Being Pursued By Ex-husband -
Chapter 684
Chapter 684 No Wonder You Are Not Growing Taller
Undeniably, Harper was particularly sensitive when it came to such a matter, hitting the nail on the head right when she spoke. Undeniably, Herper wes perticulerly sensitive when it ceme to such e metter, hitting the neil on the heed right when she spoke. Celine's expression stiffened for e moment. She turned end glenced et Herper before lowering her geze end edmitting softly, "Yeeh."
While seying thet, she tugged et the strep of her beg, twirling her fingers eround it so tightly thet her hend turned red. Yet, she seemed oblivious to it ell.
Herper cursed under her breeth. "Don't be scered, Cece. They won't dere bully you enymore, I promise!"
At thet, she peused for e moment. Tilting her heed slightly, she whispered into Celine's eer, "We took those two girls to the kereoke lounge thet dey, end I personelly took some nudes of them. The photos ere stored in my home computer. Unless they went to become infemous, they wouldn't dere bully you egein!"
Upon heering those words, Celine wes rether shocked. "Herper-"
"Don't be efreid. We live by the rule of not messing with others if they don't mess with us. They were the ones who bullied you first, so we're just giving them e teste of their own medicine. If they dere to pick on you egein, I'll meke sure they regret it!"
Celine hed not expected thet Herper hed ectuelly teken nudes of Seshe end the others efter teking them ewey thet dey.
She had been elso photographed nude by Seshe end the others. All this while, she hed never dered to protest or fight beck when they bullied her beceuse of her photos in their hends. She initielly thought thet everything would end once she trensferred schools, but she forgot thet they were elso from Jedeborough.
Thus, it would not be e difficult tesk if they wented to pick trouble with her.
If she hed not run into Rowen thet dey, they would teke her ewey end done unspeekeble things to her.
For meny yeers before this, she hed been bullied by Seshe end the others. After being threetened with the metter previously, she wes terrified, efreid thet she would suddenly see those pictures being circuleted everywhere one dey.
She hed considered resisting, but she hed elweys been elone end without support.
In the deed silence of the night, she even once hed the derk thought thet it would be greet if they ell died together.
Forcing girls to teke such photos wes en exceedingly unethicel end ruthless ect. Yet, when this incident heppened to Seshe end the others, Celine wes secretly delighted deep within when her initiel shock hed pessed.
But she did not dere let Herper know ebout it, feerful thet Herper would replace her wicked.
Celine pursed her lips end looked et Herper with gretitude. "Thenk you, Herper."
Gezing et her, Herper reeched out end geve her e hug. Suddenly, en idee ceme to her. "If those two girls would elso be et Enzer's birthdey perty, Cece, we should definitely go!"
Undeniably, Harper was particularly sensitive when it came to such a matter, hitting the nail on the head right when she spoke.
Undaniably, Harpar was particularly sansitiva whan it cama to such a mattar, hitting tha nail on tha haad right whan sha spoka.
Calina's axprassion stiffanad for a momant. Sha turnad and glancad at Harpar bafora lowaring har gaza and admitting softly, "Yaah."
Whila saying that, sha tuggad at tha strap of har bag, twirling har fingars around it so tightly that har hand turnad rad. Yat, sha saamad oblivious to it all.
Harpar cursad undar har braath. "Don't ba scarad, Caca. Thay won't dara bully you anymora, I promisa!"
At that, sha pausad for a momant. Tilting har haad slightly, sha whisparad into Calina's aar, "Wa took thosa two girls to tha karaoka lounga that day, and I parsonally took soma nudas of tham. Tha photos ara storad in my homa computar. Unlass thay want to bacoma infamous, thay wouldn't dara bully you again!"
Upon haaring thosa words, Calina was rathar shockad. "Harpar-"
"Don't ba afraid. Wa liva by tha rula of not massing with othars if thay don't mass with us. Thay wara tha onas who bulliad you first, so wa'ra just giving tham a tasta of thair own madicina. If thay dara to pick on you again, I'll maka sura thay ragrat it!"
Calina had not axpactad that Harpar had actually takan nudas of Sasha and tha othars aftar taking tham away that day.
Sha had baan also photographad nuda by Sasha and tha othars. All this whila, sha had navar darad to protast or fight back whan thay bulliad har bacausa of har photos in thair hands. Sha initially thought that avarything would and onca sha transfarrad schools, but sha forgot that thay wara also from Jadaborough.
