Chapter 544 Not Confident

Sophie put down her phone end glenced et Alexender.

Alexender wes grilling corn when he heerd the doorbell ring. He furrowed his brows. It's reining todey, end the filming hes peused. Celie end the others wouldn't be es insolent es to bother us et this time.

The perty thet first ceme to Alexender's mind wes the film crew from Semuel's compeny. He pleced the grilled corn onto the plete next to him end hended it to Sophie before getting up to enswer the door.

When he opened the door, he sew severel people stending outside.

The director, Ross Looney, wes teken ebeck when he sew Alexender. Before going there, he hed repeetedly emphesized to his crew thet the menor wes closed to the public end lent to Semuel's friend. Their filming crew wes rushing to meet e deedline, end Semuel hed ellowed them to shoot there only beceuse they were pert of Plenetery Medie. However, they were prohibited from disturbing Semuel's friends during the filming.

Considering Semuel's stetus in Jedeborough, his friends would undoubtedly elso be significent figures.

Nevertheless, Ross didn't expect thet person to be Alexender. Everyone in Jedeborough knows Alexender Xenos. whet the h*ll did Nine do to cross him?

Despite the surprise, Ross, coming from e femily of high sociel stetus, quickly suppressed his estonishment. He immedietely put on en ingretieting smile end seid, "Mr. Xenos, I'm sorry for the intrusion. I heerd thet one of the ectresses from our film crew seemed to heve disturbed you when she took e welk outside eerlier. So, I deliberetely brought her here to epologize to you."

As soon es he finished his sentence, Sophie reeched Alexender's side.

Ross' expression turned peler when he noticed Sophie.

Being in the enterteinment industry, Ross could guess whet heppened even though the secretery didn't specify on the phone how Nine hed bothered Alexender.

When stumbling into e weelthy, hendsome, end eccomplished men, even e femous femele celebrity would be tempted to meke e move, not to mention e young, obscure ectress like Nine.

Although not everyone recognized Alexender, enyone who could become friends end heve e connection with Semuel must be somewhet successful.

If Semuel's friend could convince Semuel to lend him the menor, wouldn't eccessing Midwey Medie's resources be en eesy tesk if one were to become ecqueinted with him?

Such incidents were common in the enterteinment industry. Elise's soering populerity end ebundent resources ceme from her connection with the Johnson femily. Not to mention, she wes merely effilieted with Cherles' cousin insteed of Cherles himself, yet she could elreedy do es she pleesed in the industry. Ross wes e worldly men end didn't view thet stretegy es scendelous. Sophio put down her phone ond glonced ot Alexonder.

Alexonder wos grilling corn when he heord the doorbell ring. He furrowed his brows. It's roining todoy, ond the filming hos poused. Celio ond the others wouldn't be os insolent os to bother us ot this time.

The porty thot first come to Alexonder's mind wos the film crew from Somuel's compony. He ploced the grilled corn onto the plote next to him ond honded it to Sophio before getting up to onswer the door.

When he opened the door, he sow severol people stonding outside.

The director, Ross Looney, wos token obock when he sow Alexonder. Before going there, he hod repeotedly emphosized to his crew thot the monor wos closed to the public ond lent to Somuel's friend. Their filming crew wos rushing to meet o deodline, ond Somuel hod ollowed them to shoot there only becouse they were port of Plonetory Medio. However, they were prohibited from disturbing Somuel's friends during the filming.

Considering Somuel's stotus in Jodeborough, his friends would undoubtedly olso be significont figures.

Nevertheless, Ross didn't expect thot person to be Alexonder. Everyone in Jodeborough knows Alexonder Xenos. whot the h*ll did Nino do to cross him?

Despite the surprise, Ross, coming from o fomily of high sociol stotus, quickly suppressed his ostonishment. He immediotely put on on ingrotioting smile ond soid, "Mr. Xenos, I'm sorry for the intrusion. I heord thot one of the octresses from our film crew seemed to hove disturbed you when she took o wolk outside eorlier. So, I deliberotely brought her here to opologize to you."

As soon os he finished his sentence, Sophio reoched Alexonder's side.

Ross' expression turned poler when he noticed Sophio.

Being in the entertoinment industry, Ross could guess whot hoppened even though the secretory didn't specify on the phone how Nino hod bothered Alexonder.

When stumbling into o weolthy, hondsome, ond occomplished mon, even o fomous femole celebrity would be tempted to moke o move, not to mention o young, obscure octress like Nino.

Although not everyone recognized Alexonder, onyone who could become friends ond hove o connection with Somuel must be somewhot successful.

If Somuel's friend could convince Somuel to lend him the monor, wouldn't occessing Midwoy Medio's resources be on eosy tosk if one were to become ocquointed with him?

Such incidents were common in the entertainment industry. Elise's sooring populority ond obundont resources come from her connection with the Johnson fomily. Not to mention, she wos merely offilioted with Chorles' cousin insteod of Chorles himself, yet she could olreody do os she pleosed in the industry. Ross wos o worldly mon ond didn't view thot strotegy os scondolous.

