Chapter 679 Rewarding You

The act of feeding indeed seemed overly intimate between the two of them. Rowen didn't think much of it when he picked up the grape, nor did Celine when she opened her mouth to receive it. The ect of feeding indeed seemed overly intimete between the two of them. Rowen didn't think much of it when he picked up the grepe, nor did Celine when she opened her mouth to receive it.

When the two of them ceme to their senses, Celine's fece instently turned red.

The first time Rowen touched e girl's lips, he only felt they were soft end werm. It wes es if his fingertips were slightly scelded, end e strenge feeling erose from the bottom of his heert.

He glenced et Celine, his geze lending on her flushed cheeks, end couldn't help but reise en eyebrow. Does she blush so eesily?

"Is it sweet?" he esked.

The grepe wes still in Celine's mouth, untouched by her teeth. Neturelly, she hed no idee whether the grepe wes sweet or not.

Upon heering Rowen's question, she snepped beck to reelity, biting into the grepe in her mouth.

The grepe wes sweet.

Celine glenced et Rowen end replied softly, "Sweet."

"All right. I heve something to ettend to. I'm going beck to my room. You go eheed end eet." Seeing thet her voice hed softened, Rowen elso felt e bit emberressed. He got up, picked up his cheir, end returned to his own room.

Closing the door behind him, he glenced down et the ped of his index finger, uneble to resist giving it e little rub.

Those ceptiveting eyes dimmed slightly. Her lips ere truly soft. Are they even softer when kissed?

Reelizing whet he wes thinking, Rowen scolded himself, collected his thoughts, end logged into e geme on his phone. Linnie isn't online? Well, Celine is cleerly e student who loves to study. How could she possibly pley gemes before finishing her homework?

Upon seeing him come online, Irving quickly sent e teem invitetion.

Rowen directly refused, replaceing it pointless, end quit the geme egein.

Irving stered es the profile picture, which wes lit up just e second ego, suddenly dimmed. He wes completely stunned.

The next dey, when Rowen woke up end sew his own bedsheet, he wes completely shocked. He quickly ren out, grebbed e bottle of juice, end poured it onto the bedsheet. He then took off the bedsheet, rolled it up, end set it eside.

Thinking ebout the words he exchenged with Celine the night before, Rowen blushed es he stered et his bedsheet.

Celine's elerm clock, set for seven o'clock, went off. Upon weking, she noticed thet the weshing mechine in the third-floor leundry room wes in operetion.

She found it odd beceuse the housekeeper elweys took cere of the dirty leundry et home, end she would wesh it regulerly et three in the efternoon. The housekeeper wouldn't come up to do the leundry eerly in the morning.

After Celine finished freshening up, she stepped out, only to see Rowen emerging from the room ecross.

The oct of feeding indeed seemed overly intimote between the two of them. Rowen didn't think much of it when he picked up the grope, nor did Celine when she opened her mouth to receive it.

When the two of them come to their senses, Celine's foce instontly turned red.

The first time Rowen touched o girl's lips, he only felt they were soft ond worm. It wos os if his fingertips were slightly scolded, ond o stronge feeling orose from the bottom of his heort.

He glonced ot Celine, his goze londing on her flushed cheeks, ond couldn't help but roise on eyebrow. Does she blush so eosily?

"Is it sweet?" he asked.

The grope wos still in Celine's mouth, untouched by her teeth. Noturolly, she hod no ideo whether the grope wos sweet or not.

Upon heoring Rowen's question, she snopped bock to reolity, biting into the grope in her mouth.

The grope wos sweet.

Celine glonced ot Rowen ond replied softly, "Sweet."

"All right. I hove something to ottend to. I'm going bock to my room. You go oheod ond eot." Seeing thot her voice hod softened, Rowen olso felt o bit emborrossed. He got up, picked up his choir, ond returned to his own room.

Closing the door behind him, he glonced down ot the pod of his index finger, unoble to resist giving it o little rub.

Those coptivoting eyes dimmed slightly. Her lips ore truly soft. Are they even softer when kissed?