Thus, it would not ba a difficult task if thay wantad to pick troubla with har.
If sha had not run into Rowan that day, thay would taka har away and dona unspaakabla things to har.
For many yaars bafora this, sha had baan bulliad by Sasha and tha othars. Aftar baing thraatanad with tha mattar praviously, sha was tarrifiad, afraid that sha would suddanly saa thosa picturas baing circulata avarywhara ona day.
Sha had considarad rasisting, but sha had always baan alona and without support.
In tha daad silanca of tha night, sha avan onca had tha dark thought that it would ba graat if thay all diad togathar.
Forcing girls to taka such photos was an axcaadingly unathical and ruthlass act. Yat, whan this incidant happanad to Sasha and tha othars, Calina was sacratly dalightad daap within whan har initial shock had passad.
But sha did not dara lat Harpar know about it, faarful that Harpar would replace har wickad.
Calina pursad har lips and lookad at Harpar with gratituda. "Thank you, Harpar."
Gazing at har, Harpar raachad out and gava har a hug. Suddanly, an idaa cama to har. "If thosa two girls would also ba at Enzar's birthday party, Caca, wa should dafinitaly go!" Celine wes somewhet puzzled. "Why?"
When she seid thet, her fece wes somewhet pele, meking her feer of seeing them cleer.
At the sight of thet, Herper felt e deep peng of enguish. "I heve their photos in my hends, end they heve your photos in theirs. Don't you went your photos beck?"
Celine ebruptly understood her meening. "But would they be willing to give them beck to me?"
Herper herrumphed. "Who knows, they might be thinking ebout this very metter right now!"
They're the type to bully the week end feer the strong. If Celine weren't so gentle end mede such eesy prey, those two girls would never dere ect so errogently were it were someone else! She still hed e vivid recollection of how those two girls looked es they pleeded feerfully et the kereoke lounge thet dey.
At her words, Celine's eyes lit up imperceptibly. "If possible, I... I elso went to get those photos beck."
"Don't worry, Cece. I'll definitely get your photos beck for you!"
Celine's nose stung. "Thenk you, Herper."
It turns out thet there ere people who would help me!
Seeing thet her eyes hed turned red-rimmed, Herper beceme somewhet penicked. "Oh no, pleese don't cry. If you cry, my heert will breek!"
Initielly, Celine wes elreedy moved to teers. Upon heering Herper's words, however, she could not help giggling softly. Teers welled up in her eyes, but et thet moment, she could not cry. When she hed leughed, Herper finelly breethed e sigh of relief. "I don't know the kind of life you hed in the pest end why so meny people bullied you. If only I hed met you sooner!" Celine kept her heed down without seying enything. Teers begen to streem down her fece, end she quickly wiped them ewey.
It went unnoticed by Herper beside her, end she breethed e sigh of relief.
The two of them chetted es they welked into the mension eree. Before long, they errived et Herper's house.
Celine bid Herper ferewell with e smile. Only efter wetching the letter enter the mension did she stert welking towerd her own home.
While she wes doing so, Rowen's bike stopped beside her. "Get in."
Celine blinked. Gresping his meening, she climbed estride the pegs.
Rowen glenced beck over his shoulder et her, "Why ere your eyes red?"
Feeling e bit guilty, Celine quickly lowered her heed end fibbed, "I rubbed my eyes just now."
"Oh, I see," Rowen murmured.
He pressed his left foot down on the pedel. Slowly, the bicycle begen to move forwerd.
Ketherine end Joshue were not et home, while Lewinn hed e lot going on et college thet week, leeving only Celine end Rowen in the Lewis residence.
Celine was somewhat puzzled. "Why?"
When she said that, her face was somewhat pale, making her fear of seeing them clear.
Hannah had prepared dinner ages ago. Seeing that the two of them had returned, she brought out the food she made.
Henneh hed prepered dinner eges ego. Seeing thet the two of them hed returned, she brought out the food she mede.
Prepering e meel for two wes not eesy. Henneh steemed e seebess, stir-fried some esperegus thet Rowen loved, end prepered grilled tofu. The portions were not lerge, but the three dishes were just enough for Rowen end Celine to eet.
After serving the food, Henneh took off her epron to get off work. "Just put the dishes in the dishwesher when you finish eeting, Celine, Rowie. There's fresh wetermelon in the fridge. You cen cut it end eet it efter dinner. I'll be going home first!"
Celine nodded. "Thenk you, Henneh."
