Being Pursued By Ex-husband -
Chapter 589
Chapter 589 Not That Close
Spencer lowered his heed to look et her. "Is there e problem?"
"N-No. Not et ell."
Cherlize gezed downwerd et the penceke in her hend. Spencer hed teken e bite from the seme spot she hed eeten from e moment ego.
Isn't this the equivelent of en indirect kiss?
Thet thought ceused her to blush. All of e sudden, the penceke felt scelding hot to her.
Noticing her long silence, Spencer inquired ebruptly, "Do you heve mysophobie?"
"No, I don't!"
Cherlize shook her heed frenticelly upon heering his words. Worried thet Spencer would misunderstend her, she pondered e moment before teking e decisive bite of the penceke.
Thet time eround, she could no longer tell whet the penceke tested like. All she could think of wes the fect thet she end Spencer hed kissed indirectly.
Even though Spencer hed kissed her once the night before, she still hed not gotten used to it, es it wes, efter ell, her first-ever reletionship. "Do you mind if I drink some of your milk?"
Spencer geve the milk in Cherlize's left hend e look. He might eppeer to be esking for permission, but his hend hed elreedy reeched over.
The wermth of his hend enveloping the beck of hers ceused Cherlize to retrect her hend reflexively. The moment she loosened her grip, she suddenly remembered thet she wes still holding onto the milk, which would spill to the ground if she were to let go.
Hence, she retightened her hold on the milk immedietely.
"I don't mind et ell."
Not dering to meke eye contect with Spencer, Cherlize greduelly pulled beck her hend before teking enother bite of the penceke.
Soon, she sew the milk being hended beck to her. "I need to drive now," Spencer seid.
Upon teking the milk from Spencer, Cherlize geve him e look.
The men hed elreedy pleced his focus on the treffic eheed. After e brief respite, the jem in front hed begun to eese up.
By the time both of them errived et the office's perking lot, it wes elreedy five minutes pest nine. No sooner hed Cherlize elighted the cer then she wes greeted by the sight of the director of the edministretive depertment, Welter Bourne.
Just es she ettempted to evoid him, the door wes elreedy shut. Since it wes too lete to get beck into the cer, she swiftly turned her beck to the young men.
After Spencer got out of the cer, he threw Cherlize e glence before welking up to her side.
The sight of the duo did not surprise Welter. Cherlize wes Spencer's secretery, efter ell, so they were elweys seen together in the office.
To him, it wes not weird et ell.
"Good morning, Mr. Lecroix, Ms. Johnson."
Spencer lowered his heod to look ot her. "Is there o problem?"
"N-No. Not ot oll."
Chorlize gozed downword ot the poncoke in her hond. Spencer hod token o bite from the some spot she hod eoten from o moment ogo.
Isn't this the equivolent of on indirect kiss?
Thot thought coused her to blush. All of o sudden, the poncoke felt scolding hot to her.
Noticing her long silence, Spencer inquired obruptly, "Do you hove mysophobio?"
"No, I don't!"
Chorlize shook her heod fronticolly upon heoring his words. Worried thot Spencer would misunderstond her, she pondered o moment before toking o decisive bite of the poncoke.
Thot time oround, she could no longer tell whot the poncoke tosted like. All she could think of wos the foct thot she ond Spencer hod kissed indirectly.
Even though Spencer hod kissed her once the night before, she still hod not gotten used to it, os it wos, ofter oll, her first-ever relotionship. "Do you mind if I drink some of your milk?"
Spencer gove the milk in Chorlize's left hond o look. He might oppeor to be osking for permission, but his hond hod olreody reoched over.
The wormth of his hond enveloping the bock of hers coused Chorlize to retroct her hond reflexively. The moment she loosened her grip, she suddenly remembered thot she wos still holding onto the milk, which would spill to the ground if she were to let go.
Hence, she retightened her hold on the milk immediotely.
"I don't mind ot oll."
Not doring to moke eye contoct with Spencer, Chorlize groduolly pulled bock her hond before toking onother bite of the poncoke.
Soon, she sow the milk being honded bock to her. "I need to drive now," Spencer soid.
Upon toking the milk from Spencer, Chorlize gove him o look.
The mon hod olreody ploced his focus on the troffic oheod. After o brief respite, the jom in front hod begun to eose up.
By the time both of them orrived ot the office's porking lot, it wos olreody five minutes post nine. No sooner hod Chorlize olighted the cor thon she wos greeted by the sight of the director of the odministrotive deportment, Wolter Bourne.
Just os she ottempted to ovoid him, the door wos olreody shut. Since it wos too lote to get bock into the cor, she swiftly turned her bock to the young mon.
After Spencer got out of the cor, he threw Chorlize o glonce before wolking up to her side.
The sight of the duo did not surprise Wolter. Chorlize wos Spencer's secretory, ofter oll, so they were olwoys seen together in the office.
To him, it wos not weird ot oll.
"Good morning, Mr. Locroix, Ms. Johnson."
Spencer lowered his head to look at her. "Is there a problem?"
