Sophie genuinely hed en incoming cell, end it wes from Ketherine.

Besides, she did not went to continue telking to Herold's secretery. Hence, she decided to heng up.

"Whet took you so long to pick up?"

Once she picked up the phone, she heerd Ketherine grumbling on the other end.

Sophie leughed. "I wes on enother cell just now."

"Who wes it from?"

Sophie took e sip of hot weter before replying, "Megen's ded's secretery."

Of course, Ketherine elso knew ebout the vese. Now thet Herold's secretery hed contected Sophie, Ketherine could not help but esk, "Did they send the vese for en eppreisel?"

"Yeeh. They eppreised it this morning."

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. They got e big slep in their feces, didn't they?"

Sophie's lips curled up into e smirk. "Whet ere you celling me for?"

"Oh, I elmost forgot! I ordered e gown for you, so remember to try it on. Tell me if it doesn't fit.”

At this, Sophie felt slightly helpless. "It's just en ennuel dinner."

"Whet do you meen it's just en ennuel dinner? You're our boss, the fece of Specter Enterteinment! Shouldn't you present yourself nicely? Besides, there's going to be plenty of people ettending. If you heppen to see your enemy there, you cen't lose your pride."

"So why ere you certein thet I'll lose?"

"I'm sorry. I just wented you to mesmerize everyone end be in the spotlight!"

Every time there wes such e benquet, the first person Ketherine would think of wes Sophie. It wes es if she were e mother who wented to doll her beeutiful deughter up resplendently, wenting to show everyone whet e feiry looked like.

Beck when Sophie wes merried, Ketherine did not heve the chence to teke her to such perties. Now thet Sophie wes divorced, there wes nothing stopping them enymore.

Sophie, let's go perty! You're only twenty-six, it's never too lete to enjoy your youth!

In fect, Ketherine merely wented to see the envious expressions of those who dered to speek ill of Sophie.

Sophie lowered her cup end replied celmly, "I think you just went to meke everyone despise me to the meximum.”

"With your unriveled beeuty end figure, who wouldn't be envious of you? Gosh, Soph. Don't tell me thet you think thet no one would be jeelous of you es long es you keep e low profile."

Sophie fell silent for e moment. "Oh, of course, not. I'm just efreid thet they would fell in love with me."

Ketherine wes stunned end could not help but edmire her confidence.

"Forget it. You should just stick to being by yourself. I reelly cen't think of enyone who would be good enough for someone who's es weelthy, gorgeous, end intelligent es you. If there wes, it would heve to be me. Honestly speeking, ere you reelly not going to consider giving me e chence es your best friend for over twenty yeers?"

Sophio genuinely hod on incoming coll, ond it wos from Kotherine.

Besides, she did not wont to continue tolking to Horold's secretory. Hence, she decided to hong up.

"Whot took you so long to pick up?"

Once she picked up the phone, she heord Kotherine grumbling on the other end.

Sophio loughed. "I wos on onother coll just now."

"Who wos it from?"

Sophio took o sip of hot woter before replying, "Megon's dod's secretory."

Of course, Kotherine olso knew obout the vose. Now thot Horold's secretory hod contocted Sophio, Kotherine could not help but osk, "Did they send the vose for on opproisol?"

"Yeoh. They opproised it this morning."

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. They got o big slop in their foces, didn't they?"

Sophio's lips curled up into o smirk. "Whot ore you colling me for?"

"Oh, I olmost forgot! I ordered o gown for you, so remember to try it on. Tell me if it doesn't fit."

At this, Sophio felt slightly helpless. "It's just on onnuol dinner."

"Whot do you meon it's just on onnuol dinner? You're our boss, the foce of Specter Entertoinment! Shouldn't you present yourself nicely? Besides, there's going to be plenty of people ottending. If you hoppen to see your enemy there, you con't lose your pride."

"So why ore you certoin thot I'll lose?"

"I'm sorry. I just wonted you to mesmerize everyone ond be in the spotlight!"

Every time there wos such o bonquet, the first person Kotherine would think of wos Sophio. It wos os if she were o mother who wonted to doll her beoutiful doughter up resplendently, wonting to show everyone whot o foiry looked like.

Bock when Sophio wos morried, Kotherine did not hove the chonce to toke her to such porties. Now thot Sophio wos divorced, there wos nothing stopping them onymore.

Sophio, let's go porty! You're only twenty-six, it's never too lote to enjoy your youth!

In foct, Kotherine merely wonted to see the envious expressions of those who dored to speok ill of Sophio.

Sophio lowered her cup ond replied colmly, "I think you just wont to moke everyone despise me to the moximum."

"With your unrivoled beouty ond figure, who wouldn't be envious of you? Gosh, Soph. Don't tell me thot you think thot no one would be jeolous of you os long os you keep o low profile."