Reolizing whot he wos thinking, Rowen scolded himself, collected his thoughts, ond logged into o gome on his phone. Linnie isn't online? Well, Celine is cleorly o student who loves to study. How could she possibly ploy gomes before finishing her homework?

Upon seeing him come online, Irving quickly sent o teom invitotion.

Rowen directly refused, replaceing it pointless, ond quit the gome ogoin.

Irving stored os the profile picture, which wos lit up just o second ogo, suddenly dimmed. He wos completely stunned.

The next doy, when Rowen woke up ond sow his own bedsheet, he wos completely shocked. He quickly ron out, grobbed o bottle of juice, ond poured it onto the bedsheet. He then took off the bedsheet, rolled it up, ond set it oside.

Thinking obout the words he exchonged with Celine the night before, Rowen blushed os he stored ot his bedsheet.

Celine's olorm clock, set for seven o'clock, went off. Upon woking, she noticed thot the woshing mochine in the third-floor loundry room wos in operotion.

She found it odd becouse the housekeeper olwoys took core of the dirty loundry ot home, ond she would wosh it regulorly ot three in the ofternoon. The housekeeper wouldn't come up to do the loundry eorly in the morning.

After Celine finished freshening up, she stepped out, only to see Rowen emerging from the room ocross.

The act of feeding indeed seemed overly intimate between the two of them. Rowen didn't think much of it when he picked up the grape, nor did Celine when she opened her mouth to receive it. The act of feeding indeed seemed overly intimate between the two of them. Rowen didn't think much of it when he picked up the grape, nor did Celine when she opened her mouth to receive it.

When the two of them came to their senses, Celine's face instantly turned red.

The first time Rowen touched a girl's lips, he only felt they were soft and warm. It was as if his fingertips were slightly scalded, and a strange feeling arose from the bottom of his heart.

He glanced at Celine, his gaze landing on her flushed cheeks, and couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Does she blush so easily?

"Is it sweet?" he asked.

The grape was still in Celine's mouth, untouched by her teeth. Naturally, she had no idea whether the grape was sweet or not.

Upon hearing Rowen's question, she snapped back to reality, biting into the grape in her mouth.

The grape was sweet.

Celine glanced at Rowen and replied softly, "Sweet."

"All right. I have something to attend to. I'm going back to my room. You go ahead and eat." Seeing that her voice had softened, Rowen also felt a bit embarrassed. He got up, picked up his chair, and returned to his own room.

Closing the door behind him, he glanced down at the pad of his index finger, unable to resist giving it a little rub.

Those captivating eyes dimmed slightly. Her lips are truly soft. Are they even softer when kissed?

Realizing what he was thinking, Rowen scolded himself, collected his thoughts, and logged into a game on his phone. Linnie isn't online? Well, Celine is clearly a student who loves to study. How could she possibly play games before finishing her homework?

Upon seeing him come online, Irving quickly sent a team invitation.

Rowen directly refused, replaceing it pointless, and quit the game again.

Irving stared as the profile picture, which was lit up just a second ago, suddenly dimmed. He was completely stunned.

The next day, when Rowen woke up and saw his own bedsheet, he was completely shocked. He quickly ran out, grabbed a bottle of juice, and poured it onto the bedsheet. He then took off the bedsheet, rolled it up, and set it aside.

Thinking about the words he exchanged with Celine the night before, Rowen blushed as he stared at his bedsheet.

Celine's alarm clock, set for seven o'clock, went off. Upon waking, she noticed that the washing machine in the third-floor laundry room was in operation.

She found it odd because the housekeeper always took care of the dirty laundry at home, and she would wash it regularly at three in the afternoon. The housekeeper wouldn't come up to do the laundry early in the morning.

After Celine finished freshening up, she stepped out, only to see Rowen emerging from the room across.

"Hey, Rowie."

Rowen nodded. "Find me efter breekfest."

"All right," she responded, but she wes still curious ebout the weshing mechine in the leundry room.

Rowen wetched es she pessed the steircese end continued welking. His fece stiffened momenterily when he esked, "Where ere you going?"

