesituation there, so we owe it to father to make sure we’re doing our jobsproperly where we are.” They all nodded again. “So — it’s agreed: Anythingabnormal happens, we report it to each other at once.”
“I guess so.”
They could hear the clackingsounds of footsteps coming up the hall and Eric saw Tencha’s eyes widen. Shejerked her head behind him, and Eric turned to see Captain Dunning marching upthe corridor with his sister Debbie filling the rest of the hallway by hisside. The captain strode up and stopped in front of them.
“What is this?” he sneered,looking around at the people standing in the hall. “Despite what you mightbelieve, these hallways are not to be used for private family parties. What areall the Graysons doing here?”
Eric stepped forward. “We weresummoned here, Captain, by the Chancellor.”
“Indeed? I was not aware of thenecessity of such a meeting?”
Eric frowned. “It was a privatefamily matter. It didn’t involve the school.”
Debbie Dunning glanced up ather brother and tutted loudly.
“Everything that happens on theschool’s grounds is a school matter, Grayson,” the captain scoffed.
“They were probably negotiatingspecial Grayson privileges from the Chancellor again,” Debbie mumbled.
“Shut up, Debbie, and mind yourown business,” Dowla retorted.
“Temper — temper, Grayson. Mybrother was just making certain you understood that we’re all the same here.Nobody is better than anybody else… despite what some of you might privatelybelieve.”
Anna could feel her bloodbeginning to heat up. Where did Debbie get off turning a private meetingwith the head of the school into some kind of request for special treatment?
Anna crossed her armsindignantly. “Forgive me. I’m kind of new here, so I’m still learning as I go.Captain… has your sister been granted special privileges here at theschool? I mean… have you privately deputized Debbie or something?”
The captain frowned. “MissGrayson, as it is with most of my exchanges with your family, I have no ideawhat you’re talking about.”
“I’ll take that as a no, then?”
“Miss Grayson, you are indeednew, so I will indulge your silly questions only to tell you to explain whatyou mean or keep silent.”
Anna frowned, but kept hercool. “Well, I keep hearing Debbie say we’re all the same at this school.However, judging from my own recent experience, and after speaking to severalof the other students today, you should know there is a belief out there yoursister has been granted the privilege of being an extension of your eyes andears within the castle.” Debbie stepped forward angrily, but the captain stuckhis arm out to stop her.
“My sister,” the captainreplied, in a growled voice that barely moved his lips, “has been granted nospecial privileges at this school. But the Graysons should already know this,or they would have been first in line to acquire their unfair share of theseliberties themselves. No, you see, my sister cares as deeply as I do that theschool’s rules are to be obeyed — by all of its students. If any student atCastlewood decides to report another for breaking the rules, you will replace Itake all such reports very seriously, as your detention tonight should haveclearly demonstrated to you.” The rest of the Graysons looked at Anna in shock.
“You had detention tonight?”asked Eric, in surprise.
“Wow — that was fast,” laughedTencha. “That’s got to be a new family record.”
Anna ignored them and steppedcloser to Captain Dunning. “So, no special privileges for Debbie? She’s justdoing what all the students are doing in reporting these violations to you asshe sees them. Hmm… now that’s interesting, but I think it would be just asinteresting to see how many of these reports you receive come from Debbieverses everybody else, and how many were delivered to you personally verses theother Crimson Guards.”
Captain Dunning’s eyes flashed.“Be very careful, Miss Grayson. I was inexcusably lenient with you for yourthreats against my sister yesterday. Best you learn how to mind that attitudeof yours,” he said with a hiss.
Debbie stepped in front ofAnna. “So, how did you like cleaning those stalls tonight, Anna? Hope youdidn’t chip a nail filling those bins.”
Anna smiled, thinking about herride on Swooper. She had the urge to thank Debbie for one of the bestexperience of her life, but thought better of it.
“Oh — yeah. Please don’t sendme down to the stables again, Debbie,” Anna said, in a mocked, pleading tone.“It was dreadful down there. You have no idea.”
