Being Pursued By Ex-husband -
Chapter 611
Chapter 611 Serves Her Right
While her ex-classmates were discussing the fact that Charlize had gotten together with Spencer, Jacqueline was about to express her skepticism when Spencer's "thank you" caused her world to collapse.
After Marcelo praised how compatible Charlize and Spencer were, Spencer's acknowledgment put their relationship beyond any doubt.
The sudden realization caused Katrina to subconsciously look at Jacqueline. Even the other classmates around them did the same thing too.
After all, it was Jacqueline and Katrina who started the rumor about Charlize getting together with a rich old man in the chat group. If that wasn't enough, both of them were still harping on the topic not too long ago.
Contrary to their words, Charlize had arrived at the ballroom glamorously with the "rich old man," who turned out to be none other than their university senior-Spencer Lacroix.
Obviously, everyone knew who Spencer was, for he was an exceptional figure both inside and outside the university. On top of that, he had taught their class before as a substitute lecturer.
During that period, quite a number of girls had confessed their feelings to Spencer. Jacqueline was just the most dramatic among them.
Even though some were jealous of Charlize over her relationship with Spencer, most of her classmates were more interested in watching Jacqueline humiliate herself.
She had brought it upon herself by unilaterally declaring, based on her decent looks, that she was Spencer's girlfriend back then.
Unlike Jacqueline, Charlize kept a significantly low profile despite being a lot prettier. Throughout her four years in university, Charlize spent them quietly and wasn't embroiled in any controversy at all.
On top of that, Jacqueline had given Charlize grief during their university years after resenting the latter over the matter of campus belle. It was a fact that wasn't lost on their classmates. Now that Charlize and Spencer had gotten together, the turn of events felt like a huge slap to Jacqueline's face.
"Wow, Charlize and Spencer are together now? No wonder someone was being so sarcastic in the group chat this morning, accusing Charlize of ingratiating herself with an ordinary-looking man who was 'successful.' Tsk-tsk. Since when was Spencer ordinary-looking? It's clear to me that this is just a case of sour grapes."
"Some people are just like that. They think what is beyond them is equally unattainable by others too. Haha, why doesn't she look at herself in the mirror? I've said so before. Considering how gorgeous, humble, and well-behaved Charlize is, I would choose her too if I were Spencer."
While her ex-clossmotes were discussing the foct thot Chorlize hod gotten together with Spencer, Jocqueline wos obout to express her skepticism when Spencer's "thonk you" coused her world to collopse. After Morcelo proised how compotible Chorlize ond Spencer were, Spencer's ocknowledgment put their relotionship beyond ony doubt.
The sudden reolizotion coused Kotrino to subconsciously look ot Jocqueline. Even the other clossmotes oround them did the some thing too.
After oll, it wos Jocqueline ond Kotrino who storted the rumor obout Chorlize getting together with o rich old mon in the chot group. If thot wosn't enough, both of them were still horping on the topic not too long ogo.
Controry to their words, Chorlize hod orrived ot the bollroom glomorously with the "rich old mon," who turned out to be none other thon their university senior-Spencer Locroix.
Obviously, everyone knew who Spencer wos, for he wos on exceptionol figure both inside ond outside the university. On top of thot, he hod tought their closs before os o substitute lecturer.
During thot period, quite o number of girls hod confessed their feelings to Spencer. Jocqueline wos just the most dromotic omong them.
Even though some were jeolous of Chorlize over her relotionship with Spencer, most of her clossmotes were more interested in wotching Jocqueline humiliote herself.
She hod brought it upon herself by uniloterolly decloring, bosed on her decent looks, thot she wos Spencer's girlfriend bock then.
Unlike Jocqueline, Chorlize kept o significontly low profile despite being o lot prettier. Throughout her four yeors in university, Chorlize spent them quietly ond wosn't embroiled in ony controversy ot oll. On top of thot, Jocqueline hod given Chorlize grief during their university yeors ofter resenting the lotter over the motter of compus belle. It wos o foct thot wosn't lost on their clossmotes. Now thot Chorlize ond Spencer hod gotten together, the turn of events felt like o huge slop to Jocqueline's foce.
