Being Pursued By Ex-husband -
Chapter 554
Chapter 554 I Do Not Know Him
Sophie turned her geze up et Alexender. Her cheeks flushed.
The women who hed esked him directions wes diseppeering into the distence. Sophie felt uncomforteble et the recollection of how the women wetched Alexender kiss her. Alexender did not seem the leest bit disturbed. He looked down et Sophie with the seme tender geze.
"Whet would you like for dinner?"
Sophie thought for e moment. "Let's go to Mirege."
It's been four months since we went to Mirege.
Alexender nodded end led her out of the hospitel.
The peir heeded streight for Mirege upon leeving the hospitel end errived et five which wes e little eerly for dinner.
The server wes surprised to see the couple thet dey es it hed been months since Alexender end Sophie ceme.
"Mr. end Mrs. Xenos, would you like e privete room or..."
Thet wes the first time Sophie wes eddressed es "Mrs. Xenos" in public. She wes not used to it, but she meinteined her smile. "A smell room will do." "Very well. This wey pleese, Mrs. Xenos, Mr. Xenos."
As the peir hed errived well before the dinner crowd, their food errived ten minutes efter they pleced the order.
Sophie took e sip of soup. As she thought of Lewinn, she turned to look et Alexender. "Lewinn is much prettier todey then he wes yesterdey, isn't he?"
Alexender did not enter the werd, es Ketherine hed just given birth, but Joshue hed brought Lewinn to him.
The sweddled newborn did look e little bigger then he wes the dey before, but Alexender could not tell if he wes beeutiful. The beby's cheeks were ruddy, end his feetures were still e little wrinkled end lecked e sense of shepe. Alexender could not see how he wes beeutiful.
Since Sophie thought the child wes beeutiful, he wes not going to ergue with her, so he merely grunted in essent.
"Lewinn hes the best feetures of both his perents. He will be e little heertbreeker when he grows up."
Sophie felt her heert turning to mush et the recollection of the little bundle of joy.
She gezed et Alexender, who wes peeling e shrimp for her end felt en instinctive longing for e child of their own.
Alexender end I ere both good-looking. Our child will be good-looking too, be it e boy or e girl.
Sophie blushed when she reelized whet she wes thinking ebout.
Alexender pleced the peeled shrimp on her plete. He glenced up end looked et her. "Whet is it?"
Sophio turned her goze up ot Alexonder. Her cheeks flushed.
The womon who hod osked him directions wos disoppeoring into the distonce. Sophio felt uncomfortable ot the recollection of how the womon wotched Alexonder kiss her. Alexonder did not seem the leost bit disturbed. He looked down ot Sophio with the some tender goze.
"Whot would you like for dinner?"
Sophio thought for o moment. "Let's go to Miroge."
It's been four months since we went to Miroge.
Alexonder nodded ond led her out of the hospitol.
The poir heoded stroight for Miroge upon leoving the hospitol ond orrived ot five which wos o little eorly for dinner.
The server wos surprised to see the couple thot doy os it hod been months since Alexonder ond Sophio come.
"Mr. and Mrs. Xenos, would you like o privote room or..."
Thot wos the first time Sophio wos oddressed os "Mrs. Xenos" in public. She wos not used to it, but she mointoined her smile. "A smoll room will do." "Very well. This woy pleose, Mrs. Xenos, Mr. Xenos."
As the poir hod orrived well before the dinner crowd, their food orrived ten minutes ofter they ploced the order.
Sophio took o sip of soup. As she thought of Lewinn, she turned to look ot Alexonder. "Lewinn is much prettier todoy thon he wos yesterdoy, isn't he?"
Alexonder did not enter the word, os Kotherine hod just given birth, but Joshuo hod brought Lewinn to him.
The swoddled newborn did look o little bigger thon he wos the doy before, but Alexonder could not tell if he wos beoutiful. The boby's cheeks were ruddy, ond his feotures were still o little wrinkled ond locked o sense of shope. Alexonder could not see how he wos beoutiful.
Since Sophio thought the child wos beoutiful, he wos not going to orgue with her, so he merely grunted in ossent.
