Anna Grayson and The Order of Merlin -
The Dueling Club
As Gwen and Anna quietly headedoff to the Dueling Hall, Anna was immersed in her own worried thoughts. So…the person who altered me at birth is locked away. Well, I suppose that’s agood thing, but the mirror also said this person would kill me if given achance. Why? And what did this person do to land them in a place like Drogo?
Gwen swung open one of twolarge wooden doors at the end of an extensive corridor, and entered a roomunlike any other Anna had seen before at the school. It was long, like ahallway, with black wooden bleachers rising up both sides of the walls runningits length down a sand-filled center. At each end of the hall hung a largepainting depicting a dueler, wand in hand, pointing at his opponent across thelength of the hall opposite. The space above their heads was endless, openingto some unseen ceiling high in the shadowed darkness. As they made their way upthe steep steps looking to replace a place to sit, somebody moved in front of Annato stop her. It was her brother Damon.
“What are you doinghere?” he said, with an irritating emphasis on the word ‘you’. “First-years arenot allowed in the Dueling Hall. You had better get out before Professor Botscomes in and throws you out,” he added sarcastically.
Anna’s face flushed. “Get outof my way, Damon, and mind your own business,” she retorted angrily. Damonsneered at her.
“I said, get out,” he insistedin a low whisper, and then looked around in a way that told Anna he was hopingnobody in the hall would notice him talking to her. “I don’t want youembarrassing our family with your feeble attempts at magic. This room is forsorcerers who know what they’re doing with a wand.”
“For your information, Damon,”Gwen chimed in sardonically, “dueling is a scheduled class for Anna. It’s notan elective like it is for people like you who can’t do anything remotelyresembling a real sport.”
“Shut your mouth, Reese, orI’ll take today’s opportunity to shut it permanently in that brainless head ofyours,” Damon hissed, raising his wand. Anna stepped up to Damon.
“Unless you get out of our way,Damon, I’m going to toss you over that railing.” Her brother glared at her.“Move aside, stick-boy, or I will move you.” Damon’s face went taut, and hemoved angrily forward to accept his sister’s challenge.
“Hey Damon –– come on! We’resaving you a seat,” said another student behind them, sitting with a small groupof Defender fifth-years. Damon’s face went slack. Looking back at Anna, hepried his sallow expression into a grin.
“Very well. By all means, joinus then,” he said, bowing mockingly low, and motioning her forward with anoutstretched hand. Anna tutted loudly and then shoved passed him. Damon glaredat her as he watched her go by and said, “But don’t expect to be rescued whenyou get yourself into trouble here, Anna. Family or not, in a duel, you’re onyour own.”
Anna looked back. “It’s alwaysbeen that way, Damon. I could be bleeding to death right next to you and stillbe as good as alone.”
Her brother smiled agreeably.“Quarter shall neither be asked nor given,” he said, bowing again, his eyesnever leaving her.
“Yeah, whatever,” Anna repliednastily, turning to sit on the bench next to Gwen. “Jerk,” she huffed under herbreath.
“What are you going to do ifyou’re forced to duel with him?” Gwen asked her nervously. “I mean… I knowDamon is an ass, but he’s probably one of the best in here when it comes todueling.” Anna looked at her friend and then forced herself to smile.
“Then I’d better learn a coupleof fast spells to take his wand from him. That way — I can punch him in theface with my squibbly little fists.” The two girls giggled, but Anna was hidinga deep uneasiness. The fact was, she knew Gwen was right about her brother;Damon was indeed very good with his wand, good enough to give Eric pause duringtheir verbal battles in the past. Although Anna was correct in assuming she hadevery right to be in the Dueling Hall, she was also very concerned about havingto duel with anybody without the magical knowledge to protect herself. Whywould Thordarson put her in here as unprepared as she obviously was?
“Uh-oh,” Gwen said, bumpingAnna’s leg with her knee. “Look over there –– at two o’clock.” Anna looked upand her heart sank. In the first row of bleachers across the pit, sitting amonga number of Defender girls, was none other than Debbie Dunning. She waslaughing and talking like a celebrity with the students around her. Anna triedto sink low in her seat to avoid being seen.