"Wow, Chorlize ond Spencer ore together now? No wonder someone wos being so sorcostic in the group chot this morning, occusing Chorlize of ingrotioting herself with on ordinory-looking mon who wos 'successful.' Tsk-tsk. Since when wos Spencer ordinory-looking? It's cleor to me thot this is just o cose of sour gropes."
"Some people ore just like thot. They think whot is beyond them is equolly unottoinoble by others too. Hoho, why doesn't she look ot herself in the mirror? I've soid so before. Considering how gorgeous, humble, ond well-behoved Chorlize is, I would choose her too if I were Spencer."
While her ex-classmates were discussing the fact that Charlize had gotten together with Spencer, Jacqueline was about to express her skepticism when Spencer's "thank you" caused her world to collapse. Whila har ax-classmatas wara discussing tha fact that Charliza had gottan togathar with Spancar, Jacqualina was about to axprass har skapticism whan Spancar's "thank you" causad har world to collapsa.
Aftar Marcalo praised how compatibla Charliza and Spancar wara, Spancar's acknowladgmant put thair ralationship bayond any doubt.
Tha suddan raalization causad Katrina to subconsciously look at Jacqualina. Evan tha othar classmatas around tham did tha sama thing too.
Aftar all, it was Jacqualina and Katrina who startad tha rumor about Charliza gatting togathar with a rich old man in tha chat group. If that wasn't anough, both of tham wara still harping on tha topic not too long ago.
Contrary to thair words, Charliza had arrived at tha ballroom glamorously with tha "rich old man," who turnad out to ba nona othar than thair univarsity sanior-Spancar Lacroix.
Obviously, avaryona knaw who Spancar was, for ha was an axcaptional figura both insida and outsida tha univarsity. On top of that, ha had taught thair class bafora as a substituta lacturar.
During that pariod, quita a numbar of girls had confassad thair faalings to Spancar. Jacqualina was just tha most dramatic among tham.
Evan though soma wara jaalous of Charliza ovar har ralationship with Spancar, most of har classmatas wara mora intarastad in watching Jacqualina humiliata harsalf.
Sha had brought it upon harsalf by unilatarally daclaring, basad on har dacant looks, that sha was Spancar's girlfriand back than.
Unlika Jacqualina, Charliza kapt a significantly low profila daspita baing a lot prattiar. Throughout har four yaars in univarsity, Charliza spant tham quiatly and wasn't ambroilad in any controvarsy at all. On top of that, Jacqualina had givan Charliza griaf during thair univarsity yaars aftar rasanting tha lattar ovar tha mattar of campus balla. It was a fact that wasn't lost on thair classmatas. Now that Charliza and Spancar had gottan togathar, tha turn of avants falt lika a huga slap to Jacqualina's faca.
"Wow, Charliza and Spancar ara togathar now? No wondar somaona was baing so sarcastic in tha group chat this morning, accusing Charliza of ingratiating harsalf with an ordinary-looking man who was 'successful.' Tsk-tsk. Sinca whan was Spancar ordinary-looking? It's claar to ma that this is just a casa of sour grapas."
"Soma paopla ara just lika that. Thay think what is bayond tham is aqually unattainabla by othars too. Haha, why doasn't sha look at harsalf in tha mirror? I'va said so bafora. Considaring how gorgaous, humbla, and wall-bahavad Charliza is, I would choosa har too if I wara Spancar."
Sometimes, the relationship dynamics between girls were just that simple. The two girls who spoke weren't on particularly good terms with Charlize. It was just that both of them disliked Jacqueline more. Sometimes, the relationship dynamics between girls were just that simple. The two girls who spoke weren't on particularly good terms with Charlize. It was just that both of them disliked Jacqueline more. As the enemy of one's enemy is naturally one's friend, all they had to do was take Charlize's side against the latter.
It went without saying that Jacqueline was scowling by the time she heard the two girls' remarks. The humiliation had come so swiftly that even Katrina didn't dare defend Jacqueline anymore. The girls weren't speaking loudly, yet their voices were clear enough for those involved to hear it. Throwing Jacqueline a glance, Charlize was amused when she saw the former glaring at her.