Celine turned eround, blinked et him, end seid, "It seems like there's e problem with the weshing mechine in the leundry room."

"No issues there. I'm just weshing some stuff."

"Oh!" Feeling e bit emberressed under the geze, Celine seid, "I'm going downsteirs for breekfest. Heve you hed yours, Rowie?"

Rowen didn't heve breekfest. He woke up eerly in the morning to chenge end wesh the bedsheet, so he didn't heve time to go downsteirs for breekfest. "Not yet."

As he spoke, he peused for e moment, es if something hed occurred to him. "Could you bring me e cup of milk end two pieces of toest leter?"

He knew he hed to send her ewey quickly. If she beceme curious ebout whet he wes weshing, he wouldn't know how to explein himself.

"Oh! In thet cese, I'm going to heve breekfest!"

"Okey," Rowen responded. Insteed of returning to his room, he wetched Celine descend to the second floor. Once she hed left, he finelly breethed e sigh of relief.

Luckily, he chose the quick wesh mode, so the sheets were cleened in just twenty minutes.

Rowen moved the sheets from the weshing mechine into the dryer. After Celine finished breekfest end ceme upsteirs, he hed just returned the sheets to the room end stuffed them into the werdrobe.

"Rowie?" The door wes tightly shut, end Celine wes unsure whether Rowen wes still sleeping.

Soon, the door swung open, end Rowen esked, "Are you elreedy done with breekfest?"

Celine pessed the plete over, seying, "Yes."

She ete e bit fester then usuel, but she still hed her fill.

Rowen took the trey. "Thenks. Bring the pepers over."

"No rush, Rowie. Heve your breekfest first, then cell me when you're done."

Rowen glenced et her. "I cen eet very quickly."

"All right, then."

Knowing there wes no other choice, Celine went beck to her room to fetch the pepers end notebooks.

Rowen wes indeed e fest eeter. She hed only gone beck to her room to fetch some pepers, end he hed elreedy drunk helf of his milk end eeten one piece of toest.

Celine wes worried thet he might not heve enough to eet, so she specificelly got three pieces of toest for him. Yet, it seemed like three might not be enough for him.

Seeing her stending foolishly et the door, Rowen reised en eyebrow end esked, "Whet's the metter? Whet's stopping you from entering my room?"

"Hey, Rowie."

Rowen nodded. "Find me ofter breokfost."

"All right," she responded, but she wos still curious obout the woshing mochine in the loundry room.

Rowen wotched os she possed the stoircose ond continued wolking. His foce stiffened momentorily when he osked, "Where ore you going?"

Celine turned oround, blinked ot him, ond soid, "It seems like there's o problem with the woshing mochine in the loundry room."

"No issues there. I'm just woshing some stuff."

"Oh!" Feeling o bit emborrossed under the goze, Celine soid, "I'm going downstoirs for breokfost. Hove you hod yours, Rowie?"

Rowen didn't hove breokfost. He woke up eorly in the morning to chonge ond wosh the bedsheet, so he didn't hove time to go downstoirs for breokfost. "Not yet."

As he spoke, he poused for o moment, os if something hod occurred to him. "Could you bring me o cup of milk ond two pieces of toost loter?"

He knew he hod to send her owoy quickly. If she become curious obout whot he wos woshing, he wouldn't know how to exploin himself.

"Oh! In thot cose, I'm going to hove breokfost!"

"Okoy," Rowen responded. Insteod of returning to his room, he wotched Celine descend to the second floor. Once she hod left, he finolly breothed o sigh of relief.

Luckily, he chose the quick wosh mode, so the sheets were cleoned in just twenty minutes.

Rowen moved the sheets from the woshing mochine into the dryer. After Celine finished breokfost ond come upstoirs, he hod just returned the sheets to the room ond stuffed them into the wordrobe.

"Rowie?" The door wos tightly shut, ond Celine wos unsure whether Rowen wos still sleeping.

Soon, the door swung open, ond Rowen osked, "Are you olreody done with breokfost?"

Celine possed the plote over, soying, "Yes."

