Chapter 664  The Echo of Victory

Chapter 664  The Echo of Victory

The air crackled with excitement within the convoy. Cheers and laughter burst forth from the vehicles, infusing the surroundings with a heady mix of triumph and relief.

The fledgling members of the guild, still unseasoned and vulnerable, joined their voices in a chorus of Erik's name, their cries echoing through the forest like a clarion call for victory.





The young man cast his gaze upon the faces of his guild members, their eyes shining with a heady mix of admiration and gratitude.

The weight of their expectations and the depth of their trust in him bore down upon him like an anvil, threatening to crush him beneath its weight.

Gathering his resolve, he climbed atop the car's front, raising his hand in a commanding gesture to signal for silence.

"Listen up, everyone," he began, his voice tinged with emotion while the wind blew on his face.

"This day, we confronted a peril that threatened to engulf us. Outnumbered and outmatched, it appeared as though our fate had been sealed. Yet look at us now! We held steadfast, unleashed our every ounce of strength, and emerged triumphant from the crucible of battle."

He halted, granting his words a moment to permeate the atmosphere before resuming. "Hear me well, my friends. Today was not a day for individuals but for our guild, our team. I am filled with pride as I bear witness to your valor, your indomitable spirit, and your unflinching determination to stand and fight. These are the qualities that proved decisive on this day. Be proud!"

Erik's eyes swept over the crowd, meeting the gazes of Mira, Kael, Lila, Aiden, and all the others who had fought so valiantly.

"If we can withstand the onslaught of the Erendus horde," Erik's voice rang out, strong. As he spoke, the crowd fell into a hushed silence, hanging onto his every word.

"Then no Thaid lurking within this forest shall impede our passage." His words echoed through the silence, and a ripple of determination swept through the crowd.

Some nodded, their faces hardening with resolve, while others clenched their fists. Their life wasn't easy, and only a strong and united guild could give them a chance to succeed in this profession.

"Etch this triumph into the depths of your being." Erik's voice arose.

The crowd responded in kind, their faces glowing with pride and resolve.


They stood taller, their shoulders squared and their eyes gleaming with newfound determination.

"For it shall serve as the fire that kindles your spirit in the face of future trials."


His words were met with a wave of cheers, the crowd's spirit ignited by his rallying call.

Their shouts of agreement filled the air, a testament to their shared resolve.

"This victory marks but a humble genesis," Erik's voice resonated through the crowd. A sense of anticipation filled the air as they waited for his next words.

"Heralding the journey that awaits us."



"THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF OUR TALE!" Erik's final proclamation was met with a roar from the crowd.

They erupted once more into cheers, their voices echoing his words back to him. Their faces were alight with excitement and determination, ready to embark on this new journey with him.

As his words subsided, another surge of jubilation erupted from the guild members, louder and more ebullient than the last. A smile graced Erik's features, his heart brimming with pride and appreciation for his comrades.



Their shouts echoed through the air, each repetition louder and more fervent than the last.



A few had taken to whistling and hooting, their high-pitched calls adding to the symphony of support. Several were stomping their feet, creating a rhythmic thumping that vibrated through the ground.

Everywhere he looked, people were shouting his name. The atmosphere was electric, charged with energy and anticipation, all eyes riveted on Erik, their guild master.

Upon settling into his vehicle's seat, Erik retrieved his phone and dialed Thorne's number.

The connection was established with swiftness, and Thorne's raspy voice resonated through the speaker.

"Thorne, it's Erik."

Erik's voice was grave, the seriousness of the situation clear in his tone.

"We've just had a skirmish with a substantial group of Erendus and repelled them."

A brief pause followed, as if he was visualizing the scene again in his mind.

"However," he said, the gravity in his voice deepening, "the fallen bodies could be worth a significant amount."

A soft rustle could be heard over the phone as Erik moved, perhaps adjusting his mask.

"I'm sending the coordinates to you now."

"Could you assess if it's feasible to retrieve them?"