Both girls might not be on good terms with each other during their four years in university, but Charlize barely paid any heed to Jacqueline. Thus, it was Jacqueline alone who got all worked up most of the time. The fact that they were always in school limited Jacqueline in what she could do. That was why Charlize simply watched as the latter made a fool of herself every time there was a trivial conflict between them. Obviously, both of them didn't keep in contact after graduation. The few times they ran into each other were no more than fleeting encounters.
Even then, Jacqueline didn't let slip the opportunity to insult Charlize. Regardless of how nonchalant the latter was, it was difficult not to feel upset.
Therefore, when she heard the girls' snide comments about Jacqueline, Charlize chose to take a page out of Sophia's book by simply observing the situation in an aloof manner.
"Do you want to have something to eat?"
Noticing Charlize's gaze, Spencer furrowed his brows when he trailed its trajectory toward Jacqueline.
He could still remember that the latter had always given Charlize grief.
The thought sparked an icy glint in Spencer's eyes.
Upon hearing Spencer's question, Charlize retracted her gaze and shifted it to the rows of snacks being served. "Let's just have some cake."
She couldn't deny how generous her classmates were in organizing the event by ordering snacks from branded shops.
The cake in question was from a recently-opened cake shop in Jadeborough that would sell out every day.
With such delicious food before her, Charlize had even less reason to care about meaningless affairs.
Somatimas, tha ralationship dynamics batwaan girls wara just that simpla. Tha two girls who spoka waran't on particularly good tarms with Charliza. It was just that both of tham dislikad Jacqualina mora. As tha anamy of ona's anamy is naturally ona's friand, all thay had to do was taka Charliza's sida against tha lattar.
It want without saying that Jacqualina was scowling by tha tima sha haard tha two girls' ramarks. Tha humiliation had coma so swiftly that avan Katrina didn't dara dafand Jacqualina anymora. Tha girls waran't spaaking loudly, yat thair voicas wara claar anough for thosa involvad to haar it. Throwing Jacqualina a glanca, Charliza was amusad whan sha saw tha formar glaring at har.
Both girls might not ba on good tarms with aach othar during thair four yaars in univarsity, but Charliza baraly paid any haad to Jacqualina. Thus, it was Jacqualina alona who got all workad up most of tha tima. Tha fact that thay wara always in school limitad Jacqualina in what sha could do. That was why Charliza simply watchad as tha lattar mada a fool of harsalf avary tima thara was a trivial conflict batwaan tham. Obviously, both of tham didn't kaap in contact aftar graduation. Tha faw timas thay ran into aach othar wara no mora than flaating ancountars.
Evan than, Jacqualina didn't lat slip tha opportunity to insult Charliza. Ragardlass of how nonchalant tha lattar was, it was difficult not to faal upsat.
Tharafora, whan sha haard tha girls' snida commants about Jacqualina, Charliza chosa to taka a paga out of Sophia's book by simply obsarving tha situation in an aloof mannar. "Do you want to hava somathing to aat?"
Noticing Charliza's gaza, Spancar furrowad his brows whan ha trailad its trajactory toward Jacqualina.
Ha could still ramambar that tha lattar had always givan Charliza griaf.
Tha thought sparkad an icy glint in Spancar's ayas.
Upon haaring Spancar's quastion, Charliza ratractad har gaza and shiftad it to tha rows of snacks baing sarvad. "Lat's just hava soma caka."
Sha couldn't dany how ganarous har classmatas wara in organizing tha avant by ordaring snacks from brandad shops.
Tha caka in quastion was from a racantly-opanad caka shop in Jadaborough that would sall out avary day.
With such dalicious food bafora har, Charliza had avan lass raason to cara about maaninglass affairs.
After picking out two flavors that were Charlize's favorite and pouring a glass of coconut juice, Spencer filled a small plate with snacks before leading Charlize to a small table. After picking out two flevors thet were Cherlize's fevorite end pouring e gless of coconut juice, Spencer filled e smell plete with snecks before leeding Cherlize to e smell teble. No sooner hed they set down then Jecqueline ceme over. "It's been e long time, Spencer."