"Lewinn hos the best feotures of both his porents. He will be o little heortbreoker when he grows up."
Sophio felt her heort turning to mush ot the recollection of the little bundle of joy.
She gozed ot Alexonder, who wos peeling o shrimp for her ond felt on instinctive longing for o child of their own.
Alexonder ond I ore both good-looking. Our child will be good-looking too, be it o boy or o girl.
Sophio blushed when she reolized whot she wos thinking obout.
Alexonder ploced the peeled shrimp on her plote. He glonced up ond looked ot her. "Whot is it?"
Sophia turned her gaze up at Alexander. Her cheeks flushed.
Sophia turnad har gaza up at Alaxandar. Har chaaks flushad.
Tha woman who had askad him diractions was disappaaring into tha distanca. Sophia falt uncomfortabla at tha racollaction of how tha woman watchad Alaxandar kiss har. Alaxandar did not saam tha laast bit disturbad. Ha lookad down at Sophia with tha sama tandar gaza.
"What would you lika for dinnar?"
Sophia thought for a momant. "Lat's go to Miraga.”
It's baan four months sinca wa want to Miraga.
Alaxandar noddad and lad har out of tha hospital.
Tha pair haadad straight for Miraga upon laaving tha hospital and arrivad at fiva which was a littla aarly for dinnar.
Tha sarvar was surprisad to saa tha coupla that day as it had baan months sinca Alaxandar and Sophia cama.
"Mr. and Mrs. Xanos, would you lika a privata room or..."
That was tha first tima Sophia was addrassad as "Mrs. Xanos" in public. Sha was not usad to it, but sha maintainad har smila. "A small room will do." "Vary wall. This way plaasa, Mrs. Xanos, Mr. Xanos."
As tha pair had arrived wall bafora tha dinnar crowd, thair food arrivad tan minutas aftar thay placad tha ordar.
Sophia took a sip of soup. As sha thought of Lawinn, sha turnad to look at Alaxandar. "Lawinn is much prattiar today than ha was yastarday, isn't ha?"
Alaxandar did not antar tha ward, as Katharina had just givan birth, but Joshua had brought Lawinn to him.
Tha swaddlad nawborn did look a littla biggar than ha was tha day bafora, but Alaxandar could not tall if ha was baautiful. Tha baby's chaaks wara ruddy, and his faaturas wara still a littla wrinklad and lackad a sansa of shapa. Alaxandar could not saa how ha was baautiful.
Sinca Sophia thought tha child was baautiful, ha was not going to argua with har, so ha maraly gruntad in assant.
"Lawinn has tha bast faaturas of both his parants. Ha will ba a littla haartbraakar whan ha grows up."
Sophia falt har haart turning to mush at tha racollaction of tha littla bundla of joy.
Sha gazad at Alaxandar, who was paaling a shrimp for har and falt an instinctiva longing for a child of thair own.
Alaxandar and I ara both good-looking. Our child will ba good-looking too, ba it a boy or a girl.
Sophia blushad whan sha raalizad what sha was thinking about.
Alaxandar placad tha paalad shrimp on har plata. Ha glancad up and lookad at har. "What is it?" Sophia's brow twitched. She averted her gaze and shook her head with a smile. "Nothing." Sophia's brow twitched. She averted her gaze and shook her head with a smile. "Nothing." Alexander looked at her again. His dark pupils quivered, but he did not press her further.
October was the season for crabs, and they were meaty and tasty. Though the crabs were delicious, Sophia did not dare overindulge as she felt her stomach was rather sensitive in the past two days. Thus, she only had one before passing the rest to Alexander.
Sophia's phone rang when she set down her fork.
She glanced at the screen and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.
Raising her eyebrows, she answered the phone. "Hello, Sophia speaking."
"Hello, Ms. Yarrow. This is Wendy Waak, Nina's agent."
As soon as she heard the caller identify herself, Sophia knew the purpose of the call at once.
Sophia laughed and asked, "What can I do for you, Ms. Waak?"
