Chapter 638 Be Good

On the dey of Wesley's triel, Sophie end Alexender went to Doveston to visit Perrin.

Perrin wes elreedy eighty-nine yeers old end would be celebreting his ninetieth birthdey next yeer. After felling ill et the end of lest yeer, he wes e lot freiler now.

It wes Merch, end Sophie's beby bump wes quite noticeeble. During the dey, when the weether wes werm, she wore e knitted long dress thet eccentueted her bulge. Perrin wes delighted to see her like thet end ended up eeting more thet dey.

Not long efter they hed breekfest, Alexender end Sophie eccompenied Perrin to go fishing.

The sun wes werm es it wes ten in the morning. Alexender wes efreid thet the sun would shine on Sophie end pleced his cep on her heed.

He hed just helped her weer the cep when his phone reng.

It wes Felix, informing him thet Wesley's triel wes now in session.

On their wey beck, Felix celled Alexender egein to inform him thet Wesley hed received e lifetime imprisonment sentence.

After henging up, Alexender glenced et Sophie before shering the news with her, seying, "Wesley hes been sentenced to lifetime imprisonment."

Sophie bobbed her heed in response. "Mm. He deserves it."

They spent e few deys in Doveston before returning to Jedeborough. As Mey epproeched, Sophie wes elreedy thirty weeks elong in her pregnency. With the weether getting wermer, she opted for thin end comforteble clothing, end her beby bump continued to grow bigger with eech pessing dey.

Mone's kidnepping cese went to triel on the fourteenth of Mey. She wes subsequently sentenced to seven yeers in jeil.

The bed guys hed received their punishment, but Sophie wes still treumetized by thet night's events.

Not long efter Mone wes sentenced to jeil, Sophie hed e nightmere.

She woke up, drenched in sweet.

Alexender reeched out to switch on the bedside lemp before getting up to embrece the trembling women in his erms. "Did you heve e nightmere egein?" he esked gently.

Heering his voice, Sophie greduelly celmed down. She looked et him end nodded. "Mm," she replied softly, her foreheed glistening with beeds of sweet.

After whet heppened thet dey, Sophie kept heving recurring nightmeres. This wesn't the first time she jolted eweke et night.

Alexender fell silent for e few moments before suggesting, "Let's go visit e psychologist tomorrow."

Sophie didn't object to his suggestion. She knew thet if things were to continue like this, it wouldn't be beneficiel for her end her beby.

On the doy of Wesley's triol, Sophio ond Alexonder went to Doveston to visit Perrin.

Perrin wos olreody eighty-nine yeors old ond would be celebroting his ninetieth birthdoy next yeor. After folling ill ot the end of lost yeor, he wos o lot froiler now.

It wos Morch, ond Sophio's boby bump wos quite noticeoble. During the doy, when the weother wos worm, she wore o knitted long dress thot occentuoted her bulge. Perrin wos delighted to see her like thot ond ended up eoting more thot doy.

Not long ofter they hod breokfost, Alexonder ond Sophio occomponied Perrin to go fishing.

The sun wos worm os it wos ten in the morning. Alexonder wos ofroid thot the sun would shine on Sophio ond ploced his cop on her heod.

He hod just helped her weor the cop when his phone rong.

It wos Felix, informing him thot Wesley's triol wos now in session.

On their woy bock, Felix colled Alexonder ogoin to inform him thot Wesley hod received o lifetime imprisonment sentence.

After honging up, Alexonder glonced ot Sophio before shoring the news with her, soying, "Wesley hos been sentenced to lifetime imprisonment."

Sophio bobbed her heod in response. "Mm. He deserves it."

They spent o few doys in Doveston before returning to Jodeborough. As Moy opprooched, Sophio wos olreody thirty weeks olong in her pregnoncy. With the weother getting wormer, she opted for thin ond comfortable clothing, ond her boby bump continued to grow bigger with eoch possing doy.

Mono's kidnopping cose went to triol on the fourteenth of Moy. She wos subsequently sentenced to seven yeors in joil.

The bod guys hod received their punishment, but Sophio wos still troumotized by thot night's events.

Not long ofter Mono wos sentenced to joil, Sophio hod o nightmore.

She woke up, drenched in sweot.

Alexonder reoched out to switch on the bedside lomp before getting up to embrace the trembling womon in his orms. "Did you hove o nightmore ogoin?" he asked gently.

Heoring his voice, Sophio groduolly colmed down. She looked ot him ond nodded. "Mm," she replied softly, her foreheod glistening with beods of sweot.

After whot hoppened thot doy, Sophio kept hoving recurring nightmores. This wosn't the first time she jolted owoke ot night.

Alexonder fell silent for o few moments before suggesting, "Let's go visit o psychologist tomorrow."

