Chapter 639 The Crombo's Tracks

Chapter 639 The Crombo's Tracks

The vehicle ground to a halt, its engines sighing as Faelan switched them off. With a sense of purpose, Erik and the others disembarked, their feet crunching on the wild terrain. 

The wilderness stretched out before them like an unending canvas. Untouched and undisturbed by the constructs of civilization.

The landscape was a beautiful mix of dense, autumnal forests, imposing mountains, and wide-open plains. 

The trees, now adorned with leaves in hues of gold, orange, and red, stood as ancient sentinels, their rustling whispers telling tales as old as time itself. 

The mountains loomed in the distance, their jagged peaks cutting through the September sky and topped with a frosting of early snow. As far as the eye could see, the plains were covered in a sea of golden grasses, their slender stalks bending and swaying in the gentle autumn wind.

But beneath the breathtaking beauty of the wilderness lay the ever-present sense of danger. 

Survival of the fittest governed this world. Predators lurked in the shadows of the forest, their eyes gleaming with a predatory hunger. 

A rustle of leaves or the snap of a twig could signal an impending attack, transforming the serene landscape into a battlefield in an instant.

As they gazed upon the wilderness, Erik and his companions felt a stirring mix of trepidation about what the guild could become, thanks to Erik's presence and new rank.

As they ventured into the wilderness, they stepped into the embrace of the unknown.

Erik turned to Thorne, his eyes determined. "I'm going to search for the monster," he said, his voice steady. "I'll let you know once I finish the quest."

Thorne's face softened, his eyes betraying a hint of concern. "I know I shouldn't have to worry, but are you sure you can do this?" Thorne asked.

"Yes, don't worry."

"All right. Take care out there, Erik," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. He gave Erik's shoulder a firm pat, a simple act that spoke volumes of their friendship and mutual respect. "We'll be right here, ready for your signal."

Erik nodded, a grateful smile spreading across his face as he appreciated the unwavering support. He then turned away from the group, his eyes scanning the vast expanse before him. 

He knew that locating the Crombo would pose less of a challenge than actually confronting it. Given the beast's massive size, it was probable that there would be numerous tracks left behind. 

Erik combed the area, hoping to discover the tracks that would reveal the creature's whereabouts.

The land was rugged and untamed, with dense foliage, uneven ground, and hidden crevices. Erik moved with caution, his senses attuned to every sound, every movement.

His eyes darted from side to side, searching for any signs of the Crombo's passage. He knew what to look for - the deep impressions of its massive feet, the disturbed earth where its tail had swept the ground, the broken branches where its immense body had pushed through.

As he roamed the area, Erik's mind was a whirl of thoughts and emotions. He felt a thrill, a rush of excitement that coursed through him. 

The prospect of hunting the Crombo filled him with excitement, and he was eager to determine just how difficult it would be. 

It was an opportunity to gauge his progress and see how far he had come since his days at the Red Palace.

As he pressed on in his search, time lost its significance, his body moving gracefully and with the expertise of someone who had faced countless battles and quests. 

After what seemed like an endless amount of time, Erik finally discovered the initial clue that hinted at the presence of the Crombo. 

The soft earth bore the unmistakable mark of a deep footprint, its size and shape leaving no room for doubt. 

A sudden surge of adrenaline caused his heart to leap into his chest. The trail, with its unmistakable freshness, hinted at a recent passage.

With a determined focus, Erik pursued the tracks that lay before him. Each footprint, each disturbed stone or broken twig, served as a breadcrumb, guiding him deeper into the wilderness. 

His pace quickened, his boots crunching on the autumn leaves and loose gravel beneath his feet. His senses became razor sharp, attuned to every rustle of leaves and every whisper of the wind.

The trail led him on a winding path that meandered through the heart of the wilderness. It was a maze crafted by nature itself. Towering trees formed a dense canopy overhead, their branches interweaving to create a tapestry of leaves that filtered the sunlight into a dappled dance on the forest floor.

Tangled undergrowth and sprawling roots served as natural obstacles, forcing Erik to weave and duck as he followed the elusive trail. 

Now and then, he would stop to listen, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of movement. 

As he followed them, the tracks grew fresher, the signs of the Crombo's passage clearer.

The footprints were massive, far larger than anything he had encountered before. They were deep and well-defined, each one a clear imprint of the beast's unique physiology.

Erik knelt beside one of the prints, his eyes narrowing as he studied it closely. The sheer size of the footprint was awe-inspiring, easily larger than his entire body. The edges were sharp and defined, the shape unmistakable.

"By the gods," Erik said to himself. "This thing is a giant." He estimated the beast to be at least fifteen meters long and seven meters tall. The Crombo was almost there, maybe only a few kilometers away.

As he navigated the trail, Erik's keen eyes spotted something amidst the natural landscape. Scattered across the forest floor were droppings, large and repugnant, a stark contrast to the earthy scent of the wilderness.

They were littered with the remains of Lomalins - the large worms Erik had hunted at the beginning of his journey.

Erik approached the droppings with caution, his boots crunching on the fallen leaves as he moved closer. The droppings were fresh, their putrid smell permeating the crisp autumn air. 

He could see the Lomalins' remains clearly now - their bodies partially digested.

Erik drew in a deep breath, steeling himself against the foul odor. His senses were on high alert, his gaze scanning the surrounding foliage for any signs of movement. 

"It's fed recently," Erik said to himself, his voice barely above a whisper, a thoughtful undertone lacing his words. He crouched down, examining the droppings more closely. "It must be satiated, possibly even lethargic from the meal."

He glanced at the remnants of the Lomalins, their bodies now just a part of the predator's waste. 

"But that doesn't make it any less dangerous," he said, straightening up and scanning the surrounding wilderness with renewed vigilance. 

His hand instinctively moved to the hilt of his weapon, the cold metal providing a slight comfort against the unknown. 

Erik ventured deeper into the wilderness, drawn by a noise that was slowly growing in intensity. The ominous sound of low, rumbling growls resonated through the dense forest, a haunting melody that made his excitement for the hunt only stronger. 

Along with the ominous growls, a symphony of destruction played out in the wilderness. The unmistakable sound of trees splintering, their trunks groaning under an immense force, echoed through the forest.

One after another, they succumbed to the invisible onslaught, their sturdy forms snapping like twigs.

Each crash was followed by a thunderous impact, as the once towering giants met the forest floor. Leaves rustled violently in the aftermath, creating a flurry of green and gold in the dappled sunlight.

The earth seemed to tremble with each fall, sending a ripple of unease through the undergrowth.

The pattern was relentless, a domino effect of destruction that cut a clear path through the dense forest. It was clear the colossal creature was making its way through the wilderness, oblivious or indifferent to the chaos it was causing. 

Erik's heart raced as he approached the source of the noises, his mind alive with curiosity and caution. The growls were deep and primal sounds that spoke of power and ferocity.

"What is it doing?" Erik said to himself, his brow furrowed in concentration. The Crombo was close, perhaps only a few hundred meters away. Was it hunting or perhaps marking its territory? Was it angry or simply restless? 

Taking cautious steps, Erik persisted in his approach, his ears alert and focused on capturing each subtle sound of the Crombo's actions.

The sounds, growing louder and more distinct with each passing moment, came together in a symphony of destruction that evoked both fear and fascination.

As he drew nearer to the menacing beast, Erik's thoughts shifted to the imminent battle and the daunting challenge that loomed ahead. 

A creature of both legend and terror, the Crombo proved to be a formidable opponent that struck fear into the hearts of many. 

Despite the circumstances, he was completely prepared for what lay ahead, armed not only with knowledge but also with skill and an unyielding determination.

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