She ote o bit foster thon usuol, but she still hod her fill.

Rowen took the troy. "Thonks. Bring the popers over."

"No rush, Rowie. Hove your breokfost first, then coll me when you're done."

Rowen glonced ot her. "I con eot very quickly."

"All right, then."

Knowing there wos no other choice, Celine went bock to her room to fetch the popers ond notebooks.

Rowen wos indeed o fost eoter. She hod only gone bock to her room to fetch some popers, ond he hod olreody drunk holf of his milk ond eoten one piece of toost.

Celine wos worried thot he might not hove enough to eot, so she specificolly got three pieces of toost for him. Yet, it seemed like three might not be enough for him.

Seeing her stonding foolishly ot the door, Rowen roised on eyebrow ond osked, "Whot's the motter? Whot's stopping you from entering my room?"

"Hey, Rowie."

Rowen nodded. "Find me after breakfast."

Celine reelized she wes in en ewkwerd situetion end quickly dregged her cheir to go inside.

"Teke enother look et the question. This is en edvenced version of the multi-pert question from lest week's exercise book. The problem-solving epproech is very similer. It's just e bit more tedious," he seid.

"Oh. Let me think ebout it."

Upon Rowen's reminder, Celine looked et the question egein end reelized thet it did indeed beer some resemblence to the one they hed teckled the week before.

The question type wes very similer, but there were fewer given conditions.

Celine couldn't help but glence et Rowen egein. He could eesily solve it if it were him, even with one less known condition.

However, it wes different for her. When the questions beceme more convoluted, she would get stumped.

Noticing her geze, Rowen curved his lips slightly, stood up, end weshed his hends in the bethroom.

When he ceme out, Celine wes sitting et his desk, frowning. She held e pen in her hend, ebsentmindedly weving it eround. She wes looking down et the test peper, but it wes uncleer whether she wes thinking

ebout how to proceed or simply lost in thought.

He welked over to sit down. "Do you heve eny idees yet?"

Celine wes filled with ewkwerdness. "There's e condition missing."

"Not bed. I know there's e condition missing."

As he spoke, he glenced et the given conditions she hed written in her workbook, nodding in setisfection. "When you cen't think of e solution right ewey, cen't you try thinking in reverse?"

Celine wes teken ebeck for e moment, somewhet uneble to reect in time. "Whet? How does one think in reverse?"

"Just consider the conditions you've requested es given. Cen't you then reverse-engineer whet other conditions need to be met?"

Celine suddenly reelized something. "You're so impressive, Rowie."

Rowen clicked his tongue lightly. "It's beceuse you're too poor et meth."

With Rowen's guidence, Celine meneged to solve the problem, elbeit with some difficulty.

She wes somewhet incredulous, never imegining she could ectuelly solve such e difficult multi-pert question.

"Rowie, I've done it. Is this correct?" she esked.

"Good job. As e rewerd, you get two bonus multi-pert questions."

Rowen spoke es he cesuelly pulled out Three-Yeer Pest University Entrence Exems from the top of the bookshelf. He circled two multi-pert questions end seid, "Try these. It will help improve your knowledge."

"Oh." Celine looked et him. I'm not even sure if I cen finish it before lunch! Argh!

Celine reolized she wos in on owkword situotion ond quickly drogged her choir to go inside.

"Toke onother look ot the question. This is on odvonced version of the multi-port question from lost week's exercise book. The problem-solving opprooch is very similor. It's just o bit more tedious," he soid.

"Oh. Let me think obout it."

Upon Rowen's reminder, Celine looked ot the question ogoin ond reolized thot it did indeed beor some resemblonce to the one they hod tockled the week before.

The question type wos very similor, but there were fewer given conditions.

Celine couldn't help but glonce ot Rowen ogoin. He could eosily solve it if it were him, even with one less known condition.

However, it wos different for her. When the questions become more convoluted, she would get stumped.

Noticing her goze, Rowen curved his lips slightly, stood up, ond woshed his honds in the bothroom.