Gwen began to giggle behindher, and Debbie stared back at Anna with a surprised and baffled frown plantedon her face.
“And what are you doing in apopulated hallway?” The captain said, pointing down at Gabby. The elf cringedas she hid behind Anna’s legs. “Present but not seen, elf! You should beattending the fires,” said Captain Dunning, glaring down at her.
“She’s with us,” Anna repliedsharply. “She’s a member of our family who just arrived aboard ship. She’ll be…ah… staying with me this year.” Anna faltered before finishing her statement.She knew what was coming next.
“Oh… another specialprivilege arranged between the Graysons and our generous Chancellor?”Debbie said, with a wicked grin. “I guess the two hundred or so other castleelves that live here and take care of the rest of us aren’t good enough forAnna Grayson. No… she has to have her own personal servant following her aroundso she can make it through the day. Poor Anna, it must be so difficult for youto live among the rest of us, the lowly and unwashed of Castlewood.”
“Gabby wasn’t brought to thecastle at my request,” Anna growled through tightly clinched teeth.
“Oh… is that right? So Isuppose you’ll be sending the creature home, then… because you won’t be needingits services?”
Anna turned bright red withfury, and Debbie smiled triumphantly.
“I didn’t think so. Onceacquired, Grayson privileges have to be negotiated away. A fair exchange isalways important in the business of acquiring favor.”
At these words, Tencha steppedin angrily. “Listen, you squatty little …”
“Has your meeting with theChancellor ended?” Captain Dunning asked, drowning out Tencha’s words.
“Yes… we’re finished here,”Eric replied.
“Then I would suggest you clearthis hallway.”
“What — do you and Debbiepatrol the corridors together every night? Like a couple of bats, looking forinsects to devour and…”
“Dowla — enough!” Eric chided.
The Captain glared at them.“Clear out… and get back to your Union Halls.”
After a long-enraged pause, thefamily turned and left together.
“So, you threatened Debbie,huh? Excellent!” said Tencha, who bumped a shoulder into Anna as she passed heron the left.
“There’s hope for you yet,kiddo,” Dowla said, bumping her again on the right.
They laughed as they turned andheaded off toward the Searchers’ Hall. “Just make sure you tell us before youbop her in the nose, Anna. Wouldn’t want to miss that! See you, Gabby!” Thegirls were leaning into one another, giggling maliciously, and Anna coulddistinctly hear them discussing a plan for putting something in Debbie’s foodas they walked out of sight.
“Eric, we have a Knight’smeeting with Dodimayerin ten minutes. We’d better get going,” said Damon.
Eric nodded before turning toAnna. “Remember what I said about reporting anything suspicious, Anna,” hesaid, putting his hands lovingly on his sister’s shoulders. “Gabby will staywith you tonight, and we’ll make arrangements for her duties in the morning.”He kissed her on the cheek.
“Okay. Goodnight,” said Anna,as Eric turned and walked away.
“Stay out of trouble,” Damonsneered, before turning to follow Eric.
“Yeah — whatever, Damon,” Annagrumbled under her breath.
Anna, Gwen, and Gabby walkedtogether down several staircases and entered the tunnel leading them toward theServer and Artisan tower. Anna told Gwen what had happened to her father, andhow it all seemed to relate to what the mirror had said. Gwen was gripped withtrepidation like a child listening to some strange camp-side tale.
“Wow… and they think it’s allconnected to you being the first Guardian? That’s wild,” Gwen said, lookingmesmerized.
“Yeah,” Anna said,despairingly, “it’s a dream come true.”
Gabby had Disapparated againfrom behind them, and reappeared heavily in Anna’s arms.
“UGGHN! Gabby, what are youdoing?”
“You’s broke your promise to anelf. That is a very naughtily thing to do,” Gabby said scowling her, pointing areproving finger at Anna’s nose.
“What are you talking about?What promise?”
“You’s said you’s would notride the black flying horse! Black with wings as bats is unlucky, is dread.They is bad. Iz told Miss Anna this before she left home,” the elf glowered.
