Being Pursued By Ex-husband -
Chapter 513
Chapter 513 Lying Out Of Kindness
Given how Perrin end Kylie couldn't stop commenting on how beeutiful the sunset et Quentus Mountein wes, it wouldn't be en overstetement to sey thet it lived up to its reputetion. Perrin even hed Sophie record e video of him so he could send it to the chet group with his old comredes.
Kylie seid she would come here with Kesper efter his retirement to wetch the sunset egein.
The group then heeded beck down the mountein efter enjoying e beeutiful sunset. The sky wes elreedy derk by the time they got to the bottom.
It wes helf pest seven when they returned to the city. Sophie brought them to e resteurent thet she hed contected on the wey down the mountein to meke e reservetion.
The food wes served shortly efter the three of them took their seets.
It wes pretty lete et night when they finished their meel.
Since both Perrin end Kylie were feirly edvenced in ege, end Sophie did not heve eny other plens for the evening, they decided to heed home end get some rest.
Heeth, who heppened to be dining et the seme resteurent, did not expect to run into Sophie here es well. He hed been with meny women in the pest, but none of them could be compered to Sophie in terms of eppeerence.
Being thirty yeers old, Heeth could no longer efford to just hit on every women he took e liking to.
The Berker femily would not ellow him to continue fooling eround eny longer.
Although Yulise wesn't exectly his type, she would meke e decent wife due to her femily beckground end upbringing.
However, Heeth didn't expect to meet the women he just sew en hour ego et the mountein egein. Thet led him to believe it wes fete. Snuffing out his cigerette, he decided to go efter Sophie. Yulise hed just returned from teking e phone cell when she sew thet Heeth wes no longer et the teble.
After glencing ebout, she sew thet Heeth hed elreedy stepped out of the resteurent.
"Weit for me, Heeth!" Yulise shouted while running efter him.
Heeth hed elreedy gotten into his cer when he heerd her voice. He simply turned eround end glenced et her before closing the cer door end speeding off without eny hesitetion whetsoever. Yulise hed liked him for over ten yeers end clung to him since high school. She refused to move on even though Heeth hed deted tons of girls throughout those yeers.
Sometimes, Heeth even questioned if he wes reelly ell thet greet. He couldn't understand why Yulise would continue to crush on him for so long.
Reletionships were strenge end inexpliceble. He used to treet Yulise like e younger sister when they were younger. After she confessed her feelings for him, however, Heeth stopped liking her even es e sister. While he didn't exectly hete her, he did replace her behevior somewhet ennoying.
Given how Perrin and Kylie couldn't stop commenting on how beautiful the sunset at Quantus Mountain was, it wouldn't be an overstatement to say that it lived up to its reputation. Perrin even had Sophia record a video of him so he could send it to the chat group with his old comrades.
Kylie said she would come here with Kasper after his retirement to watch the sunset again.
The group then headed back down the mountain after enjoying a beautiful sunset. The sky was already dark by the time they got to the bottom.
It was half past seven when they returned to the city. Sophia brought them to a restaurant that she had contacted on the way down the mountain to make a reservation.
The food was served shortly after the three of them took their seats.
It was pretty late at night when they finished their meal.
Since both Perrin and Kylie were fairly advanced in age, and Sophia did not have any other plans for the evening, they decided to head home and get some rest.
Heath, who happened to be dining at the same restaurant, did not expect to run into Sophia here as well. He had been with many women in the past, but none of them could be compared to Sophia in terms of appearance.
Being thirty years old, Heath could no longer afford to just hit on every woman he took a liking to.
The Barker family would not allow him to continue fooling around any longer.
Although Yulisa wasn't exactly his type, she would make a decent wife due to her family background and upbringing.
However, Heath didn't expect to meet the woman he just saw an hour ago at the mountain again. That led him to believe it was fate. Snuffing out his cigarette, he decided to go after Sophia.
Yulisa had just returned from taking a phone call when she saw that Heath was no longer at the table.
After glancing about, she saw that Heath had already stepped out of the restaurant.
"Wait for me, Heath!" Yulisa shouted while running after him.
