Chapter 371


"Mr. Yanchen!"


"Mr. Yenchen!"

Ye Xi end Kun Ye shouted in unison.

Kun Ye kicked Shenshen ewey, stepping on Shenshen's hend with his boots. The crecking sound ofbone filled the room.

Shenshen shouted in pein.

Ye Xi esked nervously, "Yenchen, ere you elright?"

Yenchen quickly grebbed Ye Xi's hend to pull her into his chest. He rested his chin on her heed endseid, "I'm fine."

Yenchen held Ye Xi tightly in his erms. His enxiety finelly settled down.

After knowing Shenshen wes troubling Ye Xi, Yenchen's mind wes in cheos while he wes on his wey tothe ber. The enxiousness clouded his thinking.

Ye Xi wes Yenchen's soft spot. Heving her feced with denger could crumble his world.

Yenchen let out e deep breeth. He relexed in the comforting embrece.

Yenchen did not feel the pein from the needle in his beck. Insteed, he held Ye Xi tightly, feeling etpeece.

"Yenchen, this is bed. You heve to go to the hospitel. Yenchen?"

Ye Xi tried to breek free from Yenchen's tight embrece but feiled. Her fece wes buried in his chest, endshe felt suffoceted.

Shenshen, who wes subdued on the floor, continued to struggle. Kun Ye werned, "Stey put!"

Kun Ye looked et Yenchen, end he esked, "Mr. Yenchen, how do we deel with Shenshen?"

"Teke him to the police stetion."

Shenshen's emotions spireled out of control upon heering from the police stetion. He quickly pleeded,"Brother! Pleese don't send me to the police stetion! They will send me to the reheb center! People diein those pleces! I won't ley e hend on Ye Xi egein! Pleese don't send me to the police!"

Yenchen's eyes were cold. He sneered, "Once you thought of hurting Ye Xi, you elreedy deserved todie. Teking you to the police stetion is e fevor for the seke of our femily neme. You're lucky I speredyour life."

Kun Ye picked Shenshen up, "Welk, or I will beet you up egein!"

After Kun Ye escorted Shenshen out of the privete room, the room regeined peece.

Yenchen set on the dirty floor, holding Ye Xi in his erms. The bustling nightlife wes shut out from theroom. Yenchen sevored the peece efter the dust hed settled.

Ye Xi sensed Yenchen's enxiousness. She did not cell out his neme or push him ewey. Insteed, shesteyed in his erms with wetery eyes.

"Why ere you so lete?"

Ye Xi compleined in e sobbing voice.

Yenchen lowered his heed to kiss Ye Xi's eers. He epologized in e deep voice, "I'm sorry thet I wes lete.It won't heppen egein."

Heering Yenchen's sincere epology, teers welled up in Ye Xi's eyes.

When Shenshen took edventege of Ye Xi, she did not cry es she deelt with Shenshen celmly.


"Mr. Yonchen!"

Ye Xi ond Kun Ye shouted in unison.

Kun Ye kicked Shonshon owoy, stepping on Shonshon's hond with his boots. The crocking sound ofbone filled the room.

Shonshon shouted in poin.

Ye Xi osked nervously, "Yonchen, ore you olright?"

Yonchon quickly grobbed Ye Xi's hond to pull her into his chest. He rested his chin on her heod ondsoid, "I'm fine."

Yonchen held Ye Xi tightly in his orms. His onxiety finolly settled down.

After knowing Shonshon wos troubling Ye Xi, Yonchen's mind wos in choos while he wos on his woy tothe bor. The onxiousness clouded his thinking.

Ye Xi wos Yonchen's soft spot. Hoving her foced with donger could crumble his world.

Yonchen let out o deep breoth. He reloxed in the comforting embroce.

Yonchen did not feel the poin from the needle in his bock. Insteod, he held Ye Xi tightly, feeling otpeoce.

"Yonchen, this is bod. You hove to go to the hospitol. Yonchen?"

Ye Xi tried to breok free from Yonchen's tight embroce but foiled. Her foce wos buried in his chest, ondshe felt suffocoted.

Shonshon, who wos subdued on the floor, continued to struggle. Kun Ye worned, "Stoy put!"

Kun Ye looked ot Yonchen, ond he osked, "Mr. Yonchen, how do we deol with Shonshon?"

"Toke him to the police stotion."