Anna was surprised. “But… buthow did you know I was riding…?”
“Iz saws you’s on the tram whenMaster Eric was bringing mes to the castle. That is a bad horse.”
“Oh, it is not.”
“It is!” Gabby insisted. “Iztelling you, they is unlucky, these creatures is.”
“Maybe you should listen to herAnna. After what almost happened to you up there tonight, maybe you should…”Anna stopped Gwen with a glare.
“What? What happened to you’s?”Gabby demanded, staring up at Gwen and then back to Anna. “Something didhappen. Iz knew it! You is to stay away from that beast.”
“But Gabby, nothing happened.I’m standing here now, right? I’m not hurt. You can’t hold me to a promise I madeto you about a dream. Swooper is a wonderful horse, and he needs my help. He’sbeen very ill for a long time.” She set Gabby down on the floor. The elf lookedup, her face a study of worry and doubt. “Besides, you said it yourself. Allthat stuff about being unlucky was just tales from the old country,” Anna said,folding her arms in defiance.
The elf looked down, shakingher head. She peered up again, her ears drooping miserably, her eyes filledwith fear. Anna could see the elf’s mind struggling to choose between thesafety of her mistress and the legends of old. It was a constant battle for Gabby.
“You’s were not hurt?” askedGabby, undecidedly.
“No — of course not.”
Gabby looked unconvinced as shefrowned up at Gwen again. “Miss Gwen would not let my Anna be hurt.”
“No, I wouldn’t, Gabby,” Gwensaid coolly, glancing up at Anna whose eyes were burning into her like lasers.
“You’s would be careful?” theelf said, looking back at Anna.
Anna squatted down to look intoGabby’s concerned face. “Yes mother hen, you can count on it! It’s very sweetof you to worry about me, though,” she said, kissing the elf on the foreheadand smoothing her cheek. The elf smiled up at her.
“I missed you’s so much, MissAnna. Iz hope Iz won’t be a pest here at the school. Iz hope Iz can help theGuar-di-di-ans.”
Anna smiled. “I’m sure you’llbe a great help, Gabby. I’m happy we’re together again.” Gabby’s oval eyesbegan to fill with happy tears.
“And if Anna can’t replacesomething for you to do, Gabs, you can help me with my homework,” said Gwen,taking the elf by the hand as they continued to walk down the brightly littunnel toward the Union tower. “This is great! Here I am worried about all thisthird year work, and then you show up. It’s almost like you knew we needed yourhelp.”
Gwen’s words hit Anna like ahammer to the head.
“Like she knew,” Anna whisperedto herself. “Like she knew?” she said, out loud. Gwen and Gabby stopped andturned around.
“What?” said Gwen.
“Sarah!” replied Anna, insurprise. “She knew. Sarah was right. She said someone in my family was goingto be attacked last night, and my father was attacked. Then she said,somebody from home was coming to help me, and…” Anna pointed down at Gabby.“Sarah knew… she got it right!”
Gwen placed a hand on her foreheadand smiled. “Oh my God, you’re right. Oh Anna, this is so weird. She goteverything exactly right, didn’t she?” Gwen said, astonished.
“Well, almost everything,” Annareplied, somewhat mystified. “All that stuff about the dwelling place of the evilone — I guess she missed on that one.”
Gwen’s eyebrows lifted. “Anna,what if she did get it right?”
Anna frowned, and then it cameto her and she knew what Gwen was thinking. “Oh my God! You don’t think? Youdon’t think she meant…?”
“The black castle!” they said,together.
Gwen’s face was full ofexcitement, but Anna shuddered. It was one thing to hear about something evilhaving a hand on her birth, but to think the thing was so close set alarm bellsoff in her head.
“Anna, we have to replace out moreabout this place you saw,” said Gwen, turning away to think hard. “There has tobe a way. Somebody has to know something about it.”
The mirror said this thing would kill me if it knew I was here,Anna thought, staring half dazed down the long hallway. Anna thought aboutEric, and what he had just said about reporting anything strange. A wave ofreal fear poured over her, but what could she tell him? That her roommate had adream and said something very close by was dangerous to her? Anna started towalk quickly down the hall.