“Oh, great,” Anna whispered toGwen. “If she sees me, I’m dead.” No sooner had she said this, when one of thegirls sitting next to Dunning saw Anna, and nudged Debbie with her shoulder towhisper something into her ear. Debbie’s head jerked up, and Anna’s blood wentcold. She could see Debbie’s eyes searching the seats around them beforefinally settling upon her. The two girls stared each other for a moment, andthen Debbie’s eyes narrowed with haunting anticipation. A malicious smileslowly began to form on her face as she raised her wand. She twirled itexpertly between her fingers, and then pointed it at Anna across the pit. Forthe lack of knowing what else to do, Anna smiled and nodded back.
“You’re right,” said Gwen,mumbling out of the side of her mouth, “you’re dead.”
Anna looked back at her friend.“Do you know if there’s a rear exit out of here?” Gwen tried to smile, but asudden bang at the entrance door brought their attention back to the center ofthe hall. Anna groaned again.
“It keeps getting better andbetter, doesn’t it?” she said, sinking still lower on her bench. CaptainDunning had just entered the room. “Would you mind sitting on my lap so I canhide behind you?” Anna said, mournfully. Gwen looked at Anna, her face screwedup in understanding sympathy.
“Quiet down!” bellowed CaptainDunning before turning to face the class. “For a number of years now, I havebeen trying to convince the Chancellor that I would be the best instructor forthis Dueling Club. I believe this, not only because of my experience as aCrimson Guard, but also because I have been watching this class very closelyand believe your skills to be woefully lacking. Professor Bots might be afabulous Muggle Studies teacher, and I believe he even has a number of duelingtitles to his name, but I think it’s time we took this class to a new level.
“Well… good fortune has smiledupon you, because the majority of Professor Bot’s time this year is going to bespent preparing our school to receive the Triwizard Tournament, and I have beenable to finally convince Professor Thordarson to allow me to take over. So…prepare yourselves. This hall has been striving to make you the best duelingstudents anywhere in the Wizarding world.” The captain paused to look at thestudents around him. “I,” he said, unwaveringly, “will make you better!”
Gwen leaned over to Anna. “Alittle full of himself, don’t you think?” Anna smirked.
“We will start with a couple ofdemonstrations after which I will give you my observations. Then you will pairup and practice what you’ve learned.” He paused importantly. “So — let’s haveour first demonstration pair. For the benefit of those who are joining us forthe first time, I need two volunteers who can impress us.” Several handsimmediately shot into the air. “You’ve got to be kidding me, Smith,” Dunningsaid, shoving the hand of one of the Servers back down as he passed. “I saidimpressive, not repulsive.” The boy’s face went red as he flopped back into hisseat and scowled, while some of the others in the class snickered.
“Let’s see,” said Dunning,still searching through the sea of raised hands. “Ah, yes –– Mister Riggins.You seem to have shown a reluctance to embarrass yourself recently. Get downhere.” A fifth-year boy from the Searchers’ Unionstood and, smiling broadly, began sliding past the knees and feet of the othersas he headed for the stairs. “And one more…” Dunning continued, looking aroundat Anna’s side of the room. “Ah… but of course… Grayson. Get down here!” Anna’sheart jumped into her throat. She looked up, expecting to see Dunning pointingat her, but instead she saw the Captain motioning into the crowd to her rightwhere her brother Damon was now sitting in the front row. Although his hand hadnot been raised, Damon nodded agreeably and then stood.
“Let’s put that family honor ofyours to the test, shall we?” Captain Dunning sneered.
Damon hesitated slightly togive Dunning his patented scowl and, grumbling under his breath, began pushinghis way to the stairs. The two boys made their way down to the pit below andthen stood facing each other on opposite ends of the long, sand-filled hallway.The images in the portraits behind them began to whisper instructions to theboys.
“Keep your wand high in thebeginning, and thrust the hex forward with the force of your body and your mind,”the portrait on the left whispered to Riggins. The boy nodded appreciatively.
“Oh this is going to be good,”Gwen said, looking at Anna. “I dated Donald Riggins a few weeks last year. He’ssuch an arrogant ass.”
Anna smiled. “Maybe the two ofthem will hex each other into oblivion then,” she said, grinning.