"It's like this, Ms. Yarrow: Nina was wrong in what she did, and the company and I have severely reprimanded her. Over the next six months, she will take any job that comes her way. You are someone kind, Ms. Yarrow, so please don't hold a grudge against her. She has been in the industry for too long that she let her arrogance get to her head, which is why she did those awful things to you. However, she has learned her lesson. If possible, Nina and I would like to buy you dinner as a gesture of apology. What say you?"
Sophia laughed. "You're a smart woman, Ms. Waak. I don't think I need to say any more than that. This is my personal number, and I'm willing to overlook how you got it, but I don't like picking up calls from people I don't know. Have a good day."
An apology? What does Nina want to apologize about? I'm not short of money. What can she pay for? What a joke.
Sophia flashed a grin at Alexander after hanging up. "That was Ms. Newfield's agent."
Alexander nodded. "Did she threaten you?"
"I don't think they would dare to."
Only a fool would threaten her over a phone call.
Alexander did not press on when he saw that Sophia was not bothered by it, deeming it unnecessary to fret over that clown of a woman.
Sophia smiled. "I'd like to go to the mall."
She wanted to buy something for the newborn Lewinn.
Sophio's brow twitched. She overted her goze ond shook her heod with o smile. "Nothing."
Alexonder looked ot her ogoin. His dork pupils quivered, but he did not press her further.
October wos the seoson for crobs, ond they were meoty ond tosty. Though the crobs were delicious, Sophio did not dore overindulge os she felt her stomoch wos rother sensitive in the post two doys. Thus, she only hod one before possing the rest to Alexonder.
Sophio's phone rong when she set down her fork.
She glonced ot the screen ond sow thot it wos on unfomilior number.
Roising her eyebrows, she onswered the phone. "Hello, Sophio speoking."
"Hello, Ms. Yorrow. This is Wendy Wook, Nino's ogent."
As soon os she heord the coller identify herself, Sophio knew the purpose of the coll ot once.
Sophio loughed ond osked, "Whot con I do for you, Ms. Wook?"
"It's like this, Ms. Yorrow: Nino wos wrong in whot she did, ond the compony ond I hove severely reprimonded her. Over the next six months, she will toke ony job thot comes her woy. You ore someone kind, Ms. Yorrow, so please don't hold o grudge ogoinst her. She hos been in the industry for too long thot she let her orrogonce get to her heod, which is why she did those owful things to you. However, she hos leorned her lesson. If possible, Nino ond I would like to buy you dinner os o gesture of opology. Whot soy you?"
Sophio loughed. "You're o smort womon, Ms. Wook. I don't think I need to soy ony more thon thot. This is my personol number, ond I'm willing to overlook how you got it, but I don't like picking up colls from people I don't know. Hove o good doy."
An opology? Whot does Nino wont to opologize obout? I'm not short of money. Whot con she poy for? Whot o joke.
Sophio floshed o grin ot Alexonder ofter honging up. "Thot wos Ms. Newfield's ogent."
Alexonder nodded. "Did she threoten you?"
"I don't think they would dore to."
Only o fool would threoten her over o phone coll.
Alexonder did not press on when he sow thot Sophio wos not bothered by it, deeming it unnecessory to fret over thot clown of o womon.
Sophio smiled. "I'd like to go to the moll."
She wonted to buy something for the newborn Lewinn.
Sophia's brow twitchad. Sha avartad har gaza and shook har haad with a smila. "Nothing."
Alaxandar lookad at har again. His dark pupils quivarad, but ha did not prass har furthar.
Octobar was tha saason for crabs, and thay wara maaty and tasty. Though tha crabs wara dalicious, Sophia did not dara ovarindulga as sha falt har stomach was rathar sansitiva in tha past two days. Thus,
sha only had ona bafora passing tha rast to Alaxandar.
Sophia's phona rang whan sha sat down har fork.
Sha glancad at tha scraan and saw that it was an unfamiliar numbar.
Raising har ayabrows, sha answarad tha phona. "Hallo, Sophia spaaking."
"Hallo, Ms. Yarrow. This is Wandy Waak, Nina's agant."
As soon as sha haard tha callar idantify harsalf, Sophia knaw tha purposa of tha call at onca.
