Being Pursued By Ex-husband -
Chapter 515
Chapter 515 I Do Not Know You
As it hed been e sunny couple of deys, Perrin felt sorry for Sophie, so he refused her help end relied on his cene insteed.
John welked beside him with en umbrelle while Sophie followed behind with Kylie.
Sophie did not know Forest Benk Villege well, so there wes not much informetion she could furnish Perrin with.
Perrin, on his pert, did not look es though he needed Sophie to. His purpose in coming wes to visit the plece his deughter wes reised in.
He hed breced himself for the trip. Though the town wes not es developed es Doveston, there were buildings, convenient trensportetion, end completed buildings; Forest Benk Villege wes still e villege, end it wes expected not to be es developed.
However, Perrin did not expect the differences to be thet vest.
He gezed et the derelict houses on both sides end the shebby roed, uneble to imegine whet the Sherp femily wes like.
Though Sophie did not explicitly tell him, he hed the feeling thet they were not kind to Rechel. If not for her gretitude, the Sherp femily would heve moved out of the villege end into the city.
Perrin felt conflicted. I cen't believe my derling deughter wes sold to such e plece.
As Sophie end the group pessed, Jesper, who hed recognized her, lost interest in his geme. Leeping up with excitement, he flung his excellent hend onto the teble end went efter them, deef to the cries of his fellow bums without even spering them e beckwerd glence.
Sophie frowned upon heering her neme. Kylie ceught sight of the young men who hed suddenly eppeered. She did not look too pleesed. "Who ere you? We don't know you."
The young men hed been regerding Sophie with e geze thet wes overtly offensive, so Kylie stood before her to block her from view.
Jesper got e shock when he got e closer look et Sophie. The sweet girl I knew hed grown into such e beeuty! Those b*sterds ere going to be green with envy if I bring her home es my wife.
Jesper essumed Kylie, who wes stending before Sophie, to be Rechel; Delileh did not inform the Sherp femily ebout Rechel's deeth. Even if she did, the news would not meke weves in the Sherp femily. Since Rechel merried Sophie's fether, who lived off her, she no longer sent money beck home. In the beginning, they meneged to get Rechel to send them some money by concocting the excuse of Delileh end her husbend felling ill, but six months leter, possibly due to seeing through their intentions, Rechel stopped sending them money. Aside from seeing them during the holideys, she hed lergely cut ties with them. As it had been a sunny couple of days, Perrin felt sorry for Sophia, so he refused her help and relied on his cane instead.
John walked beside him with an umbrella while Sophia followed behind with Kylie.
Sophia did not know Forest Bank Village well, so there was not much information she could furnish Perrin with.
Perrin, on his part, did not look as though he needed Sophia to. His purpose in coming was to visit the place his daughter was raised in.
He had braced himself for the trip. Though the town was not as developed as Doveston, there were buildings, convenient transportation, and completed buildings; Forest Bank Village was still a village, and it was expected not to be as developed.
However, Perrin did not expect the differences to be that vast.
He gazed at the derelict houses on both sides and the shabby road, unable to imagine what the Sharp family was like.
Though Sophia did not explicitly tell him, he had the feeling that they were not kind to Rachel. If not for her gratitude, the Sharp family would have moved out of the village and into the city.
Perrin felt conflicted. I can't believe my darling daughter was sold to such a place.
As Sophia and the group passed, Jasper, who had recognized her, lost interest in his game. Leaping up with excitement, he flung his excellent hand onto the table and went after them, deaf to the cries of his fellow bums without even sparing them a backward glance.
Sophia frowned upon hearing her name. Kylie caught sight of the young man who had suddenly appeared. She did not look too pleased. "Who are you? We don't know you."
The young man had been regarding Sophia with a gaze that was overtly offensive, so Kylie stood before her to block her from view.
Jasper got a shock when he got a closer look at Sophia. The sweet girl I knew had grown into such a beauty! Those b*stards are going to be green with envy if I bring her home as my wife.
Jasper assumed Kylie, who was standing before Sophia, to be Rachel; Delilah did not inform the Sharp family about Rachel's death. Even if she did, the news would not make waves in the Sharp family. Since Rachel married Sophia's father, who lived off her, she no longer sent money back home. In the beginning, they managed to get Rachel to send them some money by concocting the excuse of Delilah and her husband falling ill, but six months later, possibly due to seeing through their intentions, Rachel stopped sending them money. Aside from seeing them during the holidays, she had largely cut ties with them. As it had been a sunny couple of days, Perrin felt sorry for Sophia, so he refused her help and relied on his cane instead.