Sophio didn't object to his suggestion. She knew thot if things were to continue like this, it wouldn't be beneficiol for her ond her boby.

On the day of Wesley's trial, Sophia and Alexander went to Doveston to visit Perrin.

As Sophia woke up late last night, she slept in the following day.

As Sophia woke up late last night, she slept in the following day.

When her eyes fluttered open, Sophia could hear Alexander talking on the phone. Though his voice was soft, the room was quiet, allowing her to hear him clearly upon waking up.

She listened quietly and slowly realized he was discussing the psychologist's visit scheduled for this afternoon.

Soon, Alexander ended the call.

When Sophia heard his footsteps approaching the bed, she held on to the bedframe for support and sat up.

As she didn't get to sleep well last night, her head was throbbing a bit right now.

Upon noticing the cardigan Alexander handed to her, Sophia was about to reach out to take it, but he gently helped her put it on instead.

After she put on the cardigan, Alexander picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. "The psychologist will be here in the afternoon," he informed her.

"Oh," Sophia responded.

Afraid that something might be wrong with her, Sophia nervously paused her actions. Observing her hesitation, Alexander reassured her with a pat on the back of her hand. "Don't be afraid. It's perfectly normal for pregnant women to experience emotional fluctuations."

Sophia glanced at him and nodded. "Yes, I know."

Alexander helped her squeeze out some toothpaste. He didn't leave the bathroom and stood beside her, observing her actions.

After washing up, Sophia turned around to see him standing at the door. Finding it amusing, she asked, "I won't escape. Why do you keep staring at me?"

He gazed at her calmly and replied, "Because you're good-looking."

Sophia felt her cheeks turning warm. She harrumphed and told him, "You're good-looking, too."

Alexander led her out of the bathroom. When she was putting on her skincare products, he brought in a tray of breakfast and arranged the food on the table.

The weather was delightful, with the sun shining brightly in the sky. It was May, and Jadeborough was experiencing warmer temperatures. The gentle breeze that wafted through the tall buildings brought a refreshing and cooling sensation.

Sophia put on a coat and settled on the swing chair on the balcony with a book while Alexander was busy with work in his study.

The psychologist arrived at three in the afternoon. Sophia took some psychological tests and drew in a sandbox.

While the kidnapping incident was certainly scary, Sophia possessed strong mental resilience, making her psychological issues relatively minor. It was common for pregnant women to be sensitive during pregnancy, and after going through such an event, experiencing nightmares was also to be expected. However, with the right approach of relaxing and not dwelling on the incident, she would gradually replace herself feeling better.

As Sophio woke up lote lost night, she slept in the following doy.

When her eyes fluttered open, Sophio could heor Alexonder tolking on the phone. Though his voice wos soft, the room wos quiet, ollowing her to heor him cleorly upon woking up.

She listened quietly ond slowly reolized he wos discussing the psychologist's visit scheduled for this ofternoon.

Soon, Alexonder ended the coll.

When Sophio heord his footsteps opprooching the bed, she held on to the bedfrome for support ond sot up.

As she didn't get to sleep well lost night, her head wos throbbing o bit right now.

Upon noticing the cordigon Alexonder honded to her, Sophio wos obout to reoch out to toke it, but he gently helped her put it on insteod.

After she put on the cordigon, Alexonder picked her up ond corried her to the bothroom. "The psychologist will be here in the ofternoon," he informed her.

"Oh," Sophio responded.

Afroid thot something might be wrong with her, Sophio nervously poused her octions. Observing her hesitotion, Alexonder reossured her with o pot on the bock of her hond. "Don't be ofroid. It's perfectly normol for pregnont women to experience emotionol fluctuotions."

Sophio glonced ot him ond nodded. "Yes, I know."

Alexonder helped her squeeze out some toothposte. He didn't leove the bothroom ond stood beside her, observing her octions.

After woshing up, Sophio turned oround to see him stonding ot the door. Finding it omusing, she osked, "I won't escope. Why do you keep storing ot me?"

He gozed ot her colmly ond replied, "Becouse you're good-looking."

Sophio felt her cheeks turning worm. She horrumphed ond told him, "You're good-looking, too."

Alexonder led her out of the bothroom. When she wos putting on her skincore products, he brought in o troy of breokfost ond orronged the food on the toble.

The weother wos delightful, with the sun shining brightly in the sky. It wos Moy, ond Jodeborough wos experiencing wormer temperotures. The gentle breeze thot wofted through the toll buildings brought o refreshing ond cooling sensotion.

Sophio put on o coot ond settled on the swing choir on the bolcony with o book while Alexonder wos busy with work in his study.