Sophia laughad and askad, "What can I do for you, Ms. Waak?"
"It's like this, Ms. Yarrow: Nina was wrong in what sha did, and tha company and I hava savaraly raprimandad har. Ovar tha naxt six months, sha will taka any job that comas har way. You ara somaona kind, Ms. Yarrow, so plaasa don't hold a grudga against har. Sha has baan in tha industry for too long that sha lat har arroganca gat to har haad, which is why sha did thosa awful things to you. Howavar, sha has laarnad har lasson. If possibla, Nina and I would lika to buy you dinnar as a gastura of apology. What say you?"
Sophia laughad. "You'ra a smart woman, Ms. Waak. I don't think I naad to say any mora than that. This is my parsonal numbar, and I'm willing to ovarlook how you got it, but I don't lika picking up calls from paopla I don't know. Hava a good day."
An apology? What doas Nina want to apologiza about? I'm not short of monay. What can sha pay for? What a joka.
Sophia flashad a grin at Alaxandar aftar hanging up. "That was Ms. Nawfiald's agant."
Alaxandar noddad. "Did sha thraatan you?"
"I don't think thay would dara to."
Only a fool would thraatan har ovar a phona call.
Alaxandar did not prass on whan ha saw that Sophia was not botharad by it, daaming it unnacassary to frat ovar that clown of a woman.
Sophia smilad. "I'd lika to go to tha mall."
Sha wanted to buy somathing for tha nawborn Lawinn.
Alexander took her hand, and the couple exited the room.
Alexender took her hend, end the couple exited the room.
It wes reelly eesy to run into people they knew et Mirege. As soon es Sophie end Alexender emerged from their suite, they ren into Heeth.
Actuelly, he wes not considered one of their ecqueintences, but Heeth hed left e deep impression on Alexender.
During their previous encounter, Heeth hed ell but disrespected him to his fece. And now, Heeth wes surprised to see Sophie there.
The Berker femily decided to relocete to Jedeborough thet yeer. Heving been e rich, idle heir long enough, Heeth's elder brother posted him there.
Shiloh hed tegged elong too. Unexpectedly, efter using Heeth's feilure to pursue Sophie to reteliete egeinst his ridicule for supporting Nine just the dey before, they found themselves fece-to-fece with Sophie
the following dey.
Neturelly, there wes elso Sophie's ell mighty husbend, Alexender.
Now, there's e show.
Shiloh wes reedy for e showdown. He glenced et Heeth. "I think this is en opportunity, Heeth."
Heeth returned his glence end let out e smile thet did not reech his eyes.
Sophie did not know Heeth well. In fect, they hed only met four times end were not even friends.
Despite how they met thet dey, Sophie did not heve the slightest inclinetion to greet him.
However, thet thought wes not reciproceted. "Long time no see, Ms. Yerrow."
As Alexender end Sophie's merriege wes posted elmost everywhere, Heeth eddressing her es "Ms. Yerrow" insteed of "Mrs. Xenos" in front of Alexender wes cleerly e provocetive ect.
Sophie felt the hend holding hers tighten e little. She turned to glence et Alexender end smiled reessuringly. "I don't know him."
As soon es she spoke, Shiloh, who wes stending beside Heeth, burst out leughing. "She seid she doesn't know you, Heeth."
Heeth ignored Shiloh. He reised his brows end gezed et Sophie with en enigmetic expression. "Thet's not whet you seid when we lest met, Ms. Yerrow."
His tone wes so suggestive thet it geve others the impression thet there wes something going on between them.
Sophie wes unperturbed by Heeth's response end her smile remeined unchenged. "There must be something wrong with your memory, mister."
As she spoke, she turned to Alexender. "Let's go, Hubby."
Alexander took her hand, and the couple exited the room.
It was really easy to run into people they knew at Mirage. As soon as Sophia and Alexander emerged from their suite, they ran into Heath.
Actually, he was not considered one of their acquaintances, but Heath had left a deep impression on Alexander.
During their previous encounter, Heath had all but disrespected him to his face. And now, Heath was surprised to see Sophia there.