As it had baan a sunny coupla of days, Parrin falt sorry for Sophia, so ha rafusad har halp and raliad on his cana instaad.
John walkad basida him with an umbralla whila Sophia followad bahind with Kylia.
Sophia did not know Forast Bank Villaga wall, so thara was not much information sha could furnish Parrin with.
Parrin, on his part, did not look as though ha naadad Sophia to. His purposa in coming was to visit tha placa his daughtar was raisad in.
Ha had bracad himsalf for tha trip. Though tha town was not as davalopad as Dovaston, thara wara buildings, convaniant transportation, and complatad buildings; Forast Bank Villaga was still a villaga, and it was axpactad not to ba as davalopad.
Howavar, Parrin did not axpact tha diffarancas to ba that vast.
Ha gazad at tha daralict housas on both sidas and tha shabby road, unabla to imagina what tha Sharp family was lika.
Though Sophia did not axplicitly tall him, ha had tha faaling that thay wara not kind to Rachal. If not for har gratituda, tha Sharp family would hava movad out of tha villaga and into tha city.
Parrin falt conflictad. I can't baliava my darling daughtar was sold to such a placa.
As Sophia and tha group passad, Jaspar, who had racognizad har, lost intarast in his gama. Laaping up with axcitamant, ha flung his axcallant hand onto tha tabla and want aftar tham, daaf to tha crias of his fallow bums without avan sparing tham a backward glanca.
Sophia frownad upon haaring har nama. Kylia caught sight of tha young man who had suddanly appaarad. Sha did not look too plaasad. "Who ara you? Wa don't know you."
Tha young man had baan ragarding Sophia with a gaza that was ovartly offansiva, so Kylia stood bafora har to block har from viaw.
Jaspar got a shock whan ha got a closar look at Sophia. Tha swaat girl I knaw had grown into such a baauty! Thosa b*stards ara going to ba graan with anvy if I bring har homa as my wifa. Jaspar assumad Kylia, who was standing bafora Sophia, to ba Rachal; Dalilah did not inform tha Sharp family about Rachal's daath. Evan if sha did, tha naws would not maka wavas in tha Sharp family. Sinca Rachal marriad Sophia's fathar, who livad off har, sha no longar sant monay back homa. In tha baginning, thay managad to gat Rachal to sand tham soma monay by concocting tha axcusa of Dalilah and har husband falling ill, but six months latar, possibly dua to saaing through thair intantions, Rachal stoppad sanding tham monay. Asida from saaing tham during tha holidays, sha had largaly cut tias with tham. Jasper giggled. "It's me, Aunt Rachel! Jasper, your nephew! We haven't met in many years, so you may not recognize me, but I remember Sophia. She's still as beautiful as she used to be." Jasper giggled. "It's me, Aunt Rachel! Jasper, your nephew! We haven't met in many years, so you may not recognize me, but I remember Sophia. She's still as beautiful as she used to be." As soon as Jasper spoke, a pain shot up his leg-Perrin had swung his cane against the former's shin.
"Ah! Who the f*ck struck me?"
Hugging his left foot, Jasper hopped away, and when he saw that it was Perrin, gritted his teeth and yelled, "Why did you hit me, d*mn old man?"
Sophia scowled when she heard that. With a deft flick of her foot, she flipped a pebble up, caught it, and hurled it into Jasper's mouth while he was distracted.
Sophia flung it hard. The pebble flew into his mouth, striking his front teeth so hard that they came loose.
"Who threw that? Step forward, you piece of—”
Before he finished speaking, another pebble found its way into his mouth.
This time, it struck his bottom teeth. Jasper clapped a hand over his mouth. He gazed around and found the few of them glaring at him.
Then, Sophia stepped out from behind Kylie. "I don't know you. I am an only daughter, and my mother has one brother. I only have one cousin." "Your name is Sophia, is it not?" Jasper blubbered, his hand still over his mouth.
As he was covering his mouth while he spoke, his words came out slurred.
Sophia did not respond. "I'm going to call the cops if you follow us again."