If doing so was to hard, Erik didn't want Thorne and his team to risk their lives.

"But remember," he warned, "there are still some lurking around. So, be careful."

With swift fingers, Erik dispatched the location details through a secure channel, designed only for Thorne's eyes.

"Possible, yes." Thorne's voice was thoughtful as he scrutinized the coordinates on his map.

"But you know Erendus are lethal creatures, especially when they band together, right?" His question hung in the air, a reminder of the danger they were dealing with.

"I'm aware," Erik said, "which is why I'm asking you if it is possible and telling you to exercise caution. There are still many Erendus alive in the area. Make sure your teams are well-equipped and prepared for any confrontations."

Thorne let out a chuckle, a glint of confidence in his eyes. "Don't worry, Erik. We've been in this business long enough to handle ourselves. Even if it takes longer, we'll get those bodies and deliver them to Lysa for you."

Thorne's voice was comforting, and he spoke with pride and determination.

He stood tall, showing his confidence, and had a small smile on his face.

Erik's voice came through the phone, thick with relief. "Good," then he sighed audibly, the tension of the past hours seeming to dissipate.

"Those Erendus could be a goldmine for the guild. But remember, safety first. We can't afford any casualties."

Thorne's reply was immediate. "Don't you fret," he replied, his tone steady and confident. "You just concentrate on your quest. We've got this end sorted."

Erik's sigh of relief was audible even through the phone. "Alright," he agreed, a hint of a smile in his voice. "I'll leave it in your hands, then. Keep me updated and take care." His words echoed a bond of trust, resonating through the phone line.

Thorne's laughter echoed through the phone once more, this time imbued with a warmth that eased some of the burdens Erik had been shouldering.

"Kid, careful could as well be my middle name," he said, his jovial tone a balm to Erik's worries. "Just make sure you come back in one piece, alright?"


With that, Erik ended the call, placing his phone back in its holder.

He felt a renewed sense of purpose as he looked out at the convoy, his guild members still buzzing with the adrenaline and excitement of their recent victory.

"All right, guys. Let's get back on track!"

The convoy resumed its journey, leaving behind the adrenaline-charged atmosphere that had enveloped them earlier.

The forest, resplendent in its October glory, unfolded before their eyes like a magnificent tapestry woven with threads of vibrant hues.

Trees stood tall, their branches adorned in fiery oranges, rich reds, and golden yellows, as if aflame with the spirit of autumn.

With each gentle breeze, the leaves descended in a graceful descent, creating a carpet of nature's artwork beneath the towering canopy.

Through the intricate latticework of branches and leaves, sunlight filtered, casting a warm and ethereal glow upon the forest floor.

The interplay of light and shadow orchestrated a mesmerizing dance, as if the very essence of nature was rejoicing in the season's arrival.

The crisp air carried a delicate fragrance, a whisper of fallen leaves, harmonizing with the symphony of senses that autumn unfurled.

As they drove deeper into the forest, the terrain changed subtly. The trees grew less dense, and the undergrowth gave way to open clearings.

Soon, they arrived at a babbling brook, its waters shimmering in the gentle autumn light as they meandered over the polished rocks and pebbles.

As the convoy approached the crossing, they slowed down; the vehicles splashing through the cool and shallow waters with a soothing melody.

The surrounding trees, ablaze with the colors of fall, provided a picturesque backdrop to the tranquil scene as if nature itself was welcoming their passage through this serene haven.

Along the way, they encountered several weaker Thaids—

small, scuttling creatures that posed a minor threat to the well-armed and prepared guild members.

These skirmishes served as excellent training opportunities for the newer members, who were able to practice their combat skills and coordination under relatively low-risk conditions.

Erik watched approvingly as they dispatched the creatures with increasing efficiency, their initial hesitancy for battling Thaids they had never seen giving way to a newfound confidence.

The journey was an educational experience for everyone, not just in terms of combat but also in understanding the lay of the land and the kinds of challenges they might face in the wilderness.

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