“Let’s hope so,” Gwen replied,looking down at the two boys with eager anticipation. “Maybe I can sneak a shotin unnoticed.” She took out her wand and then looked around at the otherstudents sitting behind them. “Anybody know the jinx for rectal-cranialinversions?”
“Forward!” called Dunning, andthe boys took ten steps toward each other and then halted. “Wands… at theready!” The boys raised their wands and crouched low to take careful aim at oneanother. Anna started to snicker. Damon looked like a chimpanzee standing withboth arms outstretched over his head. Anna leaned over to say something aboutDamon’s stance to Gwen, but quickly realized her friend wasn’t laughing. She,like everybody else in the hall, looked positively enthralled at what was aboutto happen.
“On my command!” Dunningbellowed. There was a long pause as the room turned deadly still. “Begin!”
“Incursiosultus!” yelledDamon, thrusting his wand forward just as the Riggins boy screamed, “Exarmo!”from the opposite end. A bright flash of red light exploded out of Damon’s wandand streaked its way toward his opponent, while a bright white light shot outof Riggins’ wand and headed toward Damon. As the beams blasted down the centerof the pit, Anna could feel her hair rising on her head as the power of the twospells crossed in front of her.
Damon was hit first. He let outa loud, “Oooff!” as the spell hit him in the chest and knocked him ten feetback into the sand. Riggins was hit too. The force of the blow looked like hewas struck with the blunt end of a telephone pole. He crashed into the portraitbehind him and toppled into the sand below.
“Get up!” the portraitbehind Riggins yelled. “Your opponent rises!” Sure enough, Damon was onhis feet again and marching forward.
“Everbero!” yelledDamon. A flash of orange shot out from his wand. Riggins was still trying toget to his feet when he saw the hex coming.
“Repellatego!” hescreamed. Instantly, a shield of faded blue flattened in front of him just inthe nick of time. Damon’s spell bounced off the shield with a loud gong, andthen streaked its way back in the direction from which it came. Damon dove headlong into the sand, his own hex just missing him by inches. “Incendia!”yelled Riggins again, who waved his wand like a whip over his head, and thenjumped out to cast the spell forward. A thin beam of fire shot across the hall.Daman rolled across the sand as the hexsmashed into the pit behind him. A cloud of brunt ash shot into the airblocking Damon momentarily from sight. There was a pause.
“Scindoeverbero!” Damonyelled, and another beam of orange light shot out of the cloud toward Riggins,who looked more than ready. But halfway down the hall, Damon’s hex suddenlysplit itself in two. One of the beams continued to head toward Riggins, whilethe other abruptly turned upward and blasted out of sight into the endlessceiling above. Riggins dove to avoid the first half of the hex and then jumpedto his feet again to point his wand at Damon. Suddenly, the second half ofDamon’s hex came streaking down from out of the ceiling and struck Riggins inthe shoulder of his wand hand. The blow seemed to flatten him strangely overhis feet as his wand flew out of his grip. Damon was running forward. His facedetermined, he was moving in for the kill.
“STOP!” yelled Captain Dunning,and the crowd in the stands exploded into thunderous applause. Damon slowlylowered his outstretched arm as Riggins reached down to lift his wand out ofthe sand. Smiling, he ran toward Damon who was waiting in the center of thepit. Riggins stretched out and, rubbing his sore shoulder, he shook Damon’shand.
“Unbelievable shot, Damon,” hesaid, swatting him hard on the back. “I hope it was a lucky one,” he added witha grin.
Damon smiled with forcedpoliteness. “Thank you,” he replied simply. The crowd continued to applaudtheir approval, as did the portraits on either side of the hall.
“Very good,” said CaptainDunning, waving at the crowd to quiet them. “Congratulations to our duelers fora fine display of what this club is all about. There were, however, severalmistakes I need to point out,” and Dunning went on to explain the errors he hadwitnessed in wand motion and movement.
Anna sat mesmerized. The excitementof the duel itself was enough to keep her awake for the next several nights,but it was Damon’s performance that was truly astonishing to her. Anna alwaysknew Damon would be a very powerful wizard in some distant future, but she hadno idea he was already so formidable. In all the times she had threatened herbrother, confident she could easily hold her own, it was only now that sherealized she never truly had any chance against him. As hard as it was for herto admit, Damon was dreadfully impressive.
