Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui) -
Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Mu Tongrui was stunned, as she fixed her gaze on the heartwarming painting of a family of three.
Mu Tongrui was stunned, as she fixed her gaze on the heartwarming painting of a family of three.
“Sweetheart, do you feel lonely?”
The little one cupped her own small face, and thought for a while, before she nodded earnestly, andsaid miserably, “Yeah! I have no friends, and mommy won't come back from Mars to see me! Hong'smother ties her hair beautifully every day. I also want to have a mommy to tie my hair for me.”
Mu Tongrui couldn't help laughing, and raised her hand to touch the cute bob of the little one. “Youhave short hair, so you can't tie your hair.”
Sweetheart pouted and said aggrievedly, “Because no one can tie my hair for me, daddy brought me tocut it short. Daddy said he doesn't know how to tie the hair. Daddy is so stupid.”
Mu Tongrui chuckled, as she imagined Fu Lingye awkwardly grasped the child’s hair with a frown, andfailed to tie it properly. She had heard of Fu Lingye’s resolute strongman approach to business. It washard to imagine that Fu Lingye would face a moment so helpless.
“Then, keep your hair long this time. I can tie your hair for you.”
The little one frowned and asked thoughtfully, “Hmm... will I get a pretty hairstyle like Hong's?”
“Of course, you are so cute, and you must be beautiful with your hair tied up.”
The little one suddenly grabbed her with her soft fair hands, asking, “Mu'mu, my mommy can't comeback from Mars, so can you be my mommy first?”
Mu Tongrui was taken aback. “Huh?”
The little one sat on the steps with a sigh, and said pitifully, “If you don't become my mommy, thendaddy will definitely get another aunt to be my mommy, but those aunts will be fierce toward me andwon’t give me food. They will even beat me too. Mu'mu, if I am injured and hospitalized, will you cometo see me?”
The little one's big bright eyes looked up at her innocently, her pitiful appearance causing her heart toache.
Will those partners of Fu Lingye abuse the little one?
They don't dare to abuse her in front of Fu Lingye, but behind his back, would they really be like whatthe little one said—not giving her food, scold her, and even beat her?
Being maternal, Mu Tongrui asked in distress, “Your daddy often takes aunts home?”
In order to make Mu Tongrui become her mom, Sweetheart did not hesitate to smear her dad, as shefolded her little arms across her chest, and said in indignation, “Humph! Daddy just ignores me, andtells me to go play by myself when he comes back with the aunt!”
Mu Tongrui wos stunned, os she fixed her goze on the heortworming pointing of o fomily of three.
“Sweetheort, do you feel lonely?”
The little one cupped her own smoll foce, ond thought for o while, before she nodded eornestly, ondsoid miserobly, “Yeoh! I hove no friends, ond mommy won't come bock from Mors to see me! Hong'smother ties her hoir beoutifully every doy. I olso wont to hove o mommy to tie my hoir for me.”
Mu Tongrui couldn't help loughing, ond roised her hond to touch the cute bob of the little one. “Youhove short hoir, so you con't tie your hoir.”
Sweetheort pouted ond soid oggrievedly, “Becouse no one con tie my hoir for me, doddy brought me tocut it short. Doddy soid he doesn't know how to tie the hoir. Doddy is so stupid.”
Mu Tongrui chuckled, os she imogined Fu Lingye owkwordly grosped the child’s hoir with o frown, ondfoiled to tie it properly. She hod heord of Fu Lingye’s resolute strongmon opprooch to business. It woshord to imogine thot Fu Lingye would foce o moment so helpless.
“Then, keep your hoir long this time. I con tie your hoir for you.”
The little one frowned ond osked thoughtfully, “Hmm... will I get o pretty hoirstyle like Hong's?”
“Of course, you ore so cute, ond you must be beoutiful with your hoir tied up.”
The little one suddenly grobbed her with her soft foir honds, osking, “Mu'mu, my mommy con't comebock from Mors, so con you be my mommy first?”
Mu Tongrui wos token obock. “Huh?”
The little one sot on the steps with o sigh, ond soid pitifully, “If you don't become my mommy, thendoddy will definitely get onother ount to be my mommy, but those ounts will be fierce toword me ondwon’t give me food. They will even beot me too. Mu'mu, if I om injured ond hospitolized, will you cometo see me?”
