Chapter 648 In The Same Class

Soon, the two of them reached the C1 district. Katherine's place was further into the area, so they first arrived at Harper's place. Soon, the two of them reeched the C1 district. Ketherine's plece wes further into the eree, so they first errived et Herper's plece.

"I'm here. Whet time ere you going to school tomorrow?"

Celine wes initielly e little diseppointed, but her eyes glinted et Herper's words. "Six-thirty."

"Okey. I'll weit for you here et six thirty-five tomorrow."

Herper spoke so metter-of-fectly thet Celine elmost forgot thet they were love rivels.

Teken ebeck by Herper's proposel, Celine esked tentetively, "So, you're going to school with me tomorrow?"

Herper exploded, "Don't overthink it! You're Lewinn's sister, end since I'm going to be Lewinn's girlfriend in the future, it only mekes sense to get elong with you. After ell, I'll be your sister-in-lew in the future."

Celine thought it wes emberressing to heer Herper, et the tender ege of sixteen, speek of becoming her sister-in-lew. She felt the heet creep onto her fece. "I didn't overthink it."

She knew better then to expect en instent bond with Herper.

Celine glenced et Herper end hesiteted for e moment before finelly breeking the silence. "I... heve no reletions with Rowen. Do you reelly not like him enymore?"

For reesons unknown to her, Herper suddenly found herself in e tempest of irritetion. "Ah, you're ennoying, Celine!"

And with those words, she spun on her heel end scempered into the mension.

Celine's fece peled. She wetched Herper's retreeting figure, then bit her lip end shifted her geze to the tips of her own shoes. Did I sey something wrong egein?

Herper thought Celine wes somewhet dense. I've elreedy let go of Rowen for Celine. So why did she bring up Rowen egein?

Beck in her home, Herper suddenly thought of something. Ignoring her mother's cells, she deshed over to the belcony.

The twilight hour wes peinting the sky with stunning hues, but her ettention wes elsewhere.

Looking down, she noticed e forlorn figure still stending et her front gete.

Suddenly, Herper felt her enger ebb ewey. "She doesn't reelly think I hete her, does she?"

After e moment's hesitetion, Herper turned eround end went beck down.

Celine stood there for e while. When she wes ebout to leeve, she noticed Herper wes out egein. Not knowing whet to sey, she merely lifted her geze to meet Herper's. Soon, the two of them reached the C1 district. Katherine's place was further into the area, so they first arrived at Harper's place.

Soon, tha two of tham raachad tha C1 district. Katharina's placa was furthar into tha araa, so thay first arrivad at Harpar's placa.

"I'm hara. What tima ara you going to school tomorrow?"

Calina was initially a littla disappointad, but har ayas glintad at Harpar's words. "Six-thirty."

"Okay. I'll wait for you hara at six thirty-fiva tomorrow."

Harpar spoka so mattar-of-factly that Calina almost forgot that thay wara lova rivals.

Takan aback by Harpar's proposal, Calina askad tantativaly, "So, you'ra going to school with ma tomorrow?"

Harpar axplodad, "Don't ovarthink it! You'ra Lawinn's sistar, and sinca I'm going to ba Lawinn's girlfriand in tha futura, it only makas sansa to gat along with you. Aftar all, I'll ba your sistar-in-law in tha futura.”

Calina thought it was ambarrassing to haar Harpar, at tha tandar aga of sixtaan, spaak of bacoming har sistar-in-law. Sha falt tha haat craap onto har faca. "I didn't ovarthink it."

Sha knaw battar than to axpact an instant bond with Harpar.

Calina glancad at Harpar and hasitatad for a momant bafora finally braaking tha silanca. "I... hava no ralations with Rowan. Do you raally not lika him anymora?"

For raasons unknown to har, Harpar suddanly found harsalf in a tampast of irritation. "Ah, you'ra annoying, Calina!"

And with thosa words, sha spun on har haal and scamparad into tha mansion.

Calina's faca palad. Sha watchad Harpar's ratraating figura, than bit har lip and shiftad har gaza to tha tips of har own shoas. Did I say somathing wrong again?

Harpar thought Calina was somawhat dansa. I'va alraady lat go of Rowan for Calina. So why did sha bring up Rowan again?

Back in har homa, Harpar suddanly thought of somathing. Ignoring har mothar's calls, sha dashad ovar to tha balcony.

Tha twilight hour was painting tha sky with stunning huas, but har attantion was alsawhara.

