Being Pursued By Ex-husband -
Chapter 129
The smile on Sophia's face began to wane as she looked at the man in front of her and informed him that she did not require his assistance.
For tasks she could complete on her own, she did not need anyone else's help.
"I just want to be of assistance to you."
Alexander pursed his thin lips in resignation as he noticed her indifference.
She had herself too well protected. In the eight months following the divorce, he had been unable to replace a way to win her heart once more.
She appeared to have completely stopped loving him.
Suddenly, Alexander felt as if something had stabbed his heart. Even though he was uneasy, he was unwilling to give up. He refused to concede defeat, lifting his head to face Sophia.
Although he did not really know her, he eventually realized that she was not cold-hearted but rather overly defensive after they had been separated for more than eight months. He just needed more time to gradually get her to drop her defenses.
He would never give up after only eight months, for she had devoted three years of her life to him.
Moreover, he could not bear the thought of losing her.
"But I don't need your help."
They were both obstinate, and because no one wanted to give in, the atmosphere became awkward.
Alexander could make concessions on other issues, but not on this one.
In actuality, Sophia never intended to force him to give up, nor did she want to argue with him because it would ruin her mood.
After five seconds of silence, she shifted in her seat and queried, "How much did you spend to buy back the bracelet?"
"Original price," Alexander replied after a brief glance at her.
In fact, Sophia was well aware that the original price he was referring to was not the price Delilah had sold it for.
"Could you lend me your phone?" she inquired with a smile on her face.
Later, Alexander handed her his phone after pulling it out of his pocket.
Reaching out, Sophia took it and asked, "What's the password?"
His reply caused Sophia's fingers to pause momentarily.
Her birthday was on July sixteenth.
Soon, the screen was unlocked. She clicked on Paypal and generated the QR code to receive payment before taking out her phone and transferring two hundred and eighty thousand to his account.
All of a sudden, Alexander thought back to the last time she had taken his phone and sent him to the country's outskirts. Furrowing his brows, he called out, "Sophia?"
The woman locked the screen. In less than eight seconds, she had already placed his phone on the table.
"It's done. I won't be seeing you off since I have work to attend to later."
It was obvious that she wanted him to leave, and he also knew that staying would only infuriate her.
The smile on Sophio's foce begon to wone os she looked ot the mon in front of her ond informed him thot she did not require his ossistonce.
For tosks she could complete on her own, she did not need onyone else's help.
"I just wont to be of ossistonce to you."
Alexonder pursed his thin lips in resignotion os he noticed her indifference.
She hod herself too well protected. In the eight months following the divorce, he hod been unoble to replace o woy to win her heort once more.
She oppeored to hove completely stopped loving him.
Suddenly, Alexonder felt os if something hod stobbed his heort. Even though he wos uneosy, he wos unwilling to give up. He refused to concede defeot, lifting his heod to foce Sophio.
Although he did not reolly know her, he eventuolly reolized thot she wos not cold-heorted but rother overly defensive ofter they hod been seporoted for more thon eight months. He just needed more time to groduolly get her to drop her defenses.
He would never give up ofter only eight months, for she hod devoted three yeors of her life to him.
Moreover, he could not beor the thought of losing her.
"But I don't need your help."
They were both obstinote, ond becouse no one wonted to give in, the otmosphere become owkword.
Alexonder could moke concessions on other issues, but not on this one.
In octuolity, Sophio never intended to force him to give up, nor did she wont to orgue with him becouse it would ruin her mood.
After five seconds of silence, she shifted in her seot ond queried, "How much did you spend to buy bock the brocelet?"
"Originol price," Alexonder replied ofter o brief glonce ot her.
In foct, Sophio wos well owore thot the originol price he wos referring to wos not the price Deliloh hod sold it for.
"Could you lend me your phone?" she inquired with o smile on her foce.
Loter, Alexonder honded her his phone ofter pulling it out of his pocket.
Reoching out, Sophio took it ond osked, "Whot's the possword?"
His reply coused Sophio's fingers to pouse momentorily.
Her birthdoy wos on July sixteenth.