“So, what do you think?” Gwenasked, leaning over to her. Anna looked up with a strained smile, which toldGwen everything she needed to know. She smiled back. “Don’t worry; everybodyhas that look the first time they see a duel. I like to think of it this way:Someday we’ll be just as good as they are.” Anna looked skeptical, but noddedanyway.
“All right then. That’s tenpoints for the Defender and Searcher Halls, and a winner’s mark for MisterGrayson. Now then, let’s have another demonstration pair,” said CaptainDunning. Once again, several hands shot into the air. “Debbie, get down here!”Debbie Dunning, smiling eagerly, stood and headed toward the stairs. One of thegirls sitting next to Debbie yelled something at the Captain through a cuppedhand, and Anna saw him straighten and then quickly spin around to look to herside of the hall. His eyes began searching the stands and finally found Annasitting in the crowd. His face turned cold.
“You!” he said, pointing atAnna. Terror shot through Anna’s body like an electric shock, which immediatelyseemed to turn her whole world inward onto itself. There were people talkingright next to her, but their voices began to fade in and out like a badly tunedradio. Her limbs felt strangely foreign, stiff, and slow, too heavy to move.She could hear her heart booming like a cannon in her ears, which seemed todrown out Captain Dunning’s words.
“Let’s get the other Graysondown here, shall we?”
Damon, who was still making hisway back to his seat through a gauntlet of congratulatory handshakes, suddenlystiffened. “Captain Dunning,” he said, looking down into the pit. “My sister isonly a first-year, sir. As you know, first-years are not supposed to be in theDueling Hall. She shouldn’t be in her seat, let alone in the pit. She isill-prepared to duel anybody, sir.” There was a murmur of surprise andagreement in the crowd, as everybody strained their necks to look Anna’s way.Captain Dunning merely smiled.
“Normally, Mister Grayson, Iwould agree with you, but it would seem our knowledgeable Chancellor does not.He must believe our first Guardian deserves to be here… so who are we to arguewith such wisdom? Sit down, Mister Grayson.”
“But, sir!” Damon protested.
“I said — sit down!” theCaptain bellowed, and Damon slowly sank onto his bench. If not for the factthat Damon was arguing against her having to duel, Anna would have enjoyedseeing her brother rebuked, but not this time.
“Now, Miss Grayson, if youwould be so kind,” said Dunning, motioning Anna toward the stairs. Anna didn’tmove. Her mind and her body seemed strangely disconnected from each another.
“Anna?” Gwen whispered, nudgingher friend as if to wake her. “Anna! Are you… all right?” Gwen glared at theboy sitting on Anna’s right. “Help me!” Gwen whispered to him angrily.
Looking somewhat uncomfortable,the boy reached out and gave Anna a timid poke on the leg. The touch of astranger did what Gwen’s prodding could not, and Anna reluctantly stood.
“You did bring your wand,didn’t you?” asked Gwen, with a look of impending foreboding. Anna reached intoher robes and, with a trembling hand, pulled out her purple heart. Gwen lookedterrified for her friend. “Listen, Anna, if a spell hits you, just drop yourwand and the Captain will have to stop the duel. Do you understand? Just dropyour wand, Anna.”
Anna didn’t answer her. Herthroat was too dry to speak, and Gwen had to give her a gentle push in thedirection of the stairs to get her moving again. As Anna passed Damon, he kepthis eyes straight, never flinching as she went by him. She was grateful. Sheexpected him to repeat his warning that she shouldn’t have been in the Hall inthe first place. Now Anna wished she had listened. After what felt like herlast walk to the gallows, Anna entered the pit and stood in the spot directedto her by the wizard dueler in the portrait.
“Did I hear the gentlemancorrectly, my dear? Are you –– in fact… an egg?” asked the painting,speaking to her with a thick Irish brogue. Anna’s mouth was still too dry tospeak. She simply nodded back. “Do you have a properly practiced spell youcan use in your defense?” Anna stared blankly up at the portrait. “Doyou know a spell of any kind?” he asked, frowning down at her. Anna’s eyesmoved to meet his, her face twisting into a kind of smiling grimace. Shemouthed the word –– no.
