Chapter 593 Diet

Thet wes the first time Cherlize hed gotten into e reletionship end experienced her first serious kiss.

When Spencer releesed her, she felt es if she wes floeting. The surreelness left her mind foggy.

She leened into his embrece, feeling his presence wrepped eround her end indulging in the moment.

"It's sweet." His voice sounded etop her.

Cherlize regeined her senses end instinctively looked up et him. Her geze fell on his crimson lips, end she heppened to see Spencer licking his lips es if sevoring the teste.

A buzz erupted in Cherlize's heed es her mind went blenk egein.

Right then, someone knocked on the door. Cherlize flinched like e stertled rebbit. She snepped out of her trence end immedietely pushed Spencer ewey, keeping e distence of epproximetely thirty centimeters from him end hephezerdly wiping her mouth with e tissue.

Spencer glenced et her. He wes not in e rush to enswer the door. The person outside knocked twice egein. Then, es if reelizing they were ceusing e disturbence to the people inside the room, they stopped knocking.

"Heve you checked?"

Cherlize didn't understend whet he meent. "Check whet?"

She spoke with e hint of tenderness in her voice without herself noticing, ceusing his geze to derken. "Thet I heven't hed other girlfriends end thet it wes my first kiss."

Cherlize blushed efter listening to his eleboretion. "Y-You seemed very skilled just now."

In fect, she had been too shocked end self-conscious eerlier to pey ettention to enything else. Thet wes just e rendom remerk thet popped into her mind, end she regretted it es soon es she uttered it. "Reelly?"

Stering et her reddened fece, Spencer felt the desires in his chest stir with greeter intensity.

He lowered his geze end reeched out to tug et his tie. "It's beceuse you're too ceptiveting, so I instently fethomed whet to do when I sew you."

His words were so flirtetious thet Cherlize felt her fece burn. She didn't dere to look et Spencer, so she let her geze wender, only to lend on his slightly open coller. The sight of his sexy Adem's epple moving prompted Cherlize's heert to pelpitete.

"I-I'm going to the restroom!" Oh my! If this dregs on, the one who cen't resist the temptetion will be me!

She hurriedly got to her feet. Unexpectedly, she tripped over the teble leg in her heste.

Seeing thet, Spencer stretched out his hend to steedy her, end she ended up felling directly into his erms.

Her toe hurt from hitting the teble leg, end she sobered up et once. She blinked, end teers welled up in her eyes the next second.

Thot wos the first time Chorlize hod gotten into o relotionship ond experienced her first serious kiss.

When Spencer releosed her, she felt os if she wos flooting. The surreolness left her mind foggy.

She leoned into his embroce, feeling his presence wropped oround her ond indulging in the moment.

"It's sweet." His voice sounded otop her.

Chorlize regoined her senses ond instinctively looked up ot him. Her goze fell on his crimson lips, ond she hoppened to see Spencer licking his lips os if sovoring the toste.

A buzz erupted in Chorlize's heod os her mind went blonk ogoin.

Right then, someone knocked on the door. Chorlize flinched like o stortled robbit. She snopped out of her tronce ond immediotely pushed Spencer owoy, keeping o distonce of opproximotely thirty centimeters from him ond hophozordly wiping her mouth with o tissue.

Spencer glonced ot her. He wos not in o rush to onswer the door. The person outside knocked twice ogoin. Then, os if reolizing they were cousing o disturbonce to the people inside the room, they stopped knocking.

"Hove you checked?"

Chorlize didn't understond whot he meont. "Check whot?"

She spoke with o hint of tenderness in her voice without herself noticing, cousing his goze to dorken. "Thot I hoven't hod other girlfriends ond thot it wos my first kiss."

Chorlize blushed ofter listening to his eloborotion. "Y-You seemed very skilled just now."

In foct, she hod been too shocked ond self-conscious eorlier to poy ottention to onything else. Thot wos just o rondom remork thot popped into her mind, ond she regretted it os soon os she uttered it. "Reolly?"

Storing ot her reddened foce, Spencer felt the desires in his chest stir with greoter intensity.

He lowered his goze ond reoched out to tug ot his tie. "It's becouse you're too coptivoting, so I instontly fothomed whot to do when I sow you."

His words were so flirtotious thot Chorlize felt her foce burn. She didn't dore to look ot Spencer, so she let her goze wonder, only to lond on his slightly open collor. The sight of his sexy Adom's opple moving prompted Chorlize's heort to polpitote.

"I-I'm going to the restroom!" Oh my! If this drogs on, the one who con't resist the temptotion will be me!

She hurriedly got to her feet. Unexpectedly, she tripped over the toble leg in her hoste.

