Chapter 276 We Need To Talk (2)

Erik paced back and forth in his room, his mind racing with thoughts of Amber and Emily. He still couldn't believe that Amber had confessed her feelings to him, but at the same time, he couldn't ignore the fact that he had a crush on Emily. It was love at first sight for him, or so he believed.

However, despite the Emily'sconstant thoughts about Emily in his mind, he couldn't deny the fact that Amber was beautiful, smart, and kind, and he enjoyed spending time with her.

They had shared many laughs and deep conversations over the past months, and he knew that she had a genuine affection for him. Something that probably no one ever had for him. That meant a lot to him.

But then there was Emily, with her emerald green eyes, a fiery spirit, and sharp wit. What he felt when he was with her was something he had never felt before. He felt things that no one else had made him feel, and he found himself drawn to her in a way he couldn't explain.

As he waited for Amber to arrive, he struggled with what to say to her. So, he thought and tried to come up with a decision. However, he knew that regardless of what his decision was, he couldn't lead her on anymore, even if he didn't understand what he had done to produce this weird outcome. At the same time, he didn't want to hurt her feelings.

As the minutes ticked by, he found himself lost in thought, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. Despite knowing he couldn't continue to keep his feet in different shoes, he couldn't bring himself to make a decision.

Finally, there was a knock on the door, and Erik took a deep breath before opening it. Amber stood before him, her eyes bright and eager to be there, but a slight tint of anxiousness could be clearly seen in them.

"Hey," she said, smiling. "I'm sorry I'm late."

"It's okay," Erik said, his voice hoarse. "Come on in," he added.

There was currently no one aside from them in the small apartment the Red Palace provided them so that they could talk without distractions.

However, staying inside the shared rooms was no good idea since Benedict could come back soon, and he didn't want to create embarrassing moments or make him see her cry. Amber stepped inside, and Erik closed the door behind her.

They stood there for a moment, neither of them saying anything. "Let's go to my room; we won't be disturbed there," Erik suddenly said.

"All right," the young woman said with shining but slightly embarrassed eyes. As soon as the two entered the room, Erik closed the door again, and they remained alone.

Erik could feel the tension building inside him, but he gathered his courage and finally said: "Amber, I did think about what you told me," he said, his voice barely above a whisper and trembling. Amber looked up at him, her eyes searching his face.

"Is it good or bad?" she asked, her voice filled with concern. Erik took a deep breath before speaking.

"I...I don't know how to say this, but... I'm torn. I don't know what I want." Amber's expression softened a bit, but she didn't take that very well.

"Is it because of Emily?" she asked, her voice gentle. Erik nodded, feeling a lump form in his throat. "I don't know what to do. I care about you, Amber; I really do. But I also have feelings for Emily, and I can't ignore that."

Amber looked down at the floor; her face was clouded with emotion. "I understand," she said softly. "But Erik, you barely know her; you've interacted with her a few times. I did a lot for you in these past months.

To be honest, I think this is unfair since I showed you with my actions how much I really care about you…" Amber said, pouring all her heart into her words. Erik took a step closer to her, feeling a surge of emotion wash over him, especially guilt since he knew she was right.

He reached out and took her hand, squeezing it gently. As he took her hand into his, he felt the softness of her skin and the scent of her whole body emanate.

"I know," he said, his voice filled with regret.

"You know… but…?" Amber nodded, tears glistening in her eyes. Erik didn't reply; he kept silent, his thoughts to himself. It was at that moment that Amber looked him in the eyes and then said, "I understand."

"I just wish... I wish that it could be different. That we could be together. I've never felt this way for someone; you are the first, and regardless of your choice, you will always have a special place in my heart."

Erik felt a pang of guilt and uncertainty listening to her tell all these things, and he also couldn't bear the thought of hurting her.

As they stood there, hand in hand, Erik felt more confused than ever. He didn't know what the future held, but he knew he had to decide now. He couldn't continue to put Amber in this situation.

Erik stood there, watching as her tears fell down her face, as she understood clearly, that he preferred pursuing Emily, which she knew reciprocated the feeling. A mixture of sadness and guilt washed over him as he saw the girl, his best friend, crying.

However, as he held her hand and looked at her, he couldn't help but notice once again how beautiful she looked, even with tears in her eyes. The red hair gently swaying and fluttering every time she moved; those big, bright eyes that could pierce his soul; her soft cherry lips; and the glasses she had—everything Erik saw made his heart beat like a drum.

Her tears made his heart ache for her, and he felt a deep sense of compassion and empathy for her pain, but something else started to slowly make its way into his mind. Before he knew what he was doing, he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers.

To his surprise, Amber responded eagerly, wrapping her arms around his neck and deepening the kiss. Erik's mind was a jumble of conflicting emotions as they shared that moment. He had feelings for Emily, yes, but at the same time, he couldn't deny the attraction he felt for Amber.

That was what really confused him because he liked them both. At the same time, he felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over him as the girl embraced him, and for a second, he forgot about his troubles and lost himself in the moment.

Erik quickly grabbed the girl by the waist and picked her up. The kiss slowly turned deeper and wetter until their tongues started twisting on each other. Erik gently placed the girl on his bed, and she started unbuttoning her uniform.

The young man did the same until both were left bare-chested. The awakener observed Amber's breast; it was big and plump, and it had a slight pink tint on the sides. It was at that moment that Erik lost all inhibitions and started kissing her on the breast, and the girl started moaning.

Everything snowballed from there, and the two shared their first time in each other's embrace.

"So… I must take… all of this as you changing your mind…?" Amber asked.

Erik did think about it for a second. I remembered the time spent training together, the tips the girl taught him to fight better, his time at her house, and the help she gave him. The love she showed, and at that moment, he took his decision.

"Yes…" Amber's eyes started shining, and still naked, she hugged Erik tight, and the young man reciprocated. Erik kissed the girl on the head and started stroking her hair.

Amber felt a sense of comfort and safety in Erik's arms, and she knew that she could trust him completely. The world outside seemed to fade away as they held each other, leaving only the two of them in their own private moment.

"Should we tell the others?" Amber asked. However, that was another problem. Erik wanted to say yes, but he knew that was problematic. The Crystal Cross gang and whoever was targeting him in the shadows would put a bigger target on her. She already had one because she was his friend, but if word got out that they were together, then things would get worse for her, and he didn't want to risk that.

"Better avoid it; there is the Crystal Cross Gang I have to take into account. Besides, I think your father doesn't really like me that much…"


At that moment, someone knocked on the door of Erik's room. "Hey Erik, are you still awake?" Benedict asked. He and Amber looked at each other in the eyes. The young man ran to the door to avoid his roommate entering while Amber started dressing up.

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