“By the bloody hills ofKnockcroghery, this is without precedence!” He straightened to glare downat her. “Shoulders back, lass,” he said, lifting his chin encouragingly.“This battle may be short, but yer manner of fight will set in the minds ofthose watching the struggle. Courage, and fast feet, will win you support evenif you falter.”
Maybe it was the confidence inhis voice, but something in his words seemed to throw a switch inside Anna’sbrain. It reminded her of something Karen Scott had said back in the ServerHall. You have to somehow show the rest of the students a reason to followyou. And then an idea came to her. If she couldn’t protect herself, thenperhaps a strong display of bravery in the face of such long odds might come tosomething positive. Anna looked up and smiled gratefully at the portrait, herface reflecting more determination.
“Thanks,” she said, simply. Theportrait smiled back at her.
“I see courage in yer eyes,lass. I accept you then as my Squire in the battle to come. Hold on to who youare, and if yer cause be noble, others will flock to yer side.” Annanodded, and then turned to face Debbie at the other end of the hall. To hersurprise, Debbie wasn’t even looking at her. She was laughing and talkingeagerly to her friends who were giving her suggestions for a first strike.Debbie’s portrait behind her was trying to get her attention, lookingdesperately to offer his own words of advice, but he was being ignored. Finally,Anna could see the image in the portrait turn away, folding his arms in obviousindignation at Debbie’s rudeness toward him. Anna stood there staring down thelong sand-filled corridor, and she realized how difficult it would be to hitanybody with a spell at this distance even if she knew one. Damon’s ability tohit his opponent in the arm with a disarming spell seemed, if possible, evenmore impressive than the moment she saw it happen. Captain Dunning broke hergaze as he stepped in front of her.
“So Grayson… are we now readyto receive some payment for our past sins?” he growled, in an undertone of deepmalice. Anna didn’t reply. She tried to stare straight through him as though hewasn’t there. “What’s the matter? Are we too frightened to speak as before?Maybe you would feel more comfortable if I replaced your wand with somethingmore suited to your talents… the club of a troll, perhaps?” Anna’s eyes shot upto meet his. She could feel her face flush as her insides began to seethe withrage.
“Disgraceful!” protestedthe portrait behind Anna. “Yer distractions of my Squire are without honor,sir!” he said, glaring down at Captain Dunning. The Captain smiled and thenlooked up.
“I’m just giving the studentencouragement before the contest,” he said, coolly.
“That, my good Captain, ismy job!”
“I’ll be fine,” Anna said, in awhisper almost too low to hear. Dunning looked at her.
“What was that?”
“I said –– I’ll-be-fine. What’sthe matter Captain, something wrong with your ears?” and Anna leaned to look atthe spot on the side of Dunning’s head where she had hit him. Dunning’s eyesflashed as he stepped closer.
“There-it-is. I knew I wouldreplace it soon enough. That infamous forked tongue is waggling again. PerhapsI’ll have my sister rip it out of that pretty little head of yours.” He quicklyturned and strode across the pit toward Debbie. He began to whisper somethingbehind a cupped hand into her ear, and Anna could see Debbie’s face forming awicked smile as she turned her eyes toward her. A few of the students in theaudience started to heckle at the Captain’s obvious bias as he continued towhisper to his sister.
“Unconscionable behavior!”protested Anna’s portrait. “Giving advice in the pit without the portraitoverseer’s inclusion is a grievous breech of protocol.” Anna looked up andcould see Debbie’s portrait swaying side to side in his frame, struggling tohear what was being said between the Captain and Debbie. “This is, without adoubt, a most disgusting display of judging bias. We are up against those ofsinister heart, my noble Squire.”
“Yeah… tell me about it,”replied Anna, as some of the hecklers around them started to jeer and boo.
The captain finally whippedabout to walk to the side of the pit. “Forward!” he yelled, and the jeers fromthe audience quickly fell silent. Anna and Debbie started to walk toward oneanother.
“A stout heart, lass, andquick feet!” called Anna’s portrait behind her.
After taking a few steps, whichAnna didn’t bother to count, Debbie stopped. Anna halted in front of her fiftyfeet away. Anna glanced to her left and saw Damon sitting board straight, bothhands on the rail in front of him, with a look of surprising concern in hiseyes. Gwen was peeking through the fingers of her hands covering her face.