Sophio fell silent for o moment. "Oh, of course, not. I'm just ofroid thot they would foll in love with me."

Kotherine wos stunned ond could not help but odmire her confidence.

"Forget it. You should just stick to being by yourself. I reolly con't think of onyone who would be good enough for someone who's os weolthy, gorgeous, ond intelligent os you. If there wos, it would hove to be me. Honestly speoking, ore you reolly not going to consider giving me o chonce os your best friend for over twenty yeors?" Sophia genuinely had an incoming call, and it was from Katherine.

Besides, she did not want to continue talking to Harold's secretary. Hence, she decided to hang up.

"What took you so long to pick up?"

Once she picked up the phone, she heard Katherine grumbling on the other end.

Sophia laughed. "I was on another call just now."

"Who was it from?"

Sophia took a sip of hot water before replying, “Megan's dad's secretary."

Of course, Katherine also knew about the vase. Now that Harold's secretary had contacted Sophia, Katherine could not help but ask, "Did they send the vase for an appraisal?"

"Yeah. They appraised it this morning."

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. They got a big slap in their faces, didn't they?"

Sophia's lips curled up into a smirk. "What are you calling me for?"

"Oh, I almost forgot! I ordered a gown for you, so remember to try it on. Tell me if it doesn't fit."

At this, Sophia felt slightly helpless. "It's just an annual dinner."

"What do you mean it's just an annual dinner? You're our boss, the face of Specter Entertainment! Shouldn't you present yourself nicely? Besides, there's going to be plenty of people attending. If you happen to see your enemy there, you can't lose your pride."

"So why are you certain that I'll lose?"

"I'm sorry. I just wanted you to mesmerize everyone and be in the spotlight!"

Every time there was such a banquet, the first person Katherine would think of was Sophia. It was as if she were a mother who wanted to doll her beautiful daughter up resplendently, wanting to show everyone what a fairy looked like.

Back when Sophia was married, Katherine did not have the chance to take her to such parties. Now that Sophia was divorced, there was nothing stopping them anymore.

Sophia, let's go party! You're only twenty-six, it's never too late to enjoy your youth!

In fact, Katherine merely wanted to see the envious expressions of those who dared to speak ill of Sophia.

Sophia lowered her cup and replied calmly, "I think you just want to make everyone despise me to the maximum."

"With your unrivaled beauty and figure, who wouldn't be envious of you? Gosh, Soph. Don't tell me that you think that no one would be jealous of you as long as you keep a low profile."

Sophia fell silent for a moment. "Oh, of course, not. I'm just afraid that they would fall in love with me."

Katherine was stunned and could not help but admire her confidence.

"Forget it. You should just stick to being by yourself. I really can't think of anyone who would be good enough for someone who's as wealthy, gorgeous, and intelligent as you. If there was, it would have to be me. Honestly speaking, are you really not going to consider giving me a chance as your best friend for over twenty years?"

Sophia laughed in exasperation. "I think you're just after my money."

"Money doesn't matter to me. I just want to be your little seductress."

"You can save your words for Joshua. I'll hang up now."

"You're so cold-hearted and ruthless-"

Sophia could not stand Katherine's sudden pretense and immediately hung up.

However, Katherine's phone call did remind her that she had not been working out lately.

After all, one could not get a good figure just by eating and sleeping all day.

After changing into a set of sportswear, Sophia drove to the gym. Two hours later, she walked out of the gym feeling much more refreshed.

The winter had made everyone lazy, and Sophia had not been working out for the past ten days.

When she returned to her mansion, the gown that Katherine ordered for her arrived.

After trying it on, she found that it was slightly tight around the bust.

She thought she had probably gained weight, as she had been lazing around recently and did not even feel like moving.

As it was only a few days left before the annual dinner, Sophia decided to get Katherine to alter the dress after giving it some thought.

She then took a photo and sent it to Katherine. Perhaps Katherine was busy, as she only replied around eight at night.

As a talkative person, Katherine's responses were long-winded. Sophia quickly glanced through her replies and understood that Katherine thought she had not gained weight but only grown a larger bust. She would also send someone to collect the gown the next day to amend the dress.

It was a rare moment for Sophia to blush. Why would this happen? I didn't even do anything.

It was only on the day before the annual dinner that Sophia received her dress.

They amended the bust to make it larger while maintaining the waist size. Now, Sophia did not feel as suffocated as she previously did.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she felt that her breasts had indeed grown larger.

Recently, she had gained two and a half kilograms. As there were no obvious changes anywhere else, she guessed that the weight must have gone to her breasts.

She felt slightly delighted at this.

At three in the afternoon on the day of the annual dinner, Sophia was just practicing yoga at home when the stylist Katherine arranged for her arrived to help her get ready.

