Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress
Chapter 244 - Bigger News Part 1

                Yves sipped on his glass of wine as he thought about the secret treasure that Mondragon hid for a century. He thought that it's just a legend or something but when he read his great grandfather's journal, his heart race thinking of the treasure.

                Sure, that he had lots of money but it's not enough for him. He wanted to be more. He wanted to be powerful that no one, not even Alanis or Mondragon could beat him. There's something more that Mondragon hid in that place where they called the Dragon Paradise. He's obsessed now. He will have it.


"What's the status of Andromeda?" He asked to his secretary.

"She's out of the country. We don't have specific location but her last location is in Hawaii."

"I am sure that she has no idea with this treasure. We've been searching it for long. I am growing impatient. You need to replace it within this week, if not—all of you will stay here until you decay." He said it loud and clear.

"Yes, boss."


                Andromeda watched Kuznetsov from afar using the binocular. They already set the plan and all they must do is to be part of it secretly. She smirked and glanced at Freya who is busy warming up through shadow fighting. They need to sweat since they get totally drunk last night.

"Let's do it again when we are done with this mission."

"Sure." Moira grinned. "I will throw a party to my own house. Don't worry, Alanis would be very pleased if I bring friends. But only for girls."

"We can call out Sabrina?" Andy suggested.

"Well, let's see. Maybe she'll decline us again. You know that Alanis have a thing to her…" Moira muttered.

"Don't be jealous. It's not like Alanis would leave you for Sabrina. Sabrina doesn't like him completely. She's totally smitten to Gabriel. Also, she's not a party girl like us."

"Huh." Moira thought then shrugged. "I am not jealous. I am just aware of their actions and—"

"Please, don't deny it!" Freya joins the conversation. "You are also jealous of his secretary." Freya blurted out that make them stared at her.

                Freya swallowed hard the lump on her throat, and she turned back.

"How did you know that?" Moira asked. "You never been in my house or Alanis never saw you and know you personally…"

                She hands up and pointed her head.

"I'm sorry. It's weird but I dreamed of you and I don't know why."

"Huh." Moira crossed her arms and looked at Fin who shrugged his shoulder. "I thought Steven would tell you."

"Nope." She shook his head. "I think what I am capable to see will be torturous in the future." She sighed. "We need to keep them away from the cave as soon as possible. I don't care on how many years would it take but we need to keep them away. The ritual that Dragons held there together with the Phoenix is sacred to seal it. I think what's in there is more dangerous than we thought." She muttered.

"I don't want this to turned like a mystical." Moira murmured. "This adventure might turn to mystical."

"I swear, if the two of you started singing 'Once upon a time' I will probably kill myself." Freya added.

                Andy stood and pace closer to her.

"I know you—" Andromeda started singing and Freya covered her mouth. Moira and Fin covered their mouth trying not to laugh but they did laugh.

"Damn it!" Freya muttered and then reached the binocular and watch their subject moves. "I think their years in here is enough to replace out where it is located. We can't let them replace it yet. It's not the time." She murmured.

                Andromeda crossed her arms and tilt her head thinking on how much Freya knows about the future. She might know what's in there. What did they hide there? She's getting curious each day. Her curiosity is killing her but opening it now might lead them to bigger mistake.

"Let's start the fire." Andromeda said in very fierce voice.


                James glanced at his pale wife. Yet she kept on doing her job, tidying every file and other things. He finally stood and reached her. He checked her temperature and it's normal. She doesn't have any cough and cold and he's sure that she got a strong immune system.

"How do you feel?" He asked and reached her cheek.

"I'm just a little dizzy."

"Hmm." He nodded and then call the doctor of their company immediately.

"James, I am fine." He let her rest on the sofa and then while waiting for the doctor. In few minutes the doctor arrived with his equipment.

"You called me Sir?"

"Yes, check on my wife. She said that she's feeling dizzy."

"I am fine." She told him.

"No. The doctor needed to check you up." He insisted. She remained quiet and let the female doctor check on her. First her pulse and then her blood pressure.

                She asked for the symptoms and James frowned. Is it possible that his wife is—maybe she is.

It's been over than a month now and she's been lethargic these past few days. After few questions, the doctor asked about her menstruation and she said that her last menstruation was two months ago. So, she gave her two pregnancy kit.

                James remain standing as he stared at the skyscraper waiting for Natalie to come out. In few moments, she come out and gave the pregnancy strips to the doctor. The doctor nodded and smiled.

"Congratulations." The doctor greeted and looked at James. James is still a little anxious and when the doctor said, "Your wife is pregnant."

                He breathed. Felt like few seconds since he held his breath. His heart is racing, and he clumsily strode to his wife and pulled her elbows.

"She's really pregnant."

"Yes, Mr. Mondragon. Your wife is pregnant, let me know about the schedule for few examinations so we could monitor the baby. Since it's your firsts, you need guidelines."

"Thank you, Doc. I'll immediately schedule for her check-up." James glanced at the doctor and then to his wife. He smiled tightly and then hugged her.

                Natalie pressed her lips. She doesn't know how to feel. It was a mixed emotion. She's happy that she's going to be a mother and at the same time she felt scared. It's her first time and she don't what to do. Then, lots of things started rolling on her mind. James hold her head and kissed her.

"I'll leave now." The doctor said and she left quickly with a smile on her face.

                James continue kissing his wife in lips and then he pushed himself and looked at him.

"I am scared." She muttered. James is happy that she opened to him about her feelings.

"I know. What do you want to eat?" He asked. "Anything you crave?"

"I—I don't know." She hugged him tightly and shoved her face to his chest. He held the back of her head to comfort her.

"Don't worry darling. It'll be fine."

"I know. You are always there for me."  

"What the use of this handsome husband of yours?" He grinned at her. She giggled and snuggled to him. "I will throw a little party." He muttered. He pulled out his phone and call his mother. He pulled her to the sofa and let her lean on him. In few rings, his mother answered. "Mom, can you please make our dinner. I will text you the foods that Natalie wanted. You can ask Selina and Ellen for help. It will be a big dinner." He said as he looked at her.

"Okay, is there an announcement?"

"In fact, yes. There's a big announcement. So, if you don't mind?"

"Of course not. I'll prepare the menu, dear. I will also send someone to pick up Ellen and Selina."

"Good. I'll be home, mom."

"Okay, take care love." He hung up and then hugged his wife.

"Are you ready?" He asked and then she nod as a respond. "Don't worry my sweetheart… I will protect you."

"Thank you, James."


                Selina couldn't help but to think deep of the scenarios in her dream. How is she dreaming those scenarios? It's weird. Her grandfather mentioned to her about them having visions of catastrophic events.

"Your mother just called. Aunt Fiona need our help for tonight's dinner. I think it will be a big one." Ellen said as she put down the phone.

"What event?" Selina asked and sipped on her juice.

"Well, I think James have this announcement. And I already guessed it right since their second wedding is coming up."

"Hmm." She muttered and reached her stomach. "When will they come back? Andy?"

"I—" She thought of Andel at that moment. "I don't know. I think it will take long. But they will surely be here before the wedding." Ellen reached her recipe book. "Let's get ready." She stood and went to her room.

                Selina stayed for a while and glanced at the bracelet that she always wore. The one that Fin gave to her with unique stones that might be sold millions in other countries. But anyway, it's not about the price. It's about how Fin cherish her. She love the man and it's frustrating that he's afar.

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