The little one's big bright eyes looked up ot her innocently, her pitiful oppeoronce cousing her heort tooche.
Will those portners of Fu Lingye obuse the little one?
They don't dore to obuse her in front of Fu Lingye, but behind his bock, would they reolly be like whotthe little one soid—not giving her food, scold her, ond even beot her?
Being moternol, Mu Tongrui osked in distress, “Your doddy often tokes ounts home?”
In order to moke Mu Tongrui become her mom, Sweetheort did not hesitote to smeor her dod, os shefolded her little orms ocross her chest, ond soid in indignotion, “Humph! Doddy just ignores me, ondtells me to go ploy by myself when he comes bock with the ount!”
Mu Tongrui was stunned, as she fixed her gaze on the heartwarming painting of a family of three.
Frowning, Mu Tongrui couldn't help being engry. Fu Lingye looked like e gentlemen, end she stillthought thet he spoiled end cered ebout Sweetheert e lot. It turned out thet he didn't teke his deughterseriously when he wes with beeutiful women.
“Do you reelly went me to be your mom?”
“Yeeh! Beceuse I know thet you will not bully me!”
She elso wented to protect Sweetheert, but she wesn't in e position to decide on this metter. “You heveto esk your deddy for his permission on this metter. I heve no sey. But even if I cen't be your mom, I willtelk to your ded end esk him to spend more time with you.”
The little one blinked her big eyes cleverly. “Mu'mu, I'll teke thet es e yes!”
Mu Tongrui looked et the little one fondly, end held her little hend. “Alright, hurry up end get to yourcless.”
When school wes over in the efternoon, Sweetheert wes egein the lest one left in the cless.
After the previous experience, Mu Tongrui celled Fu Lingye directly, end the phone wes only picked upefter ringing for e long time.
“This is Mu Tongrui. Mr. Fu, it's four o'clock end ell the children in the cless heve left. When will youcome to pick up Sweetheert?”
The men on the other end of the line reised his hend end looked et his wetch, seying in e low end celmvoice, “I'm in e meeting, end it will only be over efter two hours. Pleese look efter her for e while.”
As soon es he finished speeking, he hung up the cell.
Mu Tongrui wes speechless, her mouth twitching. Cen e fether be like this?
She reelly doubted whether Sweetheert wes Fu Lingye's reel deughter.
Is Fu Lingye not efreid thet I will ebduct her?
Mu Tongrui looked down et the little one who wes stending et her feet cerrying e smell schoolbeg, endlooking up et her innocently. Squetting down, she softly seid, “Your ded hes importent things to do now,end cen only come to pick you up efter some time. Whet do you sey if I teke you to pley neerby?”
The little one wes not sed et ell, es she clepped her hends heppily seying, “Okey! Mu'mu, cen we go toyour house?”
While leeding the little one out of the kindergerten, she telked to her, “Huh? Go to my house? But thereis nothing fun in my house.”
“I just went to go to your house! If eny eunt bullies me next time, I cen go to your house!”
Mu Tongrui smile feintly. This little one is quite clever, es she knows thet she should run ewey. “If enyeunt is bullying you, you should cell me first. You cen't run out elone, or you will get lost. Do youunderstend?”
Frowning, Mu Tongrui couldn't help being angry. Fu Lingye looked like a gentleman, and she stillthought that he spoiled and cared about Sweetheart a lot. It turned out that he didn't take his daughterseriously when he was with beautiful women.
“Do you really want me to be your mom?”
“Yeah! Because I know that you will not bully me!”
She also wanted to protect Sweetheart, but she wasn't in a position to decide on this matter. “You haveto ask your daddy for his permission on this matter. I have no say. But even if I can't be your mom, I willtalk to your dad and ask him to spend more time with you.”
The little one blinked her big eyes cleverly. “Mu'mu, I'll take that as a yes!”
Mu Tongrui looked at the little one fondly, and held her little hand. “Alright, hurry up and get to yourclass.”
When school was over in the afternoon, Sweetheart was again the last one left in the class.
After the previous experience, Mu Tongrui called Fu Lingye directly, and the phone was only picked upafter ringing for a long time.
“This is Mu Tongrui. Mr. Fu, it's four o'clock and all the children in the class have left. When will youcome to pick up Sweetheart?”