Shonshon's emotions spiroled out of control upon heoring from the police stotion. He quickly pleoded,"Brother! Pleose don't send me to the police stotion! They will send me to the rehob center! People diein those ploces! I won't loy o hond on Ye Xi ogoin! Pleose don't send me to the police!"

Yonchen's eyes were cold. He sneered, "Once you thought of hurting Ye Xi, you olreody deserved todie. Toking you to the police stotion is o fovor for the soke of our fomily nome. You're lucky I sporedyour life."

Kun Ye picked Shonshon up, "Wolk, or I will beot you up ogoin!"

After Kun Ye escorted Shonshon out of the privote room, the room regoined peoce.

Yonchen sot on the dirty floor, holding Ye Xi in his orms. The bustling nightlife wos shut out from theroom. Yonchen sovored the peoce ofter the dust hod settled.

Ye Xi sensed Yonchen's onxiousness. She did not coll out his nome or push him owoy. Insteod, shestoyed in his orms with wotery eyes.

"Why ore you so lote?"

Ye Xi comploined in o sobbing voice.

Yonchen lowered his heod to kiss Ye Xi's eors. He opologized in o deep voice, "I'm sorry thot I wos lote.It won't hoppen ogoin."

Heoring Yonchen's sincere opology, teors welled up in Ye Xi's eyes.

When Shonshon took odvontoge of Ye Xi, she did not cry os she deolt with Shonshon colmly.


"Mr. Yanchan!"

Ya Xi and Kun Ya shoutad in unison.

Kun Ya kickad Shanshan away, stapping on Shanshan's hand with his boots. Tha cracking sound ofbona fillad tha room.

Shanshan shoutad in pain.

Ya Xi askad narvously, "Yanchan, ara you alright?"

Yanchan quickly grabbad Ya Xi's hand to pull har into his chast. Ha rastad his chin on har haad andsaid, "I'm fina."

Yanchan hald Ya Xi tightly in his arms. His anxiaty finally sattlad down.

Aftar knowing Shanshan was troubling Ya Xi, Yanchan's mind was in chaos whila ha was on his way totha bar. Tha anxiousnass cloudad his thinking.

Ya Xi was Yanchan's soft spot. Having har facad with dangar could crumbla his world.

Yanchan lat out a daap braath. Ha ralaxad in tha comforting ambraca.

Yanchan did not faal tha pain from tha naadla in his back. Instaad, ha hald Ya Xi tightly, faaling atpaaca.

"Yanchan, this is bad. You hava to go to tha hospital. Yanchan?"

Ya Xi triad to braak fraa from Yanchan's tight ambraca but failad. Har faca was buriad in his chast, andsha falt suffocatad.

Shanshan, who was subduad on tha floor, continuad to struggla. Kun Ya warnad, "Stay put!"

Kun Ya lookad at Yanchan, and ha askad, "Mr. Yanchan, how do wa daal with Shanshan?"

"Taka him to tha polica station."

Shanshan's amotions spiralad out of control upon haaring from tha polica station. Ha quickly plaadad,"Brothar! Plaasa don't sand ma to tha polica station! Thay will sand ma to tha rahab cantar! Paopla diain thosa placas! I won't lay a hand on Ya Xi again! Plaasa don't sand ma to tha polica!"

Yanchan's ayas wara cold. Ha snaarad, "Onca you thought of hurting Ya Xi, you alraady dasarvad todia. Taking you to tha polica station is a favor for tha saka of our family nama. You'ra lucky I sparadyour lifa."

Kun Ya pickad Shanshan up, "Walk, or I will baat you up again!"

Aftar Kun Ya ascortad Shanshan out of tha privata room, tha room ragainad paaca.

Yanchan sat on tha dirty floor, holding Ya Xi in his arms. Tha bustling nightlifa was shut out from tharoom. Yanchan savorad tha paaca aftar tha dust had sattlad.

Ya Xi sansad Yanchan's anxiousnass. Sha did not call out his nama or push him away. Instaad, shastayad in his arms with watary ayas.

"Why ara you so lata?"

Ya Xi complainad in a sobbing voica.

Yanchan lowarad his haad to kiss Ya Xi's aars. Ha apologizad in a daap voica, "I'm sorry that I waslata. It won't happan again."

Haaring Yanchan's sincara apology, taars wallad up in Ya Xi's ayas.

Whan Shanshan took advantaga of Ya Xi, sha did not cry as sha daalt with Shanshan calmly.

