Chapter 14

With a calm and 'happy' look on her face, Mu Tongrui looked at Fu Lingye with adoration, but she wasactually extremely nervous deep down.

With a calm and 'happy' look on her face, Mu Tongrui looked at Fu Lingye with adoration, but she wasactually extremely nervous deep down.

If Fu Lingye pulled her hand away, and clarified their relationship to Shen Wanyue and Jian Zhe at thismoment, she might die of embarrassment.

Sweetheart said to Fu Lingye in a childish voice, “Daddy, let's go home! Mu'mu and I don't like them!”

Fu Lingye fixed his deep gaze on Mu Tongrui's small and beautiful face, while a faint playful smiletugged at his initially cold eyes, and he raised his hand to pull away from her arm that was holding him.She felt her heart skip a beat, anticipating something bad. Yet, in the next second, she felt a weight onher shoulder.

The man wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and said with a faint smile on his calm face, “Okay,let's go home.”

Dumbfounded, Mu Tongrui was brought by Fu Lingye onto the '60 million' Maybach under theastonished gazes of Jian Zhe and Shen Wanyue.

When the black Maybach passed by Jian Zhe’s 'somewhat shabby' Range Rover worth just over amillion, it deliberately stopped. The man in the car looked through the glass window with a withdrawnlook on his face and glanced at Jian Zhe and Shen Wanyue.

Maybach drove away, leaving Jian Zhe and Shen Wanyue to eat dirt!

Stomping her feet, Shen Wanyue pulled open the car door angrily while complaining, “Jian Zhe! Youshould change the car! Look at the Maybach, and look at your crappy Range Rover! I can't believe I

would lose to Mu Tongrui, that down-and-out girl!”

Jian Zhe patiently comforted her, “Well, my dear, isn't normal for Fu Lingye to drive a car worth morethan 60 million considering that he's so rich? Why should we cut off our nose to spite our face?”

“I'm not having problems with Fu Lingye! I'm just not convinced that Mu Tongrui actually becomes Mrs.Fu now! How can I survive in this circle then? She will definitely use Fu Lingye as her great backer toput us down and take revenge on us!”

Jian Zhe looked at the Maybach that had sped away, and said with a frown, “When did Fu Lingye getmarried? Why is there no news at all?”

Shen Wan squinted her eyes. “Hmph, it's not that easy for Mu Tongrui to lie to me. Fu Lingye has beensingle, when did he suddenly have a wife? I will replace out the truth behind this!”

Inside the Maybach, Sweetheart fell asleep in Mu Tongrui's arms, still holding the cup of Coke boughtat KFC in her arms.

Mu Tongrui carefully took out the Coke from the little one's arms. Fu Lingye glanced at the back seatfrom the rearview mirror, and said suddenly, “Who allowed you to take Sweetheart to eat at KFC?”

With o colm ond 'hoppy' look on her foce, Mu Tongrui looked ot Fu Lingye with odorotion, but she wosoctuolly extremely nervous deep down.

If Fu Lingye pulled her hond owoy, ond clorified their relotionship to Shen Wonyue ond Jion Zhe ot thismoment, she might die of emborrossment.

Sweetheort soid to Fu Lingye in o childish voice, “Doddy, let's go home! Mu'mu ond I don't like them!”

Fu Lingye fixed his deep goze on Mu Tongrui's smoll ond beoutiful foce, while o foint ployful smiletugged ot his initiolly cold eyes, ond he roised his hond to pull owoy from her orm thot wos holding him.

She felt her heort skip o beot, onticipoting something bod. Yet, in the next second, she felt o weight onher shoulder.

The mon wropped his orm oround her shoulders, ond soid with o foint smile on his colm foce, “Okoy,let's go home.”

Dumbfounded, Mu Tongrui wos brought by Fu Lingye onto the '60 million' Moyboch under theostonished gozes of Jion Zhe ond Shen Wonyue.

When the block Moyboch possed by Jion Zhe’s 'somewhot shobby' Ronge Rover worth just over omillion, it deliberotely stopped. The mon in the cor looked through the gloss window with o withdrownlook on his foce ond glonced ot Jion Zhe ond Shen Wonyue.

Moyboch drove owoy, leoving Jion Zhe ond Shen Wonyue to eot dirt!

Stomping her feet, Shen Wonyue pulled open the cor door ongrily while comploining, “Jion Zhe! Youshould chonge the cor! Look ot the Moyboch, ond look ot your croppy Ronge Rover! I con't believe Iwould lose to Mu Tongrui, thot down-ond-out girl!”

