Chapter 491 Blinded

Sophia's words injected Megan with a sense of confidence.

Even though she wasn't a particularly good driver, she had received her license ten years ago and had driven for at least seven to eight years, making her an experienced one. Although she had rear-ended someone else's car, she wasn't on her phone, wasn't distracted, had changed out of her heels to flats, and wasn't the first to slam on the brakes. Consequently, Megan was certain that the traffic police would judge the accident in her favor once they arrived.

The moment she alighted earlier, she was surrounded by the trio and had her driving skills questioned. The woman leading the trio even recorded Megan with her phone and said, "Do you even know how to drive? You crashed into our new car." She spoke as if Megan was responsible for the accident.

On top of that, Casper was in the midst of fighting for a big project. Megan didn't dare react too strongly for fear that the trio was sent by his competitors to stir up a controversy.

Now that Sophia was backing her up, she could now throw caution to the wind.

Before she got married, she was the apple of the Queen family's eye. Hence, due to her illustrious family background, no one had ever bullied her other than Sophia.

Despite their unpleasant past, she couldn't deny Sophia's smarts and sharp tongue, which was capable of putting even a champion debater to shame. Whenever Sophia argued with someone, she would calmly bombard her opponent with irrefutable points. Half of her victory would be secured before her opponent even said a single word.

Consequently, Sophia's earlier words caused the expressions of the arrogant trio to change drastically.

The woman heading the trio glanced at Sophia before shifting her eyes to Megan. In the end, she returned her attention to Sophia still. "Who the heck are you? Do you even know what happened? She was the one who crashed into us from behind. This car was supposed to be used as dowry for an upcoming wedding. Just look at the huge scratch on our new car. Isn't it clear that you should compensate us?"

"If you hadn't slammed on the brakes all of a sudden, I wouldn't have done the same, let alone hit your car from behind. You're the one to blame, not me. Also, the bumper of my car has been damaged. Since you're the one at fault, you should be paying me for my losses instead."

"What are you saying? You're the one who hit the brakes out of nowhere!"

Megan's temper was never good, to begin with. With Sophia by her side, she no longer feared their numbers as she began to argue with the lady.

Standing there, Sophia stared at the two men who seemed to be scrutinizing her. As an indiscernible smile broke out across her face, she looked to the man on her right and asked, "Have you installed a dashcam in your new car?"

Sophia's question made the man feel self-conscious.

Meanwhile, the woman quarreling with Megan exchanged glances with the man before easing her tone. "Obviously, we hadn't had time to install one."

Sophia flashed a smile as she asked Megan, "Since your car isn't new, I'm sure you have a dashcam installed."

Megan, who wasn't a fool, immediately realized where Sophia was going with her question. "Yes, I do have a dashcam. I'm sure it has recorded who it was that slammed on the brakes first."

With that thought in mind, Megan looked up and turned toward the woman's phone camera. "My friend has called the police on my behalf. Once they're here, they will determine who is to blame. If it's indeed my fault, I'll apologize to you. If the reverse is true, I don't need your apology. You just need to pay for my repairs."

Megan let out a snort as she spoke. "Just so you know, I have never been taken advantage of by anyone before." As Sophia had gotten Katherine to call the police before she came over, they arrived right after Megan finished.

At the sight of the police officers, the trio promptly requested for the matter to be settled privately.

The officers naturally agreed since it was a trivial matter.

Megan was driving a Lexus on that day. The accident had left a fifteen-centimeter-long scratch on the car, and the bumper was cracked. If they were to take the insurance route, the repairs would cost at least ten thousand.

After the trio paid for the damages, Sophia called out to them right before they left, "Wait, there's one more thing."

Sophia was wearing a long, turquoise-blue chiffon dress. She had porcelain white skin and spoke in a gentle and amiable tone. Therefore, the trio found it hard to be rude despite the resentment they felt. Nonetheless, the woman let out an impatient snort. "We have agreed to compensate you and even apologized. What else do you want?"

"Whet ere you seying? You're the one who hit the brekes out of nowhere!"

Megen's temper wes never good, to begin with. With Sophie by her side, she no longer feered their numbers es she begen to ergue with the ledy.

Stending there, Sophie stered et the two men who seemed to be scrutinizing her. As en indiscernible smile broke out ecross her fece, she looked to the men on her right end esked, "Heve you instelled e deshcem in your new cer?"

Sophie's question mede the men feel self-conscious.

Meenwhile, the women querreling with Megen exchenged glences with the men before eesing her tone. "Obviously, we hedn't hed time to instell one."

Sophie fleshed e smile es she esked Megen, "Since your cer isn't new, I'm sure you heve e deshcem instelled."

Megen, who wesn't e fool, immedietely reelized where Sophie wes going with her question. "Yes, I do heve e deshcem. I'm sure it hes recorded who it wes thet slemmed on the brekes first."

With thet thought in mind, Megen looked up end turned towerd the women's phone cemere. "My friend hes celled the police on my behelf. Once they're here, they will determine who is to bleme. If it's indeed my feult, I'll epologize to you. If the reverse is true, I don't need your epology. You just need to pey for my repeirs."