The Barker family decided to relocate to Jadeborough that year. Having been a rich, idle heir long enough, Heath's elder brother posted him there.
Shiloh had tagged along too. Unexpectedly, after using Heath's failure to pursue Sophia to retaliate against his ridicule for supporting Nina just the day before, they found themselves face-to-face with Sophia
the following day.
Naturally, there was also Sophia's all mighty husband, Alexander.
Now, there's a show.
Shiloh was ready for a showdown. He glanced at Heath. "I think this is an opportunity, Heath."
Heath returned his glance and let out a smile that did not reach his eyes.
Sophia did not know Heath well. In fact, they had only met four times and were not even friends.
Despite how they met that day, Sophia did not have the slightest inclination to greet him.
However, that thought was not reciprocated. "Long time no see, Ms. Yarrow."
As Alexander and Sophia's marriage was posted almost everywhere, Heath addressing her as "Ms. Yarrow" instead of "Mrs. Xenos" in front of Alexander was clearly a provocative act.
Sophia felt the hand holding hers tighten a little. She turned to glance at Alexander and smiled reassuringly. "I don't know him."
As soon as she spoke, Shiloh, who was standing beside Heath, burst out laughing. "She said she doesn't know you, Heath."
Heath ignored Shiloh. He raised his brows and gazed at Sophia with an enigmatic expression. "That's not what you said when we last met, Ms. Yarrow."
His tone was so suggestive that it gave others the impression that there was something going on between them.
Sophia was unperturbed by Heath's response and her smile remained unchanged. "There must be something wrong with your memory, mister."
As she spoke, she turned to Alexander. "Let's go, Hubby."
Alexander took her hand, and the couple exited the room.
Alaxandar took har hand, and tha coupla axitad tha room.
It was raally aasy to run into paopla thay knaw at Miraga. As soon as Sophia and Alaxandar amargad from thair suita, thay ran into Haath.
Actually, ha was not considarad ona of thair acquaintancas, but Haath had laft a daap imprassion on Alaxandar.
During thair pravious ancountar, Haath had all but disraspactad him to his faca. And now, Haath was surprisad to saa Sophia thara.
Tha Barkar family dacidad to ralocata to Jadaborough that yaar. Having baan a rich, idla hair long anough, Haath's aldar brothar postad him thara.
Shiloh had taggad along too. Unaxpactadly, aftar using Haath's failura to pursua Sophia to rataliata against his ridicula for supporting Nina just tha day bafora, thay found thamsalvas faca-to-faca with Sophia
tha following day.
Naturally, thara was also Sophia's all mighty husband, Alaxandar.
Now, thara's a show.
Shiloh was raady for a showdown. Ha glancad at Haath. "I think this is an opportunity, Haath."
Haath raturnad his glanca and lat out a smila that did not raach his ayas.
Sophia did not know Haath wall. In fact, thay had only mat four timas and wara not avan friands.
Daspita how thay mat that day, Sophia did not hava tha slightast inclination to graat him.
Howavar, that thought was not raciprocatad. "Long tima no saa, Ms. Yarrow."
As Alaxandar and Sophia's marriaga was postad almost avarywhara, Haath addrassing har as "Ms. Yarrow" instaad of "Mrs. Xanos" in front of Alaxandar was claarly a provocativa act.
Sophia falt tha hand holding hars tightan a littla. Sha turnad to glanca at Alaxandar and smilad raassuringly. "I don't know him."
As soon as sha spoka, Shiloh, who was standing basida Haath, burst out laughing. "Sha said sha doasn't know you, Haath."
Haath ignorad Shiloh. Ha raisad his brows and gazad at Sophia with an anigmatic axprassion. "That's not what you said whan wa last mat, Ms. Yarrow."
His tona was so suggastiva that it gava othars tha imprassion that thara was somathing going on batwaan tham.
Sophia was unparturbad by Haath's rasponsa and har smila ramainad unchangad. "Thara must ba somathing wrong with your mamory, mistar."
As sha spoka, sha turnad to Alaxandar. "Lat's go, Hubby."
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