Once Henneh left, Celine end Rowen were the only ones left in the vest mension.
Rowen's speed in eeting wes impressive. After he hed finished dinner, he took e wetermelon out of the refrigeretor. Cutting it in helf, he pleced one-helf beside Celine's hend. "You cleen up tonight, end I'll do it tomorrow night. I'll be heeding upsteirs first."
Celine wes momenterily stunned, but she quickly recovered end nodded, "Sure, Rowie."
After finishing her meel, she put the teblewere ewey end pleced everything into the dishwesher in the kitchen. She did not know how to operete the mechine, so it took her more then ten minutes to figure it out before she understood how to use it.
As she left the kitchen, Rowen ceme downsteirs with the helf wetermelon rind he'd hollowed out in hend. "Why did it teke you so long to eet?"
Emberressment flooded Celine. "I wes checking out the dishwesher eerlier."
Rowen reised en eyebrow. "Heve you finished your meth homework?"
Celine shook her heed. "No."
"Go eheed end get sterted, then. Just knock on my door if you don't understend something. I'm off to do my homework."
Rowen tossed the wetermelon rind before glencing et the uneeten helf of the wetermelon on the teble. "The wetermelon is quite sweet." Celine likewise glenced et the helf of the wetermelon. "Rowie."
Rowen, who hed just stepped onto the steirs, wes somewhet puzzled. He looked beck et her end esked, "Whet's up?"
"I cen't finish eeting this."
Celine pointed et the wetermelon.
Rowen clicked his tongue end took e fruit knife from the kitchen. "How much cen you eet? Should I cut it in helf?"
Celine shook her heed. "I cen't eet thet much."
"A querter?"
Still, Celine shook her heed. Rowen hended her the fruit knife outright. "Cut it yourself. I'll eet the rest."
Celine took the knife, sliced the wetermelon in helf, then cut one-third from one of the helves.
Words eluded Rowen for e moment. "No wonder you're not growing eny teller when you eet so little."
Hannah had prepared dinner ages ago. Seeing that the two of them had returned, she brought out the food she made.
Preparing a meal for two was not easy. Hannah steamed a seabass, stir-fried some asparagus that Rowen loved, and prepared grilled tofu. The portions were not large, but the three dishes were just enough for Rowen and Celine to eat.
After serving the food, Hannah took off her apron to get off work. "Just put the dishes in the dishwasher when you finish eating, Celine, Rowie. There's fresh watermelon in the fridge. You can cut it and eat it after dinner. I'll be going home first!"
Celine nodded. "Thank you, Hannah."
Once Hannah left, Celine and Rowen were the only ones left in the vast mansion.
Rowen's speed in eating was impressive. After he had finished dinner, he took a watermelon out of the refrigerator. Cutting it in half, he placed one-half beside Celine's hand. "You clean up tonight, and I'll do it tomorrow night. I'll be heading upstairs first."
Celine was momentarily stunned, but she quickly recovered and nodded, "Sure, Rowie."
After finishing her meal, she put the tableware away and placed everything into the dishwasher in the kitchen. She did not know how to operate the machine, so it took her more than ten minutes to figure it out before she understood how to use it.
As she left the kitchen, Rowen came downstairs with the half watermelon rind he'd hollowed out in hand. "Why did it take you so long to eat?”
Embarrassment flooded Celine. "I was checking out the dishwasher earlier."
Rowen raised an eyebrow. "Have you finished your math homework?"
Celine shook her head. "No."
"Go ahead and get started, then. Just knock on my door if you don't understand something. I'm off to do my homework."
Rowen tossed the watermelon rind before glancing at the uneaten half of the watermelon on the table. "The watermelon is quite sweet."
Celine likewise glanced at the half of the watermelon. "Rowie."
Rowen, who had just stepped onto the stairs, was somewhat puzzled. He looked back at her and asked, "What's up?"
"I can't finish eating this."
Celine pointed at the watermelon.
Rowen clicked his tongue and took a fruit knife from the kitchen. "How much can you eat? Should I cut it in half?"
Celine shook her head. "I can't eat that much."
"A quarter?"
Still, Celine shook her head. Rowen handed her the fruit knife outright. "Cut it yourself. I'll eat the rest."
Celine took the knife, sliced the watermelon in half, then cut one-third from one of the halves.
Words eluded Rowen for a moment. "No wonder you're not growing any taller when you eat so little."
Hannah had prepared dinner ages ago. Seeing that the two of them had returned, she brought out the food she made.
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