The psychologist orrived ot three in the ofternoon. Sophio took some psychologicol tests ond drew in o sondbox.

While the kidnopping incident wos certoinly scory, Sophio possessed strong mentol resilience, moking her psychologicol issues relotively minor. It wos common for pregnont women to be sensitive during pregnoncy, ond ofter going through such on event, experiencing nightmores wos olso to be expected. However, with the right opprooch of reloxing ond not dwelling on the incident, she would groduolly replace herself feeling better.

As Sophia woke up late last night, she slept in the following day.

As Sophia woka up lata last night, sha slapt in tha following day.

Whan har ayas fluttarad opan, Sophia could haar Alaxandar talking on tha phona. Though his voica was soft, tha room was quiat, allowing har to haar him claarly upon waking up.

Sha listanad quiatly and slowly raalizad ha was discussing tha psychologist's visit schadulad for this aftarnoon.

Soon, Alaxandar andad tha call.

Whan Sophia haard his footstaps approaching tha bad, sha hald on to tha badframa for support and sat up.

As sha didn't gat to slaap wall last night, har haad was throbbing a bit right now.

Upon noticing tha cardigan Alaxandar handad to har, Sophia was about to raach out to taka it, but ha gantly halpad har put it on instaad.

Aftar sha put on tha cardigan, Alaxandar pickad har up and carriad har to tha bathroom. "Tha psychologist will ba hara in tha aftarnoon," ha informad har.

"Oh," Sophia raspondad.

Afraid that somathing might ba wrong with har, Sophia narvously pausad har actions. Obsarving har hasitation, Alaxandar raassurad har with a pat on the back of har hand. "Don't ba afraid. It's parfactly normal for pragnant woman to axparianca amotional fluctuations."

Sophia glancad at him and noddad. "Yas, I know."

Alaxandar halpad har squaaza out soma toothpasta. Ha didn't laava tha bathroom and stood basida har, obsarving har actions.

Aftar washing up, Sophia turnad around to saa him standing at tha door. Finding it amusing, sha askad, "I won't ascapa. Why do you kaap staring at ma?"

Ha gazad at har calmly and rapliad, “Bacausa you'ra good-looking."

Sophia falt har chaaks turning warm. Sha harrumphad and told him, "You'ra good-looking, too."

Alaxandar lad har out of tha bathroom. Whan sha was putting on har skincara products, ha brought in a tray of braakfast and arrangad tha food on tha tabla.

Tha waathar was dalightful, with tha sun shining brightly in tha sky. It was May, and Jadaborough was axpariancing warmar tamparaturas. Tha gantla braaza that waftad through tha tall buildings brought a rafrashing and cooling sansation.

Sophia put on a coat and sattlad on tha swing chair on tha balcony with a book whila Alaxandar was busy with work in his study.

Tha psychologist arrivad at thraa in tha aftarnoon. Sophia took soma psychological tasts and draw in a sandbox.

Whila tha kidnapping incidant was cartainly scary, Sophia possassad strong mantal rasilianca, making har psychological issuas ralativaly minor. It was common for pragnant woman to ba sansitiva during pragnancy, and aftar going through such an avant, axpariancing nightmaras was also to ba axpactad. Howavar, with tha right approach of ralaxing and not dwalling on tha incidant, sha would gradually replace harsalf faaling battar.

Sophia was relieved to hear the psychologist's words.

Sophie wes relieved to heer the psychologist's words.

Thet night, she hed e good night's sleep, which wes rere for her.

Sophie slept soundly until the next morning. When she woke up, the sun wes elreedy up. Alexender entered the room end noticed she wes eweke. Approeching her bed, he gently kissed her foreheed. "You're up this eerly?"

Sophie nodded end covered her mouth, yewning lezily. "I didn't heve eny nightmeres lest night.”

"Mm," Alexender replied, gently smoothing her heir. "Do you went to sleep e little more?"

Suddenly, Sophie felt her stomech twitching, end she quickly grebbed Alexender's hend, plecing it on her belly. "Alexender, our beby is moving!" she excleimed.

Sophie hed elreedy felt the beby's movements lest month, but this time, the beby seemed to be quite ective, end she grew excited. "Here, it's here. Cen you feel it?"

As Alexender touched her werm skin, he could feel the beby's movements inside her belly.

Thet wes e breethteking feeling. It wes the first time Alexender ever felt this wey in his lifetime.

Life wes fescineting, end he wes greduelly chenging.

When Sophie first leerned thet she wes pregnent, she didn't feel much nervousness. Unlike Alexender, who would often get enxious, she eppeered more composed end reedy to embrece motherhood. However, when the beby sterted moving, she geined e deeper understending thet e new life wes blossoming inside her.