“Wands at the ready!” shoutedDunning. Debbie planted her right foot forward and pointed her wand at Anna.Anna raised her wand. It’ll be over in a second, she thought. Thinkabout Eric and Daddy, and how fearless they are. Come on… show some backbone,Grayson.
“Begin!” bellowed Dunning, andAnna closed her eyes and waited for the spell to hit her. She waited… andwaited… but nothing happened. Finally, Anna slowly opened one of her eyes tolook down the pit. Debbie was still standing there, her wand pointed and at theready. Anna opened both of her eyes and stared down the long bed of sandbetween them. Even from this distance, Anna could see Debbie was smiling. Thecrowd was still; so quiet, that when someone finally moved in their seat,somebody let out a quick “Ssshhh!” in response. The two girls stood therestaring at each other, and then it occurred to Anna what Debbie was doing. Shewas giving Anna the first shot, an opportunity to cast the first spell beforepouncing on her. Anna’s mind was racing. What should she do? What spell couldshe use that might help her? She finally decided on the only spell she had everused in Professor Titan’s class. She stretched out her wand.
“Relashio!”yelled Anna. Instantly, purple sparks shot out ofher wand and headed toward Debbie. Then, about halfway across the pit, the jetof sparks turned abruptly up toward the dark ceiling and exploded harmlesslyinto the blackness above them. The crowd in the stands started to howl withlaughter. Debbie was also giggling maliciously at Anna’s failure. She finallystraightened and then stepped forward.
“My turn…” she said, pointingher wand. “Reducto!” A burst of red light shot out of her wand andheaded toward Anna. It hit her square in the chest and propelled her back,slamming her body into the portrait behind her. Anna fell to the sand andcrumbed into a heap.
“A strong grip –– hold on toyer wand, lass,” called her portrait. Anna looked up to spit the sand outof her mouth and could see, to her surprise, that she indeed still held thepurple heart in her white-knuckled grip. She tried to get to her feet, butDebbie was moving forward again.
“Everbero!” shebellowed. Another blow hit Anna in the chest, sending her flying back againstthe wall again. She slid down onto her knees, her back leaning against the coldstone behind her, and the crowd gasped in horror at the violence of the blow.
Anna was fighting to remainconscious. Clutching her wand tight, she could hear Gwen’s words runningthrough her mind. Justdrop your wand and the Captain will stop the duel. But then anothervoice streamed into her head: Yer manner of fight will set in the minds ofthose watching you. Anna tried to stand, but was hit again by anotherspell. Her head exploded in pain as she fell into the sand once more.
“Give it up Grayson,” tauntedDebbie from across the pit. Anna slowly raised her face out of the sand, hereyes blurred in agony. She pushed herself slowly up to her knees again and thenraised her wand defiantly toward Debbie. Anna didn’t say anything – she didn’tknow what to say. She was helpless before her foe. Another blast slammed intoher, which spun her around. She hit the wall with her front, the hex burningstraight through to her back and she felt her wand finally slide from her hand.In the far off distance she could hear the wavering voice of the portraitcalling to her in a most sympathetic and gentle tone.
“Yer courage has served uswell, my brave Squire. Let the wand lie, yer fight is done.” But somethingflashed in Anna’s brain. My wand! My mother’s wand! Shaking, Anna lookeddown and saw the end of the purple heart sticking out of the sand by her feet.Summoning all her strength, she reached down and grabbed its handle. Shequickly turned and used the wall at her back to hold herself up.
“Remarkable!” whisperedthe portrait. Anna could feel the coldness of the stones to her back andagainst hands, which lay limp to her sides.
“Drop the wand, Grayson,”Debbie demanded, raising her own wand at her again. Anna’s breath was short andrapid; her head was spinning. She could see what looked like three opponentsblurring in and out of focus in front of her. “I said, drop it!” Debbiescreamed, piercingly. Anna tried to force her eyes clear, and then clutched herwand defiantly with both hands against her chest. Debbie’s face lit with anger.“Fine! Have it your way!” She raised her arm, “Reducto!” Another burstof red light shot toward Anna, just as a loud voice screamed into her mind.