“Where are you going?”
“I have to replace Sarah!” Annayelled back as she started running down the tunnel.
Anna finally made it into thetower room, adjoining the Sever and Artisan Halls. As she rounded the cornerand headed toward the Server doors, she heard a voice calling out to her frombehind.
Anna slid to a stop and spunaround. “Sarah!” She could see her roommate sitting in a chair next to one ofthe large fireplaces in the room. Sarah immediately jumped to her feet when shesaw Anna.
“What’s happened?” Sarah asked,knowingly. “Is your family okay?” It was apparent that Sarah was expecting Annato come looking for her.
“We need to talk right now,Sarah!” said Anna, and she grabbed the girl’s elbow to lead her back to a couchwhere they wouldn’t be heard. Gwen and Gabby entered the tower a moment later.
“Oh, no… something has happened,” Sarah said sadly, shakingher head.
“Sit!” Anna commanded.
Sarah slowly sat down,trembling and trying to avoid Anna’s angry gaze. “Who was it? Who was hurt?”Sarah asked her, reluctantly.
“It was my father!” Sarahlooked up; her lips were trembling as tears began to form in her eyes. “Buthe’s all right. He’s just a little shaken up. Sarah, I need you to tell me moreabout what you said. Tell me more about the dwelling place of this evil one. Doyou know where it is?”
“I don’t understand. Sarah,tell me everything you know about it.”
“I don’t know anything aboutit. I only know what you told me I said during the night.”
Anna’s frustration wasbuilding. Was Sarah being truthful or was she just too afraid to say more?
“Sarah, this is very importantto me. You have to tell me…”
“Did… that elf come to you fromhome?” asked Sarah, pointing at Gabby who was standing next to Gwen.
“What? Oh, yeah. That’s Gabby,our house elf. You were right about that too. Gabby was sent from home to helpme.
“Gabby, this is Sarah Bell,”Anna said, quickly introducing them.
“Sarah… listen to me carefully.I have to know more about this place you said I would see today. Do you knowwhat it might look like?”
Sarah frowned suspiciously andher eyes widened. “You’ve seen it,” she said, slowly. “You saw it, didn’t you?”
“I don’t know what I saw.That’s what I’m trying to understand. Do you know what this place looks like?”
“No… you don’t understand,Anna. It doesn’t work that way. I never remember my visions. I only know whatpeople tell me after I wake up.” Sarah started to cry. “I wish I could helpyou, I really do. But I can’t, because I don’t remember saying anything.”
Anna fisted her knees infrustration. “Damn!”
Gabby waddled over to sit nextto Sarah. The elf’s movements were so subtle, Sarah actually jumped when theelf spoke to her.
“Such a sweet child,” Gabbysaid, kindly. “Can you’s tell old Gabby about the dreams you’s have?”
Sarah leaned away with a halffearful, half embarrassed, expression before looking up at Anna.
“Gabby has been in the Graysonfamily her entire life, Sarah. She’s sworn to secrecy and is one of the wisestpeople I know. I trust her with my life. Please… tell Gabby what you told meabout your visions.” Gwen sat in the chair across from them as Sarahreluctantly began to tell them about her predictions during the night. When shefinished, Gabby leaned over to her.
“You is blessed, little one,”she whispered to Sarah.
“Blessed? It’s a curse! I’m acurse to everybody around me. Nobody is safe.”
“But you is not causing thesethings you see,” Gabby explained.
“I am!”
“Forgive old Gabby for speakingan elf’s mind, but you is not powerful enough to make the birds sing you’ssongs, or command the direction of bees.” Gabby looked up at Anna. “She has thegift of long-sight.”
“The what?” asked Gwen, inchingcuriously forward in her seat.
“Is very rare in wizards. Sheis a seer of things to come.”
“I knew it!” Gwen saidexcitedly, looking at Anna. “Didn’t I tell you?”
“It’s not a gift,” Sarah said,crying. “Everybody is afraid to be near me. My family hates me!”
