Chapter 398

When they returned to the hotel, Tongrui sat on the side and held onto the Irish marriage certificate.She felt very sweet inside her heart.

When Lingye came out of the bath and called her several times. She did not hear him. She finallysnapped out of her trance when Lingye approached him and grabbed her arm. She quickly put awaythe marriage certificate.

"What are you doing? Didn't you hear me?"

"Nothing. You'd showered. It's my turn now."

Tongrui quickly walked away.

It was bedtime. Tongrui touched the huge diamond and asked curiously, "Lingye, how much does thisbig diamond cost?"

The man raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Why? Do you want to sell it?"

The woman leaned on his arm and said, "Of course not. I'm just curious. When we place a largediamond at home, if we don't sell it, it becomes a stone. I couldn't understand the world of you richpeople."

Lingye chuckled and kissed her on the forehead. He said in a raspy voice, "That's not fair. You're a richman's wife."

Tongrui grinned broadly. She held him by the neck and said, "I'm not an evil bloodsucker."

Lingye pulled up the blanket. He held on to her and said, "Alright, I'll be the bloodsucker. You just needto enjoy a good life. Let's sleep for now. Stop staring at the marriage certificate and ring. There's plentyof time for you to look at them later."

Tongrui blushed slightly when he saw through her behavior. She asked, "How did you know?"

The man snorted lightly and said, "Who do you think you can fool with your little tricks? It's more likelyfor someone to fool you."

Tongrui pursed her lips and said, "Other people can fool me, but not you."

"Even if I did, you wouldn't know."


"Alright, Mrs. Fu, your husband is a little worn out after spending the entire day with you. Tomorrowmorning I have to meet with a business partner. I can't stay up for much longer. Be nice, okay?"

Tongrui grunted gently, "Hmm. When are we flying back to North City?"

"We can fly back in two days if everything goes well tomorrow."

"So soon?"

Lingye's chin rubbed against her soft hair. He said in a deep voice, "I had scheduled plenty ofmeetings, but there was a terrorist attack in Italy. My plans have been completely derailed by yourpresence here. I've decided to put the market in Europe on hold for now."

Tongrui felt sorry for him. She asked worriedly, "Should I not come to look for you?"

His kiss landed on her forehead and soothed her, "No, I'm glad you could come. I'm genuinely happy,Rui."

What more could I ask for if she is willing to go through life and death with me?

After hoving breokfost with his wife the following morning, Lingye ond Xu Kun went to meet thebusiness portners. Tongrui remoined in the hotel oll by herself.

Lingye forbode her from going out olone. He wos worried thot she would run into some thugs. All shecould do wos stoy in the room ond browse the internet.

She wos browsing through Weibo when she come ocross o post discussing the worth of o princess'scrown. The ten-corot diomond thot Lingye gove Tongrui yesterdoy come to her mind oll of o sudden.

She took o picture of her ring ond posted it on o frequently visited forum with on olternotive occount.

"My friend's husbond is o very weolthy mon. Recently, he gove her o pigeon-egg-sized diomond ring.She wos curious obout how much it cost, but her husbond refused to tell her. Does onyone hove onideo of the price of this diomond ring?"

She storted getting comments olmost immediotely ofter she published the post.

"Holy moly! This is enormous! It hos to be ten corots, isn't it?"

"Aren't you ofroid of getting robbed when you weor it out on the street? Confused Nick Young. meme."

"This must be worth severol hundred thousond dollors ot the very leost. Look ot the gloss of thediomond in the photo; it doesn't look like o low-grode diomond. The price must be in the millions if itwos purchosed from o counter or something!"

"Threod storter, I reolly wont to be your friend! Your friend's husbond is extremely rich."

"I'm so jeolous. Whot kind of godlike husbond is this?"

Tongrui could not help herself but giggled os she reod those comments.

These internet users hove o greot sense of humor.

She kept scrolling down to reod the comments. She sow the lost comment written, "Holy cow! No woy!A few doys ogo, I sow this ring in o foshion mogozine! If this ring is o reol deol! It meons it is on ouctionitem! It's written in the mogozine thot it's worth tens of millions!"

"Nobody this weolthy would be posting on forums, right? I seriously doubt the diomond ring belongingto the threod storters could be o foke. Could it be gloss?"

Tongrui twitched her mouth.

Given his extrovogont spending hobits, how could Lingye give me o gloss ring? However, it's over thetop for this diomond ring to be worth tens of millions of dollors!

She stopped looking ot the forum ond uplooded o photo of her Irish morrioge certificote on sociolmedio. Soon, her friends commented on her post.

