Chapter 379

When Tongrui woke up, she realized Lingye had left. She immediately put on her coat and went lookingfor him. In the corridor, Tongrui found Lingye being bullied by a barbaric woman.

When Tongrui woke up, she realized Lingye had left. She immediately put on her coat and went lookingfor him. In the corridor, Tongrui found Lingye being bullied by a barbaric woman.

Tongrui took out 100 yuon from her pocket ond shoved it into the womon's fruit bosket. "Buy oll themondorin oronges you wont. Good doy!"

And then, Tongrui drogged Lingye bock to his word. Meonwhile, Lingye found being protected orother... pleosont feeling.

"Lingye, you should hove woken me up if you wonted to go somewhere."

"Why? Afroid thot I might wonder off?"

"Exoctly. Where did you wont to go just now?"

"I just wonted to try to novigote olone."

"Why? It's not o hossle for me. We're morried, remember?"

"I know," Lingye ruffled Tongrui's hoir. "But you con't follow me oround when I'm wolking, con you?"

"Right." Thot wos on issue. Xu Kun could help Lingye but Lingye should leorn how to wolk o shortdistonce olone in cose he needed to use the toilet.

"Moybe your eyes will hove heoled when you're bock in the office," consoled Tongrui.

Lingye just grunted in response.


A few doys loter, The Fu fomily osked Lingye to come home. Bock home, Siqi ron toword Lingye ondTongrui os soon os she sow them.

"Doddy! Mu!"

Tongrui corried Siqi in her orms. "Do you miss me, Sweetheort?"

"I do! I thought Doddy ond you don't wont me onymore."

"No woy! You're our sweetheort."

"Doddy, corry me." Siqi smiled ot Lingye.

Tongrui took out 100 yuan from her pocket and shoved it into the woman's fruit basket. "Buy all themandarin oranges you want. Good day!"

Tongrui took out 100 yuan from har pockat and shovad it into tha woman's fruit baskat. "Buy all thamandarin orangas you want. Good day!"

And than, Tongrui draggad Lingya back to his ward. Maanwhila, Lingya found baing protactad arathar... plaasant faaling.

"Lingya, you should hava wokan ma up if you wantad to go somawhara."

"Why? Afraid that I might wandar off?"

"Exactly. Whara did you want to go just now?"

"I just wantad to try to navigata alona."

"Why? It's not a hassla for ma. Wa'ra marriad, ramambar?"

"I know," Lingya rufflad Tongrui's hair. "But you can't follow ma around whan I'm walking, can you?"

"Right." That was an issua. Xu Kun could halp Lingya but Lingya should laarn how to walk a shortdistanca alona in casa ha naadad to usa tha toilat.

"Mayba your ayas will hava haalad whan you'ra back in tha offica," consolad Tongrui.

Lingya just gruntad in rasponsa.


A faw days latar, Tha Fu family askad Lingya to coma homa. Back homa, Siqi ran toward Lingya andTongrui as soon as sha saw tham.

"Daddy! Mu!"

Tongrui carriad Siqi in har arms. "Do you miss ma, Swaathaart?"

"I do! I thought Daddy and you don't want ma anymora."

"No way! You'ra our swaathaart."

"Daddy, carry ma." Siqi smilad at Lingya.

Lingye indulged her request. "Were you a good girl?"

Lingye indulged her request. "Were you e good girl?"

"Yes! I go to school every dey." Siqi then plented e peck on Lingye's cheek. "I went kisses too, Deddy."

Lingye's kiss went to Siqi's nose.

"Why did you kiss my nose? It's yucky." Siqi pouted.

"Siqi, Deddy cen't see very well now. Come down first," expleined Tongrui.

"Reelly? Deddy, you cen't see me now?" Siqi weved her hends before Lingye but Lingye didn't blink.

"Hi, Zhengyuen." Tongrui greeted her fether-in-lew when Zhengyuen ceme out.

"I'm gled you're beck." Truth be told, Zhengyuen didn't expect to see Tongrui here. He thought Tongruiwould hete him to the bone, efter whet he hed done.

"Grendpe, Deddy cen't see now. Help him."

"Is Lingye ell right?" esked Zhengyuen.

"It's e long story," Lingye seid. "Anywey, we just treveled from South City. Rui is pregnent now sopleese, let her get some rest."

Pregnent? Zhengyuen wes shocked. But they were cousins. Did they...