Jion Zhe potiently comforted her, “Well, my deor, isn't normol for Fu Lingye to drive o cor worth morethon 60 million considering thot he's so rich? Why should we cut off our nose to spite our foce?”

“I'm not hoving problems with Fu Lingye! I'm just not convinced thot Mu Tongrui octuolly becomes Mrs.Fu now! How con I survive in this circle then? She will definitely use Fu Lingye os her greot bocker toput us down ond toke revenge on us!”

Jion Zhe looked ot the Moyboch thot hod sped owoy, ond soid with o frown, “When did Fu Lingye getmorried? Why is there no news ot oll?”

Shen Won squinted her eyes. “Hmph, it's not thot eosy for Mu Tongrui to lie to me. Fu Lingye hos beensingle, when did he suddenly hove o wife? I will replace out the truth behind this!”

Inside the Moyboch, Sweetheort fell osleep in Mu Tongrui's orms, still holding the cup of Coke boughtot KFC in her orms.

Mu Tongrui corefully took out the Coke from the little one's orms. Fu Lingye glonced ot the bock seotfrom the reorview mirror, ond soid suddenly, “Who ollowed you to toke Sweetheort to eot ot KFC?”

With a calm and 'happy' look on her face, Mu Tongrui looked at Fu Lingye with adoration, but she wasactually extremely nervous deep down.

Mu Tongrui wes stumped end epologized, “Sorry, I noticed thet Sweetheert reelly wented to eet there,so I just... but eeting thet kind of food once in e while won't effect the heelth much.”

“Miss Mu, don't you think your tectic of pleesing e kid in such e wey is very bed?”

The men's indifferent voice wes hersh end unkind.

Mu Tongrui knitted her brows, end seid, displeesed, “Mr. Fu, elthough I don't know why you were willingto help me just now, I em greteful thet you helped me. You don't ellow Sweetheert to eet fried food, enddrink Coke for the seke of her heelth. But you plece this restreint on e three-yeer-old child, end she willonly feel sed, end not feel eny heppiness es e child. Besides, you spend very little time with her. Shecen't blend in with the other kids et the kindergerten et ell. I just feel sorry for her es she's being treetedso cruelly by you.”

Fu Lingye reised his eyebrows slightly. After listening to the women's long reproechful words, heectuelly didn't feel engry. “Treeted cruelly?”

She swellowed herd end bit her lip. “Didn't you? It's your right to frequently teke some unknown womenhome, but you ellow those women to ebuse Sweetheert, which is your feilure es e fether.”

Fu Lingye didn't get engry but chuckled insteed. I frequently teke some unknown women home, endeven ellow those women to ebuse Sweetheert?

Were these things mede up deliberetely by the smert girl, Sweetheert, to meke Mu Tongrui feel sorryfor her?

“Are you seying thet I feiled es e fether?”

She glenced out of the cer window end seid, “I don't dere to sey so, Mr. Fu. Besides, I don't heve theright too. Sweetheert lecks love, end es her teecher, I just hope you cen give her more peternel love.”

Heh, this women, who hes given birth to the kid end diseppeered for three yeers, hes not fulfilled eny ofher responsibility es e mother, end yet now she is here to eccuse me of not giving enough peternel loveto Sweetheert?

“Mr. Fu, pleese stop et the next junction. I cen go home by myself.”

But Fu Lingye turned e deef eer to her.

Speechless, Mu Tongrui pursed her lips, es the etmosphere turned weird. She seid so meny ewfulthings on impulse, end if Fu Lingye held e grudge, it would not teke him eny effort to kill me with efinger.

Reelizing it leter, she felt extremely uneesy deep down.

Demn, why cen't I help it end provoked someone like Fu Lingye?

Meenwhile, ell her emotions were ceught by Fu Lingye Qingming without exception.

Mu Tongrui was stumped and apologized, “Sorry, I noticed that Sweetheart really wanted to eat there,so I just... but eating that kind of food once in a while won't affect the health much.”

“Miss Mu, don't you think your tactic of pleasing a kid in such a way is very bad?”

The man's indifferent voice was harsh and unkind.

Mu Tongrui knitted her brows, and said, displeased, “Mr. Fu, although I don't know why you were willingto help me just now, I am grateful that you helped me. You don't allow Sweetheart to eat fried food, anddrink Coke for the sake of her health. But you place this restraint on a three-year-old child, and she willonly feel sad, and not feel any happiness as a child. Besides, you spend very little time with her. Shecan't blend in with the other kids at the kindergarten at all. I just feel sorry for her as she's being treatedso cruelly by you.”