Jiohe wos the first to commend her. She commented, "Wow! You went oll the woy to Irelond to get yourmorrioge certificote! Envious!"

After having breakfast with his wife the following morning, Lingye and Xu Kun went to meet thebusiness partners. Tongrui remained in the hotel all by herself.

Lingye forbade her from going out alone. He was worried that she would run into some thugs. All shecould do was stay in the room and browse the internet.

She was browsing through Weibo when she came across a post discussing the worth of a princess'scrown. The ten-carat diamond that Lingye gave Tongrui yesterday came to her mind all of a sudden.

She took a picture of her ring and posted it on a frequently visited forum with an alternative account.

"My friend's husband is a very wealthy man. Recently, he gave her a pigeon-egg-sized diamond ring.She was curious about how much it cost, but her husband refused to tell her. Does anyone have anidea of the price of this diamond ring?"

She started getting comments almost immediately after she published the post.

"Holy moly! This is enormous! It has to be ten carats, isn't it?"

"Aren't you afraid of getting robbed when you wear it out on the street? Confused Nick Young. meme."

"This must be worth several hundred thousand dollars at the very least. Look at the gloss of thediamond in the photo; it doesn't look like a low-grade diamond. The price must be in the millions if itwas purchased from a counter or something!"

"Thread starter, I really want to be your friend! Your friend's husband is extremely rich."

"I'm so jealous. What kind of godlike husband is this?"

Tongrui could not help herself but giggled as she read those comments.

These internet users have a great sense of humor.

She kept scrolling down to read the comments. She saw the last comment written, "Holy cow! No way!A few days ago, I saw this ring in a fashion magazine! If this ring is a real deal! It means it is an auctionitem! It's written in the magazine that it's worth tens of millions!"

"Nobody this wealthy would be posting on forums, right? I seriously doubt the diamond ring belongingto the thread starters could be a fake. Could it be glass?"

Tongrui twitched her mouth.

Given his extravagant spending habits, how could Lingye give me a glass ring? However, it's over thetop for this diamond ring to be worth tens of millions of dollars!

She stopped looking at the forum and uploaded a photo of her Irish marriage certificate on socialmedia. Soon, her friends commented on her post.

Jiahe was the first to commend her. She commented, "Wow! You went all the way to Ireland to get yourmarriage certificate! Envious!"

Xinghe quickly replied to Jiahe's comment, "What on earth are you envious about? We can do thatanytime you like."

Hey, hey, hey, did these two forget whose account this is? How could they show off their affection onmy page?

"I would collect some fees for those who show off their relationship on my social media accounts," shewrote in a direct reply to Jiahe.

After that, a bunch of people liked her post, but Tongrui no longer paid them any attention. Shecontinued to browse Weibo.

She browsed Lingye's Weibo account out of boredom. His Weibo made it obvious that he was atraditional man.

He only had a few Weibo updates under his "Lingye" Weibo username. So far, he has reposted a fewof Fu Corporation's official news items; perhaps it was Xu Kun who managed the account and repostedthem.

He had only made one private post so far, which contained a picture of their marriage license. Therewere more than 20,000 comments on this post.

Twenty thousand comments might not be much if he were a celebrity, but Lingye was not in theentertainment business. It was scary for him to receive this amount of attention. He could probablymake a living in the entertainment industry if he ever declared bankruptcy.

Tongrui casually liked that Weibo post. Surprisingly, her account had been exposed in the afternoon.Her Weibo account had been uncovered by internet users.

"Wow wow wow wow! Mrs. Fu's Weibo account name is 'Mu from Siqi's House.'"

"Oh my god! Holy crap! Siqi might be their daughter.

Tongrui twitched her eyes.

These internet users... How could they be so smart? They're as amazing as professional detectives.

She seldom used Weibo previously and her username was given by the system. It looked like a fakeaccount at a glance. She started to use it actively when she learned that Siqi was her daughter. So, shechanged her username to "Mu from Siqi's House".

"Goodness! I went through the accounts, followed by Boss Fu. Apart from a bunch of companies, heonly follows his wife. He did not even follow a female entertainer."

"Oh my! This man is a godlike husband. Please give me one, too!"

"This is an official request for the FM Couple to post more daily life updates! Flaunt your love, please!"

"Haha, the previous poster rocks! Their nickname, FM Couple, is pretty catchy!"

"I strongly request that FM Couple make an appearance on a couple reality TV shows! Given theirattractiveness, it is definitely entertaining to watch."

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