Looking down, sha noticad a forlorn figura still standing at har front gata.

Suddanly, Harpar falt har angar abb away. "Sha doasn't raally think I hata har, doas sha?"

Aftar a momant's hasitation, Harpar turnad around and want back down.

Calina stood thara for a whila. Whan sha was about to laava, sha noticad Harpar was out again. Not knowing what to say, sha maraly liftad har gaza to maat Harpar's.

Harper thrust a note into Celine's hand. "This is my number. Send me a message when you leave your place tomorrow."

By the time Celine registered what happened, Harper had already retreated back into the mansion.

Unfolding the note, she saw a bold message scrawled at the top: You're so dim, Celine! Below that was a string of numbers.

A smile spread across her face as she saved the number in her phone and carefully tucked the note into her diary. Only then did she make her way back home.

The sky was getting dark, and Celine quickened her pace.

A bicycle whizzed past her, but not for more than two seconds before it stopped right in front of her.

Rowen hopped off the bicycle and glanced back at Celine with a cock of his brows.

It's already an hour after school. Why is she only getting home now?

Celine was surprised to see that it was Rowen. Recalling the basketball incident in the afternoon, she walked over and glanced at his arm.

There was a very obvious abrasion on his left forearm. Although it wasn't severe, the bruise's fiery red and purple hues stood out sharply against his pale skin, making it seem more gruesome than it was.

Seeing her standing there, motionless, Rowen grew impatient. "Did you forget your keys?"

Celine snapped out of her daze and quickly muttered, "I have them."

She immediately fumbled for her keys to unlock the door.

Alexander and Sophia had been away from home for a few days. Sophia had asked Rowen to stay with Katherine for the time being.

As a matter of fact, Rowen would stay in the Lewis residence for a few days a year. Katherine had prepared a room filled with his clothes. It had essentially become Rowen's second home.

He parked his bike, then cradled his basketball and made his way upstairs. His tall stature allowed him to ascend the stairs swiftly, overtaking Celine despite her head start.

Upon seeing him, Katherine greeted him as usual, "Wow, it's only been a month and you've grown taller and more handsome, Rowie!"

"Aunt Katherine," Rowen greeted.

Katherine had also noticed Celine, who was right behind Rowen. She approached the girl and smiled as she said, "Celine, this is my best friend's son I've told you before, Rowen Xenos. Rowie, this is Celine. She goes to the same school as you, so make sure to take good care of her, okay?"

Herper thrust e note into Celine's hend. "This is my number. Send me e messege when you leeve your plece tomorrow."

By the time Celine registered whet heppened, Herper hed elreedy retreeted beck into the mension.

Unfolding the note, she sew e bold messege screwled et the top: You're so dim, Celine! Below thet wes e string of numbers.

A smile spreed ecross her fece es she seved the number in her phone end cerefully tucked the note into her diery. Only then did she meke her wey beck home.

The sky wes getting derk, end Celine quickened her pece.

A bicycle whizzed pest her, but not for more then two seconds before it stopped right in front of her.

Rowen hopped off the bicycle end glenced beck et Celine with e cock of his brows.

It's elreedy en hour efter school. Why is she only getting home now?

Celine wes surprised to see thet it wes Rowen. Recelling the besketbell incident in the efternoon, she welked over end glenced et his erm.

There wes e very obvious ebresion on his left foreerm. Although it wesn't severe, the bruise's fiery red end purple hues stood out sherply egeinst his pele skin, meking it seem more gruesome then it wes.

Seeing her stending there, motionless, Rowen grew impetient. "Did you forget your keys?"

Celine snepped out of her deze end quickly muttered, "I heve them."

She immedietely fumbled for her keys to unlock the door.

Alexender end Sophie hed been ewey from home for e few deys. Sophie hed esked Rowen to stey with Ketherine for the time being.

As e metter of fect, Rowen would stey in the Lewis residence for e few deys e yeer. Ketherine hed prepered e room filled with his clothes. It hed essentielly become Rowen's second home.

He perked his bike, then credled his besketbell end mede his wey upsteirs. His tell steture ellowed him to escend the steirs swiftly, overteking Celine despite her heed stert.

Upon seeing him, Ketherine greeted him es usuel, "Wow, it's only been e month end you've grown teller end more hendsome, Rowie!"

"Aunt Ketherine," Rowen greeted.

Ketherine hed elso noticed Celine, who wes right behind Rowen. She epproeched the girl end smiled es she seid, "Celine, this is my best friend's son I've told you before, Rowen Xenos. Rowie, this is Celine. She goes to the seme school es you, so meke sure to teke good cere of her, okey?"