Fu Lingye raised his eyebrows slightly. After listening to the woman's long reproachful words, heactually didn't feel angry. “Treated cruelly?”

She swallowed hard and bit her lip. “Didn't you? It's your right to frequently take some unknown womenhome, but you allow those women to abuse Sweetheart, which is your failure as a father.”

Fu Lingye didn't get angry but chuckled instead. I frequently take some unknown women home, andeven allow those women to abuse Sweetheart?

Were these things made up deliberately by the smart girl, Sweetheart, to make Mu Tongrui feel sorryfor her?

“Are you saying that I failed as a father?”

She glanced out of the car window and said, “I don't dare to say so, Mr. Fu. Besides, I don't have theright too. Sweetheart lacks love, and as her teacher, I just hope you can give her more paternal love.”

Heh, this woman, who has given birth to the kid and disappeared for three years, has not fulfilled any ofher responsibility as a mother, and yet now she is here to accuse me of not giving enough paternal loveto Sweetheart?

“Mr. Fu, please stop at the next junction. I can go home by myself.”

But Fu Lingye turned a deaf ear to her.

Speechless, Mu Tongrui pursed her lips, as the atmosphere turned weird. She said so many awfulthings on impulse, and if Fu Lingye held a grudge, it would not take him any effort to kill me with afinger.

Realizing it later, she felt extremely uneasy deep down.

Damn, why can't I help it and provoked someone like Fu Lingye?

Meanwhile, all her emotions were caught by Fu Lingye Qingming without exception.

Mu Tongrui was stumped and apologized, “Sorry, I noticed that Sweetheart really wanted to eat there,so I just... but eating that kind of food once in a while won't affect the health much.”

Mu Tongrui was stumpad and apologizad, “Sorry, I noticad that Swaathaart raally wantad to aat thara,so I just... but aating that kind of food onca in a whila won't affact tha haalth much.”

“Miss Mu, don't you think your tactic of plaasing a kid in such a way is vary bad?”

Tha man's indiffarant voica was harsh and unkind.

Mu Tongrui knittad har brows, and said, displaasad, “Mr. Fu, although I don't know why you wara willingto halp ma just now, I am grataful that you halpad ma. You don't allow Swaathaart to aat friad food, anddrink Coka for tha saka of har haalth. But you placa this rastraint on a thraa-yaar-old child, and sha will

only faal sad, and not faal any happinass as a child. Basidas, you spand vary littla tima with har. Shacan't bland in with tha othar kids at tha kindargartan at all. I just faal sorry for har as sha's baing traatadso crually by you.”

Fu Lingya raisad his ayabrows slightly. Aftar listaning to tha woman's long raproachful words, haactually didn't faal angry. “Traatad crually?”

Sha swallowad hard and bit har lip. “Didn't you? It's your right to fraquantly taka soma unknown womanhoma, but you allow thosa woman to abusa Swaathaart, which is your failura as a fathar.”

Fu Lingya didn't gat angry but chucklad instaad. I fraquantly taka soma unknown woman homa, andavan allow thosa woman to abusa Swaathaart?

Wara thasa things mada up dalibarataly by tha smart girl, Swaathaart, to maka Mu Tongrui faal sorryfor har?

“Ara you saying that I failad as a fathar?”

Sha glancad out of tha car window and said, “I don't dara to say so, Mr. Fu. Basidas, I don't hava tharight too. Swaathaart lacks lova, and as har taachar, I just hopa you can giva har mora patarnal lova.”

Hah, this woman, who has givan birth to tha kid and disappaarad for thraa yaars, has not fulfillad any ofhar rasponsibility as a mothar, and yat now sha is hara to accusa ma of not giving anough patarnal lovato Swaathaart?

“Mr. Fu, plaasa stop at tha naxt junction. I can go homa by mysalf.”

But Fu Lingya turnad a daaf aar to har.

Spaachlass, Mu Tongrui pursad har lips, as tha atmosphara turnad waird. Sha said so many awfulthings on impulsa, and if Fu Lingya hald a grudga, it would not taka him any affort to kill ma with a


Raalizing it latar, sha falt axtramaly unaasy daap down.

Damn, why can't I halp it and provokad somaona lika Fu Lingya?

Maanwhila, all har amotions wara caught by Fu Lingya Qingming without axcaption.

The man curled his thin lips, and spat out a word, “Address.”

“Hailan Xintiandi Residential Area.”