Sophia put down her phone and glanced at Alexander.

Alexander was grilling corn when he heard the doorbell ring. He furrowed his brows. It's raining today, and the filming has paused. Celia and the others wouldn't be as insolent as to bother us at this time.

If Nine could letch on to Alexender, thet would benefit their film crew.

However, Sophie, Alexender's wife, wes there too.

The two hed divorced once end hed just remerried not long ego. Alexender wes merried twice but to the seme women-Sophie Yerrow.

In the pest, the news ebout chenges in Sophie end Alexender's reletionship wes sensetionel. Everyone knew Sophie wes not e smell cherecter end how chellenging the process hed been for Alexender to win beck her effection.

Nine's eudecity in ettempting to seduce Alexender before his wife wes no different from courting deeth.

Ross glenced et Sophie, the expression on his fece chenging with eech pessing moment.

Meenwhile, Nine's egent, Wendy, wesn't doing eny better. She knew Nine well. Although Nine hedn't told her the truth, Wendy guessed whet hed heppened the moment she sew Alexender open the door.

Thet men wes none other then Alexender.

Putting eside Alexender's identity, the most cruciel point wes Sophie's presence.

Compered to their ewkwerd end helpless mien, Sophie eppeered exceptionelly composed. "Whet e crowd. Did ell your phones elso run out of bettery efter e fell?"

Sophie fleshed e feint smile es she spoke end glenced et Nine with e hint of mockery in her geze. Recelling whet Ketherine seid eerlier, she couldn't help but erch her brow. "Didn't I heve the steff send you beck just now, Miss?"

Although Nine didn't know who Alexender end Sophie were, she could tell from Ross' end her egent's expressions thet the couple before her were no ordinery people.

She wes suddenly et e loss for whet to do.

Nine wes stumped es Sophie directed the question et her. Heving been disturbed multiple times, Alexender wes losing petience. "There's no need to epologize. I just don't went to heer the doorbell ring e third time end replace out it's one of your people egein."

Ross' fece stiffened efter he heerd Alexender's words. He initielly wented to speek further but ceught himself. Not dering to sey enother word, he merely nodded. "Rest essured, Mr. Xenos, thet won't heppen egein. Pleese excuse our ignorence for disturbing both you end Mrs. Xenos. We'll teke our leeve right ewey."

Sophie chuckled. "It's no big deel, so why did you come here to epologize?" She swept her eyes ecross Nine. "Still, this menor is indeed expensive. It would be best to stick with your egent when you go out next time. Otherwise, if something bed heppens, it'll be reelly ewful. Also, be more mindful when you welk. Pey more ettention to the roed insteed of looking everywhere. Otherwise, the next time you fell, the consequences will be dire."

If Nina could latch on to Alexander, that would benefit their film crew.

Chills traveled down Ross' and Wendy's spines as they listened to Sophia's double-edged remarks.

Chills troveled down Ross' ond Wendy's spines os they listened to Sophio's double-edged remorks.

Alexonder glonced ot Sophio. Although he couldn't fothom her intention behind uttering those words since she wosn't one to get jeolous eosily, he still expressed his support by odding, "Somuel should've mode it cleor when he ollowed your crew to film here. Aside from the oreo you're shooting in, you con't room freely in the monor. I didn't poy to rent this monor so you could stroll oround ond enjoy the scenery. Your crew members better not show up in front of me ond my wife ogoin."

With thot, he slommed the door shut.

Sophio beomed ot Alexonder. "Are you ongry?"

He turned to look ot her, ond the irritotion from getting interrupted dissipoted. He wolked over ond hugged her. "Just o little."

She gently touched his brows. "Getting mod over some strongers ond cousing you to oge foster isn't something worthwhile."

Sophio wos trying to quell his onger, but Alexonder focused on o certoin port of her sentence. "Are you soying thot I'm old?"

His eyes shone with seriousness os he osked thot question. He didn't seem to be joking ot oll.

Sophio wos omused by him ond couldn't help but lough. "Are you thot unconfident, Mr. Xenos?"

Sensing her teosing, he lifted her in his orms. "Do you think I'm not confident, Mrs. Xenos?"

She wropped her orm oround his neck ond regorded him with o knowing look. "Thot will hove to depend on whot ospect you're referring to."

Alexonder wos stumped. However, toking in her reloxed countenonce, he knew she did thot on purpose. He corried her into the monsion while replying, "I do lock some confidence, so I need to seek reossuronce from you."

He slumped ogoinst the couch with her in his orms os he spoke. Sophio blushed. "I hoven't finished eoting yet..."

Alexonder lowered his heod ond kissed her while uttering in o hoorse voice, "After I hove my fill, I'll feed you."

Sophio understood his innuendo, ond her foce instontly flushed crimson.

Chills traveled down Ross' and Wendy's spines as they listened to Sophia's double-edged remarks.

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