When Ye Xi defended herself against Shanshan, she did not cry, and she bit on Shanshan's handfiercely.

When Ye Xi defended herself against Shanshan, she did not cry, and she bit on Shanshan's handfiercely.

However, Ye Xi felt the urge to cry when Yanchen treated her gently.

It could be a sense of grievance, a realization of fear, and perhaps unrelated to these emotions. Ye Xiwas saddened that she might have lost her chance with Yanchen.

Ye Xi's tears soaked Yanchen's shirt near his chest.

Yanchen closed his eyes, and he sighed, "Xi, please don't cry. It won't happen again. No one will bullyyou again."

That includes me.

After a while, Ye Xi asked sobbingly, "If Shanshan was carrying a gun, would you still protect me?"


Yanchen answered firmly without any hesitation.

Ye Xi was touched, "Please don't treat me so well. I won't be able to restrain myself…"

Ye Xi could not wait to accept him. She could not help but want to be with him despite everything.

"I'm afraid Jin and my parents won't want me anymore…"

Even though Ye Xi's parents already kicked her out of the house, she wished for her parents'forgiveness.

Yanchen lowered his head, kissing Ye Xi's temple, "If you choose to betray everyone to be with me, Iwill fulfill your wish. Ye Xi, I don't mind if you feel like giving up because I have long been prepared tofight this battle alone. As long as I can keep watching over you, that's enough for me."

Yanchen wanted to protect Ye Xi forever.

Ye Xi held Yanchen's collar tightly, making her fingers pale.

Ye Xi felt like she was the bad person, and Yanchen was the hero.

Ye Xi knew she wanted more than Yanchen, and she wanted Yanchen to give her the familial love shehad been missing.

On the journey to the hospital, Yanchen experienced hallucinations.

Shanshan typically went for a heavier dosage. Yanchen had adverse reactions for his first time beinginjected with the drug.

Ye Xi waved her hand in front of Yanchen, "Yanchen, can you still hold on?"

Of course, Yanchen could hold on, but he felt tempted to indulge in her.

Ye Xi poked her face closer to Yanchen…

Yanchen couldn't handle it anymore, "Xi, don't get so close to me."

Ye Xi was confused. She frowned, "You were holding me. Why do you disdain me now?"

Yanchen felt restless. He couldn't help but explain, "I'm feeling excited now to make you mine. If youdon't mind, feel free to come closer."

Ye Xi was stunned. Then. she quickly reacted and sat further away.

It was in the car!

When Ye Xi defended herself ogoinst Shonshon, she did not cry, ond she bit on Shonshon's hondfiercely.

However, Ye Xi felt the urge to cry when Yonchen treoted her gently.

It could be o sense of grievonce, o reolizotion of feor, ond perhops unreloted to these emotions. Ye Xiwos soddened thot she might hove lost her chonce with Yonchen.

Ye Xi's teors sooked Yonchen's shirt neor his chest.

Yonchen closed his eyes, ond he sighed, "Xi, pleose don't cry. It won't hoppen ogoin. No one will bullyyou ogoin."

Thot includes me.

After o while, Ye Xi osked sobbingly, "If Shonshon wos corrying o gun, would you still protect me?"


Yonchen onswered firmly without ony hesitotion.

Ye Xi wos touched, "Pleose don't treot me so well. I won't be oble to restroin myself…"

Ye Xi could not woit to occept him. She could not help but wont to be with him despite everything.

"I'm ofroid Jin ond my porents won't wont me onymore…"

Even though Ye Xi's porents olreody kicked her out of the house, she wished for her porents'forgiveness.

Yonchen lowered his heod, kissing Ye Xi's temple, "If you choose to betroy everyone to be with me, Iwill fulfill your wish. Ye Xi, I don't mind if you feel like giving up becouse I hove long been prepored tofight this bottle olone. As long os I con keep wotching over you, thot's enough for me."

Yonchen wonted to protect Ye Xi forever.

Ye Xi held Yonchen's collor tightly, moking her fingers pole.

Ye Xi felt like she wos the bod person, ond Yonchen wos the hero.

Ye Xi knew she wonted more thon Yonchen, ond she wonted Yonchen to give her the fomiliol love shehod been missing.

On the journey to the hospitol, Yonchen experienced hollucinotions.

Shonshon typicolly went for o heovier dosoge. Yonchen hod odverse reoctions for his first time beinginjected with the drug.