Anna did as she was told justin time, and Debbie’s spell struck the wall exactly where she had been standingthe second before. Anna reached her hand back to touch the wall behind her. Thewarning had come from the stones.
“Your enemy is approaching,”they whispered in unison. “Down!” they yelled into her brain.
Anna dropped again. Another hexbounced off the wall above her, but as the seconds passed Anna’s head wasstarting to clear once more. She staggered to her feet in time to see Debbiesending more hexes toward her. She ducked again and then dove to the right,following the warnings coming from the stones. Finally, another spell hit herand she collapsed.
“Drop it! Debbie yelled.
“Nooo.” Anna gurgled defiantly.
“Oh, this is ridiculous,”Debbie said in frustration. “All right, if you won’t drop it, then I’ll justtake it from you. “WingardiumLeviosa!”
Immediately, Anna was liftedoff her feet and turned upside down. Debbie began flicking her wand with herwrist, which bounced Anna up and down in the air. Some of the students in thecrowd started to laugh as Anna’s skirt toppled to her waist, and she could hearGwen screaming at the Captain with several others to stop the duel. Anna’s gripweakened, and her wand fell to the sand below her. Her humiliation complete,Anna was dropped on her head to the sound of Debbie’s cold, pitiless laugher.Completely blinded by sand and pain, Anna’s hands flew across the ground in adesperate attempt to replace her wand once more.
“Captain Dunning!” yelledDamon, who was now on his feet. “This match is over. Anna has lost her wandtwice, but you have not stopped this duel,” he protested.
Captain Dunning gave agratifying smirk. “It doesn’t look to me like she wants to give up. Look at hergroveling on her hands and knees. She looks like a little pig, rooting forits…”
“Captain!” raged Damon.
“Sit –– down, Grayson, or I’vehave you removed” Damon slowly dropped into his seat again as Anna found herwand and then tried to stand.
“Expelliarmus!” yelled Debbie, and Anna’s wand wasunexpectedly jerked out of her hand. “Accio Wand!” The purple heart flew end over end towardDebbie and landed in the sand next to her feet. “Finally!” she quippedtriumphantly as she reached down to pick up the wand.
Anna was left stunned, shocked by a sight strangely repulsive to her.It was as if Anna had no other possessions worth caring about but that whichwas now being examined in Debbie Dunning’s insufferable hands.
“Give… me… my… wand!” Anna demanded, heaving herself up to stand.Debbie looked up in surprise, and then her face turned cold.
“What, you mean this foul thing?” she replied with a glint of evil inher eye and waving Anna’s wand between her fingers.
“Give it to me!” Anna screamed. Debbie’s face went slack.
Anna started marching toward Debbie across the pit, her eyes focused onher mother’s wand in Debbie’s hand. “Give it to me, NOW!” There were jeeringsounds now coming from the crowd, which seemed to be directed toward Debbie.
“Well, if it means that much to you…” Debbie snorted, “maybe I’ll justbreak it in half.” Anna stopped dead in her tracks.
“You will return my mother’s wand to me, or I swear, I’ll…”
“Or you’ll what?” Debbie retorted, her expression now turning angry.
“Give it to me!”
“No… I’m going to snap it in half,” and she raised her wand at thepurple heart.
“NO!” Anna screamed, and she began to run toward her.
Debbie looked up at Anna coming at her. At first she seemed rathersurprised, but then smiled as she lifted her wand again. “Rictusempra!”
Another jet of light streaked its way toward Anna, but all hesitationwithin the Guardian had left her. Her body felt different – light and powerful,and Debbie’s movements looked as if they were suddenly moving in slow motion.Anna growled in determination as she continued to move forward toward the beamof Debbie’s hex coming directly at her. At the last possible moment Annastopped, twisted to her side, and watched the hex streak by her chest missingher. Anna quickly turned and continued to march toward the thing stillholding her wand.
“Give – it – back!” Anna snarled. Debbie’s face fell.
“Reducto!” Another hex was coming toward Anna, andalthough she was now closer to Debbie, the spell coming at her seemed evenslower than the first. Anna twisted her body to the left and let the hex passwithin inches of her face. She snapped straight again, and continued pressingin on her foe. Debbie was falling back now. “Impedimenta!” she screamed,taking two steps back. “Impedimenta!” She stepped back again. “Impedimenta!!”She was now continuously moving backwards, trying without success to increaseher distance.
