Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress
Chapter 643 - Demi's 20th Birthday Part 2

 Demi rolled over the bed and search for Christian. She sat up and frowned when everyone is gathered at her cottage.

"Why in hell are you all here?" She asked and they just shouted a surprise and they started singing to her. She smiled and rubbed her hair. She looked like a mess and there's a camera. Then, Christian is holding the cake for her with 20 on it.


 They keep singing.

"Happy Birthday, to you! Happy Birthday, Dear Demi, Happy Birthday to you." They said and her parents and brothers looked proud.

"Awh, that's so sweet. You guys should practice more." She said and they all laughed.

"Blow the candle and make a wish first," Christian said. She indeed blows the candle after wishing and Christian kissed her forehead.

 They cheered up. Then, her parents approached her and give her kisses on her head. Her brothers also jumped on the bed and hugged her. She hugged them one by one.

"I don't like the camera. I looked messy."

"You are still beautiful." Christian winked. She rolled her eyes and hugged Dean.

 So, everyone started cheering and telling them to start the party. They all leave her alone and Christian is the only one left.

"I made this cake." He told.

"It's your gift?"

"Yup." He winked. She laughed.

"Thank you."

"Dress up, we'll go to our late breakfast."

 She nodded at him. He put the cover on the cake and put it on the fridge.

"Christian, let's bath together."

 Christian turned to her and grinned.

"What's with that sexy grin?" She chuckled.

 He shakes his body and dance like macho dancers would dance. She covered her face with the pillow and laugh.

"Hey, you love it when I am dancing."

"I do." But she burst out laughing.


 Timothy looked at Noah with those great muscles and abdominal. He's big and bulky while he's tall and only had a few muscles. Damn it. He needed to ask those guys how to have that look. Although he had trimmed abdominal—ripped and with that v line on the sides, biceps, pecs, and triceps… he still needed to look like a man that doesn't look pale and something that would please Zendaya.

 He's working out every day and doing the training that Noah gave in martial arts, however, he still needed to look awesome.

 He admired Noah's body as he threw the ball and Bea would hit it with her wrists back to him.

"Wow, Noah has a great body, right?" Zendaya asked.

"He just got that great body," Timothy mumbled without noticing Zendaya beside her. Zendaya nodded and she punched his abdominal a little hard. He groaned and hold it.

"Do you admire Noah right now? Do you like guys?"

"What?" He asked puzzled. "No!"

"You said that Noah has a great body," Zendaya said.

"Yeah, it's true. Looked at him." Timothy pointed Noah. Zendaya nodded. Timothy covered her eyes.


"No. Stop looking at other guys."

 She pushed his hands.

"You told me to look at him."

 Timothy dropped his hands.

"Hey, guys. Are you quarreling?" Kale asked wearing only his beach short. Timothy looked at his body. They are all the same. "What?" Kale covered his chest. Timothy scanned him and pulled down his hands and Zendaya started snickering.

"It's a nice day," Laurence said standing few meters away from them also topless and wearing a black shade.

 Timothy scanned him. He has a greater body than Kale but somehow, it's just the same. Laurence suddenly felt a shiver, and he looked around and spotted Timothy. He immediately runs off.

 Zendaya burst out laughing. Timothy pulled her and pressed her back to him and covered her mouth from behind. She pushed it away.

"Everyone! Put your shirt on! Timothy is scanning every male's body!" Kale said aloud and Bea on the beach burst out laughing.

 Every boy that is topless immediately left to put their shirt on.

"Damn it," Timothy mumbled.

"Don't worry, I still love you even if you get a little fat. But once that you get completely fat. I'll torture you."

"Yes, love." Timothy kissed her lips.


"Put your shirt on!" Demi told Christian.

"Why?" Christian asked.

"Timothy is getting maniac."

 Christian only laughed.

"He's not that maniac. He's just checking out our abdominal to compare to his. Why won't you go to the spa with the girls?"

"Yeah, I need that."