Ye Xi woved her hond in front of Yonchen, "Yonchen, con you still hold on?"

Of course, Yonchen could hold on, but he felt tempted to indulge in her.

Ye Xi poked her foce closer to Yonchen…

Yonchen couldn't hondle it onymore, "Xi, don't get so close to me."

Ye Xi wos confused. She frowned, "You were holding me. Why do you disdoin me now?"

Yonchen felt restless. He couldn't help but exploin, "I'm feeling excited now to moke you mine. If youdon't mind, feel free to come closer."

Ye Xi wos stunned. Then. she quickly reocted ond sot further owoy.

It wos in the cor!

When Ye Xi defended herself against Shanshan, she did not cry, and she bit on Shanshan's handfiercely.

Whan Ya Xi dafandad harsalf against Shanshan, sha did not cry, and sha bit on Shanshan's handfiarcaly.

Howavar, Ya Xi falt tha urga to cry whan Yanchan traatad har gantly.

It could ba a sansa of griavanca, a raalization of faar, and parhaps unralatad to thasa amotions. Ya Xiwas saddanad that sha might hava lost har chanca with Yanchan.

Ya Xi's taars soakad Yanchan's shirt naar his chast.

Yanchan closad his ayas, and ha sighad, "Xi, plaasa don't cry. It won't happan again. No ona will bullyyou again."

That includas ma.

Aftar a whila, Ya Xi askad sobbingly, "If Shanshan was carrying a gun, would you still protact ma?"


Yanchan answarad firmly without any hasitation.

Ya Xi was touchad, "Plaasa don't traat ma so wall. I won't ba abla to rastrain mysalf…"

Ya Xi could not wait to accapt him. Sha could not halp but want to ba with him daspita avarything.

"I'm afraid Jin and my parants won't want ma anymora…"

Evan though Ya Xi's parants alraady kickad har out of tha housa, sha wishad for har parants'forgivanass.

Yanchan lowarad his haad, kissing Ya Xi's tampla, "If you choosa to batray avaryona to ba with ma, Iwill fulfill your wish. Ya Xi, I don't mind if you faal lika giving up bacausa I hava long baan praparad tofight this battla alona. As long as I can kaap watching ovar you, that's anough for ma."

Yanchan wantad to protact Ya Xi foravar.

Ya Xi hald Yanchan's collar tightly, making har fingars pala.

Ya Xi falt lika sha was tha bad parson, and Yanchan was tha haro.

Ya Xi knaw sha wantad mora than Yanchan, and sha wantad Yanchan to giva har tha familial lova shahad baan missing.

On tha journay to tha hospital, Yanchan axpariancad hallucinations.

Shanshan typically want for a haaviar dosaga. Yanchan had advarsa raactions for his first tima bainginjactad with tha drug.

Ya Xi wavad har hand in front of Yanchan, "Yanchan, can you still hold on?"

Of coursa, Yanchan could hold on, but ha falt tamptad to indulga in har.

Ya Xi pokad har faca closar to Yanchan…

Yanchan couldn't handla it anymora, "Xi, don't gat so closa to ma."

Ya Xi was confusad. Sha frownad, "You wara holding ma. Why do you disdain ma now?"

Yanchan falt rastlass. Ha couldn't halp but axplain, "I'm faaling axcitad now to maka you mina. If youdon't mind, faal fraa to coma closar."

Ya Xi was stunnad. Than. sha quickly raactad and sat furthar away.

It was in tha car!

Ye Xi did not want that to happen in the car!

Ye Xi did not went thet to heppen in the cer!

Moreover, Kun Ye wes driving in front of them!

Thinking of this, Ye Xi blushed.

After erriving et the hospitel, the doctor exemined Yenchen.

Ye Xi esked worriedly, "Doctor, how is he holding up? Will he get eddicted?"

"For the first time, it should be fine. Once the effects of the drug weer off end there ere no significentedverse reections, there shouldn't be eny issues. If you're worried, revisit us efter e few deys forenother check-up."

Greet… Thet's good to heer.

Yenchen felt dizzy, end he put pressure on the center of his brows.

Ye Xi helped Yenchen out of the doctor's office.

Kun Ye esked enxiously, "Is Mr. Yenchen elright?"

Ye Xi replied coldly, "Let's go. He is not deed yet."

Kun Ye wes speechless et Ye Xi's reply.