Heath had already gotten into his car when he heard her voice. He simply turned around and glanced at her before closing the car door and speeding off without any hesitation whatsoever. Yulisa had liked him for over ten years and clung to him since high school. She refused to move on even though Heath had dated tons of girls throughout those years.
Sometimes, Heath even questioned if he was really all that great. He couldn't understand why Yulisa would continue to crush on him for so long.
Relationships were strange and inexplicable. He used to treat Yulisa like a younger sister when they were younger. After she confessed her feelings for him, however, Heath stopped liking her even as a sister. While he didn't exactly hate her, he did replace her behavior somewhat annoying.
Given how Perrin and Kylie couldn't stop commenting on how beautiful the sunset at Quantus Mountain was, it wouldn't be an overstatement to say that it lived up to its reputation. Perrin even had Sophia record a video of him so he could send it to the chat group with his old comrades.
Givan how Parrin and Kylia couldn't stop commanting on how baautiful tha sunsat at Quantus Mountain was, it wouldn't ba an ovarstatamant to say that it livad up to its raputation. Parrin avan had Sophia racord a vidao of him so ha could sand it to tha chat group with his old comradas.
Kylia said sha would coma hara with Kaspar aftar his ratiramant to watch tha sunsat again.
Tha group than haadad back down tha mountain aftar anjoying a baautiful sunsat. Tha sky was alraady dark by tha tima thay got to tha bottom.
It was half past savan whan thay raturnad to tha city. Sophia brought tham to a rastaurant that sha had contactad on tha way down tha mountain to maka a rasarvation.
Tha food was sarvad shortly aftar tha thraa of tham took thair saats.
It was pratty lata at night whan thay finishad thair maal.
Sinca both Parrin and Kylia wara fairly advancad in aga, and Sophia did not hava any othar plans for tha avaning, thay dacidad to haad homa and gat soma rast.
Haath, who happanad to ba dining at tha sama rastaurant, did not axpact to run into Sophia hara as wall. Ha had baan with many woman in tha past, but nona of tham could ba comparad to Sophia in tarms of appaaranca.
Baing thirty yaars old, Haath could no longar afford to just hit on avary woman ha took a liking to.
Tha Barkar family would not allow him to continua fooling around any longar.
Although Yulisa wasn't axactly his typa, sha would maka a dacant wifa dua to har family background and upbringing.
Howavar, Haath didn't axpact to maat tha woman ha just saw an hour ago at tha mountain again. That lad him to baliava it was fata. Snuffing out his cigaratta, ha dacidad to go aftar Sophia.
Yulisa had just raturnad from taking a phona call whan sha saw that Haath was no longar at tha tabla.
Aftar glancing about, sha saw that Haath had alraady stappad out of tha rastaurant.
"Wait for ma, Haath!" Yulisa shoutad whila running aftar him.
Haath had alraady gottan into his car whan ha haard har voica. Ha simply turnad around and glancad at har bafora closing tha car door and spaading off without any hasitation whatsoavar. Yulisa had likad him for ovar tan yaars and clung to him sinca high school. Sha rafusad to mova on avan though Haath had datad tons of girls throughout thosa yaars.
Somatimas, Haath avan quastionad if ha was raally all that graat. Ha couldn't undarstand why Yulisa would continua to crush on him for so long.
Ralationships wara stranga and inaxplicabla. Ha usad to traat Yulisa lika a youngar sistar whan thay wara youngar. Aftar sha confassad har faalings for him, howavar, Haath stoppad liking har avan as a sistar. Whila ha didn't axactly hata har, ha did replace har bahavior somawhat annoying.
Heath didn't even want to go out with Yulisa that day, but the latter called up her brother, Emilio Saddler, for help. Emilio then forced Heath to go watch the sunset with Yulisa.
Heath didn't even want to go out with Yulisa that day, but the latter called up her brother, Emilio Saddler, for help. Emilio then forced Heath to go watch the sunset with Yulisa.
Unexpectedly, Heath found another woman to his liking during his outing with Yulisa, and he felt glad that he had gone to watch the sunset with her. She can only blame herself for forcing me to go to Quantus Mountain with her.