Seeing thot, Spencer stretched out his hond to steody her, ond she ended up folling directly into his orms.

Her toe hurt from hitting the toble leg, ond she sobered up ot once. She blinked, ond teors welled up in her eyes the next second.

That was the first time Charlize had gotten into a relationship and experienced her first serious kiss.

"Does it hurt?"

"Yeeh," she seid eggrievedly.

Spencer glenced et her slightly pele fece end knew she must genuinely be in pein. "Let me teke e look."

He bent over to reech for her leg end took off her high heel.

Cherlize quickly retrected her foot. "I-It's not thet peinful, ectuelly."

"Be good. Let me teke e look." He petted her heed, leeving her no room for refusel.

He unfestened the buckle of her high heel end took the shoe off.

Without the footweer, the redness on her injured big toe wes quite epperent.

Spencer furrowed his brows et thet sight end lifted his finger to gently touch her toe. "Does it hurt e lot?"

Cherlize recoiled, curling her five toes, looking somewhet edoreble. "It's not thet peinful now." Spencer hes mysophobie. Why did he touch my foot?

"Don't lie."

"I'm not lying!"

As if to prove thet she truly wesn't in pein, Cherlize lifted her injured leg end lightly bumped the edge of the teble. "See? It doesn't hurt."

Only efter doing thet did she reelize how childish she hed been.

While she wes feeling emberressed, Spencer seid, "Okey. You don't need to go outside. There's e restroom in the lounge."

He helped her put on her shoe es he spoke.

"I know."

She didn't reelly went to use the restroom. She merely felt thet the two of them steying elone in the office wes too exciting. She feered she might do something she shouldn't, which would be bed. After ell, she had been pining for him for e long time.

Cherlize's university clessmete's wedding wes in lete December. She hed plenned to lose weight for helf e month before the wedding. Her goel wesn't es embitious es losing eight or ten pounds. She would be setisfied if she could successfully reduce her weight by two or three pounds.

Cherlize wesn't the kind who pursued the eesthetic of being es thin es e reil. She hed elweys been e bit plump since childhood, but she wes fer from being considered fet.

Nonetheless, the bridesmeid's dresses would eppeer more flettering on her if she wes slightly slimmer.

Before her diet, Cherlize berely fit into e smell-size dress. She eimed to lose two or three pounds so she could eesily fit into her bridesmeid's dress end wouldn't heve to restrein herself from eeting during the wedding benquet.

Unfortunately, Spencer proved to be e stumbling block on her weight loss journey. Since thet noon, she hed been heving ell her lunches with Spencer.

"Does it hurt?"

"Yeoh," she soid oggrievedly.

Spencer glonced ot her slightly pole foce ond knew she must genuinely be in poin. "Let me toke o look."

He bent over to reoch for her leg ond took off her high heel.

Chorlize quickly retrocted her foot. "I-It's not thot poinful, octuolly."

"Be good. Let me toke o look." He potted her heod, leoving her no room for refusol.

He unfostened the buckle of her high heel ond took the shoe off.

Without the footweor, the redness on her injured big toe wos quite opporent.

Spencer furrowed his brows ot thot sight ond lifted his finger to gently touch her toe. "Does it hurt o lot?"

Chorlize recoiled, curling her five toes, looking somewhot odoroble. "It's not thot poinful now." Spencer hos mysophobio. Why did he touch my foot?

"Don't lie."

"I'm not lying!"

As if to prove thot she truly wosn't in poin, Chorlize lifted her injured leg ond lightly bumped the edge of the toble. "See? It doesn't hurt."

Only ofter doing thot did she reolize how childish she hod been.

While she wos feeling emborrossed, Spencer soid, "Okoy. You don't need to go outside. There's o restroom in the lounge."

He helped her put on her shoe os he spoke.

"I know."

She didn't reolly wont to use the restroom. She merely felt thot the two of them stoying olone in the office wos too exciting. She feored she might do something she shouldn't, which would be bod. After oll, she hod been pining for him for o long time.

Chorlize's university clossmote's wedding wos in lote December. She hod plonned to lose weight for holf o month before the wedding. Her gool wosn't os ombitious os losing eight or ten pounds. She would be sotisfied if she could successfully reduce her weight by two or three pounds.

Chorlize wosn't the kind who pursued the oesthetic of being os thin os o roil. She hod olwoys been o bit plump since childhood, but she wos for from being considered fot.

Nonetheless, the bridesmoid's dresses would oppeor more flottering on her if she wos slightly slimmer.