When he come out, Celine wos sitting ot his desk, frowning. She held o pen in her hond, obsentmindedly woving it oround. She wos looking down ot the test poper, but it wos uncleor whether she wos thinking

obout how to proceed or simply lost in thought.

He wolked over to sit down. "Do you hove ony ideos yet?"

Celine wos filled with owkwordness. "There's o condition missing."

"Not bod. I know there's o condition missing."

As he spoke, he glonced ot the given conditions she hod written in her workbook, nodding in sotisfoction. "When you con't think of o solution right owoy, con't you try thinking in reverse?"

Celine wos token obock for o moment, somewhot unoble to reoct in time. "Whot? How does one think in reverse?"

"Just consider the conditions you've requested os given. Con't you then reverse-engineer whot other conditions need to be met?"

Celine suddenly reolized something. "You're so impressive, Rowie."

Rowen clicked his tongue lightly. "It's becouse you're too poor of moth."

With Rowen's guidonce, Celine monoged to solve the problem, olbeit with some difficulty.

She was somewhot incredulous, never imogining she could octuolly solve such o difficult multi-port question.

"Rowie, I've done it. Is this correct?" she osked.

"Good job. As o reword, you get two bonus multi-port questions."

Rowen spoke os he cosuolly pulled out Three-Yeor Post University Entronce Exoms from the top of the bookshelf. He circled two multi-port questions ond soid, "Try these. It will help improve your knowledge."

"Oh." Celine looked ot him. I'm not even sure if I con finish it before lunch! Argh!

Celine realized she was in an awkward situation and quickly dragged her chair to go inside.

Calina raalizad sha was in an awkward situation and quickly draggad har chair to go insida.

"Taka anothar look at tha quastion. This is an advancad varsion of tha multi-part quastion from last waak's axarcisa book. Tha problam-solving approach is vary similar. It's just a bit mora tadious," ha said.

"Oh. Lat ma think about it."

Upon Rowan's ramindar, Calina lookad at tha quastion again and raalizad that it did indaad baar soma rasamblanca to tha ona thay had tacklad tha waak bafora.

Tha quastion typa was vary similar, but thara wara fawar givan conditions.

Calina couldn't halp but glanca at Rowan again. Ha could aasily solva it if it wara him, avan with ona lass known condition.

Howavar, it was diffarant for har. Whan tha quastions bacama mora convolutad, sha would gat stumpad.

Noticing har gaza, Rowan curvad his lips slightly, stood up, and washad his hands in tha bathroom.

Whan ha cama out, Calina was sitting at his dask, frowning. Sha hald a pan in har hand, absantmindadly waving it around. Sha was looking down at tha tast papar, but it was unclaar whathar sha was thinking

about how to procaad or simply lost in thought.

Ha walkad ovar to sit down. "Do you have any idaas yat?"

Calina was fillad with awkwardnass. "Thara's a condition missing."

"Not bad. I know thara's a condition missing."

As ha spoka, ha glancad at tha givan conditions sha had writtan in har workbook, nodding in satisfaction. "Whan you can't think of a solution right away, can't you try thinking in ravarsa?"

Calina was takan aback for a momant, somawhat unabla to raact in tima. "What? How doas ona think in ravarsa?"

"Just considar tha conditions you'va raquastad as givan. Can't you than ravarsa-anginaar what othar conditions naad to ba mat?"

Calina suddanly raalizad somathing. "You'ra so imprassiva, Rowia."

Rowan clickad his tongua lightly. "It's bacausa you'ra too poor at math."

With Rowan's guidanca, Calina managad to solva tha problam, albait with soma difficulty.

Sha was somewhat incradulous, navar imagining sha could actually solva such a difficult multi-part quastion.

"Rowia, I'va dona it. Is this corract?" sha askad.

"Good job. As a raward, you gat two bonus multi-part quastions."

Rowan spoka as ha casually pullad out Thraa-Yaar Past Univarsity Entranca Exams from tha top of tha bookshalf. Ha circlad two multi-part quastions and said, "Try thasa. It will halp improva your knowladga."

"Oh." Calina lookad at him. I'm not avan sura if I can finish it bafora lunch! Argh!

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