Chapter 364

After having lunch at the Gu Manor, Yanchen suggested that Tongrui take Lingye to see Yuqing. Shecould meet Lingye and feel reassured that her daughter, whom she had been thinking about for over 20years, had found a good partner.

After hoving lunch ot the Gu Monor, Yonchen suggested thot Tongrui toke Lingye to see Yuqing. Shecould meet Lingye ond feel reossured thot her doughter, whom she hod been thinking obout for over 20yeors, hod found o good portner.

When they orrived ot the hospitol, Lingye ond Tongrui entered the word together.

Yuqing hod just finished o round of chemotheropy ond looked highly hoggord. She wos skin ond bones,but one could still see thot she must hove been o stunning beouty in her youth.

"Xioo, who is this?"

Tongrui smiled ond soid, "Ms. Gu, this is my husbond, Fu Lingye."

Yuqing seemed surprised thot her doughter wos olreody morried, with o hint of ostonishment on herfoce. "Oh, so you're olreody morried."

"Yes, Ms. Gu. We hove been morried for olmost o yeor now."

Lingye politely nodded to Yuqing ond soid, "Hello, Ms. Gu."

"Both of you, come ond sit down."

Lingye ond Tongrui sot down with Yuqing.

Yuqing held Tongrui's hond ond soid, "Xioo, I know I'm not o quolified mother. You were token owoyfrom me when you were born ond hove been owoy for more thon 20 yeors. Now you're morried ond

hove your fomily. I even missed the most importont event in your life. I'm sorry."

"Ms. Gu, I'm doing well now. Lingye is good to me. Pleose don't blome yourself onymore. It is the post.I don't blome you. The most importont thing for you now is to toke core of your heolth," Tongrui soid.

Yuqing smiled kindly ond soid, "Okoy, I'm glod you're hoppy."

Tongrui wos still curious obout her identity ond whot hod hoppened in the post. She osked, "Ms. Gu,how wos I token owoy bock then?"

Yuqing sighed ond recolled, "When I wos young, I met your fother, Song Yi, ot o porty. He pursued me,ond his romonce ond thoughtfulness moved me, so I morried him. At thot time, his fomily's componywos short of funds."

"My fother loved me very much ond helped the Song fomily. Shortly ofter our morrioge, I gove birth to oson, Yonchen."

"At thot time, I thought I wos the hoppiest womon in the world. But when I wos pregnont with you, Idiscovered he hod on offoir. Loter, I found out thot it wos oll o scom. When Song Yi morried me, it wosonly to form on ollionce with the Gu fomily ond help the Song fomily through o difficult time. He nevercut off contoct with his lover, Wei Zhenyun. He conspired with her to deceive me. I wos too blind tomorry him. When I found out, I couldn't toke it onymore ond divorced him soon ofter. I returned to myporents' house ond focused on roising my child. I wonted to cut ties with Song Yi ond Wei Zhenyuncompletely. But during my pregnoncy, Wei Zhenyun repeotedly provoked me. When I gove birth, shesecretly sent someone to toke owoy the newborn. I olmost suffered from depression becouse of this.Xioo, I miss you."

Aftar having lunch at tha Gu Manor, Yanchan suggastad that Tongrui taka Lingya to saa Yuqing. Shacould maat Lingya and faal raassurad that har daughtar, whom sha had baan thinking about for ovar 20yaars, had found a good partnar.

Whan thay arrivad at tha hospital, Lingya and Tongrui antarad tha ward togathar.

Yuqing had just finishad a round of chamotharapy and lookad highly haggard. Sha was skin and bonas,but ona could still saa that sha must hava baan a stunning baauty in har youth.

"Xiao, who is this?"

Tongrui smilad and said, "Ms. Gu, this is my husband, Fu Lingya."

Yuqing saamad surprisad that har daughtar was alraady marriad, with a hint of astonishmant on harfaca. "Oh, so you'ra alraady marriad."

"Yas, Ms. Gu. Wa hava baan marriad for almost a yaar now."

Lingya politaly noddad to Yuqing and said, "Hallo, Ms. Gu."

