Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress
Chapter 319 - Dreaming About It Again Part 1

     Zachary watched her wife roll on the bed and she's groaning. Is she having a dream? Zach is about to reach her. She sat up with a loud gasp. Her chest heave and she looked lost. He sat beside her and reached her face.

"Baby!" He looked into her teary scared eyes. "Hey…"


     She started sobbing. She shoved her face to his chest, and she continues to cry. Zach doesn't know what to do. What did she dream about? Was it too much for her to handle? He's getting worried as she cries harder. It takes a few minutes until she calmed down. He reached the mug that he prepared for her on the side table and gave it to her.

     She sipped on it and she finished it all and looked up at him.

"What's wrong?"

"I—I just had a nightmare—seemed to be mixed with my past and the future."

     He didn't say anything for a while. What is he going to say then? He exhaled and smile tightly. She forced a smile to him and reached his face.

"Don't worry. I am fine." She reached his cheek and kissed his lips.

"You sure?" He asked again. He knew that she wasn't fine at all.

"Do you want breakfast?" She asked and slipped off from bed. "I'll make you breakfast."

     Zachary followed her downstairs as she tied her hair into a messy bun. She rummaged on the fridge to prepare his breakfast. He took the eggs and bacon and then went to the cabinet to take out the pancake powder.

     He sat down on the barstool and watched her cook. Then she glanced at the other tables. He imagined kids running around as she cooked for their breakfast. He would love that very much, but he knew that she wasn't ready for anything. It's okay with him. She can take her time.

"Love." He called. She looked up at him.


"Hmm. These coming holidays—let's go somewhere—alone. Like our honeymoon?"

"We are having our daily honeymoon here." She smirked at him. He laughed shaking his head.

"You know what I mean," Zachary said. She started chopping white onions, chili, tomato, and green bell pepper. She put it all in the bowl of eggs and started beating it.

"Hmm." She nodded. "I also have something to tell you." She said. "I don't want to ruin the morning so can it wait?"

"Yes, love. Take your time." He smiled at her.

"You wouldn't get mad at me?" She asked.

"It depends."

     She took the coffee from the coffee maker and pour into a mug. Then she gave it to him. He thanked her and sipped on the coffee.

"Hmm. Okay." She nodded and continue making the breakfast.

     He helped her prepare the table and they eat as they talk and talk about whatever topic got into their mind. They never get tired of talking to each other. That's one reason that they fall at each other hard.


     Andromeda does her usual schedule. Going to her office, work her ass off and intimidate everyone. But they give the medical team a big party after the issue about the virus had ended. Thanks for Dmitri's help and others.

"Ma'am here's the schedule for week's event."

     She checked each event and then she nodded. The first event is the Dragon Empire Foundation.

"Make sure that everything is settled before the event. Double the security and enable each bomb detector. We might have unexpected guests." She said. Her secretary took notes all of it.

"You have a meeting with Mr. Adrian Lebedov at one." She reminded. She nodded and she glanced at the clock. "I already set guards on the location."

"Hmm." She nodded. "Thank you."

     Her secretary left. She grabbed her keys and backpack as she left her office and locked it. She went to the parking lot to her motorbike. It didn't take long to reach the restaurant and surprisingly it's one of Dmitri's restaurants. Didn't he know yet that her uncle is also a crazy rich?

     Soon as she got there, she saw his table and then she strode toward their table. He's with his secretary and she didn't want to bring her secretary with her. She put her bag on the other chair and she sat down.

"Sorry that I am late." She said and glanced around his bodyguards that are taking a few other seats.

"Yes. It's fine. I wasn't here for long."

     She exhaled and called the waiter.

"Please give me a glass of water. No ice please." The waiter knew her. He nodded and immediately fetch a glass of water.

     Adrian is a gentleman. He let her have a moment until she had her glass of water. She drank it and exhaled. Adrian smiled at her and gave her a tissue to wipe her sweat.

"So, what's up?" She asked.

"How about let's order some food first? Then we can discuss my proposal."

"Sure." She nodded. The waiter came to them and she ordered a lot of food. "I am ordering a lot of foods since their Chefs are sexy and hot." She winked at him. He only laughed and shook his head.

"I am quite amused by your attitude Lady Mondragon." He said with a big smile.

"Really?" She asked. "Well, you better get used to it." She winked. "So, what is this all about?" She asked.

"Well, I had researched about the founder of this restaurant. It's a chain restaurant and the founder seemed to be confidential. But these restaurants are part of Mondragon."

"You mean, you wanted to buy the restaurant?"

"Yes." He said and he looked around. "And hired the employees." He looked at the Chefs.

"Let me guess. You tried bribing all the chefs. Correct?"

     Adrian drank on his glass and that's the gesture of his answer. She smirked and then she laughed.

"Oh, Mr. Lebedov… those Chefs are loyal to their boss. Also, they have a contract that they couldn't break."

"I am willing to pay for the fines." He said with a charming smile. She shrugged. Then their first appetizer came, and they started eating.

"Are you sure that you want to pay the fines? But first, you must have them." She said as she calculated something on her mind. She frowned and hissed. "I am sure that they won't agree on your terms."

"How are you sure? Do you happened to know the founder?" He sliced the steak into pieces and bring a piece to his mouth.

"Yeah." She smiled at him. "He's very strict."

"I see." He glanced at the Chefs again.

"So, you want to still pay for the fines?" She asked and their other orders came served by one of the handsome Chefs. He bowed at her. "Thank you." She smiled and continue eating. "Chefs here are oozing hot. Don't tell me that you are into men." She joked. He laughed at her and he shook his head.

"This is purely business here. And they are attractive to customers."

"Ohh." She nodded.

     A couple entered the main door. Adrian recognized the woman easily. She's holding hands with a bulky handsome man. A host greets them and led them to a comfortable seat. Andromeda chuckled and shook her head.

"You can't buy anything, Adrian. Just like that couple. Agatha doesn't care if he's just her bodyguard and doesn't have a big money on his account, but she married him. Money can't buy love and happiness. See what I mean?" She gestured to Agatha and Dmitri.

     Agatha waved at her and she waved back mouthing her that she's at the meeting. Agatha nodded and keep her eyes to Dmitri. This is one thing that she like seeing Agatha and Dmitri showed a lot of affection at each other.

"Agatha is a simple girl and she won't need a luxury life to live every day." She explained. "Don't fall too hard on her. She can't possibly love another man but her husband."

"Stop breaking my heart, Andromeda," Adrian said and he looked at them, but he didn't expect to meet fierce eyes of Dmitri. He scoffed. He wasn't stunned at all. He's surprised that Dmitri could look at him fiercely like he wasn't even afraid of what he can do.

"He's that confident to glare at me?" He asked her. "That's because Pattinson and Mondragon have his backing, right?"

     Andromeda just chuckled and she continued eating without answering him.

"My launching is next week." His secretary handed her an invitation. She took it and opened it. It smelled like a rose and it's a luxury gold and black invitation card.

"Oh." She opened it. It wasn't address exactly to her but to the Mondragon Empire. "I am sure to take my husband with me."

"Not just your husband." He said and glanced at Agatha's direction.

"I'll try to ask Dmitri. He doesn't usually take her wife to any socialite events. He's too protective of her."

"I see. But care to try? I wanted her to be my friend and her husband's."

"I see…" She murmured and glanced at Dmitri.

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