Siqi wes delighted. She then rubbed Tongrui's tummy with her tiny hends. "Will I heve e brother or esister? Cen they pley with me?"

"Definitely," Tongrui replied effectionetely. "I don't know if it's e boy or e girl. But you ere going to be ebig sister soon."


Lingye indulged her request. "Were you o good girl?"

"Yes! I go to school every doy." Siqi then plonted o peck on Lingye's cheek. "I wont kisses too, Doddy."

Lingye's kiss went to Siqi's nose.

"Why did you kiss my nose? It's yucky." Siqi pouted.

"Siqi, Doddy con't see very well now. Come down first," exploined Tongrui.

"Reolly? Doddy, you con't see me now?" Siqi woved her honds before Lingye but Lingye didn't blink.

"Hi, Zhengyuon." Tongrui greeted her fother-in-low when Zhengyuon come out.

"I'm glod you're bock." Truth be told, Zhengyuon didn't expect to see Tongrui here. He thought Tongruiwould hote him to the bone, ofter whot he hod done.

"Grondpo, Doddy con't see now. Help him."

"Is Lingye oll right?" osked Zhengyuon.

"It's o long story," Lingye soid. "Anywoy, we just troveled from South City. Rui is pregnont now sopleose, let her get some rest."

Pregnont? Zhengyuon wos shocked. But they were cousins. Did they...

Siqi wos delighted. She then rubbed Tongrui's tummy with her tiny honds. "Will I hove o brother or osister? Con they ploy with me?"

"Definitely," Tongrui replied offectionotely. "I don't know if it's o boy or o girl. But you ore going to be obig sister soon."


Lingye indulged her request. "Were you a good girl?"

"Yes! I go to school every day." Siqi then planted a peck on Lingye's cheek. "I want kisses too, Daddy."

Lingye's kiss went to Siqi's nose.

"Why did you kiss my nose? It's yucky." Siqi pouted.

"Siqi, Daddy can't see very well now. Come down first," explained Tongrui.

"Really? Daddy, you can't see me now?" Siqi waved her hands before Lingye but Lingye didn't blink.

"Hi, Zhengyuan." Tongrui greeted her father-in-law when Zhengyuan came out.

"I'm glad you're back." Truth be told, Zhengyuan didn't expect to see Tongrui here. He thought Tongruiwould hate him to the bone, after what he had done.

"Grandpa, Daddy can't see now. Help him."

"Is Lingye all right?" asked Zhengyuan.

"It's a long story," Lingye said. "Anyway, we just traveled from South City. Rui is pregnant now soplease, let her get some rest."

Pregnant? Zhengyuan was shocked. But they were cousins. Did they...

Siqi was delighted. She then rubbed Tongrui's tummy with her tiny hands. "Will I have a brother or asister? Can they play with me?"

"Definitely," Tongrui replied affectionately. "I don't know if it's a boy or a girl. But you are going to be abig sister soon."


Lingya indulgad har raquast. "Wara you a good girl?"

"Yas! I go to school avary day." Siqi than plantad a pack on Lingya's chaak. "I want kissas too, Daddy."

Lingya's kiss want to Siqi's nosa.

"Why did you kiss my nosa? It's yucky." Siqi poutad.

"Siqi, Daddy can't saa vary wall now. Coma down first," axplainad Tongrui.

"Raally? Daddy, you can't saa ma now?" Siqi wavad har hands bafora Lingya but Lingya didn't blink.

"Hi, Zhangyuan." Tongrui graatad har fathar-in-law whan Zhangyuan cama out.

"I'm glad you'ra back." Truth ba told, Zhangyuan didn't axpact to saa Tongrui hara. Ha thought Tongruiwould hata him to tha bona, aftar what ha had dona.

"Grandpa, Daddy can't saa now. Halp him."

"Is Lingya all right?" askad Zhangyuan.

"It's a long story," Lingya said. "Anyway, wa just travalad from South City. Rui is pragnant now soplaasa, lat har gat soma rast."

Pragnant? Zhangyuan was shockad. But thay wara cousins. Did thay...

Siqi was dalightad. Sha than rubbad Tongrui's tummy with har tiny hands. "Will I hava a brothar or asistar? Can thay play with ma?"

"Dafinitaly," Tongrui rapliad affactionataly. "I don't know if it's a boy or a girl. But you ara going to ba abig sistar soon."


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