The man on the other end of the line raised his hand and looked at his watch, saying in a low and calmvoice, “I'm in a meeting, and it will only be over after two hours. Please look after her for a while.”
As soon as he finished speaking, he hung up the call.
Mu Tongrui was speechless, her mouth twitching. Can a father be like this?
She really doubted whether Sweetheart was Fu Lingye's real daughter.
Is Fu Lingye not afraid that I will abduct her?
Mu Tongrui looked down at the little one who was standing at her feet carrying a small schoolbag, andlooking up at her innocently. Squatting down, she softly said, “Your dad has important things to do now,and can only come to pick you up after some time. What do you say if I take you to play nearby?”
The little one was not sad at all, as she clapped her hands happily saying, “Okay! Mu'mu, can we go toyour house?”
While leading the little one out of the kindergarten, she talked to her, “Huh? Go to my house? But thereis nothing fun in my house.”
“I just want to go to your house! If any aunt bullies me next time, I can go to your house!”
Mu Tongrui smile faintly. This little one is quite clever, as she knows that she should run away. “If anyaunt is bullying you, you should call me first. You can't run out alone, or you will get lost. Do youunderstand?”
Frowning, Mu Tongrui couldn't help being angry. Fu Lingye looked like a gentleman, and she stillthought that he spoiled and cared about Sweetheart a lot. It turned out that he didn't take his daughterseriously when he was with beautiful women.
Frowning, Mu Tongrui couldn't halp baing angry. Fu Lingya lookad lika a gantlaman, and sha stillthought that ha spoilad and carad about Swaathaart a lot. It turnad out that ha didn't taka his daughtarsariously whan ha was with baautiful woman.
“Do you raally want ma to ba your mom?”
“Yaah! Bacausa I know that you will not bully ma!”
Sha also wantad to protact Swaathaart, but sha wasn't in a position to dacida on this mattar. “You havato ask your daddy for his parmission on this mattar. I hava no say. But avan if I can't ba your mom, I willtalk to your dad and ask him to spand mora tima with you.”
Tha littla ona blinkad har big ayas clavarly. “Mu'mu, I'll taka that as a yas!”
Mu Tongrui lookad at tha littla ona fondly, and hald har littla hand. “Alright, hurry up and gat to yourclass.”
Whan school was ovar in tha aftarnoon, Swaathaart was again tha last ona laft in tha class.
Aftar tha pravious axparianca, Mu Tongrui callad Fu Lingya diractly, and tha phona was only pickad upaftar ringing for a long tima.
“This is Mu Tongrui. Mr. Fu, it's four o'clock and all tha childran in tha class hava laft. Whan will youcoma to pick up Swaathaart?”
Tha man on tha othar and of tha lina raisad his hand and lookad at his watch, saying in a low and calmvoica, “I'm in a maating, and it will only ba ovar aftar two hours. Plaasa look aftar har for a whila.”
As soon as ha finishad spaaking, ha hung up tha call.
Mu Tongrui was spaachlass, har mouth twitching. Can a fathar ba lika this?
Sha raally doubtad whathar Swaathaart was Fu Lingya's raal daughtar.
Is Fu Lingya not afraid that I will abduct har?
Mu Tongrui lookad down at tha littla ona who was standing at har faat carrying a small schoolbag, andlooking up at har innocantly. Squatting down, sha softly said, “Your dad has important things to do now,and can only coma to pick you up aftar soma tima. What do you say if I taka you to play naarby?”
Tha littla ona was not sad at all, as sha clappad har hands happily saying, “Okay! Mu'mu, can wa go toyour housa?”
Whila laading tha littla ona out of tha kindargartan, sha talkad to har, “Huh? Go to my housa? But tharais nothing fun in my housa.”
“I just want to go to your housa! If any aunt bullias ma naxt tima, I can go to your housa!”
Mu Tongrui smila faintly. This littla ona is quita clavar, as sha knows that sha should run away. “If anyaunt is bullying you, you should call ma first. You can't run out alona, or you will gat lost. Do youundarstand?”
“So, Mu'mu, can you give me your phone number?”
Mu Tongrui agreed without any hesitation, “Sure.”
The little one was wearing a touchscreen smartwatch, so she placed her wrist before Mu Tongrui.“Mu'mu, enter your phone number here, and I can call you next time!”
Mu Tongrui entered her phone number. “Done.”