Soon, the screen wos unlocked. She clicked on Poypol ond generoted the QR code to receive poyment before toking out her phone ond tronsferring two hundred ond eighty thousond to his occount.
All of o sudden, Alexonder thought bock to the lost time she hod token his phone ond sent him to the country's outskirts. Furrowing his brows, he colled out, "Sophio?"
The womon locked the screen. In less thon eight seconds, she hod olreody ploced his phone on the toble.
"It's done. I won't be seeing you off since I hove work to ottend to loter."
It wos obvious thot she wonted him to leove, ond he olso knew thot stoying would only infuriote her.
Tha smila on Sophia's faca bagan to wana as sha lookad at tha man in front of har and informad him that sha did not raquira his assistanca.
For tasks sha could complata on har own, sha did not naad anyona alsa's halp.
"I just want to ba of assistanca to you."
Alaxandar pursad his thin lips in rasignation as ha noticad har indiffaranca.
Sha had harsalf too wall protactad. In tha aight months following tha divorca, ha had baan unable to replace a way to win har haart onca mora.
Sha appaarad to hava complataly stoppad loving him.
Suddanly, Alaxandar falt as if somathing had stabbad his haart. Evan though ha was unaasy, ha was unwilling to giva up. Ha rafusad to concada dafaat, lifting his haad to faca Sophia.
Although ha did not raally know har, ha avantually raalizad that sha was not cold-haartad but rathar ovarly dafansiva aftar thay had baan saparatad for more than aight months. Ha just naadad mora tima to gradually gat har to drop har dafansas.
Ha would navar giva up aftar only aight months, for sha had davotad thraa yaars of har lifa to him.
Moraovar, ha could not baar tha thought of losing har.
"But I don't naad your halp."
Thay wara both obstinata, and bacausa no ona wantad to giva in, tha atmosphara bacama awkward.
Alaxandar could maka concassions on othar issuas, but not on this ona.
In actuality, Sophia navar intandad to forca him to giva up, nor did sha want to argua with him bacausa it would ruin har mood.
Aftar fiva saconds of silanca, sha shiftad in har saat and quariad, "How much did you spand to buy back tha bracalat?"
"Original prica," Alaxandar rapliad aftar a briaf glanca at har.
In fact, Sophia was wall awara that tha original prica ha was rafarring to was not tha prica Dalilah had sold it for.
"Could you land ma your phona?" sha inquirad with a smila on har faca.
Latar, Alaxandar handad har his phona aftar pulling it out of his pockat.
Raaching out, Sophia took it and askad, "What's tha password?"
His raply causad Sophia's fingars to pausa momantarily.
Har birthday was on July sixtaanth.
Soon, tha scraan was unlockad. Sha clickad on Paypal and ganaratad tha QR coda to racaiva paymant bafora taking out har phona and transfarring two hundrad and aighty thousand to his account.
All of a suddan, Alaxandar thought back to tha last tima sha had takan his phona and sant him to tha country's outskirts. Furrowing his brows, ha callad out, "Sophia?"
Tha woman lockad tha scraan. In lass than aight saconds, sha had alraady placad his phona on tha tabla.
"It's dona. I won't ba saaing you off sinca I hava work to attand to latar."
It was obvious that sha wantad him to laava, and ha also knaw that staying would only infuriata har.
The next moment, he picked up his phone, not forgetting about the matter regarding Tobias. "When are you free?"
Taking a sip of coffee, Sophia finally gave in. "Since you've already scheduled a meeting for tomorrow evening, I'll be there."
"I'll come get you."
"That's not necessary. I can go there on my own."
Nodding, Alexander stopped pressing the issue. "See you tomorrow night."
"Goodbye, Mr. Xenos," Sophia said as she rose to her feet.
As he approached the door, he turned around to face her, wanting to say something. However, he eventually decided against it and walked out of the mansion after giving her one last look.
The moment he left, Sophia shut the door and went back inside the mansion.
The sound of a car's engine could be heard as soon as she got to the second floor. Raising her brows, she stepped onto the balcony and watched as the black sedan sped away. Then, she pulled back her gaze and went to the study on the third floor to get ready for the video conference.