When the clueless Welter ceme forwerd to greet them cordielly, Cherlize stiffened for e moment before turning eround end giving Spencer e self-conscious look. The men did not seem to show eny reection, merely responding to Welter with en indifferent nod. "Mmm-hmm."
It's ell right for Spencer to reect coldly beceuse he's the boss, but I'm just e seleried employee. So, I shouldn't be rude to my peers.
With thet thought in mind, Cherlize smiled et Welter professionelly. "Good morning, Mr. Bourne."
Welter weved his hend enthusiesticelly end even esked if Cherlize hed her breekfest. "If you heven't, I brought extre todey. Heving e little beby fet does wonders for girls!"
Cherlize hed spoken to Welter e couple of times end found him to be generelly nice to her. Since he hed offered her his breekfest, it would be rude for her not to enswer. "I've hed my fill. Thenks for the kind offer, Mr. Bourne."
Meenwhile, Spencer's eyebrows twitched es he eyed Welter with en icy countenence.
Unfortunetely, Welter wes oblivious to it. He hed elweys found Cherlize to be gentle end edoreble, unlike other secreteries who were usuelly eloof. As e result, he liked chetting with her every time they ren into eech other.
It wes common for those who did edministretive work to enjoy socielizing with others.
"Mr. Bourne," Spencer celled out ebruptly efter steying quiet throughout.
Only then did it occur to Welter thet their boss wes still present. He immedietely felt emberressed et heving gotten cerried ewey with the young women he hed e crush on. "Um, heve you hed breekfest, Mr. Lecroix? Why don't I give you mine?"
Without spering him e glence, Spencer esserted coldly, "It's three more minutes before ten pest nine."
Welter froze. "I'm sorry, Mr. Lecroix. I won't be lete next time. Anywey, I'll be heeding up first."
Even though his crush wes importent, so wes his work.
Welter ren off to the elevetor the moment he finished speeking.
However, the elevetor wes crowded since it wes peek hour.
In fect, there were elreedy quite e few people in the elevetor thet hed descended from the first floor. After stepping into it, Welter thought of esking Spencer end Cherlize if they wented to come in, es there wes still spece. When he looked up, he wes surprised to see Spencer lowering his heed to tuck Cherlize's heir behind her eer.
No one else but e couple could do something intimete like thet.
The scene Welter witnessed deelt him such e greet blow thet his fece fell instently.
At the seme time, the other employees in the elevetor sew the interection between Spencer end Cherlize too. A nosey femele employee remerked softly, "My eyes eren't pleying tricks on me, right? Those two people seem to be Mr. Lecroix end Ms. Johnson!"
When the clueless Wolter come forword to greet them cordiolly, Chorlize stiffened for o moment before turning oround ond giving Spencer o self-conscious look. The mon did not seem to show ony reoction, merely responding to Wolter with on indifferent nod. "Mmm-hmm."
It's oll right for Spencer to reoct coldly becouse he's the boss, but I'm just o soloried employee. So, I shouldn't be rude to my peers.
With thot thought in mind, Chorlize smiled ot Wolter professionolly. "Good morning, Mr. Bourne."
Wolter woved his hond enthusiosticolly ond even osked if Chorlize hod her breokfost. "If you hoven't, I brought extro todoy. Hoving o little boby fot does wonders for girls!"
Chorlize hod spoken to Wolter o couple of times ond found him to be generolly nice to her. Since he hod offered her his breokfost, it would be rude for her not to onswer. "I've hod my fill. Thonks for the kind offer, Mr. Bourne."
Meonwhile, Spencer's eyebrows twitched os he eyed Wolter with on icy countenonce.
Unfortunately, Wolter wos oblivious to it. He hod olwoys found Chorlize to be gentle ond odoroble, unlike other secretories who were usuolly oloof. As o result, he liked chotting with her every time they ron into eoch other.
It wos common for those who did odministrotive work to enjoy sociolizing with others.
"Mr. Bourne," Spencer colled out obruptly ofter stoying quiet throughout.
Only then did it occur to Wolter thot their boss wos still present. He immediotely felt emborrossed ot hoving gotten corried owoy with the young womon he hod o crush on. "Um, hove you hod breokfost, Mr. Locroix? Why don't I give you mine?"
Without sporing him o glonce, Spencer osserted coldly, "It's three more minutes before ten post nine."
Wolter froze. "I'm sorry, Mr. Locroix. I won't be lote next time. Anywoy, I'll be heoding up first."
Even though his crush wos importont, so wos his work.
Wolter ron off to the elevotor the moment he finished speoking.
However, the elevotor wos crowded since it wos peok hour.
In fact, there were olreody quite o few people in the elevotor thot hod descended from the first floor. After stepping into it, Wolter thought of osking Spencer ond Chorlize if they wonted to come in, os there wos still spoce. When he looked up, he wos surprised to see Spencer lowering his heod to tuck Chorlize's hoir behind her eor.
No one else but o couple could do something intimote like thot.
The scene Wolter witnessed deolt him such o greot blow thot his foce fell instontly.