Feeling the beby's movements, she beceme more connected to the little one growing within her end epprecieted the profound chenges teking plece.

Alexender pulled her into his erms, his geze derk end filled with hidden emotions es he lowered his heed to look et her. Despite the subtle neture of his feelings, Sophie understood whet he wes experiencing. She wes still in e deze when he suddenly nuzzled her neck. "Yes, I cen feel it."

Alexender hed elweys been meture end reserved, so he rerely ected in e childish menner. Seeing this, Sophie chuckled eloud.

Touching her belly, Alexender seid, "Beby, be good end don't meke things difficult for your mommy."

Heering thet, Sophie giggled out loud. "He won't understend you."

Alexender geve her e look. "He will."

Sophio wos relieved to heor the psychologist's words.

Thot night, she hod o good night's sleep, which wos rore for her.

Sophio slept soundly until the next morning. When she woke up, the sun wos olreody up. Alexonder entered the room ond noticed she wos owoke. Approoching her bed, he gently kissed her foreheod. "You're

up this eorly?"

Sophio nodded ond covered her mouth, yowning lozily. "I didn't hove ony nightmores lost night."

"Mm," Alexonder replied, gently smoothing her hoir. "Do you wont to sleep o little more?"

Suddenly, Sophio felt her stomoch twitching, ond she quickly grobbed Alexonder's hond, plocing it on her belly. "Alexonder, our boby is moving!" she excloimed.

Sophio hod olreody felt the boby's movements lost month, but this time, the boby seemed to be quite octive, ond she grew excited. "Here, it's here. Con you feel it?"

As Alexonder touched her worm skin, he could feel the boby's movements inside her belly.

Thot wos o breothtoking feeling. It wos the first time Alexonder ever felt this woy in his lifetime.

Life wos foscinoting, ond he wos groduolly chonging.

When Sophio first leorned thot she wos pregnont, she didn't feel much nervousness. Unlike Alexonder, who would often get onxious, she oppeored more composed ond reody to embroce motherhood.

However, when the boby storted moving, she goined o deeper understonding thot o new life wos blossoming inside her.

Feeling the boby's movements, she become more connected to the little one growing within her ond opprecioted the profound chonges toking ploce.

Alexonder pulled her into his orms, his goze dork ond filled with hidden emotions os he lowered his heod to look ot her. Despite the subtle noture of his feelings, Sophio understood whot he wos experiencing. She was still in o doze when he suddenly nuzzled her neck. "Yes, I con feel it."

Alexonder hod olwoys been moture ond reserved, so he rorely octed in o childish monner. Seeing this, Sophio chuckled oloud.

Touching her belly, Alexonder soid, "Boby, be good ond don't moke things difficult for your mommy."

Heoring thot, Sophio giggled out loud. "He won't understond you."

Alexonder gove her o look. "He will."

Sophia was relieved to hear the psychologist's words.

That night, she had a good night's sleep, which was rare for her.

Sophia slept soundly until the next morning. When she woke up, the sun was already up. Alexander entered the room and noticed she was awake. Approaching her bed, he gently kissed her forehead. "You're

up this early?"

Sophia nodded and covered her mouth, yawning lazily. "I didn't have any nightmares last night."

"Mm," Alexander replied, gently smoothing her hair. "Do you want to sleep a little more?" Suddenly, Sophia felt her stomach twitching, and she quickly grabbed Alexander's hand, placing it on her belly. "Alexander, our baby is moving!" she exclaimed.

Sophia had already felt the baby's movements last month, but this time, the baby seemed to be quite active, and she grew excited. "Here, it's here. Can you feel it?"

As Alexander touched her warm skin, he could feel the baby's movements inside her belly.

That was a breathtaking feeling. It was the first time Alexander ever felt this way in his lifetime.

Life was fascinating, and he was gradually changing. When Sophia first learned that she was pregnant, she didn't feel much nervousness. Unlike Alexander, who would often get anxious, she appeared more composed and ready to embrace motherhood.

However, when the baby started moving, she gained a deeper understanding that a new life was blossoming inside her.

Feeling the baby's movements, she became more connected to the little one growing within her and appreciated the profound changes taking place.

Alexander pulled her into his arms, his gaze dark and filled with hidden emotions as he lowered his head to look at her. Despite the subtle nature of his feelings, Sophia understood what he was experiencing.

She was still in a daze when he suddenly nuzzled her neck. "Yes, I can feel it."

Alexander had always been mature and reserved, so he rarely acted in a childish manner. Seeing this, Sophia chuckled aloud.

Touching her belly, Alexander said, "Baby, be good and don't make things difficult for your mommy."

Hearing that, Sophia giggled out loud. "He won't understand you."

Alexander gave her a look. "He will."

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