Gabby smiled and patted thegirl’s hand. “I is not afraid of you’s, child. Iz would watch over you’s whileyou’s slept if little Bellwas in my care.”
Sarah looked up at the elf.“You would? Wouldn’t you be worried?”
“No, Iz wouldn’t.” Gabby tookSarah’s hand. “Mys end is written in the stars by God, Miss Bell. I is a veryold elf, and Iz know my time is shortest ahead. If you’s tell me my end is near— is not a surprise. Is good to know heaven is so close. You is just confused.You’s is not the cause of the things you’s see —you is just the herald, therarest of messengers, you is. You’s would not say you was the cause of the goodthings you see, would you?” Sarah shook her head. “You’s see? So you’s cannotbe the cause of anything that is bad.” Gabby bent forward. “You is seeing thatnow, do you Miss Bell?”
“I… I guess so,” Sarah whimpered,timidly. Then she looked up at Anna. “I’ll speak to one of the Knights aboutmoving out of our room.”
“You will not!” said Anna, insurprise. “I didn’t say I wanted you to leave.”
“But you wouldn’t want mearound all the time.”
“Listen… my father always said,forewarned people forestall trouble. Trust me, now that I know this thing youwere warning me about is nearby, I’ll be sleeping as close to you as I possiblycan. I want a good head start if this thing decides to come to Spellsburg for avisit.”
Sarah frowned. “Are you sure?”
“Positive. I just wish youcould tell me more.”
“Maybe Sarah will have anotherpremonition tonight,” said Gwen.
Sarah shook her head. “I don’tthink so. I’ve never had the same prediction twice, and never two nights in arow. It may be months before I do it again. I wish I could say never,” she saidsomberly, and Gabby patted her on the hand again.
They continued to discuss theevening’s events and Anna told Sarah about the ally, its attack on MisterGrayson, and her flight on Swooper over the mountains to the north. Soon, theywere completely talked out and sat quietly watching the fire crackling merrilyin the logs in front of them. For the first time since all of this had started,Anna felt she had friends with whom she could share her thoughts and fears. Itwas a nice feeling to know Gabby and Gwen would be around to help herunderstand what was happening, and Sarah Bell seemed to have more to hide thanshe did when it came to the Lethifold. It was somehow encouraging to know she,Anna, wasn’t the only one trying to hide something they didn’t want others toknow.
“Well I, for one, have a ton ofhomework… and I’m already exhausted,” Gwen said, stretching. “I think I’ll goup.” But another student’s voice interrupted them.
“Well… hello again.”
The girls looked up. It was theDurkin boy from the stadium field. He looked much taller now that he was cleanand dressed in his school robes, standing against Anna’s chair with a rollednewspaper in his hand.
Tired as she said she was Gwenseemed to instantly come to life. “Hi there, yourself!” she said standing. “Iguess you haven’t met everybody yet, have you? Uh… you know my friend from California, of course,Anna Grayson. This is Sarah Bell of Minnesota,and this is Gabby. She’s also a member of the Grayson family. Everybody — thisis Stephan Durkin. We met him on the Vollucross field today.” They all shookhands.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Heturned again to Gwen. “Uh… nice hair color,” he said, smiling.
“Huh? Oh no!” yelped Gwen, coveringher head and scowling at Gabby. Although the elf’s magic had almost worn off,her hair was still a striking shade of purple. “I… ah… I’m…” Gwen stumbledembarrassingly, combing her fingers nervously through her hair.
“Don’t worry, I kind of likeit,” Stephen joked, before turning to face Anna. “Everybody was impressed withyour riding abilities over the plateau tonight. I think Doctor Pearl has bigplans for you, Anna,” he said, giving her a respectful nod.
Anna blushed. In the warm glowof the gentle fire, she could see the boy was very good-looking.
“Oh, thanks. I guess I couldhave had an easier first flight, though. Trying to stop two angry horses fromkilling each other wasn’t something I’d like to repeat soon.”
The boy laughed. “No, I guessnot. But you handled yourself very well for your first time out.”