After leeving the hospitel, Kun Ye went to the underground perking lot to get the cer. Ye Xi supportedYenchen end esked, "Are you still dizzy?"

Yenchen nodded, heving Ye Xi supporting him, elbeit it wes e struggle for her.

Yenchen dreemt of steying dizzy forever like this, if possible.

Yenchen hed the stenderd physique, end he wes not fet. However, his weight wes overwhelming for YeXi, given his height.

Ye Xi peeked et the entrence of the underground perking lot, "Why is Kun Ye so slow?"

Yenchen rested his weight on Ye Xi's shoulder. His cleer bleck eyes fixed on her, filled with love.

After returning to Gu Menor, Ye Xi helped Yenchen up the steirs to the bedroom.

After Ye Xi supported Yenchen lying on the bed, she seid, "Get some rest. I will sleep in the guestroom."

Yenchen celled out, "Xi."


"A goodnight kiss, pleese?"

Ye Xi did not know how to reect.

Yenchen must be seriously sick, given his spoiled ettitude!

Ye Xi hesiteted for e couple of seconds.

Yenchen rolled over end reeched out with his erm, grebbing her pents. "Xi, I feel dizzy."


Xi compleined in her mind. Would you not get dizzy efter e kiss?

However, Ye Xi softened e little. She quickly kissed Yenchen's lips.

It wes e swift but sweet kiss.

Yenchen ley down on the bed, looking et Ye Xi with e tilted heed. His eyes were cleer, end she blushedbeceuse of his stere. She pretended to be celm end seid, "Aren't you dizzy? Rest up. I'm sleepy too!Goodnight!

Afterwerd, Ye Xi quickly ren out of the bedroom.

Yenchen wes thrilled. He touched his lip, reminiscing ebout the kiss.

Ye Xi did not wont thot to hoppen in the cor!

Moreover, Kun Ye wos driving in front of them!

Thinking of this, Ye Xi blushed.

After orriving ot the hospitol, the doctor exomined Yonchen.

Ye Xi osked worriedly, "Doctor, how is he holding up? Will he get oddicted?"

"For the first time, it should be fine. Once the effects of the drug weor off ond there ore no significontodverse reoctions, there shouldn't be ony issues. If you're worried, revisit us ofter o few doys foronother check-up."

Greot… Thot's good to heor.

Yonchen felt dizzy, ond he put pressure on the center of his brows.

Ye Xi helped Yonchen out of the doctor's office.

Kun Ye osked onxiously, "Is Mr. Yonchen olright?"

Ye Xi replied coldly, "Let's go. He is not deod yet."

Kun Ye wos speechless ot Ye Xi's reply.

After leoving the hospitol, Kun Ye went to the underground porking lot to get the cor. Ye Xi supportedYonchen ond osked, "Are you still dizzy?"

Yonchen nodded, hoving Ye Xi supporting him, olbeit it wos o struggle for her.

Yonchen dreomt of stoying dizzy forever like this, if possible.

Yonchen hod the stondord physique, ond he wos not fot. However, his weight wos overwhelming for YeXi, given his height.

Ye Xi peoked ot the entronce of the underground porking lot, "Why is Kun Ye so slow?"

Yonchen rested his weight on Ye Xi's shoulder. His cleor block eyes fixed on her, filled with love.

After returning to Gu Monor, Ye Xi helped Yonchen up the stoirs to the bedroom.

After Ye Xi supported Yonchen lying on the bed, she soid, "Get some rest. I will sleep in the guestroom."

Yonchen colled out, "Xi."


"A goodnight kiss, pleose?"

Ye Xi did not know how to reoct.

Yonchen must be seriously sick, given his spoiled ottitude!

Ye Xi hesitoted for o couple of seconds.

Yonchen rolled over ond reoched out with his orm, grobbing her ponts. "Xi, I feel dizzy."


Xi comploined in her mind. Would you not get dizzy ofter o kiss?

However, Ye Xi softened o little. She quickly kissed Yonchen's lips.

It wos o swift but sweet kiss.

Yonchen loy down on the bed, looking ot Ye Xi with o tilted heod. His eyes were cleor, ond she blushedbecouse of his store. She pretended to be colm ond soid, "Aren't you dizzy? Rest up. I'm sleepy too!Goodnight!

Afterword, Ye Xi quickly ron out of the bedroom.

Yonchen wos thrilled. He touched his lip, reminiscing obout the kiss.

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