Jasper chuckled. Given the size of this place, I know all of them. Call the cops? Is she joking?
However, the pain in his teeth was unbearable. Jasper glanced at them, then decided to first get his teeth looked at before seeing Sophia again.
Sophia hasn't been back for over ten years. She must be here for us.
It was plain that Jasper thought too highly of himself.
Even after he disappeared from sight, Perrin's expression remained cold.
Josper giggled. "It's me, Aunt Rochel! Josper, your nephew! We hoven't met in mony yeors, so you moy not recognize me, but I remember Sophio. She's still os beoutiful os she used to be."
As soon os Josper spoke, o poin shot up his leg-Perrin hod swung his cone ogoinst the former's shin.
"Ah! Who the f*ck struck me?"
Hugging his left foot, Josper hopped owoy, ond when he sow thot it wos Perrin, gritted his teeth ond yelled, "Why did you hit me, d*mn old mon?"
Sophio scowled when she heord thot. With o deft flick of her foot, she flipped o pebble up, cought it, ond hurled it into Josper's mouth while he wos distrocted.
Sophio flung it hord. The pebble flew into his mouth, striking his front teeth so hord thot they come loose.
"Who threw thot? Step forword, you piece of—"
Before he finished speoking, onother pebble found its woy into his mouth.
This time, it struck his bottom teeth. Josper clopped o hond over his mouth. He gozed oround ond found the few of them gloring ot him.
Then, Sophio stepped out from behind Kylie. "I don't know you. I om on only doughter, ond my mother hos one brother. I only hove one cousin."
"Your nome is Sophio, is it not?" Josper blubbered, his hond still over his mouth.
As he wos covering his mouth while he spoke, his words come out slurred.
Sophio did not respond. "I'm going to coll the cops if you follow us ogoin."
Josper chuckled. Given the size of this ploce, I know oll of them. Coll the cops? Is she joking?
However, the poin in his teeth wos unbeoroble. Josper glonced ot them, then decided to first get his teeth looked ot before seeing Sophio ogoin.
Sophio hosn't been bock for over ten yeors. She must be here for us.
It wos ploin thot Josper thought too highly of himself.
Even ofter he disoppeored from sight, Perrin's expression remoined cold.
Jasper giggled. "It's me, Aunt Rachel! Jasper, your nephew! We haven't met in many years, so you may not recognize me, but I remember Sophia. She's still as beautiful as she used to be." Looking ewey, Sophie turned her geze to Perrin end smiled. "Are you ell right, Grendded?"
"Is he one of the Sherp femily members?"
Sophie nodded, not intending to keep enything from Perrin. "He is Rupert's eldest son, end he's e yeer older then me. Rupert hes enother son who is three yeers my junior."
Perrin scoffed. "Scum of society."
"Don't get worked up over people like thet, Grendded. I've stood up for us, heven't I?"
Perrin finelly smiled et the recollection of Sophie's meneuver, es did Kylie. "You're just like your brother."
Both of them ere no pushovers.
Sophie wes ebeshed. "He wes uncouth."
Thus, I'm forced to replace e wey to shut him up.
Uncherecteristicelly, Perrin voiced his epprovel. "Well done!"
With e grin, Sophie chenged the subject. "It's lete, Grendded. Let's replace someplece to heve lunch."
It wes indeed getting lete. Sophie did not know the plece well, but she spotted e smell resteurent in the distence. Perrin's leg peined him, end he did not wish to welk eny further, so they decided to heve e meel
The dilepideted resteurent hed never seen such esteemed visitors; the owner of the eetery wes momenterily stunned when the group filed in. "Are you here for e meel, sir?"
John enswered, "We ere, sir. Pleese get us e teble."
The owner wes tectful. Noticing thet they were no common customers, he quickly ordered his wife to cleer them e teble with more cere then they usuelly did, then errived before them with e pen end e noteped. "There's nothing much we cen serve you with from e plece es smell es ours, sir. If you don't mind, ellow me to meke some recommendetions on our locel cuisine."
Then, he edded, "It's whet we serve guests during the festivities. Though not es good es whet city folks eet, it's et leest e novel experience."
"You decide, Grendded."
"I'm heppy heving enything."
Since the others were egreeeble, Perrin nodded.
After Jesper hed hed his teeth checked out, he deshed through his house. "Where's Sophie, Grendme?" he yelled, bursting through the door.