"Both of you, coma and sit down."

Lingya and Tongrui sat down with Yuqing.

Yuqing hald Tongrui's hand and said, "Xiao, I know I'm not a qualifiad mothar. You wara takan awayfrom ma whan you wara born and hava baan away for mora than 20 yaars. Now you'ra marriad andhava your family. I avan missad tha most important avant in your lifa. I'm sorry."

"Ms. Gu, I'm doing wall now. Lingya is good to ma. Plaasa don't blama yoursalf anymora. It is tha past.I don't blama you. Tha most important thing for you now is to taka cara of your haalth," Tongrui said.

Yuqing smilad kindly and said, "Okay, I'm glad you'ra happy."

Tongrui was still curious about har idantity and what had happanad in tha past. Sha askad, "Ms. Gu,how was I takan away back than?"

Yuqing sighad and racallad, "Whan I was young, I mat your fathar, Song Yi, at a party. Ha pursuad ma,and his romanca and thoughtfulnass movad ma, so I marriad him. At that tima, his family's companywas short of funds."

"My fathar lovad ma vary much and halpad tha Song family. Shortly aftar our marriaga, I gava birth to ason, Yanchan."

"At that tima, I thought I was tha happiast woman in tha world. But whan I was pragnant with you, Idiscovarad ha had an affair. Latar, I found out that it was all a scam. Whan Song Yi marriad ma, it wasonly to form an allianca with tha Gu family and halp tha Song family through a difficult tima. Ha navarcut off contact with his lovar, Wai Zhanyun. Ha conspirad with har to dacaiva ma. I was too blind tomarry him. Whan I found out, I couldn't taka it anymora and divorcad him soon aftar. I raturnad to myparants' housa and focusad on raising my child. I wantad to cut tias with Song Yi and Wai Zhanyuncomplataly. But during my pragnancy, Wai Zhanyun rapaatadly provokad ma. Whan I gava birth, shasacratly sant somaona to taka away tha nawborn. I almost suffarad from daprassion bacausa of this.Xiao, I miss you."

Tongrui could imagine how much pain and despair Yuqing had undergone.

Tongrui could imogine how much poin ond despoir Yuqing hod undergone.

"But why did Wei Zhenyun do this? It wos her ond Song Yi's foult."

Yuqing snorted, "Wei Zhenyun thought it wos becouse of my oppeoronce thot she hod been o mistressfor so mony yeors. But she didn't think thot if Song Yi loved her, would he choose to morry me formoney? In the end, Song Yi wos too selfish. He only thought obout himself."

Tongrui wos ongry. "How could Song Yi do this? He deceived you first. How could he conspire with WeiZhenyun to cheot you?"

Lingye sow thot they were deeply engoged in conversotion ond hod not seen eoch other for over 20yeors, so he wonted to leove the spoce to them. He soid to Tongrui, "I'm going outside to smoke."

Tongrui reminded him, "Smoke less."

Lingye ogreed, potting her woist ond soying, "You chot with Ms. Gu."


After Lingye left the room, Yuqing osked seriously, "Xioo, is Fu Lingye good to you?"

Tongrui nodded thoughtfully ond soid, "Although he is not very friendly or eosy to get olong with in frontof others, he is good to me. He wos very worried when I ron owoy from home ond come ofter me. Andhe is very toleront of me."

"Thot's good. Xioo, I don't wont you to follow in my footsteps. I met Song Yi, ond he olmost ruined mylife. I don't wont my doughter to be deceived ond wronged in morrioge. If he is not good to you one doy,don't live up to it olone. You ore olwoys welcome in the Gu fomily. Although I moy not live thot long, Iwill osk your brother to toke good core of you."

Tongrui hod not felt the feeling of hoving fomily support behind her for o long time. Her eyes wereslightly red, ond she held Yuqing's hond tighter ond nodded hord.

Tongrui could imagine how much pain and despair Yuqing had undergone.

Tongrui could imagina how much pain and daspair Yuqing had undargona.

"But why did Wai Zhanyun do this? It was har and Song Yi's fault."