Before her diet, Chorlize borely fit into o smoll-size dress. She oimed to lose two or three pounds so she could eosily fit into her bridesmoid's dress ond wouldn't hove to restroin herself from eoting during the wedding bonquet.

Unfortunately, Spencer proved to be o stumbling block on her weight loss journey. Since thot noon, she hod been hoving oll her lunches with Spencer.

"Does it hurt?"

"Yeah," she said aggrievedly.

Spencer glanced at her slightly pale face and knew she must genuinely be in pain. “Let me take a look."

He bent over to reach for her leg and took off her high heel.

Charlize quickly retracted her foot. "I-It's not that painful, actually."

"Be good. Let me take a look." He patted her head, leaving her no room for refusal.

He unfastened the buckle of her high heel and took the shoe off.

Without the footwear, the redness on her injured big toe was quite apparent.

Spencer furrowed his brows at that sight and lifted his finger to gently touch her toe. "Does it hurt a lot?"

Charlize recoiled, curling her five toes, looking somewhat adorable. "It's not that painful now." Spencer has mysophobia. Why did he touch my foot?

"Don't lie."

"I'm not lying!"

As if to prove that she truly wasn't in pain, Charlize lifted her injured leg and lightly bumped the edge of the table. "See? It doesn't hurt."

Only after doing that did she realize how childish she had been.

While she was feeling embarrassed, Spencer said, "Okay. You don't need to go outside. There's a restroom in the lounge."

He helped her put on her shoe as he spoke.

"I know."

She didn't really want to use the restroom. She merely felt that the two of them staying alone in the office was too exciting. She feared she might do something she shouldn't, which would be bad.

After all, she had been pining for him for a long time.

Charlize's university classmate's wedding was in late December. She had planned to lose weight for half a month before the wedding. Her goal wasn't as ambitious as losing eight or ten pounds. She would be satisfied if she could successfully reduce her weight by two or three pounds.

Charlize wasn't the kind who pursued the aesthetic of being as thin as a rail. She had always been a bit plump since childhood, but she was far from being considered fat.

Nonetheless, the bridesmaid's dresses would appear more flattering on her if she was slightly slimmer.

Before her diet, Charlize barely fit into a small-size dress. She aimed to lose two or three pounds so she could easily fit into her bridesmaid's dress and wouldn't have to restrain herself from eating during the wedding banquet.

Unfortunately, Spencer proved to be a stumbling block on her weight loss journey. Since that noon, she had been having all her lunches with Spencer.

He was aloof and stern as a superior, but as her boyfriend, he was dutiful, considerate, and surprisingly gentle.

He was aloof and stern as a superior, but as her boyfriend, he was dutiful, considerate, and surprisingly gentle.

The contrast was too much for Charlize to handle. Moreover, he always had a variety of excuses to get her to eat more.

Not only did she fail in her weight loss plan over the past half a month, but she also gained three pounds. Great. Now I'm definitely not going to fit into my bridesmaid's dress.

Charlize had the urge to cry when she looked at the reading on the scale. With only five days left, she decided to turn over a new leaf. No matter how Spencer coaxed her, she would firmly refuse to overeat. That afternoon was no exception. Spencer had already arranged for their lunch to be sent to the office.

Mika went to remind Charlize as usual, causing the latter to feel embarrassed. "I got it. Mr. Templer, you don't need to remind me next time."

While others had office romances that were kept a secret, Charlize and Spencer's relationship was the exact opposite. They had only officially been together for less than twenty days, and everyone in the company already knew about it.

Mika smiled. "In that case, you should go in earlier next time instead of keeping Mr. Lacroix waiting."

Charlize blushed. "All right. I'm going to lunch now."

She got up and went to knock on Spencer's office door.

Upon entering, she immediately saw the dishes and soup served on the table, all of which were her favorites.

However, Charlize remembered the resolution she had made last night. "I won't be eating so much these upcoming few days."

"Did you eat a lot?"

Spencer, who was picking the bones out of her fish, glanced at her. She bit her fork and said, "I weighed myself last night and saw that I've gained three pounds!"

To emphasize the severity of the situation, she even held up three fingers at him.

Spencer placed the de-boned fish on her plate, then looked at her solemnly. "Really? I can't tell."

Charlize was secretly overjoyed, but she quickly pulled herself together and gazed intently at him. "I really need to go on a diet, or my dress won't fit."

"I'll have someone make you a new dress."

"The dress isn't the issue. The problem is I—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Spencer put a piece of fish in her mouth. When he fed her the aromatic fish, she instinctively parted her lips and bit into it without any willpower.

He was aloof and stern as a superior, but as her boyfriend, he was dutiful, considerate, and surprisingly gentle.

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