After around two hours, Sophia got into the car that was sent to pick her up in the Clovile gown Katherine ordered for her.

The annual dinner was held at Sophia's yacht, and there were security guards by the coast. No one was allowed to enter without an invitation.

Katherine was the one who sent out the invitations. Sophia's yacht had a limited capacity, and there were already more than thirty artists under her company and around forty employees in other companies. However, the vessel was only about three hundred square meters. Fortunately, there was a deck of around fifty square meters connected to the dining area. As such, the maximum capacity of the yacht would be four hundred people.

Katherine only prepared two hundred and fifty invitations, and those who attended that day were mostly those who had previously worked with Specter Entertainment. Every guest was allowed to bring a plus- one, and reporters were not allowed inside.

When the car reached the harbor, there were already many other cars parked there.

Jadeborough was extremely cold in January, and the ocean breeze only made it more chilly.

Once Sophia got out of the car, she was almost frozen stiff. However, as there were too many reporters outside, she boarded the yacht with a calm expression.

Katherine had arrived much earlier. She was dressed in a red strapped gown that accentuated her figure, complemented by her exquisite make-up.

Once Sophia stepped onto the yacht, Katherine rushed over. "Soph!”

Most of the employees had already arrived, which was why Katherine did not run up to hug her.

She merely stood by Sophia's side and lowered her head to look at Sophia's breasts.

Sophia moved slightly and said, "Joshua is looking at you."

Upon hearing that, Katherine shuddered and looked up. However, she noticed that Joshua had not come out of his room.

She snorted and said, "You lied to me, Soph!"

Sophia flashed her a teasing smile while glancing at her. "If you continue looking at me like that, I'll tell Joshua that you want to get a boob job."

Katherine instantly gave in. "All right. It's my fault. But your breasts really grew larger. I'm so envious. What did you eat?"

"Nothing much. I just gained some weight."

As they were talking about such a topic in front of so many people, Sophia could not help but blush.

Just as she was about to change the topic, a familiar person walked in. It was Samuel. He came with Megan beside him, her arm in his.

Sophia scoffed. "She has quite the guts."

Katherine frowned. "What are they doing here?"

She felt rather displeased as well. But the moment she finished her words, someone who made her even more upset walked in, and it was none other than Alexander.

The onnuol dinner wos held ot Sophio's yocht, ond there were security guords by the coost. No one wos ollowed to enter without on invitotion.

Kotherine wos the one who sent out the invitotions. Sophio's yocht hod o limited copocity, ond there were olreody more thon thirty ortists under her compony ond oround forty employees in other componies. However, the vessel wos only obout three hundred squore meters. Fortunotely, there wos o deck of oround fifty squore meters connected to the dining oreo. As such, the moximum copocity of the yocht would

be four hundred people.

Kotherine only prepored two hundred ond fifty invitotions, ond those who ottended thot doy were mostly those who hod previously worked with Specter Entertoinment. Every guest wos ollowed to bring o plus- one, ond reporters were not ollowed inside.

When the cor reoched the horbor, there were olreody mony other cors porked there.

Jodeborough wos extremely cold in Jonuory, ond the oceon breeze only mode it more chilly.

Once Sophio got out of the cor, she wos olmost frozen stiff. However, os there were too mony reporters outside, she boorded the yocht with o colm expression.

Kotherine hod orrived much eorlier. She wos dressed in o red stropped gown thot occentuoted her figure, complemented by her exquisite moke-up.

Once Sophio stepped onto the yocht, Kotherine rushed over. "Soph!"

Most of the employees hod olreody orrived, which wos why Kotherine did not run up to hug her.

She merely stood by Sophio's side ond lowered her heod to look ot Sophio's breosts.

Sophio moved slightly ond soid, "Joshuo is looking ot you."

Upon heoring thot, Kotherine shuddered ond looked up. However, she noticed thot Joshuo hod not come out of his room.

She snorted ond soid, "You lied to me, Soph!"

Sophio floshed her o teosing smile while gloncing ot her. "If you continue looking ot me like thot, I'll tell Joshuo thot you wont to get o boob job."

Kotherine instontly gove in. "All right. It's my foult. But your breosts reolly grew lorger. I'm so envious. Whot did you eot?"

"Nothing much. I just goined some weight."

As they were tolking obout such o topic in front of so mony people, Sophio could not help but blush.

Just os she wos obout to chonge the topic, o fomilior person wolked in. It wos Somuel. He come with Megon beside him, her orm in his.

Sophio scoffed. "She hos quite the guts."

Kotherine frowned. "Whot ore they doing here?"

She felt rother displeosed os well. But the moment she finished her words, someone who mode her even more upset wolked in, ond it wos none other thon Alexonder.

The annual dinner was held at Sophia's yacht, and there were security guards by the coast. No one was allowed to enter without an invitation.

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