 They kissed passionately as they separate ways and Demi went to the spa with the girls.

 They got treated first and then the crew is already waiting for them. She needed it badly like Athena and Zendaya. They've been working so hard with everything. And lots of problems and visions stressed them.


 Freya should be in the spa but here she is with Dmitri, Fin, and Andromeda talking about Ilya and Jacob visiting her bar. Since they are already aware of it, they are taking security measures. Maybe, in just a moment, they've already set up a missile in that direction. She didn't care about the business. What she cared are the people inside.

"We could detect missiles, but we can't dodge it," Andy told. "We couldn't get into their main system because Jacob Ike is a great hacker that could compare to Andel."

"If there will be a missile attack from nowhere, then, America could detect it through satellite," Dmitri said. "There's only one way to get them," Dmitri mumbled. Andromeda agreed with him.

 The only thing that they could get them is through Christian. So, with all of the visions that the kids are having, and they are having will come true. The agents will die. Christian might also die.

"Let's just do it," Andy said. "In three days, the boys will leave the country to do their mission. The contract is also ready, just in case of breaching of the mission." She shook her head. "Did you already sent someone to follow them?" She asked Freya.

"I did. But I canceled it. If they noticed that we are following them. Then, they might've thought that we already knew about them. We need to let them know that we have no idea about who they are." Freya mumbled and looked around.

 Fin nodded about it.

"But we need to start preparing for the party." Fin said. Dmitri started murmuring curses. He should be busy with all of the party because he planned it with the boys. Christian baked the cake and they also prepare a performance.

 Now, the girls and the Princesses are in the spa. Then, the boys are also doing whatever they need to do.

"I'll handle this matter. I think Ilya doesn't know yet that we already know about him. Anyway, let those dicks play with each other for a while. It's Demi's 20th birthday and we should enjoy this party."

"You will completely enjoy the party." Dmitri winked.

"I hope," Freya said. "I'll contact my people." She mumbled.

"You should relax in the spa for a while and worry about it later," Andy told.

"Andy, I can't relax with all of these shits going on," Freya told.

 Andy thought for a while.

"Maybe Ilya wanted to buy your bar or something." Andy shrugged. "He wouldn't make such a bad move to bomb your bar. But if he would, then, I won't relax a bit until we know what he will do."

"It's fine. I'll take care of this." Freya waved her off.

 Andy received a notification and a photo.

"Ilya is in one of the nearest hotels near your Bar." She said. "Sabrina just sent me the photo."

 Dmitri left. He can't take the stress when it's Demi's birthday. He prepared a lot for this shit and then there's this bastard who had a plan to their family who kept appearing everywhere. He stopped walking when he passed by at Sabrina and Gabriel. He approached them.

"Brina, how wide is your connection in Manhattan?" Dmitri asked. Sabrina grinned.

"What do you want to know?" She asked.

"Everything." He said.

"Okay." She pulled out her phone.


 Demi should be enjoying her birthday party but somehow, as she watched how her father who got a little stress and agitated, makes her feel a little agitated. She knew that something is not right. Then, she looked at her Aunt Freya who should be in the spa with others. She's also busy on her phone.

"This is great," Athena mumbled.

"Yeah, I agree with you," Zendaya mumbled back as they are enjoying the full body massage.

"Demi, you should lay down and stop thinking other stuff," Bea said. "You'll only get this when we aren't busy."

 Demi nodded and sat to her reclining chair to get a foot massage. The full body massage is done and, it's time to get her nails done. Christian said that he liked nude colors to her nails, so she's getting a nude color.

 After the foot massage, they are now cleaning her feet nails and painting it. She checked her phone to chat on her boyfriend who replied immediately and sent a photo of his wet abdominal from sweats. She bit her lip and sent him lots of emoji kiss marks.

 She loved the man. Now, she's twenty and her father finally gave her full freedom. When she turned nineteen, she somehow only got a little freedom, and she rebels by seducing Christian. But it just all happened and she loves Christian so much.

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