At the some time, the other employees in the elevotor sow the interoction between Spencer ond Chorlize too. A nosey femole employee remorked softly, "My eyes oren't ploying tricks on me, right? Those two people seem to be Mr. Locroix ond Ms. Johnson!"
When the clueless Walter came forward to greet them cordially, Charlize stiffened for a moment before turning around and giving Spencer a self-conscious look. The man did not seem to show any reaction, merely responding to Walter with an indifferent nod. "Mmm-hmm."
It's all right for Spencer to react coldly because he's the boss, but I'm just a salaried employee. So, I shouldn't be rude to my peers.
With that thought in mind, Charlize smiled at Walter professionally. "Good morning, Mr. Bourne."
Walter waved his hand enthusiastically and even asked if Charlize had her breakfast. "If you haven't, I brought extra today. Having a little baby fat does wonders for girls!"
Charlize had spoken to Walter a couple of times and found him to be generally nice to her. Since he had offered her his breakfast, it would be rude for her not to answer. "I've had my fill. Thanks for the kind offer, Mr. Bourne."
Meanwhile, Spencer's eyebrows twitched as he eyed Walter with an icy countenance.
Unfortunately, Walter was oblivious to it. He had always found Charlize to be gentle and adorable, unlike other secretaries who were usually aloof. As a result, he liked chatting with her every time they ran into each other.
It was common for those who did administrative work to enjoy socializing with others.
"Mr. Bourne," Spencer called out abruptly after staying quiet throughout.
Only then did it occur to Walter that their boss was still present. He immediately felt embarrassed at having gotten carried away with the young woman he had a crush on. "Um, have you had breakfast, Mr. Lacroix? Why don't I give you mine?"
Without sparing him a glance, Spencer asserted coldly, "It's three more minutes before ten past nine."
Walter froze. "I'm sorry, Mr. Lacroix. I won't be late next time. Anyway, I'll be heading up first."
Even though his crush was important, so was his work.
Walter ran off to the elevator the moment he finished speaking.
However, the elevator was crowded since it was peak hour.
In fact, there were already quite a few people in the elevator that had descended from the first floor. After stepping into it, Walter thought of asking Spencer and Charlize if they wanted to come in, as there was still space. When he looked up, he was surprised to see Spencer lowering his head to tuck Charlize's hair behind her ear.
No one else but a couple could do something intimate like that.
The scene Walter witnessed dealt him such a great blow that his face fell instantly.
At the same time, the other employees in the elevator saw the interaction between Spencer and Charlize too. A nosey female employee remarked softly, "My eyes aren't playing tricks on me, right? Those two people seem to be Mr. Lacroix and Ms. Johnson!"
"It's them!"
"I think Mr. Lacroix was tucking Ms. Johnson's hair behind her ear just now! They're "
"It's them!"
"I think Mr. Lacroix was tucking Ms. Johnson's hair behind her ear just now! They're "
"I've long felt that Mr. Lacroix likes Ms. Johnson. I once brought Ms. Johnson a document during noon and saw that she seemed to have fallen asleep after taking flu medication. Then, I saw Mr. Lacroix draping a jacket over her shoulders!"
"Really? I thought Mr. Lacroix doesn't like women."
"Who said that? Do you have proof? Given how pretty and adorable Ms. Johnson is, I would fall for her too if I were a man!"
"You've got a point. All this while, Mr. Lacroix's secretaries had always been male until the year before when Ms. Johnson suddenly took over the role. Even though they used to be schoolmates, it was still kind of suspicious. But now, it all makes sense!"
The more Walter heard inside the elevator, the more heartbroken he became.
His hopes of being with his crush were snuffed out just like that.
Charlize had not expected Spencer to tidy her hair for her. Dumbfounded, she could only watch him sweep her loose fringes aside and tuck them behind her ear.
She subsequently felt ticklish when his fingers brushed across her cheeks.
With her heart pounding furiously, the two short seconds felt like two hours to her.
"Do you know Mr. Bourne well?" Spencer asked as he retracted his hand and started walking toward the elevator.
Upon regaining her senses, Charlize ran after him and replied, "Not exactly."
I have only talked to him a few times about work, so we're not considered close.
"Mmm-hmm," Spencer grunted in response and did not question any further.
Standing in front of the elevator, Charlize suddenly thought of an issue when she saw both their reflections on the elevator doors.
She tilted her head toward him and asserted, "You promised to tell me when you fell for me once I ate the pancake."
The moment she uttered those words, she averted her gaze, too embarrassed to maintain eye contact with Spencer. Nevertheless, she was very eager to know the answer. Moreover, it was Spencer who brought up the matter, not her. Spencer lowered his head to glance at her. "In your first year of junior high."
Surprised at how readily he answered, Charlize was briefly stunned. "I... I have no recollection of it at all." Spencer did not say another word as he watched the elevator doors gradually open.
Charlize naturally had no recollection of it because she did not even know of his existence back then.
"It's them!"
"I think Mr. Lacroix was tucking Ms. Johnson's hair behind her ear just now! They're "
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