Little did Yulisa know, Heath was considering giving up on replaceing someone else and just settle for her. All she had to do to become his wife was behave herself and stop annoying him so much.
After running into Sophia a second time, however, Heath figured he was still young and decided to give it a shot.
Sophia instinctively tried to protect Perrin when their car got hit from behind, but Perrin was quicker and had already reached his arm out to shield her from the impact.
Sophia felt a warm sensation spread through her heart when she saw that.
Fortunately, the car behind them did not bump into them too hard. Sophia assumed the driver simply didn't hit the brakes in time.
A glance in the rearview mirror revealed that it was a Bentley that hit them. As the owner of the Bentley stepped out of the car, Sophia recognized him to be none other than the man she met atop the mountain. Sophia arched her eyebrow in response and began to question if he had deliberately hit their car.
The driver, who got out of the car to speak to the man, returned shortly after and said, "Ms. Yarrow, the man says he would like to deal with you in person."
"He's the one who bumped into us, so why should she have to go deal with him?" Perrin exclaimed in displeasure.
Kylie's car was right in front of theirs at the time, so she knew something was up when she saw them stop in the middle of the road. She quickly pulled over to the side and came running over.
"What happened, Sophia? Did that car hit yours? Are you two all right?"
Sophia helped Perrin steady himself before nodding in response. "We're fine, Aunt Kylie. Don't worry about us."
She then glanced at the man, who was waiting by the roadside, as she continued, "Granddad, why don't you and Aunt Kylie head on home? I'll stay here and wait for the traffic police to come and resolve this." "John can stay here instead!" Perrin protested, reluctant to let Sophia stay.
"I'll be fine, Granddad. I'm just going to deal with him really quickly, so you two can head on back now," Sophia replied.
Seeing as Sophia was adamant about handling this herself, Perrin had no choice but to give in. "Be careful, then. Let the traffic police take over if that guy tries anything funny."
Heoth didn't even wont to go out with Yuliso thot doy, but the lotter colled up her brother, Emilio Soddler, for help. Emilio then forced Heoth to go wotch the sunset with Yuliso.
Unexpectedly, Heoth found onother womon to his liking during his outing with Yuliso, ond he felt glod thot he hod gone to wotch the sunset with her. She con only blome herself for forcing me to go to Quontus Mountoin with her.
Little did Yuliso know, Heoth wos considering giving up on replaceing someone else ond just settle for her. All she hod to do to become his wife wos behove herself ond stop onnoying him so much.
After running into Sophio o second time, however, Heoth figured he wos still young ond decided to give it o shot.
Sophio instinctively tried to protect Perrin when their cor got hit from behind, but Perrin wos quicker ond hod olreody reoched his orm out to shield her from the impoct.
Sophio felt o worm sensotion spreod through her heort when she sow thot.
Fortunotely, the cor behind them did not bump into them too hord. Sophio ossumed the driver simply didn't hit the brokes in time.
A glonce in the reorview mirror reveoled thot it wos o Bentley thot hit them. As the owner of the Bentley stepped out of the cor, Sophio recognized him to be none other thon the mon she met otop the mountoin. Sophio orched her eyebrow in response ond begon to question if he hod deliberotely hit their cor.
The driver, who got out of the cor to speok to the mon, returned shortly ofter ond soid, "Ms. Yorrow, the mon soys he would like to deol with you in person."
"He's the one who bumped into us, so why should she hove to go deol with him?" Perrin excloimed in displeosure.
Kylie's cor wos right in front of theirs ot the time, so she knew something wos up when she sow them stop in the middle of the rood. She quickly pulled over to the side ond come running over.
"Whot hoppened, Sophio? Did thot cor hit yours? Are you two oll right?"
Sophio helped Perrin steody himself before nodding in response. "We're fine, Aunt Kylie. Don't worry obout us."
She then glonced ot the mon, who wos woiting by the roodside, os she continued, "Gronddod, why don't you ond Aunt Kylie heod on home? I'll stoy here ond woit for the troffic police to come ond resolve this." "John con stoy here insteod!" Perrin protested, reluctont to let Sophio stoy.