He unfolded his newspaper. “Didyou all see the paper today? Big things happening overseas at Hogwarts.”
“Hogwarts? What’s Hogwarts?”asked Sarah, looking down at the paper, The Spellsburg Seer. Sarah wassurprised to see three figures on the front-page moving and shaking hands.
“Oh… it’s a Wizarding school inEngland,one of the best in the world. Its Headmaster is Albus Dumbledore. That’s apicture of him there,” he said, pointing at one of the smiling figures on thefront page. “He’s supposed to be one of the most powerful wizards of our time.”Durkin explained.
“So what’s happening atHogwarts?” shrugged Gwen, who then looked at Anna and whispered, “Isn’t thatthe strangest name you’ve ever heard for a school?”
“It says Hogwarts will behosting the Triwizard Tournament this year,” Stephan explained.
“The what?” Anna asked,frowning.
“Listen to this,” Stephan said,and he began to read from the paper.
The international wizardingcommunity is all a buzz tonight after the announcement that the legendaryTriwizard Tournament will commence for the first time in over a hundred yearsat Hogwarts Schoolof Witchcraft and Wizardry in merry old England. Established by sportingenthusiasts seven hundred years ago, it was first recognized as an excellentway to bring together the three largest European schools of wizardry, Hogwarts,Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang Academy, in a friendly competition betweenneighboring schools for the benefit of closer ties between students and futuresorcerers within the wizardry community.
A champion will be selectedto represent each school, and the three will compete in three magical tasksduring the tournament. Once rotated between these schools every five years, thecompetition was abruptly ended one hundred years ago when a number of championswere unexpectedly killed. One such incident happened in 1888 when the championfrom Beauxbatons Academy was eaten by a Manticore.
This year, however, promisesto be different, because the departments of International Magical Cooperationand Magical Games and Sports have decided the time is right to try again undersome very strict new rules. First, the headmasters of each school must attendthe tournament and oversee its preparation and individual tasks. Mister LudoBagman, head of England’s Department of Magical Games and Sports, was quotedtoday to say, “We’re all very excited about this announcement, and getting thecorporative agreements of the heads of these schools to act as judges duringthe tasks ahead. It should be a load of fun.”
A second change in the ruleswas also announced, limiting the champions competing to only those above theage of seventeen. Mister Bartemius Crouch, England’s head of InternationalMagical Cooperation, was reported to have said, “All the Ministry offices ofthese three countries have worked very hard during the summer to ensure nochampion replaces himself or herself in any real danger.”
The representatives of Beauxbatons andDurmstrang will arrive at Hogwarts with a small group of potential championsfrom their schools over the Halloween holiday in October, and the selection ofthe three champions will take place with the help of an impartial judge, whohas yet to be announced. It was also learned that the winner of The TriwizardCup would collect much more than the glory of their fellow countrymen and theirschool. A prize of one thousand galleons has been set-aside for the winner ofthe cup. Most of the schools throughout the Wizarding world are currentlymaking arrangements to have these Triwizard tasks magically sent to them, sothat everybody can witness this most rare and exciting event.”
Stephan lowered the paper.“Wow, can you imagine competing at that level, representing your school and yourcountry. It’s amazing.”
“So we’re going to see theseevents take place?” asked Gwen.
“Yeah, I think so. Everybody’stalking about it. Somebody heard Professor Titan say we’re going to get theaction projected directly into one of the stadiums outside.”
“So why is England hostingthis tournament? Castlewood is a large school, I’m sure some of our seniorswould do well in a competition like that,” said Anna, thinking about Eric’sprowess as a wizard.
“Well… I think it’s tradition,really. The Triwizard Tournament started over there, so I guess it makes sensethat they would be the first to get it going again,” explained Stephan.“Anyway, it’s going to be exciting to watch; something besides Vollucross andSwift Slalom to look forward to during the cold winter days, huh?”
Anna yawned. “Yeah, I supposeso. Whelp, I’d better hit the books. Come on Gabs, I’ll show you our room.”