Anna twisted right. SHKEWW. The hex shot by her.
She took four steps closer to Debbie and then ducked again. SHKEEEWW.The hex streaked over her head. She popped up and took another five steps.
“GIVE-IT-BACK!” Anna roared, before diving to the left. SHHREWWW ––missed again.
Anna rolled twice, sprung to her feet, and then started to race towardthe thing that now seemed as prey to her, and for the first time since she hadentered the pit, Debbie looked fearful. Try as she may to keep her back, Annawas now nearly on top of her. The Guardian’s movements didn’t seem humananymore, but more like those of a wild animal closing in for the kill.
“Get back!” Debbie screamed. “Stupefy!”
Anna leaped at Debbie just as the hex exploded beneath her. In mid-air,Anna pulled back a fist and shot an open palm forward. The sound of the blowechoed all the way up to the topmost bleachers as the thickest part of Anna’shand smashed into Debbie Dunning’s horrified face. The two wands she was holdingflew in opposite directions as Debbie’s body slammed backward into the sand.Anna hit the ground, rolled once, and was on her feet again sprinting to herright. With barely a thought, she snatched up the purple heart and circled backto close on Debbie, who was crawling across the sand toward her wand. Annacould smell the trail of blood she was leaving in the sand behind her. Debbiegrabbed her wand and rolled over, swinging her arm around to take desperate aimat Anna, but she was too slow. Anna swatted her wand to the side, grabbed herby the robes, and lifted her head off the sand. Dunning’s face was a mess. Hernose looked broken and was bleeding freely down both sides of her head. Debbiecould hear Anna’s voice mixed with a low, growling rumble, snarling down ather.
“You enjoyed that didn’t you, Debbie?” Anna snapped the girl’s facestill closer. “You love causing pain in others, don’t you? Well now let’s seehow much you can take!” Debbielooked up and her eyes widened in horror. Anna’s eyes were completely black, her teeth fanged with rage. Debbiescreamed as Anna pulled back an open fist that spread itself like a claw readyto strike.
“FOUL!” shouted a voice from behind, and Anna was grabbed by the backof the neck and thrown to the side. It was Captain Dunning. In a fit of rage,he began screaming at her. “You do not put your hands on an opponent in thepit, Grayson! This is not one of your disgustingMuggle brawls!” Anna scrambled to her feet, but remained crouched low inthe sand, snarling at him.
“Detention!” bellowed the Captain.
Anna’s brow darkened as she slowly stood, never taking her eyes off ofDebbie who was still sobbing in the sand.
The Captain leaned down over his sister. “Get up!” he whispered, rudelyyanking her to her feet. “You!” he said, pointing at another Defender in thebleachers, “take her to the hospital floor!” The Captain shoved his sister intothe arms of some of Debbie’s friends and then spun around to glare back atAnna. “And you –– get out of this hall –– NOW!” Anna let out a low growl thatseemed to come from the dungeons deep beneath her feet. She pocketed her wandand brushed the sand off her robes as she watched Debbie being escorted off thepit.
“She isn’t human,” Debbie sputtered and spat. “Did you see her face?DID YOU SEE HER FACE?” she whimpered, holding her bloodied nose.
Anna snapped her robes straight around her neck and then turned toleave. As she plodded through the sand, her steps seemed heavier than duringthe fight, but these thoughts were quickly set aside as she heard somethingstrange filling the hall around her. It was applause. Anna stopped and lookedaround. To her great surprise, nearly everybody in the wooden bleacherssurrounding her was on their feet and clapping loudly.
“Silence!” roared Captain Dunning. “I said, SILENCE!!”
Anna grinned and then turned to leave, pausing slightly at the portraitabove her as she headed for the door. The portrait overseer was also clappingtoward her with his wand tucked up under his arm and a look of utmost pridepainted on his brightened face.
“A strong display of courage and steely determination, my fine Squire;you have done well. Allow me to call you to my side when battle-ready championsare in greatest need.”
Anna grinned casually, nodded once, and then exited the pit.
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