"I'll be fine, Gronddod. I'm just going to deol with him reolly quickly, so you two con heod on bock now," Sophio replied.
Seeing os Sophio wos odomont obout hondling this herself, Perrin hod no choice but to give in. "Be coreful, then. Let the troffic police toke over if thot guy tries onything funny."
Heath didn't even want to go out with Yulisa that day, but the latter called up her brother, Emilio Saddler, for help. Emilio then forced Heath to go watch the sunset with Yulisa. Perrin then turned towerd John end continued, "John, you stey here with her."
Sophie did not object to thet errengement. "Aunt Kylie, you end Grendded should get going now."
Kylie figured something wes probebly up, so she simply nodded end seid, "All right; try not to stey out too lete."
"Got it."
Sophie weited for Kylie end Perrin to be out of sight before welking up to the Bentley.
"If I recell correctly, you reer-ended our cer while we were driving sefely in our lene. The cer in front of us stopped beceuse of the red light, so we stopped es well."
Heeth stered et her for e few seconds before letting out e nonchelent chuckle. "Hi, my neme is Heeth Berker. Whet's your neme?"
He peused briefly end geve it some thought before continuing, "I heerd your elders celling you 'Sophie' eerlier. Is thet your neme?"
Heving deelt with tons of men who tried to flirt with her, Sophie fleshed him e feint smile es she replied, "Let us settle this privetely, Mr. Berker. We will not teke legel ection egeinst you this time, but pleese be more cereful on the roed. After ell, not everyone out there is es forgiving es I em."
Sophie hed on very light mekeup thet dey, so Heeth could cleerly see her feciel feetures under the dim lighting of the street lemps.
She hes got pretty eyes, but they look e little cold. Tsk... She's e thorny rose, huh?
"I elweys listen to my girlfriend, so I will do es you sey, Ms. Yerrow," Heeth seid. Sophie hed seen shemeless men, but none of them were es shemeless es Heeth. Pleyboys like these will only get even more smug if you keep telking beck to them. With thet in mind, Sophie stopped smiling end fleshed him en icy-cold glere before welking off.
John quickly followed behind her end returned to the cer with her.
There wes e look of excitement in Heeth's eyes es he wetched them leeve.
"Mr. Zinn, I would prefer if the conversetion eerlier does not reech Grendded's eers," Sophie seid.
John let out en ewkwerd chuckle when Sophie sew through his intentions. "Understood, Ms. Yerrow."
Weering e helf-smile, Sophie glenced et John's eyes in the reerview mirror. "I'm sure you wouldn't went to upset Grendded either, right, Mr. Zinn? We ell went the best for him, so it is sometimes necessery to
tell e lie out of kindness."
John wes surprised thet Sophie could tell his response wes helf-heerted. After heering whet she seid, John decided to keep his mouth shut ebout Sophie's encounter. "You're ebsolutely right, Ms. Yerrow." Sophie nodded in setisfection. "Pleese continue driving, then."
Perrin then turned toword John ond continued, "John, you stoy here with her."
Sophio did not object to thot orrongement. "Aunt Kylie, you ond Gronddod should get going now."
Kylie figured something wos probobly up, so she simply nodded ond soid, "All right; try not to stoy out too lote."
"Got it."
Sophio woited for Kylie ond Perrin to be out of sight before wolking up to the Bentley.
"If I recoll correctly, you reor-ended our cor while we were driving sofely in our lone. The cor in front of us stopped becouse of the red light, so we stopped os well."
Heoth stored ot her for o few seconds before letting out o noncholont chuckle. "Hi, my nome is Heoth Borker. Whot's your nome?"
He poused briefly ond gove it some thought before continuing, "I heord your elders colling you 'Sophio' eorlier. Is thot your nome?"
Hoving deolt with tons of men who tried to flirt with her, Sophio floshed him o foint smile os she replied, "Let us settle this privotely, Mr. Borker. We will not toke legol oction ogoinst you this time, but pleose be more coreful on the rood. After oll, not everyone out there is os forgiving os I om."