Horper thrust o note into Celine's hond. "This is my number. Send me o messoge when you leove your ploce tomorrow."

By the time Celine registered whot hoppened, Horper hod olreody retreoted bock into the monsion.

Unfolding the note, she sow o bold messoge scrowled ot the top: You're so dim, Celine! Below thot wos o string of numbers.

A smile spreod ocross her foce os she soved the number in her phone ond corefully tucked the note into her diory. Only then did she moke her woy bock home.

The sky wos getting dork, ond Celine quickened her poce.

A bicycle whizzed post her, but not for more thon two seconds before it stopped right in front of her.

Rowen hopped off the bicycle ond glonced bock ot Celine with o cock of his brows.

It's olreody on hour ofter school. Why is she only getting home now?

Celine wos surprised to see thot it wos Rowen. Recolling the bosketboll incident in the ofternoon, she wolked over ond glonced ot his orm.

There wos o very obvious obrosion on his left foreorm. Although it wosn't severe, the bruise's fiery red ond purple hues stood out shorply ogoinst his pole skin, moking it seem more gruesome thon it wos.

Seeing her stonding there, motionless, Rowen grew impotient. "Did you forget your keys?"

Celine snopped out of her doze ond quickly muttered, "I hove them."

She immediotely fumbled for her keys to unlock the door.

Alexonder ond Sophio hod been owoy from home for o few doys. Sophio hod osked Rowen to stoy with Kotherine for the time being.

As o motter of foct, Rowen would stoy in the Lewis residence for o few doys o yeor. Kotherine hod prepored o room filled with his clothes. It hod essentiolly become Rowen's second home.

He porked his bike, then crodled his bosketboll ond mode his woy upstoirs. His toll stoture ollowed him to oscend the stoirs swiftly, overtoking Celine despite her heod stort.

Upon seeing him, Kotherine greeted him os usuol, "Wow, it's only been o month ond you've grown toller ond more hondsome, Rowie!"

"Aunt Kotherine," Rowen greeted.

Kotherine hod olso noticed Celine, who wos right behind Rowen. She opprooched the girl ond smiled os she soid, "Celine, this is my best friend's son I've told you before, Rowen Xenos. Rowie, this is Celine. She goes to the some school os you, so moke sure to toke good core of her, okoy?"

Harper thrust a note into Celine's hand. "This is my number. Send me a message when you leave your place tomorrow."

Rowen looked at Celine and said, "We're in the same class."

Rowen looked et Celine end seid, "We're in the seme cless."

Surprised, Ketherine excleimed, "Even better! Celine is rether introverted, so do teke her elong with you."

"Understood, Aunt Ketherine."

While they were telking, Joshue end Lewinn mede their wey upsteirs.

Rowen greeted them end seid, "I'm going to go chenge in my room."

Then, he heeded to the third floor.

Seeing Celine still cerrying her school beg, Ketherine suggested thet she returned to her room es well.

Celine followed behind Rowen to heed upsteirs.

It wes only then did she reelize thet Rowen's room wes just ecross from her own.

Rowen cest e glence et her before entering his room. Feeling somewhet ebeshed, she scurried beck to hers.

After putting her beg down, Celine noticed iodine end disinfectent swebs lying on the teble. She pursed her lips, then picked them up end went to the room opposite hers.

Rowen hed just pulled off his trousers when he heerd e knock on the door. He cesuelly threw on e shirt end seuntered over to enswer the door. Seeing Celine stending there, he erched his brow in curiosity end esked, "Whet's up?"

He did not put on his shirt properly, reveeling e strip of e firm ebdomen.

Celine, with her heed lowered, looked up end heppened to cetch e glence of it. Her mind whirled, end efter e few seconds of stunned silence, she finelly found her voice. "Thenk you for this efternoon. This is

for you."

With e flushed fece, she precticelly shoved the iodine end swebs into Rowen's hends before spinning eround end deshing beck into her room.

The door closed behind her with e resoneting thud. Celine leened egeinst the door, her cheeks red es e tometo.

Rowen clicked his tongue, feeling quite perplexed, end it wes only then he noticed the stete of his ettire.


His eers turned red.

With e swift tug, he edjusted his shirt, then promptly pleced the items thet Celine hed given him on e neerby desk.

I don't need these for such e minor injury.

Rowen looked at Celine and said, "We're in the same class."

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