“Ah, Gwen. I was wondering ifyou’d like to go for a walk.” Stephan said, somewhat nervously. “It’s still aclear night, and my favorite ice cream shop is only ten minutes outside thebridge in town. Whatdaya say?”
“Sure!” Gwen said, glancingover at Anna with a scarcely-controlled glee of satisfaction.
“I thought you said you had aton of homework to do,” Anna said, teasingly.
“Oh, that can wait. I’m readyto go if you are,” Gwen said, latching onto Stephan’s arm. She leaned over andwhispered to Anna, “What can I say? The guy likes ice cream… I think I’m inlove!” She shrugged as if her actions weretotally beyond her control and then marched off.
Anna laughed, “Have a goodtime, you two.” And she watched Gwen wave as the two of them walked arm in armout of the tower.
“She’ll never change,” Annasaid, shaking her head and looking at Sarah. “She’s boy crazy, that one.”
Later that night, as Anna layin bed, she took inventory of her day. She tried to remain awake, hoping beyondlowly-set expectations that Sarah might say something in her sleep about thecastle where Anna believed the evil one was living. If Pearl and Mister Kingston didn’t know aboutit, I wonder how difficult it would be to replace anything about the place myself?Strange… a castle kept secret to all around it, sitting in the deepest part ofthe Shadowed Forest.
She lay there thinking,listening to Gabby’s snores emanating from the top most dresser drawer whereshe slept. And then an idea occurred to her, and Anna sat bolt upright as thedetails of a plan began to quickly form in her mind. She got out of bed, openedher bag and took out some parchment, a bottle of ink and a quill. She quietlycrept into the living room and turned up a lamp above one of the end tablesbefore sitting to think.
If I were to write a letterto the black castle and give it to Hobbs todeliver, then one of two things would happen: Hobbs might return with the letter, havingbeen unable to deliver it, which would leave me exactly where I am now, or…Hobbs might return without the letter or, better yet, a response. Thiswould at least prove that the place does exist and somebody was actually livingthere.
She considered her movescarefully. The note should be made tosound as innocuous as possible. She dipped her quill into her inkwell andbegan to write. After several attempts, she finally finished, and held theparchment up to the light and read:
To whom it may concern.
It has recently come to ourattention that your place of residence exists within the ShadowedForest of Pennsylvania. We are writing this enquiry tounderstand who is living there, and to ascertain the building’s purpose. Pleaseuse the delivery owl to send back your reply.
Anna stopped. She wouldn’t signit, of course. Judging by Doctor Pearl’s reaction to her saying she saw theplace, she felt that might be asking for trouble. She decided to end the letterwith a simple: Sincerely, A Friend.
There, she thoughtgratifyingly; that was adequate. Short and anonymous was the properidea. She folded the note, stood, and walked over to Hobb’s cage whoscreeched angrily at being rattled.
“Shhhh! You’ll wake Sarah up.Listen, I need you to do me a favor. If you fly over the mountains north ofhere, and into the Shadowed Forest, you’ll replace ablack castle sitting in the middle of a lake. I need you to deliver this toanybody you see there, and… you might wait to get a letter in return.”
Hobbs stared at her disbelievingly, and Annarolled her eyes.
“The castle is there — I saw itmyself!” she said, in a loud whisper. The owl turned his head upside-down tolook at her, as if to ask if this trip was really necessary. “Yes it is… you’lljust have to trust me on this, Hobbs.The castle is there and it’s very important that I know what the place is usedfor. Please, will you take the letter… or should I go to the castle owlry?”
Hobbs ruffled his feathers reproachfully, andthen hopped up on Anna’s arm. She tied the note to his leg and walked him overto the window. She slid the pane up and extended her arm into the humid, nightair.
“Be careful, okay? Don’t takeany risks. If you think it’s too dangerous, then come back straight away, allright?” The owl gave an agreeable hoot, spread his wings, and leapt into thedarkness. “Good luck,” she said, hopefully, and she watched him turn a completecircle over the twinkling lights of the city below before flying north and outof sight.
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