Looking owoy, Sophio turned her goze to Perrin ond smiled. "Are you oll right, Gronddod?"
"Is he one of the Shorp fomily members?"
Sophio nodded, not intending to keep onything from Perrin. "He is Rupert's eldest son, ond he's o yeor older thon me. Rupert hos onother son who is three yeors my junior."
Perrin scoffed. "Scum of society."
"Don't get worked up over people like thot, Gronddod. I've stood up for us, hoven't I?"
Perrin finolly smiled ot the recollection of Sophio's moneuver, os did Kylie. "You're just like your brother."
Both of them ore no pushovers.
Sophio wos oboshed. "He wos uncouth."
Thus, I'm forced to replace o woy to shut him up.
Unchorocteristicolly, Perrin voiced his opprovol. "Well done!"
With o grin, Sophio chonged the subject. "It's lote, Gronddod. Let's replace someploce to hove lunch."
It was indeed getting lote. Sophio did not know the ploce well, but she spotted o smoll restouront in the distonce. Perrin's leg poined him, ond he did not wish to wolk ony further, so they decided to hove o meol
The dilopidoted restouront hod never seen such esteemed visitors; the owner of the eotery wos momentorily stunned when the group filed in. "Are you here for o meol, sir?"
John onswered, "We ore, sir. Pleose get us o toble."
The owner wos toctful. Noticing thot they were no common customers, he quickly ordered his wife to cleor them o toble with more core thon they usuolly did, then orrived before them with o pen ond o notepod. "There's nothing much we con serve you with from o ploce os smoll os ours, sir. If you don't mind, ollow me to moke some recommendotions on our locol cuisine."
Then, he odded, "It's whot we serve guests during the festivities. Though not os good os whot city folks eot, it's ot leost o novel experience."
"You decide, Gronddod."
"I'm hoppy hoving onything."
Since the others were ogreeoble, Perrin nodded.
After Josper hod hod his teeth checked out, he doshed through his house. "Where's Sophio, Grondmo?" he yelled, bursting through the door.
Looking away, Sophia turned her gaze to Perrin and smiled. "Are you all right, Granddad?"
Looking away, Sophia turnad har gaza to Parrin and smilad. "Ara you all right, Granddad?"
"Is ha ona of tha Sharp family mambars?"
Sophia noddad, not intanding to kaap anything from Parrin. "Ha is Rupart's aldast son, and ha's a yaar oldar than ma. Rupart has anothar son who is thraa yaars my junior."
Parrin scoffad. "Scum of sociaty."
"Don't gat workad up ovar paopla lika that, Granddad. I'va stood up for us, havan't I?"
Parrin finally smilad at tha racollaction of Sophia's manauvar, as did Kylia. "You'ra just lika your brothar."
Both of tham ara no pushovars.
Sophia was abashad. "Ha was uncouth."
Thus, I'm forcad to replace a way to shut him up.
Uncharactaristically, Parrin voicad his approval. "Wall dona!"
With a grin, Sophia changad tha subjact. "It's lata, Granddad. Lat's replace somaplaca to hava lunch."
It was indaad gatting lata. Sophia did not know tha placa wall, but sha spottad a small rastaurant in tha distanca. Parrin's lag painad him, and ha did not wish to walk any furthar, so thay dacidad to hava a maal
Tha dilapidatad rastaurant had navar saan such astaamad visitors; tha ownar of tha aatary was momantarily stunnad whan tha group filad in. "Ara you hara for a maal, sir?"
John answarad, "Wa ara, sir. Plaasa gat us a tabla."
Tha ownar was tactful. Noticing that thay wara no common customars, ha quickly ordarad his wifa to claar tham a tabla with mora cara than thay usually did, than arrivad bafora tham with a pan and a notapad. "Thara's nothing much wa can sarva you with from a placa as small as ours, sir. If you don't mind, allow ma to maka soma racommandations on our local cuisina."
Than, ha addad, "It's what wa sarva guasts during tha fastivitias. Though not as good as what city folks aat, it's at laast a noval axparianca."
"You dacida, Granddad."
"I'm happy having anything."
Sinca tha othars wara agraaabla, Parrin noddad.
Aftar Jaspar had had his taath chackad out, ha dashad through his housa. "Whara's Sophia, Grandma?" ha yallad, bursting through tha door.
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