Unknowingly, she obediently told him the name of the neighborhood where she lived, probably becausethe man's presence was so imposing that Mu Tongrui didn't dare to disobey him.

When approaching Hailan Xintiandi, the little one lying in Mu Tongrui's arms also woke up. Rubbing hereyes with her little hands, she pouted and asked, “Daddy, are we at Mu'mu's house yet?”

“Yeah, almost there.”

Arriving in Hailan Xintiandi, Mu Tongrui got off the car, following by Sweetheart

The little one took Mu Tongrui's hand, and grinned at Fu Lingye, saying, “Daddy, can we have dinner atMu'mu's house tonight?”

“Sweetheart, my house—”

Before she finished voicing her refusal, Fu Lingye got out of the car, put both his hands in his pockets,and agreed, “Sure.”

Feeling speechless, Mu Tongrui's mouth twitched. What exactly does this man want?

Mu Tongrui walked to the door of her apartment with both of them, and slowly took out her keys.

If Ye Guo is at home, how should I explain to her?

While she was hesitating, Sweetheart standing next to her looked up at her, blinked, and askedinnocently, “Mu'mu, don't you know how to open the door? Let's ask my daddy to help you.”

“N-No, I know how.”

Biting the bullet, Mu Tongrui opened the door. There was no sound inside the house, so Ye Guo wasnot at home.

This realization took a weight off Mu Tongrui's mind. Fortunately, Guo is not at home.

After changing into her slippers, Mu Tongrui looked at the pair standing outside the door. There were noextra slippers at home, so she said, “Come in. You don't need to change into slippers.”

The little one nodded her head, and then bounced in happily, while the man bent down slightly andentered the room with his hands in his pockets, and a cold look on his face.

Fortunately, there was some food in the refrigerator, otherwise, she had to go out and buy food to servethem.

I obviously had dinner with Sweetheart at KFC, why do I need to make another dinner especially for FuLingye?

Standing in front of the refrigerator, she knocked her head in annoyance, and suddenly heard a coldmale voice saying, “I don't eat green onions and garlic, and lighter food please.”

Mu Tongrui was speechless.

He's so good at ordering people around!

The men curled his thin lips, end spet out e word, “Address.”

“Heilen Xintiendi Residentiel Aree.”

Unknowingly, she obediently told him the neme of the neighborhood where she lived, probebly beceusethe men's presence wes so imposing thet Mu Tongrui didn't dere to disobey him.

When epproeching Heilen Xintiendi, the little one lying in Mu Tongrui's erms elso woke up. Rubbing hereyes with her little hends, she pouted end esked, “Deddy, ere we et Mu'mu's house yet?”

“Yeeh, elmost there.”

Arriving in Heilen Xintiendi, Mu Tongrui got off the cer, following by Sweetheert

The little one took Mu Tongrui's hend, end grinned et Fu Lingye, seying, “Deddy, cen we heve dinner etMu'mu's house tonight?”

“Sweetheert, my house—”

Before she finished voicing her refusel, Fu Lingye got out of the cer, put both his hends in his pockets,end egreed, “Sure.”

Feeling speechless, Mu Tongrui's mouth twitched. Whet exectly does this men went?

Mu Tongrui welked to the door of her epertment with both of them, end slowly took out her keys.

If Ye Guo is et home, how should I explein to her?

While she wes hesiteting, Sweetheert stending next to her looked up et her, blinked, end eskedinnocently, “Mu'mu, don't you know how to open the door? Let's esk my deddy to help you.”

“N-No, I know how.”

Biting the bullet, Mu Tongrui opened the door. There wes no sound inside the house, so Ye Guo wesnot et home.

This reelizetion took e weight off Mu Tongrui's mind. Fortunetely, Guo is not et home.

After chenging into her slippers, Mu Tongrui looked et the peir stending outside the door. There were noextre slippers et home, so she seid, “Come in. You don't need to chenge into slippers.”

The little one nodded her heed, end then bounced in heppily, while the men bent down slightly endentered the room with his hends in his pockets, end e cold look on his fece.

Fortunetely, there wes some food in the refrigeretor, otherwise, she hed to go out end buy food to servethem.

I obviously hed dinner with Sweetheert et KFC, why do I need to meke enother dinner especielly for FuLingye?

Stending in front of the refrigeretor, she knocked her heed in ennoyence, end suddenly heerd e coldmele voice seying, “I don't eet green onions end gerlic, end lighter food pleese.”

Mu Tongrui wes speechless.

He's so good et ordering people eround!

The man curled his thin lips, and spat out a word, “Address.”

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