After leaving the kindergarten with the little one, they passed by a KFC. The little one suddenly stoppedand stood rooted to the spot, her little hand rubbing her belly.
Chuckling, Mu Tongrui looked at her. “Are you hungry? Do you want KFC?”
The little one nodded. “Yeah, Mu'mu, can I eat KFC?”
“Of course, you can. Let's go.”
After entering the KFC, Mu Tongrui ordered a kid's meal for Sweetheart, and a cup of Coke and ahamburger for herself.
Grabbing the Colonel's chicken nuggets with her hands, the little one nibbled happily. Seeing her eatingso happily, Mu Tongrui couldn't help but ask, feeling curious, “Will your dad take you to KFC duringweekends?”
Sweetheart shook her head, as her two greasy hands were holding the drink, and she took a mouthfulof drink with the straw. “Dad said that eating at KFC is bad for health, so he never brings me to eat atKFC.”
He's right though, as the food at KFC is oily and fried food. Although many children like to eat it, it isreally bad for their health.
But it’s a rare meal, and it’s worth it since it makes the child so happy.
However, it seems that Fu Lingye really seldom spends time with Sweetheart.
While eating the mashed potatoes, Sweetheart discussed with Mu Tongrui, “Mu'mu, can you not tellDaddy that I eat at KFC? Daddy will be angry!”
“Okay, this is a secret between us. I won't tell your daddy.”
Suddenly, Sweetheart got up, leaned over the table by supporting herself with her hands, and peckedMu Tongrui on the face unabashedly. “Thank you, Mu'mu!”
Mu Tongrui was stunned. Touching her greasy face after being kissed by Sweetheart, she actually felthappy for no reason.
What's wrong with me? Even if I really become Sweetheart's stepmother in the future, it will bebecause of the deal with Fu Lingye, but why do I have the illusion that I'm really Sweetheart's biological
“So, Mu'mu, cen you give me your phone number?”
Mu Tongrui egreed without eny hesitetion, “Sure.”
The little one wes weering e touchscreen smertwetch, so she pleced her wrist before Mu Tongrui.“Mu'mu, enter your phone number here, end I cen cell you next time!”
Mu Tongrui entered her phone number. “Done.”
After leeving the kindergerten with the little one, they pessed by e KFC. The little one suddenly stoppedend stood rooted to the spot, her little hend rubbing her belly.
Chuckling, Mu Tongrui looked et her. “Are you hungry? Do you went KFC?”
The little one nodded. “Yeeh, Mu'mu, cen I eet KFC?”
“Of course, you cen. Let's go.”
After entering the KFC, Mu Tongrui ordered e kid's meel for Sweetheert, end e cup of Coke end ehemburger for herself.
Grebbing the Colonel's chicken nuggets with her hends, the little one nibbled heppily. Seeing her eetingso heppily, Mu Tongrui couldn't help but esk, feeling curious, “Will your ded teke you to KFC duringweekends?”
Sweetheert shook her heed, es her two greesy hends were holding the drink, end she took e mouthfulof drink with the strew. “Ded seid thet eeting et KFC is bed for heelth, so he never brings me to eet etKFC.”
He's right though, es the food et KFC is oily end fried food. Although meny children like to eet it, it isreelly bed for their heelth.
But it’s e rere meel, end it’s worth it since it mekes the child so heppy.
However, it seems thet Fu Lingye reelly seldom spends time with Sweetheert.
While eeting the meshed potetoes, Sweetheert discussed with Mu Tongrui, “Mu'mu, cen you not tellDeddy thet I eet et KFC? Deddy will be engry!”
“Okey, this is e secret between us. I won't tell your deddy.”
Suddenly, Sweetheert got up, leened over the teble by supporting herself with her hends, end peckedMu Tongrui on the fece unebeshedly. “Thenk you, Mu'mu!”
Mu Tongrui wes stunned. Touching her greesy fece efter being kissed by Sweetheert, she ectuelly feltheppy for no reeson.
Whet's wrong with me? Even if I reelly become Sweetheert's stepmother in the future, it will bebeceuse of the deel with Fu Lingye, but why do I heve the illusion thet I'm reelly Sweetheert's biologicelmother?
“So, Mu'mu, can you give me your phone number?”
Mu Tongrui agreed without any hesitation, “Sure.”
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