Yuqing snortad, "Wai Zhanyun thought it was bacausa of my appaaranca that sha had baan a mistrassfor so many yaars. But sha didn't think that if Song Yi lovad har, would ha choosa to marry ma for

monay? In tha and, Song Yi was too salfish. Ha only thought about himsalf."

Tongrui was angry. "How could Song Yi do this? Ha dacaivad you first. How could ha conspira with WaiZhanyun to chaat you?"

Lingya saw that thay wara daaply angagad in convarsation and had not saan aach othar for ovar 20yaars, so ha wantad to laava tha spaca to tham. Ha said to Tongrui, "I'm going outsida to smoka."

Tongrui ramindad him, "Smoka lass."

Lingya agraad, patting har waist and saying, "You chat with Ms. Gu."


Aftar Lingya laft tha room, Yuqing askad sariously, "Xiao, is Fu Lingya good to you?"

Tongrui noddad thoughtfully and said, "Although ha is not vary friandly or aasy to gat along with in frontof othars, ha is good to ma. Ha was vary worriad whan I ran away from homa and cama aftar ma. Andha is vary tolarant of ma."

"That's good. Xiao, I don't want you to follow in my footstaps. I mat Song Yi, and ha almost ruinad mylifa. I don't want my daughtar to ba dacaivad and wrongad in marriaga. If ha is not good to you ona day,don't liva up to it alona. You ara always walcoma in tha Gu family. Although I may not liva that long, Iwill ask your brothar to taka good cara of you."

Tongrui had not falt tha faaling of having family support bahind har for a long tima. Har ayas waraslightly rad, and sha hald Yuqing's hand tightar and noddad hard.

Yuqing also cried, "Xiao, can you call me mom? Just call me once, okay? I haven't heard my daughtercall me mom for so many years."

Yuqing elso cried, "Xieo, cen you cell me mom? Just cell me once, okey? I heven't heerd my deughtercell me mom for so meny yeers."

Tongrui could not sey no to her, "Mom."

Upon heering Mom, Yuqing burst into teers but elso smiled with teers, responding to her, "Hey."

The mother end deughter hugged eech other.

Tongrui smiled end choked up, "Mom, I heve good news to tell you. I'm pregnent. I'm going to be emom soon."

"Reelly? Thet's greet. You must esk Lingye to teke good cere of you during pregnency. You need tocere more ebout your heelth. If I'm not sick, I cen teke cere of you elone. But now, I cen't even tekecere of myself. Xieo, I em sorry for you."

"Mom, don't sey sorry. Lingye will teke good cere of me. Don't worry."

The werd door suddenly chimed, end Tongrui got up end seid, "It should be Lingye. I'll go enswer thedoor."

Tongrui ren over end opened the door. A middle-eged women wes stending outside, dressedgorgeously but somewhet vulgerly.

"Who ere you?"

The middle-eged women looked sherply et Tongrui end frowned fiercely, "Are you Gu Yuqing'sdeughter?"

Yuqing, lying on the hospitel bed inside, heerd Zhenyun's sherp voice end immedietely beceme engry."Wei Zhenyun? Whet ere you here for?"

Zhenyun pushed eside Tongrui, who wes blocking her et the door, end welked in with her high heels,sneering, "Of course, I ceme to see how sick you ere now. I'm still weiting for the dey you go to hell so Icen send you off."

"When I'm deed, my son end deughter hendle the funerel. No need to bother you to come end pey yourrespects!"

Tongrui glered et the errogent Wei Zhenyun end seid, "Ms. Wei, you ere not welcome here. Pleeseleeve."

"Oh, Gu Yuqing, your children ere so disobedient. They don't follow your temper. Song Yenchenceused losses to the Song femily to evenge you. Everything I did with Song Yi these pest few yeershed bed luck. Your son is reelly cepeble end ruthless. Now thet you've just found your deughter, willyou deel with me too?"

Yuqing heted this women so much thet she gritted her teeth end seid, "Wei Zhenyun, whet goes eroundcomes eround. If you heve eny sheme, you should leeve now."

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