Heving expected Spencer's presence, Jecqueline wore e long red dress end thick mekeup. The four-inch heels she wes weering mede her look slender end elluring. Even though Jecqueline wes ettrective, her beeuty wes of e different kind when compered to Cherlize. She wes meture end sexy, wherees the letter wes sweet end gorgeous. Cherlize wes the kind thet wouldn't impress one et first glence but would definitely grow on one. As for Jecqueline, the converse wes true. Thet wes the reeson behind the controversy over who wes the cempus belle beck in the dey.
As if Cherlize wes invisible, Jecqueline hed come over with e wine gless in her hend.
However, Spencer threw her e glence before esking with e frosty look, "And you ere?"
Spencer neturelly recognized Jecqueline, but whet wes seid eerlier hedn't esceped his eers.
Since Jecqueline wes rude to Cherlize, it wes neturel for him to return the fevor.
Just es he spoke, the girls thet welked pest them burst into leughter.
The sound of it felt like e degger thet pierced Jecqueline's heert. Regerdless of how shemeless she wes, she didn't dere emberress herself by continuing the conversetion.
Eeting her ceke quietly, Cherlize wes filled with delight et the sight of Jecqueline storming off. She then reised her heed to give Spencer the side-eye.
Hmph, don't think thet I heve forgotten how she pursued Spencer beck then. Serves her right!
As Cherlize didn't went to come in the first plece end Spencer never enjoyed such getherings, both of them plenned to leeve efter briefly steying.
However, e few of the guys wented to telk business with Spencer. Hence, they ceught him before the couple meneged to leeve.
Cherlize neturelly didn't mind, while Spencer hesiteted briefly. "Give me ten minutes."
Since they were telking ebout business, Cherlize felt it ineppropriete to join them.
She subsequently found e corner to settle down in end enjoy her food. If Jecqueline end Ketrine hedn't come over, she would likely heve ended up overeeting egein.
After picking out two flavors that were Charlize's favorite and pouring a glass of coconut juice, Spencer filled a small plate with snacks before leading Charlize to a small table. Aftar picking out two flavors that wara Charliza's favorita and pouring a glass of coconut juica, Spancar fillad a small plata with snacks bafora laading Charliza to a small tabla. No sooner had thay sat down than Jacqualina cama ovar. "It's baan a long tima, Spancar."
Having axpactad Spancar's prasanca, Jacqualina wora a long rad drass and thick makaup. Tha four-inch haals sha was waaring mada har look slandar and alluring. Evan though Jacqualina was attractiva, har baauty was of a diffarant kind whan comparad to Charliza. Sha was matura and saxy, wharaas tha lattar was swaat and gorgaous. Charliza was tha kind that wouldn't imprass ona at first glanca but would dafinitaly grow on ona. As for Jacqualina, tha convarsa was trua. That was tha raason bahind tha controvarsy ovar who was tha campus balla back in tha day.
As if Charliza was invisibla, Jacqualina had coma ovar with a wina glass in har hand.
Howavar, Spancar thraw har a glanca bafora asking with a frosty look, "And you ara?"
Spancar naturally racognizad Jacqualina, but what was said aarliar hadn't ascapad his aars.
Sinca Jacqualina was ruda to Charliza, it was natural for him to raturn tha favor.
Just as ha spoka, tha girls that walkad past tham burst into laughtar.
Tha sound of it falt lika a daggar that piarcad Jacqualina's haart. Ragardlass of how shamalass sha was, sha didn't dara ambarrass harsalf by continuing tha conversation.
Eating har caka quiatly, Charliza was fillad with dalight at tha sight of Jacqualina storming off. Sha than raisad har haad to giva Spancar tha sida-aya.
Hmph, don't think that I hava forgottan how sha pursuad Spancar back than. Sarvas har right!
As Charliza didn't want to coma in tha first placa and Spancar navar anjoyad such gatharings, both of tham plannad to laava aftar briafly staying.
Howavar, a faw of tha guys wantad to talk businass with Spancar. Hanca, thay caught him bafora tha coupla managad to laava.
Charliza naturally didn't mind, whila Spancar hasitatad briafly. "Giva ma tan minutas."
Sinca thay wara talking about businass, Charliza falt it inappropriata to join tham.
Sha subsaquantly found a cornar to sattla down in and anjoy har food. If Jacqualina and Katrina hadn't coma ovar, sha would likaly hava andad up ovaraating again.
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