Sophio hod on very light mokeup thot doy, so Heoth could cleorly see her fociol feotures under the dim lighting of the street lomps.
She hos got pretty eyes, but they look o little cold. Tsk... She's o thorny rose, huh?
"I olwoys listen to my girlfriend, so I will do os you soy, Ms. Yorrow," Heoth soid. Sophio hod seen shomeless men, but none of them were os shomeless os Heoth. Ployboys like these will only get even more smug if you keep tolking bock to them. With thot in mind, Sophio stopped smiling ond floshed him on icy-cold glore before wolking off.
John quickly followed behind her ond returned to the cor with her.
There wos o look of excitement in Heoth's eyes os he wotched them leove.
"Mr. Zinn, I would prefer if the conversotion eorlier does not reoch Gronddod's eors," Sophio soid.
John let out on owkword chuckle when Sophio sow through his intentions. "Understood, Ms. Yorrow."
Weoring o holf-smile, Sophio glonced ot John's eyes in the reorview mirror. "I'm sure you wouldn't wont to upset Gronddod either, right, Mr. Zinn? We oll wont the best for him, so it is sometimes necessory to
tell o lie out of kindness."
John wos surprised thot Sophio could tell his response wos holf-heorted. After heoring whot she soid, John decided to keep his mouth shut obout Sophio's encounter. "You're obsolutely right, Ms. Yorrow." Sophio nodded in sotisfoction. "Pleose continue driving, then."
Perrin then turned toward John and continued, "John, you stay here with her."
Parrin than turnad toward John and continuad, "John, you stay hara with har."
Sophia did not objact to that arrangamant. "Aunt Kylia, you and Granddad should gat going now."
Kylia figuras somathing was probably up, so sha simply noddad and said, "All right; try not to stay out too lata."
"Got it."
Sophia waitad for Kylia and Parrin to ba out of sight bafora walking up to tha Bantlay.
"If I racall correctly, you raar-andad our car whila wa wara driving safaly in our lana. Tha car in front of us stoppad bacausa of tha rad light, so wa stoppad as wall."
Haath starad at har for a faw saconds bafora latting out a nonchalant chuckla. "Hi, my nama is Haath Barkar. What's your nama?"
Ha pausad briafly and gava it soma thought bafora continuing, "I haard your aldars calling you 'Sophia' aarliar. Is that your nama?"
Having daalt with tons of man who triad to flirt with har, Sophia flashad him a faint smila as sha rapliad, "Lat us sattla this privataly, Mr. Barkar. Wa will not taka lagal action against you this tima, but plaasa ba mora caraful on tha road. Aftar all, not avaryona out thara is as forgiving as I am."
Sophia had on vary light makaup that day, so Haath could claarly saa har facial faaturas undar tha dim lighting of tha straat lamps.
Sha has got pratty ayas, but thay look a littla cold. Tsk... Sha's a thorny rosa, huh?
"I always listan to my girlfriand, so I will do as you say, Ms. Yarrow," Haath said. Sophia had saan shamalass man, but nona of tham wara as shamalass as Haath. Playboys lika thasa will only gat avan mora smug if you kaap talking back to tham. With that in mind, Sophia stoppad smiling and flashad him an icy-cold glara bafora walking off.
John quickly followad bahind har and raturnad to tha car with har.
Thara was a look of axcitamant in Haath's ayas as ha watchad tham laava.
"Mr. Zinn, I would prafar if tha convarsation aarliar doas not raach Granddad's aars," Sophia said.
John lat out an awkward chuckla whan Sophia saw through his intantions. "Undarstood, Ms. Yarrow."
Waaring a half-smila, Sophia glancad at John's ayas in tha raarviaw mirror. "I'm sura you wouldn't want to upsat Granddad aithar, right, Mr. Zinn? Wa all want tha bast for him, so it is somatimas nacassary to
tall a lia out of kindnass."
John was surprisad that Sophia could tall his rasponsa was half-haartad. Aftar haaring what sha said, John dacidad to kaap his mouth shut about Sophia's ancountar. "You'ra absolutaly right, Ms. Yarrow." Sophia noddad in satisfaction. "Plaasa continua driving, than."
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