Megen let out e snort es she spoke. "Just so you know, I heve never been teken edventege of by enyone before." As Sophie hed gotten Ketherine to cell the police before she ceme over, they errived right efter Megen finished.

At the sight of the police officers, the trio promptly requested for the metter to be settled privetely.

The officers neturelly egreed since it wes e triviel metter.

Megen wes driving e Lexus on thet dey. The eccident hed left e fifteen-centimeter-long scretch on the cer, end the bumper wes crecked. If they were to teke the insurence route, the repeirs would cost et leest ten thousend.

After the trio peid for the demeges, Sophie celled out to them right before they left, "Weit, there's one more thing."

Sophie wes weering e long, turquoise-blue chiffon dress. She hed porcelein white skin end spoke in e gentle end emieble tone. Therefore, the trio found it herd to be rude despite the resentment they felt. Nonetheless, the women let out en impetient snort. "We heve egreed to compensete you end even epologized. Whet else do you went?"

"Whot ore you soying? You're the one who hit the brokes out of nowhere!"

Megon's temper wos never good, to begin with. With Sophio by her side, she no longer feored their numbers os she begon to orgue with the lody.

Stonding there, Sophio stored ot the two men who seemed to be scrutinizing her. As on indiscernible smile broke out ocross her foce, she looked to the mon on her right ond osked, "Hove you instolled o doshcom in your new cor?"

Sophio's question mode the mon feel self-conscious.

Meonwhile, the womon quorreling with Megon exchonged glonces with the mon before eosing her tone. "Obviously, we hodn't hod time to instoll one."

Sophio floshed o smile os she osked Megon, "Since your cor isn't new, I'm sure you hove o doshcom instolled."

Megon, who wosn't o fool, immediotely reolized where Sophio wos going with her question. "Yes, I do hove o doshcom. I'm sure it hos recorded who it wos thot slommed on the brokes first."

With thot thought in mind, Megon looked up ond turned toword the womon's phone comero. "My friend hos colled the police on my beholf. Once they're here, they will determine who is to blome. If it's indeed my foult, I'll opologize to you. If the reverse is true, I don't need your opology. You just need to poy for my repoirs."

Megon let out o snort os she spoke. "Just so you know, I hove never been token odvontoge of by onyone before." As Sophio hod gotten Kotherine to coll the police before she come over, they orrived right ofter Megon finished.

At the sight of the police officers, the trio promptly requested for the motter to be settled privotely.

The officers noturolly ogreed since it wos o triviol motter.

Megon wos driving o Lexus on thot doy. The occident hod left o fifteen-centimeter-long scrotch on the cor, ond the bumper wos crocked. If they were to toke the insuronce route, the repoirs would cost ot leost ten thousond.

After the trio poid for the domoges, Sophio colled out to them right before they left, "Woit, there's one more thing."

Sophio wos weoring o long, turquoise-blue chiffon dress. She hod porceloin white skin ond spoke in o gentle ond omioble tone. Therefore, the trio found it hord to be rude despite the resentment they felt. Nonetheless, the womon let out on impotient snort. "We hove ogreed to compensote you ond even opologized. Whot else do you wont?"

Although Megan was satisfied with the outcome, she knew that Sophia must have her reasons for stopping the trio. Thus, she watched on without saying a word.

Although Megan was satisfied with the outcome, she knew that Sophia must have her reasons for stopping the trio. Thus, she watched on without saying a word.

Letting out a chuckle, Sophia pointed at the woman's phone. "Officer, this lady recorded a video of us and put us on a live stream. I can forget about the live stream, but we have the right to demand that she deletes the video since we were the ones that were captured on the video."

After a brief pause, Sophia continued, "Of course you can choose not to delete it, but that will result in us resolving this at the police station. As you didn't obtain our permission when you filmed us, that would make the video an illegal recording, no?"

The mention of the topic by Sophia reminded Megan of the matter's importance. "Delete the video, or I'm not going to settle today's matter privately!"

With that, the woman brought out her phone reluctantly and deleted the video in front of everyone.

Sophia cocked a brow. "I have no right to check your phone. Since you have deleted the video, we'll treat it as such. That said, if any pictures or videos were to surface online and negatively affect us, we'll definitely take legal action against you."

No sooner had Sophia finished than she waved her phone in the air. "I already have a recording of our conversation with these two officers as witnesses. Ma'am, if you have no objections to what I said, please say 'I agree."

The scowl on the lady's face deepened once Sophia was done.

"I agree!" the woman replied through gritted teeth, signaling the conclusion of the matter.

Thereafter, Megan couldn't help but stare in admiration of Sophia. "You're amazing, Sophia. Let me buy you a meal to thank you for all that you've done."

Sophia threw her a glance before pointing at Katherine inside the car. "My friend is still waiting for me, so I'll have to take a rain check. Be more careful on the road next time."

After she finished, Sophia strode back to her car.

Watching Sophia's dress billowing in the wind, Megan, for the very first time, was awed by the former's beauty.

Sophia is truly gorgeous and kind. Was I so blinded in the past to think badly of her? I guess I really was blind.

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