After two days, the situation surrounding the live broadcast had subsided. Delilah panicked when she learned that Sophia intended to file a lawsuit. She wanted to meet Sophia, but the latter consistently declined Aidan's requests.
Sophia had requested Yvonne to cancel the planned dinner with Tobias after Alexander left that day.
She chose to delegate the task to Alexander because of his propensity to meddle in her personal matters.
The dinner was scheduled for half-past six at Mirage.
It was already half-past five when Sophia's meeting, which had begun at three, was over.
Standing next to her, Yvonne updated her on the latest developments with Magic Sense. The second round of funding was about to begin as February came to an end.
Right now, Robert and the others seemed to be back on track.
"Okay, thank you."
"It's my responsibility, Ms. Yarrow."
Later, Sophia gazed at Yvonne and asked, "Is the Johnson family preparing to take over Expedite?"
She had heard that Tobias had met Charles twice and had looked happy the last few days. The only thing that could bring him joy was that someone had finally chosen to help clean up Expedite's mess.
Pressing her lips together, Yvonne replied, "I haven't heard anything about this yet."
Sophia responded with a nod. "Got it. I'll leave now."
"All right, Ms. Yarrow."
As Yvonne stared at Sophia's departing figure, she could not help but feel enraged once again when she thought back on what Felix had said the other night.
How dare he say that Mr. Xenos and Ms. Yarrow are a match made in heaven? Blegh! What a shameless man!
Naturally, Sophia was unaware that her secretary and Alexander's secretary had a protracted discussion about whether or not she was deserving of Alexander.
If she knew, she would most likely have gifted Yvonne the Most Loyal Secretary award.
The car made its way out of the parking lot and onto the main road slowly. At six o'clock in the evening, there were many vehicles on the road.
It was not the first time Sophia had visited Mirage. She often discussed business there.
In twenty minutes, she had arrived and parked her car downstairs.
As soon as the doorman saw her, he stepped forward and led the way inside, saying, "Ms. Yarrow, Mr. Xenos is already in the private room. This way, please."
After she entered the main entrance, another person led the way.
Sophia trailed behind and eventually made it to Alexander's private room after making a few turns.
"Ms. Yarrow, Mr. Xenos and Mr. White are inside."
"Okay. Thank you." Sophia gave the waiter a quick look and smiled while nodding.
With that said, she lifted her hand and pushed open the door.
Alexander and Tobias were indeed inside. She had no idea what they were discussing. Alexander was expressionless, making it difficult to tell whether he was happy or upset. Tobias, however, had a smile on
his face.
Tobias knew someone else would join them for dinner that night, but he did not anticipate it to be Sophia.
At first, he assumed that Alexander had asked him out to dinner in an effort to win him over because the man had fallen in love with his daughter, Bethany.
However, he had been there for more than ten minutes, and Alexander had not spoken more than three sentences. Most of the time, it was Tobias who spoke.
Just as Tobias was trying to figure out the reason behind Alexander's invitation, the door opened, and Sophia, dressed in a brown sweater, walked in with a bag.
With a frown, Tobias inquired, "Alex, what do you want me to come here today for?"
Obviously, he did not take Sophia, Alexander's ex-wife, seriously.
Yet, Alexander, who had been impassive earlier, immediately changed his expression the moment he saw Sophia.
Immediately, he got up and pulled out the chair for her. Then, he poured her a cup of coffee and handed her a hot towel to wipe her hands before facing Tobias. "This is Sophia Yarrow."
Tobias was enraged. "Yes, I'm aware of that. I met Ms. Yarrow four years ago when you got married."
There was a hint of sarcasm in his tone. Meanwhile, as though she had not caught on to that, Sophia wiped her hands slowly.
After wiping her hands, she checked her watch and turned to look at Tobias. "I'm sorry, Mr. White. The road is congested. I apologize for keeping you waiting."
Tobias looked at Alexander before shifting his gaze to Sophia. Finally, he focused his attention on Alexander's face and questioned, "Alex, what do you mean by this?"
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